Kim Possible awoke to find herself in a hospital with her father sitting at her bedside; she looked at him and said, "Dad."

He looked at her with complete relief, "Oh thank God."

He hugged her tightly, "What the hell were you thinking?"

"I'm sorry," Kim replied, "It all happened so fast, it was going to fire at you-"

"Listen to me," Dr. Possible exclaimed looking at his daughter in the eyes, "When I comes down to either a father or his child surviving, it should always be the child; you understand?"

Kim saw that he was trying really hard not to cry and quickly answered, "Yes."

"We came to the conclusion that you weren't going to die days ago," James explained, "It was just a question if whether or not you were going to wake up."

The words 'days ago' caught Kim's attention, "How long was I out?"

"A week," her father answered, "You're still going to stay here for a few days, just to be safe."

Kim nodded her not wishing to argue with him as he continued, "I already lost your mother and your brothers along with her; I could never stand to lose you to."

He kissed her on the forehead as she began to cry; he then stood up and walked to the door while saying, "Now, I have to deal the Director of Global Justice, whose a 'real' bitch, and try to explain, not only what went wrong, but also how you're still alive."

He opened the door, "But I leave you in good company."

Ron walked in as James left, "Hey Kim."

Kim smiled, "Hi Ron."

Dr. Possible went out to the lobby of the hospital to see G.J Director Elizabeth Stevens who had cleared out the lobby for security reasons; she looked at Dr. Possible and asked, "How is she?"

He looked at the Director, she showed little signs of compassion due to her obsession of displaying outward aggression and strength, either that or she was just a genuine bitch; James answered, "Fine."

"Good," Betty said before going into full scale 'Bitchy Director' mode, "Now how the hell is that possible."

"I don't know," James answered honestly, "Maybe the machine worked."

The Director glared at him with her two eyes that are almost impossible to look straight into, "That thing has killed everything that you have used it on, how did your daughter manage to survive."

"I don't know," Dr. Possible said repeating his previous answer.

"That's a surprise," Drew Lipsky stated sarcastically while walking into the lobby, "I mean, is it possible for a Possible to not know something."

Drew Lipsky was the CEO of Lipsky industries, which was a major weapons developer, the man liked to speak with sarcasm and humor but, regardless if the jokes were good or not, never came off to anyone around him as funny; everyone found him irritating because while he spoke in a humorous fashion, that was certainly not how he acted. James looked at Drew and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see if you're daughter was okay," Lipsky answered, "I mean such a young girl in such a serious accident involving technology so top secret I don't even know what it is certainly is a big deal."

Dr. Possible seeing what he was accusing him of turned to Betty, "Director Stevens, Kim was fully trained on all the equipem-"

"I don't care about your safety policies," She exclaimed, "nor do I care about how you handle security, as far as Global Justice is concerned you're project doesn't exist so-What Are you doing here!"

She looked Drew signifying that she was now speaking to him, "And how did you get in here? I had a guard posted outside."

"Like I said," Drew Lipsky explained, "I was worried about the girl's life, I even brought flowers which I had to give to the guard to get in here; which reminds me, does Global Justice follow a 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' Policy?"

"LEAVE," Betty screamed as she was completely fed up with him, "Now!"

"Alright," Drew replied beginning to leave, "I'm going."

As he left, Betty looked at James who started to speak when Betty once again interrupted with, "Just Figure it out."

Meanwhile, Ron was sitting next to Kim's bed, "So how are you feeling?"

"To be perfectly honest," Kim answered, "Perfect, it's really weird...I just feel great."

"I don't think that's weird," Ron said, "I think that's great."

Kim thought about how long she was out, "I'll tell you one thing, I'm not looking forward to going back to school to deal with make up homework, catching up with cheerleading, etc."

"Yeah," Ron nodded, "Just don't lose your mind trying to catch up."

Kim laughed, "I think I'll manage."

Ron smiled, "Oh, I almost forgot."

He reached into his pocket, "You know how I always wanted a pet but couldn't get one?"

"Yeah," Kim answered, "because of your dad's allergies."

"Well," Ron said taking his hand out of his pocket, "I figured out a way around that."

He opened his hand causing Kim to ask, "What is that?"

"A Naked Mole Rat," Ron answered as the hairless animal stretched out on his hand, "I named him Rufus."

Kim didn't like hairless animals but, not wishing to hurt her friend's feelings, she smiled and said, "It's Cute."

A few Hours Later, Drew Lipsky walked out of an elevator at his facility and walked into a room filled with computer screens, "Wade."

Wade, a computer hacker who worked for Lipsky, stood up and walked up to him obviously upset, "You listen to me, You told me to hack into the Possible Lab and cause a system overload, you didn't tell me that there would actually be people there at the time of me doing that."

Drew just smiled back at him, "Well that wasn't really the plan but, in the end, you did still do it and, unless you want me to make you my 'fall guy' for it, you'll get back on that computer and hack into all the security cameras of any building Kim Possible goes into."

Wade was a bit confused by that order, "What?"

"She survived," Drew explained, "I want you to track her anyway you can."

Wade sighed which led to Drew continuing with, "Why so down, I'm just asking you to stare at a lovely girl all day; some would consider that a dream job."

He turned and made his way out of the room, "Get to it."

That night in the Hospital, Kim woke up to see Sarah sitting right next to her bed; Kim jumped a bit in shock of seeing her there, "Sarah? How did you get in here."

Sarah gave a sweet smile, "I walked in silly."

Sarah leaned in and stared at Kim with her bright blue eyes in a way that it made Kim very uncomfortable; after a moment of silence, Kim asked, "What are you looking at."

"I knew it was you," Sarah answered softly, "I knew it was you the moment I saw you."

Kim had no idea what Sarah was getting at, the girl's sweet and innocent face began to make her nervous, was this girl crazy or some creepy stalker; Kim thought about what to say very carefully before saying, "Look, I don't who you think I am-"

Sarah then got out of her chair and rushed up to the bed, startling Kim in the process; she got right up into Kim's face and said in a childlike manner, "I know a secret."

"Okay," Kim said trying to remain calm, "What's the secret?"

Sarah whispered, "James Possible isn't your real father."

Kim leaned away from the girl, "Excuse me."

"Trust me," Sarah giggled, "That's not a shocking as the story behind our real father."

Kim froze after hearing 'Our Father'; Kim looked at the girl, not believing a word she said, and whispered, "Get out."

Sarah's smile went away, "But-"

"Get out," Kim shouted which led to Sarah being completely still with a very blank stare on her face before the innocent smile came back and she proceeded to get up and walk towards the door.

After reaching the door, Sarah turned and said, "You should be more relaxed, stress is bad for us."

Sarah then left the room.

Author's Note

Here's chapter 2, I hope you enjoyed. Stay Tuned for the next chapter where you will see...The transformation.

Please Review.