"You are the ones responsible for true blood tasting so foul?" Eric hissed at me, his fangs gleaming in florescent lights. Great, now I had a pissed off vampire, who was my only ticket to finding Zagan.
"We are the ones responsible for developing artificial blood, the Fae court are the ones to mass market and produce True Blood," I explained. I wasn't about to sugar coat things for Eric. Besides, I'd never spoken the vow of silence to my Fae relatives.
We were passing the labs. The research on blood was done in a maximum security area, with as many agents as we had in the security wing; there wasn't a more secure place in Underworld apart from Tartarus.
Predictably Eric was livid over the bad bargain vampires got on Earth.
"Fucking fairies own the production line?"
"You are surprised that they would do that after what happened in the war?" Godric asked him.
I chuckled, slipping back into myself for a while. I didn't want to stay unemotional around Eric, I couldn't, really, not for long anyway. Being with him always made me feel. Good. Bad. The feelings were there, no matter how hard I tried staying indifferent, or telling myself that I will get hurt.
"Did you really think humans were that smart? We were the driving force behind most new technology on Earth. Artificial blood was created here in these labs, True Blood however was something that the 'fucking fairies' came up with after stealing one of our early formulas."
He looked disgusted. I have never tasted the artificial drinks; I hardly ever craved blood, battle lust not included. Craving the blood of your enemies was a natural instinct in any supernatural creature. It is like a sweet ache against your skin. An ache I was feeling now, coursing through me, calling sweetly to me. I have never tasted blood; Lilliane has done the drinking for me.
"If it makes you feel any better, I think father is thinking about releasing our own version topside." I told him.
"Why has he not done so already? It would be lucrative enough," Eric asked, seemingly very interested in the subject. He knew business; having tried our version at my house I was sure he would be the first to order a container or two. From the speculative gleam in his eyes I got the feeling he was trying to work out a way to buy stocks in our future company. We could potentially put the other companies out of business. The blood that was being produced now not only had more nutritional value then the swivel the Fae marketed, but it also had natural healing properties. Not as powerful as vampire blood, but that then nothing scientific could ever come close to anything made by magic.
Giving Eric a predatory smile, I said. "We're waiting for a good opportunity."
Yes, Eric understood the power games involved.
"Princess." I heard a deep voice next to me. The star tattoo on my back pulled, my Akashai were here.
I turned around to face them. My four warriors stood in front of us. Eric the fifth at my side. I felt their power rush into me as our connection reformed with close proximity, a sweet welcoming feeling. My eyes fell close for a minute to revel in it. Even without the completing the star (Eric's point was still missing from my back) it was a protective feeling, their loyalty to me was absolute. As much as I resented the fact that I was forced to enslave these warriors, right now, with the deep ache of knowing that my friend was in danger because of me I didn't care. I would take all the help I could get to bring her back. I didn't have enough friends to waste them so carelessly. Zagan knew that and used it against me.
"Thank you for coming," I said to them as I focused back on reality.
They bowed their heads to me. "We live to serve you."
The words tugged at my heart. I would accept this eventually, for now I felt the twinge of guilt inside me. Ignoring it was hard.
"Well, it would seem we have a hunt to organise." I told them.
Their excitement at my words rushed through the new bond we shared. We hadn't had time to properly bond and get to know each other, but I felt their emotions none the less. Pleasure and anticipation hit me. A hunt was sacred to us. I knew without being told that by the time we would find our enemies their need for blood would be stronger than my own.
I glanced at the vampires. Godric was observing us curiously. Eric's face was a mask. I felt our bond surprised at what I found there. He was jealous of my Akashai? Why? They were my warriors, my protectors and hopefully will be my companions. The sacred bond between us was akin to the one he had with Pam. I had offered him the same and more. The bond between us already meant that I would not be in complete control of him, not in the same way as the other four. I filed it away for later.
"Can you find my father and let him know I'm here, Samael. I need to speak to him as soon as he is free." I said.
My air daemon nodded his silver hair swishing around his face. He was tall, they all were. I felt extremely small next to the five giants standing in the hall with me. Samael was gorgeous; broad shoulders covered in an ice blue vest that complemented the dark blue jeans. He looked strong, masculine and imposing, but his best features by far were his eyes. Ever changing colours swirling constantly, they were mesmerizing.
"How nice of you to finally grace us with your presence, your Royal Highness." Nergal's voice drawled out from behind me, sarcasm dripping from every word. Guilty as charged for not coming around to check on his progress I turned around.
Sure enough, when I looked at his face I saw that his expression matched his tone. Nergal didn't get to his position by being nice, he looked positively menacing at the moment. I was in a heap of trouble for not showing up. I was also irritated.
"I was busy and if something had come up you could have as easily contacted me." I said, my temper coming out in my voice.
He raised an eyebrow at me. Why was it that males did that? It was so infuriatingly ambiguous. "Since you are here with your Akashai, I am assuming you know something that I should. Come, let's catch up."
Turning around, he walked off towards his office without waiting for an answer. Frustrating man…daemon…whatever.
I stalked off after him, feeling amusement from all four of my companions. Even Eric was enjoying the show.
We walked past through the maze of offices and board rooms to Nergal's office. It was in the centre of the wing, no windows to the outside provided absolute privacy. The office was large and circular. It had one door, through which we all filed in. There was a massive wooden desk in the middle, it was dark brown and made out of oak. On the opposite wall from the entrance was a collection of screens, it was a immense computer surveillance system, you could literally find anything from here in Underworld and Earth. To the right he had a bookshelf unit made out of the same wood as the desk. There were books stacked haphazardly on the shelves as well as a seemingly random collection of objects. I always wondered what those were, never having enough courage to ask, my curiosity was still there.
The main focus of the room was a large enhanced painting on the wall to our left. A beautiful winter landscape displayed there now. Trees sprinkled with snow everywhere and the moon making it all look ethereal and beautiful. I briefly wondered which part of the world it was but let it go, we had other things to worry about.
"So Lexie, why don't we start with some introductions." Nergal said as he sat down behind his desk, knowing full well it made me feel like a chastened school girl. Coming to a stop in front of him and putting one hand on my hip I gave him a glare. He may be my senior in years, but I was past childhood and certainly outranked him. Not that it mattered in the slightest. He was one of my mentors, I would always respect him. Right now I didn't like him very much though. He knew who they were already and just wanted me to feel uncomfortable.
"Nergal, I'd like to introduce my Akashai. Lucifer. Vepar and Azazel." I said pointing them out to him. "This is Eric Northman, Sheriff of Area 5 in Louisiana. Eric, this is Nergal the head of Underworld's secret police branch as well as one of my mentors."
The men all gave him a slight nod in deference to his age and position.
Nergal gave me a satisfied smile, happy to see that despite my fiery temper I managed to hang on to some manners.
"Northman, this is an unexpected pleasure. I am glad Alessandra has managed to arrange an introduction, although I wish it was under better circumstances." Nergal said, focusing his yellow reptilian eyes on Eric, who was looking slightly weary. Like I said, Nergal made everyone cautious; he was just that mean looking.
"It is good to meet you too." Eric responded. He was clearly intrigued by the reptilian daemon in front of him.
"Hmm. Yes. As to that." He said, his attention going back to me. "Has there been anymore developments?"
"Yes." I said.
He sat up in his chair clearly interested. Indicating the two chairs in front of his desk, he waited until we sat down.
While Eric and I sat, my three remaining Akashai came to stand behind us, silent wall of protection at our back. The formality of their stance irritated me. We need to go over some basics soon. Making a silent promise to make time for them as soon as we were out of this mess, I started talking.
"Eric can feel Pam. She's in Underworld." I said. I felt Samael coming closer and wanted to see if my dad was with him before disclosing the location.
"Eric, can you feel in which direction she is?" He asked.
Just as Eric was about to answer my father strode in with Samael following closely behind.
"Lexie, you had better have a good reason of pulling me out of that meeting." Just what I needed, more pissed off people.
I scowled at Samael. Didn't I give specific instructions to let dad finish whatever he was doing?
"Forgive me father but this couldn't wait." I said, trying to sound like it was my idea all along. I couldn't let them see that while my Akashai followed orders he didn't do exactly what I asked. Samael's eyes were full of amusement sparkling like a reflection of the sun. Yes, he was going to regret this later.
A large chair appeared out of the wall under the picture, which Vepar moved over to the desk. My dad sat down in it.
"Zagan's may have escaped hell, but he didn't leave it behind." I said. Choosing to be vague as a nice little pay back, while petty it made me feel good. I noticed I had their complete attention, they were both silent. Trying to out do ancient beings through sarcasm of your own hardly ever works, they're too good at it. Millenniums of practise being sarcastic. Before either of them could reprimand me for being childish I continued.
"Earlier today my friend Pam, Eric's child, was kidnapped from our room. I won't go into too much detail, suffice to say Eric lost his connection to her. When we got here a little while ago he felt her through their bond again." I paused for effect, looking at the familiar faces in front of me savouring the moment before I told them. "She is being held in Hell."
If it wasn't for the fact that I knew my friend was suffering now because of me I would have enjoyed this moment more. Their twin expressions of shock and disbelief were truly comical under any other circumstances.
"Are you sure?" Dad said.
"Yes. I can clearly feel her in that direction." Eric said as he pointed again. "Alessandra assures me that the only place located there is Hell."
His face and voice didn't betray any emotion. Centuries of practise made him seem completely aloof and unconcerned like we were talking about something inconsequential and not the possible location of his kidnapped child, I envied his self control. I was getting better at presenting a mask to the world, but I didn't doubt that it would take me years to learn the effortless way Eric did it.
Silence filled the room for a long time. It's tension so heavy it was almost like another presence was here. Impossible, of course. This was the heaviest guarded part of the wing, the heart of our information centre. I let them process the implications of our news, my heart heavy with the thought that we had a traitor in our midst. My father's court was full of creatures. We did not turn away other unlike the Seelie. Something full of darkness wasn't inherently evil, it was just what it was, not many things were really evil in themselves. What they choose to do, their actions, yes, those could be evil. Some were vile, but they were not always so. We welcomed all the darkness in the world. Daemons kept order, of course, and most truly violent creatures preferred to live in other parts of Underworld. That our enforcers could be turned against us was giving me a stomachache, and not in a good way. Although from listening in on humans, I understood that, most stomachaches were not pleasant, the idea did not make me feel a whole lot better about my stomach.
"Lexie, you believe Zagan is behind all this?" Dad said, looking at me, pity coloured his tone and shone out of his eyes. I hater it, my anger coming up like a snake striking out of me through my words.
"Yes, father, my lovely ex-fiancé even left me an obsidian rose on my friend's bed, which incidentally he made sure she bled all over first." I snarled.
Eric looked at me in surprise. "Ex-fiancé."
I couldn't help a humourless laugh escaping my lips. "Yes, Eric. Something I didn't want to tell you. The one traitor of our time in Underworld was to be my husband. Lucky for me I manage to avoid bonding with him before I discovered he was simply using me to get the throne and power." The pain hit me again, even after all these years my heart felt heavy and breaking like it happened yesterday. After all the time I spent trying to forget and move on, I felt all the emotions rise up in me again. I was so naïve back then, in love and blindly ignoring all the signs of trouble. Zagan didn't care about me, he cared about power and position. I was a tool, the knowledge still made me hurt. I shut down all the links to the others, I didn't want to let Eric know it still hurt me, but I must have done it too late. From the look in Eric's eyes he knew. I looked away, I didn't want to see pity there, I didn't want Eric's pity. I didn't want anyone's pity, I've had enough of it over the years.
"It wasn't your fault, Lexie." Dad said gently. "You forget he deceived us all."
Taking a deep breath I nodded, aware that would be the correct response. It didn't make me feel any better and it didn't make him right. I was the one almost responsible for my father's imprisonment. I was the one that believed his lies. I was the one that…well, guilt is a heavy blanket, and I was smothered in it. Head to toe and suffocating.
Six year. It was six years ago. I had left court shortly after, I couldn't endure all the murmurs and viciousness. Dad let me go. He wasn't happy about it, but he let me go. I left my position, my life behind, but not before I locked that son of a bitch up in Hell. Now, he was out, and he was after me…again.
Life is so much fun when you're a princess, isn't it?
"Dad it doesn't matter anymore." I said and my voice sounded steady. Wow. For once I kept my feelings firmly trapped under an exterior of polite calmness. "The only thing that I want now is to get Pamela back and make sure Zagan is never going to be a problem for us again."
Yes. Hell was to nice for him. I will make sure that his existence ends. Very soon. I didn't look at Eric. I kept the bond closed off. It took all I had to remain calm and I knew deep down that one look at Eric and that calmness would be gone. Either because he was rejecting me or pitying. Would he still be interested in me after all this is over? I was the reason behind his child's suffering and still possible death. How could he still want me after this. No! I pushed the thoughts out, not the right time. I would think about it after all this is over, or ignore it completely. That would be much healthier.
I doubt it would be healthier, Lex. Zi said, his voice unusually solemn.
Who died and made you a shrink? I snarled back mentally. It wasn't fair of me but right now I needed an outlet. I don't need you analysing my life.
He didn't answer. I might have to apologies for that later, but right now it felt good to lash out. I felt my anger come back again. Riding up and ready for battle. Embracing it, charging myself with the feeling. Anger is better.
"If Northman is sure that his child is held in Hell then we need a plan to get in without attracting too much attention. Any wrong move and Zagan will kill her." Nergal picked up the line, a familiar expression on his face. He was plotting and analysing. I have seen this expression so many times before while I studied with him. I spent decades at his side, learning what his work.
"We have more than one problem on that front." I said calmly, even if I felt anything but. "There is a traitor in our ranks, and I, for one, would very much like to find him."
We spent hours talking. Planning. At first Eric remained quiet, seeing as he knew little about our world, but as the hours moved along he offered his opinions as well. He didn't survive as a vampire for one thousand years without having experience in this type of situations. My Akashai helped as well. They were all older than Eric, generals with plenty of experience behind their backs. I was sure Dad would feel their loss in his ranks, but he would never ever admit it to me. I was the youngest in the room, not that it mattered to me, what did matter was that it was my problem and my friend's life on the line.
We were all sitting around Nergal's desk. The palace provided us with more chairs so my Akashai could sit down when we figured out it would be a very long meeting. Dad and Nergal were arguing over something or rather, I stopped paying attention. Spacing out and thinking about my part of the whole charade. It also occurred to me that I managed to get into a complicated situation without even trying, my 'normal' life was completely beyond my reach. Depressing thought, that. Eric's voice cut through my brooding thoughts like lighting.
"I feel the sun coming up, yet I'm not feeling it's pull." Eric said, surprising me. He looked confused and astonished by this fact. I had lost track of time, we were in a room without any windows.
"You won't feel the need to sleep here. You are not on earth, our sun doesn't harm vampires." My dad said to him.
Eric's face was full of wonder. I felt pleasure at seeing it there. He was so handsome when he was happy. With everything that has happened it was nice seeing him happy, if only for a moment. He looked even sexier happy than he did when he was angry. I really enjoyed watching him when he was angry, not with me, but in general. Something about all that power and energy made me burn for him. His happiness made me melt though, in a very good way. Feeling the lustful turn of my thoughts I shook my head to clear it before anyone else picked up on my little detour.
"Would you like to watch the sun rise? I want some food anyway." I asked. It would be a welcome distraction after sitting in this room for what felt like a century. It was also something I had planned on sharing with him, eventually. It would be the first time he'd see sunlight in a very long time. It wasn't the same sun, but it was pretty damn close. I wanted to be there with him, sharing the moment.
He looked back at my father and Nergal, unsure if it was a good idea to leave right now. I felt his frustration at the lack of action. Resignation. Even with the knowledge that Pam was at the moment in pain he was pragmatic enough to understand that we wouldn't get her back by charging in unprepared.
I crossed my hands on my chest, put out by the fact that he felt the need to ask for permission. I knew Eric was being respectful, he was in an unfamiliar kingdom, sitting in a meeting with the ruler, I got it. I didn't have to like it though. For some bizarre reason, the idea of Eric having to bow down to anyone made my hairs stand up.
"Go on. We need to talk more, I doubt we will be done for a while yet." Dad said, giving me a strained smile. Obviously he wasn't happy with the plans, him and Negral would happily argue for days if neither of them had any responsibilities. I've seen them argue for a week myself. Neither needed to sleep, and eating didn't seem to make them stop talking.
I tried to look put out. "Please try and iron out everything by the time we come back, Dad. I know how you two get but we really need to hurry things along."
He raised an eyebrow at me, indicating that I was overstepping my bounds. I didn't care, we didn't have much time. I felt it in my bones. The fact that I was sassing the King of Underworld, whom was one of the most powerful beings I heard of didn't faze me on bit. Stubbornness was a character trait I had inherited from the said king, which meant I could use it against him in my books.
"Guys, are you coming or staying?" I asked turning away from dad's scowl to look at my four warriors. They look hesitant for a second before declining. They were all good strategists, having headed plenty of campaigns this was something they enjoyed. Shrugging my shoulders at them, I didn't get it; I walked to the door with Eric following.
We walked back through the corridors towards the main wing of the palace. Both of us silent, but this time the silence wasn't as charged as it was before. It was a comfortable silence. I wasn't sure it was the fact that we were on our way up to the roof to see the sun or because of everything that Eric learned tonight. I really hoped it was the latter, but at the same time I wasn't sure how I felt about Eric's pity. I still didn't know how he felt about me, but I got the distinct and definite impression he wanted me badly prior to this mess. Just the thought of how much made me all warm and tingly inside. This situation might have changed his opinion. It also made me realise I had gotten attached to him in the brief time I've known him. Stupid of me, I hardly knew him.
The sky was getting progressively lighter as we hurried along to make it to the parapets on time. I burst through the door at the top of the narrow stairs running out to see we had but moments to spare.
Smiling and feeling satisfied I said. "We've just made in Eric. I can't wait for you to see this."
I turned around suddenly realising that Eric was nowhere behind me. I spotted him still on the landing in the shadows of the corridor.
"Are you coming out?" I asked still smiling.
I wasn't sure what his expression was, but it wasn't happy anymore.
"Eric, are you ok?" I kept my voice quiet so as not to startle him too much, he seemed very distracted, staring out at the newly awakening world.
He nodded, face strained as he took a tentative step forward. I realised that for him it was a battle against all his instincts to walk outside right now. One thousand years of self preservation and avoidance of light would make it close to impossible to step out into the sun, after all vampires burn from it. Eric wanted to live, more so than most, he was always so full of life. It was the one trait that I really like about him. He was a killer, show me a vampire that isn't. He was ruthless when it came to his enemies. He was generous and fair with his people. With me, he was himself, at least as much as he could be, and I valued that.
I stepped back to the steps and gently grabbed his hand. Blue eyes looked back at me, emotions swirling in them so fast it was dizzying. "I got you, I won't let go." I whispered. He searched my eyes closely, I wasn't sure what he was looking for, but he must have found it because as he tightened the grip on my hand Eric stepped out into the light for the first time in one thousand years.
That was how the sun found us, holding hands on the top of the palace in Underworld. We stood there for a long time, both of us reluctant to break the magic of the moment.
Finally, I felt Eric stir beside me. "Did Godfrey meet the sun?" He said still looking out at the beautiful sight in front of him. It was a lovely view of Underworld. Phelgethon and Lethe flowed slowly in front us, sparkling in the morning sun. You could see for miles, nature here was very different to that of earth but undeniably beautiful as well as magical. Beneath us the palace stretched out, it was more like a small city really; beautiful spires gleamed in the sunlight. The light walls were glowing bright and I felt it welcoming the new day. It was magic, the palace, and alive, conscious to some extent, like any other creature loved the sun.
"Yes. He was very happy." I told him.
I looked up to see bloody tears on Eric's face and a look so vulnerable and open that my heart fluttered in my chest.
'I have often thought about it." He said in hushed whispers, I think he too was reluctant to break the magic. "What it would be like to meet the sun. What was waiting for us on the other side of life."
I was shocked. Eric thought about ending his existence. Why?
"Eric, why?"
He looked down at me, white face covered in bloody tears.
"I have lived to over a thousand years. Life can be a heavy burden sometimes."
"It can also be a great pleasure and joy."
He smiled then.
"Yes. That is why I am still here."
His arms snaked around me and he hugged me to his chest. It wasn't a sexual hug. It was a comforting one. Both of us seeking companionship in the embrace,