Slow goodbye….

Rachel POV

"ok guys your assignment for the week was to come up with a song that you felt shows what you're feeling right now, so who wants to go first?" Mr. Schuester asked while standing in the front of the glee room.

"I'll go first Mr. Schuester." Rachel said while getting up from her chair. She knew what she was going to sing and she knew the reason and he was sitting in the back of them room.

Noah Puckerman had broken my heart and he didn't even know it. We were what he liked to call "friends with benefits" I hated that term it reminded me that he only wanted me for one thing. I wish I didn't but I can't help that I fell in love with him. That was one of our rules from the very start to not get emotional. At first I didn't think it would be a problem. This was just supposed to be something that helped us get over Quinn and Finn. And it worked, or at least it did for me but it seems that it didn't for him. The worst part about it is when we are done with each other, when we say goodbye it breaks my heart every time. I got to the front of the classroom and sat in the stool in the middle of the room. I slowly looked up at the glee club and started to sing.

I can read the lines
On your face
And they're telling me
Everything I already know
I hold you in my arms
But your light-years away from me
Slowly sinking
Under alone
So I act cool
On the outside
But it's eating me

I looked up and seen Noah staring at me with confusion in his eyes. He probably thinks I am singing this about Finn if only he knew….

Cuz when it comes to you
There's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me
When you don't
I see it in your eyes
All the compromise
I can't take another
Slow goodbye

Sitting in the park
After dark
Smoking cigarettes
Biting on the black of my nails
Cuz all I ever wanted
Was what you took away from me
Trying to make it right
But it's too late
I'm a hopeless case
On the inside
And it's eating me

Cuz when it comes to you
There's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me
When you don't
I see it in your eyes
All the compromise
I can't take another
Slow goodbye

I looked up and stared Noah right in the eyes while singing this next verse. I put everything I had into this and I hope he got the message. He was staring at me but I couldn't read the expression on his face.

I die
A million times
Every time when you
Look me in the eye
Cuz I've heard it all before
The same game
Going around and around
But I still end up with nothing
But hurting

Cuz when it comes to you
There's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me
When you don't
I see it in your eyes
All the compromise
I can't take another
Slow goodbye
There's nothing I can do
I can't make you love me
When you don't
I see it in your eyes
All the compromise
I can't take another
Slow goodbye

By the end of the song I could barely hold it together. I slowly got up from my seat and looked back at Noah he was looking down. I knew he didn't feel the same way about me and it just broke my heart into a million pieces. He had become my best friend over these past few months. That's why I decided I needed to stop this, friends with benefits thing to rest. I couldn't take the pain anymore of wanting more but knowing I can't have it. I decided that I couldn't be in the same room with him for much longer.

"Mr. Schuester may I be excused I am not feeling too well?" Rachel asked with pleading eyes.

"Yea Rachel that's fine. Will you be able to get home alright?" Mr. Schuester asked with concern obvious in his tone.

"Um…do you think you could let…" Rachel seen Noah sit up in his seat thinking I was going to ask if he could give me a ride. "..Quinn go so she could give me a ride, I don't have my car with me today?" I seen Noah sit back and I looked at him. The look in his eyes I could read maybe it was disappointment or anger?

"Yea that's fine you girls may go be careful. And Rachel feel better." Mr. Schuester called as me and Quinn walked from the room. When we finally got to the car I seen I had a text from Noah.

N: we need 2 talk.

I just closed the text and put my phone in my purse. Quinn and I had yet to say anything to each other. We didn't talk until we were about half way to my house.

"So how long have you been in love with him?" Quinn asked while taking a quick glance at me before looking back at the road.

"What are you talking about Quinn?" I asked trying not to look her in the eyes and give myself away.

"You know what I am talking about Rachel. You are in love with Noah and you have been since you guys started this stupid agreement. Everyone in glee sees it rach." Quinn said while giving me a sad smile.

"Well apparently not everyone sees it Quinn. Everyone but the one person who I want to see it." Rachel exclaimed while running her hand through her hair. She was beyond frustrated if everyone in glee could see she loved him then why couldn't he see it?

"Rach noah is stupid. He probably knows it but he mistakes it for lust or something. You are the best friend he has ever had and I mean the BEST. He probably is afraid to ruin that." Quinn explained to me.

"I don't know Quinn but this is killing me this whole pretending to not have any feeling for him. I can't pretend I don't love him anymore. I'm done holding my feeling back." Rachel screamed.

"Okay Rachel calm down. I know exactly what you need. A girls night out, I will send a text to all the girls, so let's get you home and get you ready because tonight we are going to help you forget about Noah Puckerman." Quinn said with a smile while pulling into Rachel's drive way.

"Quinn, are you sure this is a good idea? Noah and I have movie night tonight and I have never missed one of our nights together." Rachel asked nervously. She didn't like the look on Quinn face. It was the look she got when she was up to something.

"Yea rach I'm sure, all the girls are in and they are going to be here around 7. Brittany and Santana are on their was now though." Quinn explained while walking towards Rachel's house.

"Why are they coming over so early? Its only 4pm?" Rachel asked confused.

"Because Rachel we are going to make you forget about Noah and then we are going to show him what he is missing. Rachel berry you are about to get the makeover of your life." Quinn said with a smirk on her face.

Noah POV

I was totally confused while Rachel sang that song. I'm guessing it was about Finn but she kept staring at me with what looked like love in her eyes? No it couldn't be I know she loved me like a friend but nothing more we made a promise that we wouldn't get emotional with each other. I love rach like a friend too and don't get me wrong the sex was great (of course it is I'm Noah Puckerman) but I'm starting to think that it is ruining our relationship as friends. Rach is my best friend and I don't want anything to ruin that. When she left and asked Quinn for a ride instead of me I felt hurt. I know we had plans for tonight but I love spending time with her and I wouldn't have minded leaving glee early. But there is just something about that song that she sang that makes me think. I sent her a text telling her we needed to talk and she hasn't replied yet. I hope she is okay. I know she wasn't sick she has been fine all day. Something happened and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. I jumped a little when I felt my phone vibrating against my leg. I grabbed it quick hoping it was a text from rach telling me to come over. A smile spread across my face when I see her name on the screen. It quickly fell when I read the message she sent.

R: plans r cancelled for tonight.

That's wasn't like Rachel at all. She never cancelled on me, now I was really starting to get worried. I tried calling her but she sent me straight to voicemail. I also tried Quinn but hers went straight to voicemail also. Fuck I need to get a hold of her and find out what's wrong. I was thinking about going over there when I received another text. This one was from Quinn.

Quinn: puck just leave Rachel alone for the night.

I was shocked when I read that text and after that I didn't know what to say. I didn't think I did anything to upset Rachel but I guess I was wrong.

Tell me what you think! The song belongs to Leslie Roy I am just borrowing! And for some reason I think you guys know who glee belongs to! =)
