AN: I should warn you, but I'm sure you already know, but I'm gonna do this anyways! It's been eating at me since I started this. Okay, there's a lot of historical inaccuracies and out of time things. They're just there for the sake of a story, okay? Anyways, sorry about the long wait. I had no idea what to write for this chapter. Haaa... 8D

"Father! Father! You here?" Gilbert called out, stepping over the ledge while rolling up his sleeves, the humidity in the air bothering him. He looked down at his arms, stared at the pale scars from shrapnel and whatever else, tugged his sleeves back down. He walked farther and farther into the room, not minding the fact that he kept stepping all over the low-lying plants. He peered behind some tall-potted plants, didn't see the friendly wizened face. "Hey, old man Fritz, you here?" He called out again, pushing past some branches.

He let out a small grunt and socked whoever placed their hand on his shoulder right in the face. He instantly regretted it when he saw who it was. "Oh… I'm so sorry Sister. I didn't know it was you." He mumbled hastily, pulling the nun's hand off her face. Gilbert let out a hiss when he saw her cheek purpling already. Damn, he's going to have to go to confession for that.

"Oh it's okay Gilbert." She said, trying to laugh off the pain. She winced at the shock of pain in her jaw and tenderly traced her fingers along her jaw line. Yeah, that hurts. "I should know better than to get your attention from behind."

"I'm still sorry. People don't usually punch nuns…"

"Ah, it's nothing my boy. I heard you were looking for Fat—"

"Sister Maria, that's where you are! Mrs. Edman is looking for you." Both turned towards the direction of the voice. Gilbert's face absolutely just lit up as he jogged up to Father Fritz and gave him a bear hug, all the while mumbling about how long its been since he saw him. Sister Maria watched them for a split second, looking away and rolling her eyes. "Well, I'll be going. Mrs. Edman is such a finicky person." She highly doubted anyone heard her over Gilbert's excited rambling.

And indeed nobody noticed the old woman disappearing from the small plant house.

Fritz tried to keep up with Gilbert's fast pace of talking, the exaggerated hand movements that meant so much, and the different emotions that seemed to fly across the albino's face. But alas, he wasn't as young as he used to be and had no idea what was happening. Though he did hear the word 'marry…'

"Marry? Is this about Austria and Hungary again?" Honestly, he thought Prussia would be over them by now. Seriously, what used to be the upcoming marriage wasn't a very well kept secret. Though knowing Gilbert, he probably thought they were just rumors.

Ah such a hopeful boy. Too bad he lacks basic common sense.

"Marry? What the hell, I'm not marrying anybody." Gilbert said, the statement a simple fact. He stared at Father Fritz, red eyes scanning over the man's stature before shaking his head. "I think you spend too much time in here. All this humidity must have fu—messed up your brain." He lets out a little cough and looked away.

"The humidity messed up my brain? Prussia… you look like you've been out all night drinking." The old man confessed, moving over to the side and opening up a path into a small shelter. Gilbert could see two cups and a pitcher sitting on the table, a smile creeps onto his face, and he walks over to it. Fritz follows him and pulls out a chair before saying, "You haven't been out all night drinking have you?"

"Nope." Gilbert takes a gulp of the drink, licks his lip to capture the lingering flavor left there. "I was talking with somebody."

"Is that Prussian-lingo for harassing somebody?"

Gilbert laughs before taking another swish of the drink, Old Man Fritiz's tea just as addicting as beer. Who would have thought that the great Prussia likes tea? Not Prussia himself. "Yeah, cause I'm definitely harassing you at this very moment Ol' Fritz." He sets his cup down onto the table, props his elbow up on the desk, and rests his head on his palm. "Kesese… actually, that's not what I wanted to talk about. It's something you know quite well…"


"Try again."


"One more time."

"… Marrying people?"

The white haired man took in a sharp breath, wasn't too sure if the friar was kidding or not. He rubbed his chin, his fingers running across the stubble (Goddammit, does he really have to shave every freakin' day?) before placing them onto the table. "I kind of… fell in love." He said, his expression very much like a child's caught stealing their sibling's toys. "It's um, with a guy though."

"Why do you think I know about falling in love so well? I only married once and she died."

"But it was an arranged marriage and you still had women lining up for your widow-y hand in marriage, but you didn't take any of them." Gilbert countered, a small smirk on his face. There was nothing in Fritz's life that he didn't know. The man spent more time with him than his own father after all. "Also, you were rather fond of that guy… I think his name was—"

He held up his hand to silence the Prussian's mouth. "Okay, okay. I get your point." He said. "But… this is pretty soon isn't it? Just your last visit you were talking about how beautiful Hunga—"

This time Prussia cut in, his pale face an odd shade of red. "Kesese, I really would like it if you didn't talk about that so openly." He warned, eying the man sitting across from him. Fritz got the message and crossed his heart. Gilbert relaxed, picked up his cup, and took another sip. "I really do love him though."

"How much?"

Gilbert didn't answer, just took another taste of his drink. Father Fritz nodded his head slowly, an action that showed just how old he really was. He took a long sip of the drink he prepared before letting out a sigh and setting the cup aside. He folded his hands. "What's the boy's name?"

"Matthew Williams."

"… Isn't that Canada? An Allied Forces member?"

Gilbert stayed quiet.

Fritz pressed on. "And aren't you an Axis Powers nation with your brother?"

Gilbert looked to the side, pushed his cup away. "Now do you see what my problem is?"

"I was never aware there was a problem until now."

He frowned, pushed back his white hair and held it there for a minute. He lets go, the hair bouncing back to its original position. He looked to his father figure, his frown growing even deeper. "I really want this to work." Gilbert confessed before looking down at his twitching hand, a nervous twitch.

Fritz watches him for a good minute. He sighs and gathers up the cups and the pitcher into his arms. "I really hope you know what you're doing, boy." He says as he walks over to the exit. He pauses by the walkthrough and looks over his shoulder at the other. "I'll see what I can do though."

"Thanks Ol' Fritz." Gilbert smiled, gets up from his chair to follow Fritz out. "Kesese… I'm not lying when I say that you don't know how glad that makes me."

The old man nods his head before an upcoming event catches him by surprise. "What are you going to do about the upcoming battle though?"

He hesitates, licks his lips and blinks once before answering. "I… I'll think of something." He shrugged, catches up to the other and takes the pitcher from Fritz's arm. He downs the remaining tea and licks his lip. "I'm the awesome kingdom of Prussia, of course I'll think of something."

Both laugh.