Jeff soon arrived back in the states, in a city we call Chicago. Andrew, Peter, and the jury were sitting on a mock up stage of the tribal council set, waiting for Jeff with the votes.

Jeff soon arrived and greeted the survivors.

"What's up?"

All of the contestants cheered.

"Excited I see. Anyway, it's time to read the votes. Before I read them, here's whats at stake. One millions dollar prize, title of Sole Survivor, and a 2010 Ford Escort. Tonight, you want to see your name. It takes 4 votes to win. I'll read the votes."



First vote,


Andrew. Two votes Andrew.

Andrew. Three votes Andrew.

The winner of Survivor Emerald Hill, is ANDREW!

Cheers erupted throughout the whole audience, with Andrew holding his hands over his mouth to keep himself from yelling in excitement. Peter congratulated him on the win. Soon the jury came over to the Final 2 and started to congratulate them. Then afterwards the first 9 contestants booted, Jared, Marenda, Joey, Amanda, Kory, Evelyn, Douglas, Scott, and Kruz, soon joined them.

"Andrew is more likely the most deserving winner out of him, Curtis, and Beat! All 7 jurors voted for Andrew to win the game! Peter received no votes! Cheers to Andrew!" cheered Jeff.

– – – – –

Thank you for reading my second season of Survivor. Especially to Champ 15 and Drrrockz, who were my only two loyal readers.

I loved writing to see Andrew win, I knew he would win from the moment I started to write out his character.

Survivor Midtown is starting soon, and right after that, will be Survivor All Stars. You could if you want start posting your choices for All Stars. But that's your decision.