New story for you folks! Idea that would not go away really... I own no one!

The clattering in the direction of the table woke Arthur up. He did not even need to look over to tell it was Merlin. "My shirt?" He asked not even wondering why it was suddenly floating next to him.

Merlin had relaxed when it came to using magic around Arthur. It was an unspoken rule that he could use magic so freely in this room, just as long as he was sure no one was in the hall and the door was closed.

Arthur walked over to the table and sat down to eat. "You know…" Arthur said as he relaxed into his chair. "It is quite ridiculous if you think about it. You can do magic, yet you still are clumsy."

Merlin smiled at that. "Well no longer as clumsy as before sire." He said still grinning. It was true, ever since Arthur found out about his magic he had stopped hiding his small bits of magic with a stumble or some other form of clumsiness.

"Except on hunts, you still trip over yourself then." Arthur said almost desperate for evidence that he was still as clumsy as ever.

"Actually…" Merlin began before stopping. He saw the face of sudden realization on Arthur's face.

"How many things have you sent away, wait do I even want to know?" Arthur asked looking pointedly at him.

"About fifteen on the last trip…" Merlin said now starting to back away into a corner.

"Over here…" Arthur said motioning to the spot next to him. Merlin walked over carefully only to have his head whacked lightly. "Don't get caught. By the way, we are hunting today. No knights."

Merlin nodded before beginning on gathering the supplies for a hunt. At least he would not need to pretend to trip every time he sensed something dangerous.

The first thing Arthur noticed on this hunt was how much less Merlin 'tripped' over something. He turned back now want full details about this.

"Well when I trip it covers the flash in my eyes…" Merlin explained knowing the unsaid question.

"What about the spell?" Arthur asked raising an eyebrow. "Don't you need to say something in order to perform magic?"

"Um…" Merlin said shifting slightly, it had only been a month sense Arthur learned his secret and he had been speaking the spells for his benefit. "Well… I don't really need to say spells…"

Arthur rolled his eyes at this new bit of information. Really now he was learning something new everyday! Just last week he found out that Gaius not only knew of Merlin's abilities but also had given him his first magic book.

Arthur lat the topic drop and just continued on his hunt. Merlin followed along after the prince.

They had decided to take a break and eat one of the rabbits Arthur had captured. They both looked up when they heard the soft snorting of a horse. Their eyes landed on a jet-black stallion standing not too far from them. It reared up on its hind legs before taking off at a gallop.

"That was strange…" Arthur said turning from the sight.

"Handsome horse though…" Merlin said still staring at the place the horse had been, almost longingly.

Arthur looked at him briefly. "Your such a girl." He said with an eye roll.
