Disclaimer: Do I look like I own the movie/book? I'm still trying to remember if I actually read the book long ago, cause I honestly cannot remember (and the more I think about it the more I don't think so) since the movie was so good it's what I remember. And now after re-watching after years (I had forgotten about it until I came across it a few days ago) I love and appreciate it a lot more. Anyway, basic point: ownage honor belongs to SE Hinton.

A.N: Once again thanks so much for the support! I'm glad that people have enjoyed this story! Sadly, this is the FINAL chapter! :( I had fun doing this story! This idea turned out better than I thought it would...considering going into this, all I had was just the summary idea. lol

And, don't own the Robert Frost poem. I'm not a poem person, but I think that poem is my fav. lol

Summary: Instead of cutting the Soc, what if Johnny had rushed with all his might back to get Ponyboy's brothers? Would they make it back in time to save Ponyboy from the Socs? Would Johnny forgive himself for leaving his best friend to fend for himself?

Chapter 6: The Moments in time

After three days in the hospital, Ponyboy was finally able to go home. During Ponyboy's stay in the hospital, the police had come down to get a official account. Darry and Sodapop had sat with Ponyboy while he and Johnny recounted their story for official report.

It was true what Steve had said. Word had got around quick about the incident and Ponyboy near dying….twice. Needless to say, the whole community of greasers were pissed. And it was true that Cherry would testify against the Socs about what happened.

Bob's group had been rallied down to the police station a few days after Ponyboy was able to go home…as long as he took it easy for a couple more days. Word also got out that one of Bob's group would testify about what really happened that night since was there. That was huge shock.

The court session took about a week and a half to deal with. In the end the Socs were charged with 'assault with intent to do great bodily harm but less than death'. They had all gotten one year in jail and two years probation. Apparently all of them had a record already. The Soc, named Randy, who testified against his group yet still participated in the assault had gotten only two years of probation. It helped that he told the truth and also that he didn't have a previous record. Randy was the only one that showed remorse of what he did. Everyone could see he felt guilty. Apparently he didn't mean to participate in something that would be taken so far. He had even came over and formally apologize to Ponyboy as well was his friends who appeared for court and his brothers for the trouble caused. Randy's stern parents were behind him and they seemed less than happy about the situation.

Once court was taking care of, things seemed to go back to normal for the most part. After the Curtis' finally got everything out in the open, things seems to have gone quite well after that. There was substantial less fighting than before and if they did have an argument it was something of substance. For the longest while, Johnny seemed to stick like glue to Ponyboy making sure he was okay.

On the streets however was a different issue. The Socs were livid about what happened to their fellow Socs. Of course the greasers were still livid too. So someone actually called a rumble. Steve was ecstatic about that as well as Dallas. They've both want to beat on some Socs heads long before the rumble was called but Ponyboy and Johnny had practically begged the two to not start fights:

"Guess what?" said Steve walking into the Curtis' house near skipping one evening, followed by Dallas who was grinning.

"What?" Darry asked looking up from his newspaper seated in his armchair.

Sodapop and Two-bit looked up from playing cards, while Ponyboy and Johnny looked up from the book they were reading together. Johnny had found 'Gone with the Wind' in the hospital gift shop and brought one. Ponyboy had been happy and surprised that Johnny had known he wanted it after seeing the movie. Ponyboy had started reading the book out loud to Johnny who found himself enjoying it.

"A rumble was called", Dallas said flopping down on the couch. Steve made a bee-line for some cake that was half eaten.

"Ya'll didn't?" Johnny groaned clearly disapproving, "Please... please, tell me ya'll didn't."

"We didn't", Steve stated munching on cake.

"That isn't funny, Steve."

"No seriously, we didn't", Steve explained, "The Socs are the ones that called the rumble. We just talked to Tim Shepherd, who talked to some other greasers who the Socs told."

Dallas was excited as he punched the air once, "Two days from now, it's on!"

"Seriously?" Ponyboy asked.

"Don't even think about it. You aren't going", Darry said, barely sparing him a glance.

"I wasn't thinking about it. I don't want to go."

"Me neither",Johnny spoke up, "Fighting ain't no good. I get fighting when you have to…but this is going overboard."

Ponyboy started offering his support, "Though…if you guys need help….."

"No." Darry said flatly.

"Well this is good. The two of you can stay behind and man the house", Sodapop grinned.

"Shut up…" Ponyboy growled lightly.

Two-bit whooped, exchanging a high five with Steve. "That means more for us!"

"I know I'm not missing it!" Dallas said.

Darry sighed.

Two days had passed by rather quickly and the night of the rumble came. Johnny and Ponyboy stayed behind while the rest of the gang went to the Rumble. They were back an hour and a half later all bruised and tattered:

The door opened and Steve was the first to stumble in. Ponyboy and Johnny looked up from the TV. They both quickly stood giving the couch to those that needed it more than they did. Steve was the first to make use and plopped down.

"Hey, you guys okay?"Johnny asked as the rest came stumbling in. Darry grabbed his arm chair while Two-bit promptly made for the kitchen. Sodapop came in and practically sat down on the first available piece of carpet, making Dallas growl lightly, having to walk around Sodapop to get the next available piece of couch.

"Oh, yeah…..I'm good", Steve said with a grin. He grimaced. Two-bit was passing out the ice while Darry reached for the alcohol to clean his fists with that was already out.

"Good grief, ya'll look bad!" Ponyboy cried surveying everyone.

"I don't look that bad." Sodapop said with a light grin.

"Define bad", Two-bit joked.

"Not to mention muddy. Did it rain or something?" Johnny asked pulling back a curtain to look out the window and sure enough it was raining.

"I'm too tired to retaliate", Sodapop sighed a response to Two-bit.

"We didn't notice that it started to rain." Ponyboy murmured glancing over Johnny's shoulder to peer outside.

"Hey…do you guys think I look tuff? I dunno… I think it makes me look kinda…kinda tuff", Steve muttered absently. His face was already swelling up. "What do you think Soda? You think it make me look tough?"

Sodapop looked up at him. "I think it makes you look different."

"That guy had sharp teeth", Darry murmured pressing the cotton tab on his fist.

"Oh yeah, different. Got a hole in your mouth", Sodapop muttered looking at Darry. Darry pushed his tongue around in his mouth feeling his sore jaw.

"You gonna be okay?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yeah, just fine", Darry answered with a small smile.

"Different is a word for it", Steve muttered looking at Darry.

Darry looked up and scowled as best he could, "You're one to talk. Your face is putting a balloon to shame."

"Shut up….."

Johnny sighed and looked at Ponyboy, "Look like we'll be playing nurses over the next few days."

"Apparently." Ponyboy agreed.

"Hey, I'm tired but I'm fine", Two-bit cried indigant.

"Yeah, and when you fall asleep and wake back up, don't call me when you need help getting up from where you slept", Ponyboy shot back.

"I can call right?" Sodapop asked raising his hand slightly.

Ponyboy looked back at his brother. It was a moment before he answered, "Well, you haven't annoyed me yet, so yes."

"Good…." There was a paused, and then, "Good night." Sodapop promptly spread out where he was sitting and closed his eyes.

"You have got to be kidding me….." Dallas muttered looking at Sodapop while nursing his head. A second passed before he asked, "Anyone got Aspirin or Tylenol or something?"

Johnny reached over and gave him the Aspirin off the table.

"Thanks, Johnny…now open it for me and get me a glass of water", Dallas ordered.

"See…nurse…."Johnny sighed walking into the kitchen to fill up a glass.

"Make that two!" Darry called.

"Shut the heck up!" Dallas growled. He could not deal with excessive noise at that moment. Yelling would put him in a fouler mood.

Ponyboy sighed.

A snort of laughter, slipped from Ponyboy, at the memory of that night. The next morning was a headache. Apparently the fight finally caught with them and they were all feeling it. Dallas was the worse, snapping and growling at everyone that made a rustle. Steve practically had to bury his face in ice, while Sodapop had awoke to feeling every ache. He really did fall asleep where he sat. Ponyboy had brought a blanket to cover him with and slipped him a pillow which he unconsciously grabbed in his sleep. Two-bit awoke and sure enough felt the aches and pain as well. Darry got away the best, and didn't feel too bad. His fists were another issue though. Ponyboy ended up having to wrap them. Needless to say, anyone who had a job didn't go.

"What's so funny?" Johnny asked.

"Oh, just remembering the morning after the rumble", Ponyboy chuckled again.

A week and a half had passed since the night of the Rumble and a little over two weeks since they got jumped. Johnny and Ponyboy were currently sitting in the lot, looking up at the sky. They had both awoke early and decided to watch the sunrise.

Johnny groaned, "I'm glad you can find something to laugh about over it but I swear Dally was just making me run around because he knew he could."

"Yeah", Ponyboy laughed.

"It's not funny!" Johnny cried though amusement was in his eyes.

"Yeah it was….you were running around trying to make Dal all comfortable and he didn't give you a moment's peace. It was hilarious. Everyone thought so."

Johnny pouted. "I was mere entertainment…."

"Apparently since the TV bothered everyone. They had to get their kicks somehow." Ponyboy threw his arm around Johnny's shoulders, "Come on, it wasn't that bad."

"Says the guy who wasn't doing the running around."


Silence reigned for a bit as they stared at the sky.

"Pretty huh?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah…." Ponyboy drawled.

"Too bad it can't stay like that forever."

"...Nothing gold can stay."

Johnny looked at Ponyboy who dropped his arm from his shoulders and laid on the ground, hands behind his head. "What?" he asked.

It was a moment before Ponyboy opened his mouth:

"Nature's first green is gold,

Her hardest hue to hold.

Her early leafs a flower;

But only so an hour.

Then leaf subsides to leaf.

So Eden sank to grief,

So dawn goes down to day.

Nothing gold can stay."

"Wow, where did you learn that?" Johnny asked turning back to Ponyboy for he had been watching the sunrise again.

"A poem. Robert Frost wrote it….never knew what he meant by it, but I always remembered it."

Johnny gave a impressed laugh. "You know I never really paid attention to the clouds and sun and stars until you reminded me about it", he looked back at the sky, "In fact I never really realized it was there. It was there but not…there you know?"

Ponyboy sat up with a grin, "I got it. You know I never could talk to anyone else about it. Just you and Sodapop."

"Guess we're different, huh?" Johnny asked with a small grin of his own.

"Hmm, I like to think they are the different ones", Ponyboy laughed as he stood up brushing off his pants.

Johnny stood looking thoughtful, "I never thought about that way."

"Exactly…." There was a pause. Ponyboy turned to Johnny his face solemn, "Thanks Johnny."

Johnny cocked his head. "For what?"

Ponyboy thought a moment, "For saving me back there."

"Aww, come on, man…we are past that. No thanks is need. You and your brothers have thanked me a thousand times already." Johnny blushed.

Ponyboy stared at Johnny a moment who squirmed in embarrassment, his eyes darting around. Then he found him in a hug as a soft voice murmured, "Then thanks...for being you."

It took a moment before Johnny got over his suprise and hugged him back. "Then you are welcome."

Ponyboy was the first to pull away, his hand still on Johnny's shoulder. He cocked his head and gave a small grin, "Now…race you back to my house!" he said before taking off.

"Hey, wait a second, that's not fair!" Johnny cried before he took off running.

"Yeah it is!"

"You can't just spring a run on a guy especially the way you run."

"It's fair for me cause I'm gonna beat you!" Ponyboy laughed.

"Oooo, you lousy-good for nothing!" Johnny called out good-naturedly.

Ponyboy laughed as they traded insults running back to his house.

A new day was beginning and who knows what it would bring. But one thing was for sure, Ponyboy knew as long as he had his best friend, his other friends and family he could beat anything.


A.N: Whoo! I'm finished. Fun fact, I actually wrote this entire story in one day. Didn't upload it in one day of course, but started and finished in a day. What can I say, this idea kept drilling a hole in me saying, write me, write...so I finally sat down and did. Now when I rewatch the movie it won't be yelling in my ear, lol.

I hope you enjoyed…I took some parts of the movie and tried to incorporate them into this story as like I said another what-if scenario. I hope it worked out well….as I mentioned before I had the basic idea but this story wrote itself ….and it seemed to write itself pretty well for me anyway.

Had a little trouble ending it though.

So, thanks again and Stay Gold!