"Don't think that a simple Overboost System can give you the first move! You have no right to underestimate Jack Atlas at all!" roared Jack; his words like thunder; his fist up high, cutting through the wind. "Duel!"

A deafening cry came from the crowd. Everyone rose from their seats, all clapping hands at Jack, each one with his name on their lips. They hadn't forgotten their King; all the faces seemed to say, or his opulence or his manners in battle.

Jack rested his hand over his duel disk just a moment before drawing his cards. He glanced back at Andore, made a gesture and half a smile, and invited him to draw his.

So, he did know about the Overboost System, thought Andore. There was no mistake. Jack had said so and had come with a marvelous countermeasure against it. It seems Team 5D's was well prepared despite been maimed; too well prepared.

Andore turned his head to the side and saw the crowd and heard the cheers and felt the pressure on his back. How nostalgic this whole scene was, he reflected, as memories of the Fortune Cup besieged his mind. He put his hand on his deck and held the cards just a moment before purging the unnecessary thoughts, leaving only her smiling face as his whole world. "This started far better than expected," he said, as he lips imitated a smile for a second. I hope you're watching Alexa, this is for you. "Duel!"

"Take you long enough," Jack said. "Draw!" He held the card between his white gloved fingers and took a glimpsed at it. He was ready, it seemed. "I set three cards face down." The cards appeared on Jack's field, close to his D-Wheel. "Turn End!"

The crowd went silent; all cheers ceased, all replaced by soft mumblings. The MC spoke immediately, filling the void. "What just happened? Jack has decided not to play any monsters in his first turn! What an incredible opener!"

Andore's eyes went directly to his teammates, both seated at the pit. He saw Breo, pointing at him and Jean, making a smile, his chin resting on his palm; and Andore understood the situation in a heartbeat. Jean had said Team Unicorn was up against quite the nastiest from the very start. It seemed he wasn't joking.

Three cards in play, no monster on Jack's field. Did he know about our plan? Why would he struggle so much for the first turn? I guess I'll have to address that thought soon enough… "But, first things first! Draw!" said Andore.

Jack's LP: 4000 SC: 1

Andore's LP: 4000 SC: 1

There are six cards on my hand, three on my enemy's. From my hand I can count: two countermeasures moves, a fast attack, a delayed aggression and a move which involved his other teammates; five tactics total, all with different timings and execution, thought Andore, closing his eyes, realizing that something again.

So, this is what Jean was referring as Godlike Perception, this thinking of mine? Andore could not help pondering about it again, and how this perception of his had made a huge difference in all duels… He smiled at no one, as he recalled his first meeting with Jean. I should just forget it; too much sympathy to my self-worth will only cloud my judgment, as Alexa had once said… Besides, Jack's strategy was still far from certain.

"I would need just a little peek of one of those face down cards to reach a verdict," Andore whispered. He reached out his fingers to one of the cards on the card-holder and led it to the Duel Disk. He was sure how to do it. "First, I summon Tuner monster Unicorn's Familiar –Lv2. Def 1000." A small blue monster bearing a longhorn, materialized in front of Andore's D-Wheel. "By removing a Speed Spell from my hand I can summon Monoceros to the field. I remove Speed Spell – Speed Energy to fulfill the monster's summoning condition. Appear before me, Monoceros! –Lv3. Atk 1000." An enormous four legged animal came forth the blue portal, its large horn as a vanguard.

So, Jack had allowed my two monsters to live, Andore thought. I have now all the requirements to Synchro Summon and Jack haven't still countered it. So, in other words, Jack will make his move when I Synchro Summon.

Still, that was far from a Power Deck tactic. Was it possible that Jack had changed his strategy just to face Andore? Since Team 5D's was now a team with only two members, it seems like a possibility. Jack had seized the first turn with zeal and had not summoned monsters; that did mean something. Andore needed to know. "I expect great things from Team 5D's; from the former king as well," he said to Jack. "After all, this is no place for amateurs."

Jack looked back, barely moving his lips; most likely a snort of some sort. "Is that so?"

What an arrogant man. I wonder why you like him, nee-san. "I'm tuning Level 3, Monoceros with Level 2, Unicorn's Familiar." Two emerald rings encircled Andore, three starts danced within. "Galloping in the heavens like thunder, crisscrossing them like a mighty gale; appear forth from the World of Myth and Legend! Synchro Summon!" (2+3=5) "Neigh, Thunder Unicorn!" –Lv5. Atk 2200.

A blue and gold stallion trampled the field, its mane shining brighter than the sun. Awaken from Andore's call, the unicorn raised it sacred horn, and blue and gold stars were born from it.

"Oh! Andore's Ace Monster is here; Thunder Unicorn has been summoned! Let's see if Jack Atlas can handle it!" said the MC, and the crowd followed with cheers and songs and flags.

But Jack didn't seem move.

No counter still? Andore grew restless. Then this will do! "Thunder Unicorn –Atk 2200, Direct Attack!" Andore's monster raised its horn, and a beam of light emerged from it. "Thunder Spear!"

Jack moved his arm to one side; a card at the end of his fingers. "When an opponent declares a direct attack, I can Special Summon Battle Fader from my hand to end the Battle Phase. Appear, Battle Fader! –Lv0. Def 0." From Jack's field, a bat-shaped monster appeared; from its core descended a golden pendulum, which swung slowly from side to side.

The attack retracted and disappeared. "Jack Atlas has deflected an attack that could have been really painful!" said the MC.

An attack negating card, also a monster card… also, nothing relevant about Jack's strategy, thought Andore. An attack negating card was a ball and chain latter in the game, so Jack got rid of it from the start, and with it he summoned a, most likely, a material monster; simple card advantage.

Will Jack Synchro Summon Red Demon's Dragon next turn?

"When Monoceros is used as a Synchro Material Monster along with a Beast-Type Tuner monster, I can Special Summon that Tuner monster from the graveyard. Be reborn, Unicorn's Familiar! –Lv2. Def 1000." The blue creature appeared once again, it fangs at plain sight. "I set two cards face down. Turn End."

Andore shifted his eyes to Team 5D's pit. There, seated on chair and with his boots on the desktop was a figure that caught all his attention; a young man in a brown coat, long silver hair and Facility's mark, his arms crossed. The MC had called him Kyosuke Kiryu.

The Second Wheeler and the new hope of Team 5D's, eh? What had happened to Fudo Yusei? Was he a replacement of some sort? The team's leader, maybe? He looked so calm and collected even knowing he had only two D-Wheelers. Even the whole team seemed that way; the blue haired man next to him, the twins to his side, Jack Atlas too looked pleased and calm. How was that possible? Was it because of this person's charisma, his aura maybe? Somehow, Andore wanted to know. He wanted to know what made Kiryu so special. Somehow, he wanted to duel with him.

"Don't be spacing out! The duel continues!" said Jack Atlas, as imposing as ever, and Andore's thoughts were brought back to the field. "Draw!"

Jack's LP: 4000 SC: 2

Andore's LP: 4000 SC: 2

"By discarding a Level 4 or lower monster card, I can Special Summon Power Giant –Lv6 in my hand and reduce its level by the level of the monster discarded. I send Power Supplier –Lv2 to the graveyard. Come, Power Giant! –Lv4. Atk 2200." A blue portal was summoned to Jack's side, and from it came a huge monster, green and blue and white. "Now I summon Tuner monster Dark Resonator to the field –Lv3. Def 300." Jack's monster was a little demon with a dark robe and a diapason on its hands.

So, he was going to Synchro Summon. Had Andore overestimated Team 5D's strategy?

"I'm tuning Level 1, Battle Fader, Level 4 Power Giant with Level 3, Dark Resonator." Three emerald rings covered the stadium, and five stars illuminated it. "The ruler's heartbeats will now file through here! Take witness to its creation-shaking power! Synchro Summon!" (1+4+3=8) "My very soul, Red Demon's Dragon!" –Lv8. Atk 3000.

The atmosphere dyed itself in crimson, the flames incinerated the air. Everyone rose from their seats, they all sung as one. The Demon King had arrived.

"Red Demon's Dragon –Atk 3000, attack Thunder Unicorn! –Atk 2200." The red dragon drew breath as fire surrounded its body. "Crimson Hell Flare!"

Predictable, as Jean had said. "I activate Unicorn's Familiar effect. When an opponent monster attacks one of my monsters, I can remove Unicorn's Familiar along with that monster from the field." Both monsters disappeared behind a blue veil, and Red Demon's Dragon attack accelerated towards Andore. "Reverse Card Open! Different Dimension Barrier - Lost Force!" The card rose and glowed as it shielded Andore from the attack. "When and opponent monster declares an attack, this card negates that attack and inflicts damage to my opponent equals to the Attack of that monster."

Red Demon's Dragon's Attack was 3000, so that mean Jack Life Points would go down to 1000.

But Jack had only lowered his eyes to his screen, oblivious to the incoming attack. Had he lost his hope? Or was thinking of something?

"Trap Card Open!" Jack yelled. "Synchro Out! By sending a Synchro Monster from my field to the Graveyard, I can Special Summon its Material Monsters from the Graveyard with the same levels they were when I Synchro Summoned! I send Red Demon's Dragon to the Graveyard!" Jack's monster closed its wings around him, and disappeared behind a stream of stars. "Appear, Battle Fader –Lv1, Power Giant –Lv4, Dark Resonator –Lv3."

"Even if your monster is no more, you'll receive the damage that was negated!"

"I know, but only at the end of the Battle Phase! Trap Card Open, Urgent Tuning! I can Synchro Summon a monster in my Battle Phase!"

Another Synchro? How? Why?

"I'm tuning Level 1, Battle Fader, Level 4 Power Giant with Level 3, Dark Resonator." The three rings materialized flew again, five stars contained within. "Darkened gales, become the wings that soar from resolved hope! Synchro Summon!" (1+4+3=8) "Soar, Blackfeather Dragon!" –Lv8. Atk 2800.

From the light descended a black figure; its shape hiding in a whirlwind of black feathers; ruby eyes shining. The stadium shook with a cry, and then the figure was no more; now a dragon took its place.

"W-What is this? Jack Atlas has sacrificed his Ace Monster to summon a new dragon! I literally have no words left! What an exciting match!" said the MC, and everyone at the stadium seemed to think the same.

"I activate Blackfeather Dragon effect! Every time I would take damage by a card effect, I can lower Blackfeather Dragon's Attack –Atk 2800 to prevent that same amount of damage! Damage Drain!" The dragon stood between the stream of energy, and with its wings it shielded Jack from the attack.

So, that was the why behind everything; that new monster no one knew about. "But Blackfeather Dragon –Atk 0 had 2800 Attack and Red Demon's Dragon had 3000 Attack. By the effect of Different Dimension Barrier - Lost Force, you still take 200 damage!"

Jack's LP: 3800

Such terrifying monster. There wasn't anything like that in the reports of Team 5D's.

"Don't get so cocky. The duel will only get tougher from now one. Come, and I'll show you what Jack Atlas is capable of!"

Andore snorted. Brave words for sure. From where did Jack Atlas confidence came from? Alexa-neesan had said that was the way of the king. But Andore didn't think that. There was something else… If only he had the deductive skills Jean had…

And Andore saw it. There, in Team 5D's pit. He saw that smile; the weak smile on that man's face. "So, it was all you, Kyosuke Kiryu," Andore whispered. Been able to predict we would aim the first turn; that we knew Jack Atlas would be the First Wheeler. He knew all along that my strategy would center in counter Jack Atlas' Power Deck by only know about the Overboost System… That was way too much of a planning ahead. Too much risk involved in mere assumptions. "Are you perhaps a person that doesn't fear losses?"

He may be even better strategist than Jean was.

Andore managed a smile. Alexa, my sweet sister, forget about the autograph of the idol girl from Team White Wind that I promised; I already found someone more interesting.

"Trap Card Open!" Andore finally retorted. "Icarus Descent!" A card rose next to him. An image of winged being could be seen, diving at full speed towards the earth. "By removing from the game a monster in my hand and from my graveyard, I can return a monster that was removed from the game to my Deck or Extra Deck." So, I'll set the contingency plan as Jean had instructed, thought Andore. This duel is getting out of hand as the man in white had said. "I remove Sky Core from my hand and Monoceros from the Graveyard and return Thunder Unicorn to my Extra Deck. Additionally, if the card that returned was a Synchro Monster, both players draw two cards."

"Out of options already?" Jack glanced at his new cards. "I set these two cards face down. Turn End."

Yeah, pretty much. "Draw!"

Jack's LP: 3800 SC: 3

Andore's LP: 4000 SC: 3

"In my Standby Phase, if Unicorn's Familiar was removed from the game by its own effect, it returns to my field. To my side, Unicorn's Familiar! –Lv2. Def 1000."

Blackfeather Dragon –Atk 0 and three face down cards on my opponent's field. Unicorn's Familiar –Def 1000 on my side; three cards in my hand. From this point on I can count: an attack, a delayed attack, a stall tactic.

Andore could summon once again Thunder Unicorn in that turn. Attacking Blackfeather Dragon –Atk 0 would be like a Direct Attack and maybe the match; as additional help, he could recover one or two of the cards outside of play.

But the problems were just two… Well, only one in reality: Jack Atlas' counter-deck.

There was no mistake. Jack Atlas had modified his Power Deck and had turned it into a Control Deck. Most likely, when his first Synchro Summon reached the field, he had the advantage. Besides, that cards face down he had now would probably counter any upcoming damage dealt by effect. Since Andore's deck focused on counter Power Deck's brute force with effect damage; Jack Atlas' deck focused on negating effect damage with his Synchro Monsters; and since his Synchro Monster were more powerful than Andonre's…

A Counter Control Power Deck. Now, that was a risky.

So, letting him attack was out of the question. So much for Jean's strategy. Guess I'll have to figure out something later.

"If I control a Tuner monster and my opponent controls a monster, from my hand I can Special Summon Different Dimension Unicorn Knight –Lv4. Atk 1800." A winged humanoid appeared on the field, half a knight, half a unicorn. "When Different Dimension Unicorn Knight is successfully summoned, I can return to the field a Level 3 or lower monster removed from the game. To my side, Monoceros! –Lv3. Atk 1000."

"Synchro Summon again?" asked Jack, more annoyed than surprised.

Precisely. "I'm tuning Level 3, Monoceros with Level 2, Unicorn's Familiar." (2+3=5) "Be reborn, Thunder Unicorn!" –Lv5. Atk 2200.

Again, Andore's monster raised and gave a neigh, aware of the dragon's presence.

"Thunder Unicorn –Atk 2200, attack Blackfeather Dragon! –Atk 0. Thunder Spear!"

"T-That is like a Direct Attack!" interrupted the MC.

Jack made a 180º turn. "Continuous Trap Open! Burning Reborn!" Flames invaded the field and surrounded Jack's dragon. "By releasing a Level 8 or higher monster, I can Special Summon Red Demon's Dragon sleeping on my graveyard! I release Blackfeather Dragon! –Lv8. Come, my sworn sword, Red Demon's Dragon! –Lv8. Atk 3000."

The Wheel of Fortune surrounded itself by a pillar of fire, high as the sky. When the black dragon was consumed by the ambers, another creature took its place. Red Demon's Dragon had returned.

"Oh! Red Demon's Dragon is back!" continued the MC.

"Tsch!" cursed Andore. "Since battle conditions have changed, I stop the attack." A countermeasure for monsters attack as well? Jack was full of surprises. "By Monoceros ability, I Special Summon Unicorn's Familiar –Lv2. Def 1000 back to the field. I set a card face down. Turn End."

"My turn then. Draw!"

Jack's LP: 3800 SC: 4

Andore's LP: 4000 SC: 4

Two more Trap Cards to go. If Andore was right, the deck's advantage would be suppressed when Jack had no reverse cards on the field. Jack's strategies relied too much on those cards; and since card advantage decreases with time…

However, the little uneasiness on Andore's heart made he wonder if he could live pass that turn. "I want to be able to duel Kyosuke Kiryu," he said to himself as his vision drifted to Team 5D's pit. There he was, the Second and also Last Wheeler, arms crossed, eyes closed. "Just wait."

"Red Demon's Dragon –Atk 3000, attack Thunder Unicorn! –Atk 2200." The dragon dived forward; its entire body overflowing with power. "Absolute Power Force!"

Thunder Unicorn cried and fought, but the terrible dragon crushed the monster in one blow.

Andore's LP: 3200

"I set a card face down. Turn End." Jack lowered his speed until he reached Andore's side. "Come, I know you have much more than that."

Andore smiled. He wondered if his sister was watching him from the hospital and maybe thinking the same thing. Of course I do, he wanted to say; but he had to play as his team had commanded. "Trap Card Open! Parallel Select! When a Synchro Monster is destroyed by my opponent, I can add a Speed Spell that was removed from the game. I add Speed Spell – Speed Energy to my hand. This Trap Card also allows me to draw an extra card from my deck."

"Now we are talking," said Jack as he accelerated.

Let's do this, then. "Draw!"

Jack's LP: 3800 SC: 5

Andore's LP: 3200 SC: 5

Andore looked at his cards. There was no tactic that could defeat Jack Atlas in that turn. However, he could take down his Synchro Monster and inflict considerable damage. "If I do that, I'll be able to duel the Second Wheeler in no time… Jack Atlas, you'll fall by my hand!"

"Then come!" replied Jack. But his words were drowned by the cheers of the crowd.

Andore felt his heart beating furiously. It had been so long since he had such a magnificent duel.

"I summon Unibird –Lv2. Def 200 to the field. By removing this card and another monster from the game, I can Special Summon a Synchro Monster in my Graveyard with a Level less than or equal to the combined Levels of the removed monsters. I remove Unibird –Lv2 and Different Dimension Unicorn Knight –Lv4 from the game! Come forth, Thunder Unicorn! –Lv5. Atk 2200."

"Incredible! Andore's Ace Monster is back again! What is he planning?" interrupted the MC, as loud as he could.

"I activate Thunder Unicorn ability. Once per turn I can lower the Attack of Red Demon's Dragon by 500 for every monster I control except itself. I control Unicorn Familiar, so your dragon looses 500 Attack points! Go, Thunder Unicorn, Static Field!"

Thunder Unicorn raised it horn, and from it a blinding light surged the field, lowering Red Demon's Dragon –Atk 2500 attack.

"Still, my Red Demon's Dragon is far more powerful than your monster."

Wait and see. "I activate Speed Spell – Speed Energy. If I have 2 or more Speed Counters, I can select a monster from my field and increase its Attack by 200 for every Speed Counters I have. Right now, my Speed Counters are 5. So, I add 1000 to Thunder Unicorn –Atk 3200 Attack!"

"Impossible!" cried Jack.

Alexa-neesan, Kyosuke-san, I'm a step closer now. I may not need that new monster that the man gave us after all. "I attack Red Demon's Dragon –Atk 2500 with Thunder Unicorn! –Atk 3200. Thunder Spear!"

Andore's monster charged with incredible speed; its whole body as white as lighting. It pierced the dragon with easy. Jack's monster arched and cried, disappearing along the continuous card.

Jack's LP: 3100

"Reverse Card Open!" retorted Jack as the card appeared; a blue and red and white wave were on it. "Shock Wave! If I have less Life Points than my opponent, I can destroy a monster on the field and inflict damage to both players equal to the Attack of that monster!"

Andore shook his head. No… Don't tell me…

"I destroy Thunder Unicorn! –Atk 3200."

Those were 3200 points of damage to both players. That mean…

Jack's LP: 0

Andore's LP: 0

…Jack Atlas had planned this from the start. He led me to believe that a strong monster would be the only thing I would need to defeat him…

…It was as the man in white had said. I have been totally outplayed…

The crowd rose from their seats; all in utter silence. They could not believe what had just happed. "A DOBLE K.O! WHAT IS GOING ON?" The MC was the only who escaped the confusion.

Well, first of all: Sorry I didn't answer every single review as I was used to. I'm about to leave to a little holiday and I wanted to finish this chapter before leaving.

Second, I'M SO SORRY I disappeared during January. I was at my father's house in the countryside and there, well, Internet was kind of limited.

Anyway, thanks a lot to everyone who reviewed, added this fanfic to Favorites or Story Alert, and the ones who sent me PMs. Thanks, I didn't know you liked the story so much :)

Ok, now to the chapter: Maybe it had came as a surprise, but I decided to add Andore as one of the POV (I don't know if he will come back as one though). It was him or Jack, but after so much thought, I confess I knew little of what Jack is really thinking so I couldn't write his personality as I wanted.

As you could tell, next chapter will be the second part of the first match against Team Unicorn. I hope Kiryu can handle both Breo and Jean. Wait for a Misty POV with quite much love in it... Also, after that chapter, I'll resume Yusei's side of the story and his next encounter with a broken Sherry.

Also, we are reaching the last episodes of 5D's. I wonder if I could ever see Placido again. Well, I like Aporia, but Placido was far better.