"Yusei, you bastard!" Jack was holding Yusei in the air with both hands. "Say that again!"

"Jack!" Crow came rushing from the back yard at the first shout. He jumped over Jack and tried to free Yusei. "What are you doing, Jack? It's Yusei!"

"He is not Yusei, you bastard! He would not dare to betray us!"

"Jack, what are you talking about?" Crow managed to free Yusei from Jack's grasp. Yusei fell to the ground with a sound. He didn't stand nor raise his head.

"Tell him, Yusei! Tell him what you said to me!" Jack made a fist and went for round two. Crow stepped in between. "Move out, you bastard! This is between me and him."

"Like hell I would do that," he looked at Yusei. "Yusei, what is happening?" asked Crow. Yusei didn't answer. He kept his head down and his hands on his throat, easing the pain. "Yusei! Answer me!"

"He is moving out, quitting Team 5D's," said Jack.

"What? No. No. That's impossible. Yusei, that is a lie, right?"

Yusei kept silent. He raised his head and looked at Jack and then at Crow. Then he nodded his head.

"Yusei…" Crow said, his eyes looking elsewhere.

"I'll be going now," Yusei said. "Someone is waiting for me. I just wanted to let you know," he looked a Crow. When he glared back, Yusei lowered his head. "Tell Bruno that. And Rua and Ruka. Tell Aki as well." He took a disk on the table and went to the door.

"You bastard! Don't ever come again here! A friend doesn't betray other friends!" Jack was holding his helmet with anger and hitting the table with the free hand.

"Yusei. Please. What's happening? Don't go, Yusei," Crow tried again. He was just happy a moment ago when working on his D-Wheel on the back and waiting for Yusei to come home. What was happening?

"I'm sorry, Jack. I'm sorry, Crow," Yusei said, opening the door. "Tell Bruno that I'm sorry toot. And Rua and Ruka. Tell Aki as well."

"If you walk other step, don't bother coming back!" That was the last warning. Jack's patience was at its limits. If it weren't for Crow, he would have putted some senses in Yusei. "You heard me, Yusei?"

Yusei didn't even look at him. He walked anyway, closing the door after leaving.

Outside his D-Wheel was waiting for him. The red motorcycle looked as broken as him. Yusei sighted. He took his helmet and sat on the D-Wheel, using his hand to erase his tears. "I'm sorry, everyone. I can't tell you more. I wish you can forgive me." He started the engine and set off for New Domino City.

In his head was "that look" on Jack's face and the words that he left in Crow's mouth. "No. I can't think about them now. I've made my decision…" His struggled with his every word. Wasn't he questioning his own resolve? "Bruno. Rua. Ruka. Aki" He imagined every face as he started to accelerate. He didn't want to leave them alone. "But I've made my mine. I can't back down now!" However, the images kept coming, and every time he blinked, another face would fill his thoughts.

"Yusei." Someone said something. A woman's voice, but he didn't care. "Yusei. Do you hear me?" The voice repeated, closer now. Was that voice talking to him? He wondered. "Yusei! Lower your speed!" Was the voice in his mind? Maybe, he said to himself. He accelerated the engine, whishing to get rid of the voice; to leave him alone with his grief and his tears. "Yusei!"

And suddenly the voice was no more; the speed only his world now. In a moment all was transformed. The lines and the colors were beautiful, the sound and the air refreshing, the sights just breath-taking. Yusei found himself at ease for the first time. Was the Speed World ever this magnificent? He asked himself, wondering why he was crying a moment ago. He wiped his tears. Why was that? What was the reason to enter the world of speed in the first place? Maybe he was feeling alone a moment ago. Maybe he had a fight with someone who he cared about. Maybe he found out a terrible secret and wanted to help that person. Maybe…

And then he saw it, right in front of him. He saw a little blonde girl on the road, holding a Teddy Bear in her tiny arms. "Damn!" He was too fast, unable to avoid her. "Get out!" He cried. The girl dropped the bear and watched as the D-Wheel approached her. "I can make it!" He pulled all his weight to one side and his D-Wheel followed at incredible speed.

He felt the D-Wheel losing control. "Damn! The girl!" He tried to close his eyes, but it didn't matter. He could still see the golden hair flowing as he fell to the ground.

This is my first Yu-Gi-Oh 5D's fic as well as my first time doing it in english, so I accept criticism about gramatical errors and the sorts.

Stay tuned for chapter 2