I, Sonny Monroe, just found out I had leukemia. The doctor just explained all of my options. I could either have chemotherapy or die when the disease spreads. I looked over at my mom. She had tears overflowing her eyes and running down her cheeks. I reached over and grabbed her for a hug. "It is okay, God's just testing how strong I am." I said and I sobbed into my mom's shirt. She pulled away giving me a kiss on her forehead.

"You are the reason I get up every morning. You have to fight and stay strong for mom. I can't lose you." Her voice cracked a few times before kissing me on the cheek.

All the tears somehow dried from my eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere without you." I smiled and told the doctor I wanted to try the chemotherapy. He told me I would be sick for almost the entire treatment and I would be weak. He also informed me that I would most likely lose all of my hair.

"It's okay, it's just hair." I replied smiling at my mom. She looked at me with admiration in her eyes.

"So we are going to have you scheduled for chemo in two weeks. From then you will receive treatment every three weeks for six months. On you last treatment we will wait a week and then check your progress. There is no definite guarantee that this will work, but we will try our hardest." He smiled at me and then bid me a goodbye. I grabbed my mom's hand and walked out of the office with my head held high.

"Mom, I am going to the studio. I have some people that I need to tell. I'll catch up with you later?" I asked and smiled after she gave one final squeeze to my hand and nodded.

I walked the short walk to the studio. I tried to get a conversation started in my head. I frowned when I couldn't picture what they might say. "Guys, can I talk to you?" They all looked up and nodded.

"Sure, Sonny, what's on your mind?" Nico asked as he came over to me and put his arm around me. I smiled at his gesture and sighed realizing what news I was about to give.

"I went to the doctor today." They all nodded for me to continue. Tawni was the most anxious because she was the one who notice the difference. "I have stage two leukemia." I mumbled silently praying that they didn't hear. Of course, when they gasped I knew they did. I looked up to see each one of my cast mates in tears. "It's okay though. I am going to take the chemo treatments. I am going to get better I promise." I looked each of them in the eyes separately. They nodded their head with tears still flowing down their cheeks in a rhythmic pattern. I couldn't blame them though. If it was one of them, I would be a wreck. I opened my arms and allowed them to walk into them.

"I'm so sorry Sonny." Tawni whispered into my left ear.

I let go of them and smiled at her. "Don't be sorry, it is just a test that I know I'll pass." I said confidently. I knew this disease had nothing on me. I knew if I tackled it head on, I would survive with flying colors. After an hour of talking about random things, I ask if they minded if I left. The said no and nearly pushed me out the door. I guess they knew where I was going.

I strolled down the hallways that led to studio 2. I was going to see my boyfriend of two months. After a misunderstanding, we began dating. He wasn't the overprotective type. He was the type that knew me well, he knew when something was wrong, and he knew whether or not to hug me when I was crying. But most of all, he knew what to say when I needed to talk.

"What's wrong?" He asked, sensing something was up. I sighed and looked up into his eyes. I leaned in and kissed him with all my power, knowing that my next statement might change everything.

"I have leukemia." I whispered looking down. "I am going to take the chemo treatment but there is no guarantee that it will work." he placed a finger underneath my chin and forced me to look straight into his eyes.

"I love you." Was all he said. He pulled me to his chest and held me there. I'm not sure how long we were there, but my legs began to scream out in pain. Chad gently walked us over to the couch, still attached. "Are you afraid?" He whispered in my ears.

I shook my head. "I'm not afraid of dying, everyone has to. I am afraid of not having enough time. Sometimes I wish I had an endless supply of it. I know that if I did then I could do whatever I wanted." I sighed as tears fell down my face. I knew that I would have to start chemo soon but I knew Chad would be with me every step of the way. "I love you." I said as I kissed his hand. He held me in his lap as I fell asleep, dreaming of the future. I guess when they say 'a dream is a wish your heart makes while you fast asleep' was right. I wanted to live to see the future. I wanted to grow gray with Chad and I wanted to have kids. I knew I would have to fight for this, but it was a fight I was willing to make.

A/N: Tell me what you think. I don't know if I should keep this as a one-shot or continue it as a multi-chapter. Review and tell me what you think! J