Johnny Gat kicked a STAG operative between the legs, then finished him off with a bullet to the head. Behind him, Oleg, Pierce, and the Boss shot wildly at both STAG and Luchadores.
"I know they've got a lot of people," Gat began. "But this is fucking ridiculous."
Oleg grabbed a Luchadore by the head, and threw him into a trio of his fellow wrestlers. "I would have thought the famous Johnny Gat would be enjoying shedding blood?"
"I'm not getting younger, big man."
"Got that right," Pierce replied.
"Less talking and more shooting," the Boss yelled. "The sooner we're done with these losers, the faster we can get back to Stilwater."
Gat turned to him. "What, you got something important back home?"
Before he could answer, his phone began vibrating. "Sup?"
"Killbane's planning on leaving Steelport!" Angel exclaimed.
"What!" The Boss yelled.
"He's at the airport, there isn't much Time!"
"But what about-"
"No, I can't let him win! We can't let him win!" Angel cried.
"Just hold on a sec!" His phone had beeped, signaling that he had another Call.
"Hello, Saint," a woman's voice greeted.
"Kia, how's my favorite psycho commando doing?" the Boss asked with heavy sarcasm. "Why don't you just fuck off and hook us on probation."
"That won't solve anything. People need to wake up to the death and violence you bring. Once the Steelport statue gets blown to hell, your true colors will be shown."
"Listen hon, we Saints may have done a lot of shit, but we aren't domestic terrorists."
"I don't think anyone will believe anything you say when they find Mikaela, Shaundi, and Viola's bodies in the wreckage. See you soon."
She hung up. The Boss was filled with such rage that he began squeezing the phone he held, breaking it into pieces.
"Fuck Killbane!' Pierce exclaimed. "he ain't losing our girls. You can't let Shaundi die! Hell, you can't let your own daughter die!"
Still unsure about his choice, the Boss turned to Oleg.
"If you let Killbane escape, everything they have worked for would be for nothing," Oleg explained. "I am sorry, but it is either Killbane escaping or your daughter dying."
"Fuck that!" Gat said. "You get that STAG ho, I'll help Angel take care of Killbane."
At the penthouse apartment, dozens of Saints were fighting off both STAG and Luchadores. Callie shot a Luchadore specialist, then stabbed a STAG trooper that came too close to her. Nearby, a dozen commandos surrounded Mike. A few seconds later, there were twelve new cadavers.
"Don't these fuckers know when to quit?" Mike asked. "I know these military types are dedicated, but come on!"
"That's what you get for joining the army," Callie answered back, kicking an oncoming STAG between the legs. "Getting kicked in the balls." She felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. She took it out and read the screen. "Just got a message from Nikki. Gat wants us to meet him and Angel over at the airport. With Killbane's mask."
"What for?"
She didn't reply. Callie dialed into her phone, and answered, "Donnie, get my car ready. And bring the mask."
The Boss was on a rampage. He went butchered his way through anyone in his way, leaving behind a blood soaked trail of broken bodies. Kinzie was waiting for them, holding the Sonic Cannon the Boss stole from STAG.
"Talk to me, Kinzie," The Boss said.
"They're keeping Mikaela, Viola, Shaundi, and Mayor Reynolds under the statue," She stated. "And they've set up charges all over the base."
"We'll I guess someone's gonna have to get rid of em'."
"You're not a walking Deus Ex Machina!" Kinzie handing the Sonic Cannon to the Boss. "You'll need to use this to knock the explosives away from the statue"
"What about you?"
"I'll be watching from the surveillance monitors," Kinzie gave both Saints a hard look. "So don't you dare screw up, or I'll see…"
By the time they arrived at the airport, everything was done. Killbane's plane was destroyed, his Luchadores dead, and Killbane himself was held at gunpoint by Nikki and Jenny. Gat and Angel were standing nearby. Callie got out of her car, and ran over to them. Mike and Donnie followed suit.
"Got the mask?" Gat asked.
"Right here," she said, pulling it out of her pocket. "But what do you need it for?"
"It's not for me." He took the mask, and handed it to Angel. "It's for him."
Angel turned to Killbane, who didn't meet his gaze. He grabbed his former friend by the collar, so he could look him in the eyes. "For years, I lived in disgrace and shame while you lived in fame and luxury. The first time we fought, you cheated. The second, you sicked your Luchadores on me. Now there's only me and you." He gestured to the twins, and they backed off. "I want to finish this once and for all."
Angel threw the mask before Killbane, and put on his own. Killbane stood up, and put his mask on as well.
"What about them?" Killbane asked, putting his mask on. "How do I know you won't sick your little Saints friends?"
"Cause we aren't cheating bastards like you," Jenny called out.
"That's right!" Nikki added.
"So let's finish this," Angel said, raising his fists.
Killbane raised his right fist, but Angel dodged and punched his abdomen. Just as everyone knew he would, Killbane cheated by kicking Angel in the groin. But Angel took the pain, and punched him hard in the face. They continued to spar for a few minutes, absorbing and delivering pain. Killbane noticed that Angel was beginning to tire, and delivered a rapid succession of punches that drove the Saint to the ground. He tried to get up, but Killbane kept at it, kicking him. All the while, the Saints just stood watching.
"Shouldn't we do something?" Mike asked.
"It's Angel's fight," Gat said. "They guy's been obsessed with this, so now he's getting it."
"What if he gets-" Mike stopped when he saw Angel getting up and knocking Killbane to the ground. "Never mind."
Angel took a few steps back, then body slammed on him. When Killbane tired to stand up, Angel had him in a choke hold, and just as Killbane did to him years ago, Angel took his mask off.
"There," he said, kicking Killbane onto the ground. "Now we're even.'
"Ok, you got your revenge," Gat said. "Now let's waste him." Gat pulled out his gun and aimed it at Killbane's head.
"No!" he begged. He got down on his knees and gripped Gat's let. "Please, no! Don't finish me! I'm just an entertainer of the mindless masses!"
"Trying to kill us wasn't entertainment, you fuck!"
"Please don't!"
Gat turned to Angel. "What do you think?"
Angel shrugged. "I already redeemed myself. I say spare him."
Gat sighed heavily. "Fine." He holstered his gun. "Guess it's your lucky day, Pryor."
Killbane stood up, eyes wide. "So what am I supposed to do now?"
"I don't fucking know."
"You can't just leave me here!"
"Dad, why not let him join the Saints?" Jenny suggested.
"It'd be better than letting him run loose," Nikki added. "I mean, look at Donnie here. He was with the Rollerz and Brotherhood, and look how he turned out."
Gat turned to Donnie, who was smoking a joint. Nikki had a point. It was better to keep Killbane on a short leash than let him run free.
"Alright," Gat said. "Pryor, as of today, you ain't a Luchadore anymore. You're a Saint now."
"You mean you're sparing me?" he asked. "Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!"
"But you don't get in just like that. You gotta get canonized."
Before he could ask, the group was on Killbane, punching and kicking him mercilessly.
The Boss blew the last bomb away from the statue, then used the cannon to blow off the last STAG soldier. He quickly ran up the stairs, only to be confronted by a shocking sight. Viola, Shaundi, and the Mayor were all hogtied, while Kia held Mikaela in a chokehold, aiming her Viper laser rifle at the two Saints. Seeing his child held hostage, the Boss was about to charge forward when Kia shot at the Boss' feet.
"I'm surprised you came," Kia said with malice.
"No one fucks with my daughter!" the Boss yelled. "or my Crew!"
"Really? Lin, Carlos, Aisha, what about them? And you almost let Johnny get killed."
"Those grenades should buy you some time," Viola called out.
Kia started shooting at him. The Boss took cover behind a crate, grabbed one of the strange grenades, and threw it at Kia. Unable to stand the horrific smell, Kia let go of Mikaela, giving the Boss the edge he needed. He finished off the commando with a head shot. The Boss gripped Mikaela in a tight hug.
"Don't you ever scare me like that again," he said. Letting go, the Boss quickly untied the others.
An hour later, dozens of reporters came as soon as the Saints reached the base of the statue, mobbing them with questions. A helicopter landed nearby, and an angry Monica Hughes stormed out of it.
"Let's go home," the Boss said.
After saying that, the Saints found themselves surrounded by Cyrus and a dozen commandos.
"Hold it right there," the STAG commander said.
Mikaela glared at him. "Unless the next words that come out of your mouth are thank you, then we've got a big problem."
"She has a point, commander," Monica said. "Like it or not, the Saints are heroes."
"Are you shitting me lady?"
"You declared Martial Law and knocked down half the city! They just saved a treasured monument so who the fuck the public will side with?" The senator turned to the mod of reporters. "Yes I can answer any questions!"
The Saints started walking until Cyrus grabbed the Boss's arm.
"They can give you the key to the goddamn city," he began. "but if you screw up STAG is gonna put you down."
"Love you too, Cyrus," the Boss said.
As they left, Mikaela stopped and walked over to Cyrus. She slapped him then kicked him in the balls. He got down to his knees and screamed in pain.
"Kidnap me again," she warned. "And I'll have your other grandkids run over by monster trucks!" She ran back over the Saints, who were shocked.
"Umm…nicely threatened?" Viola said, in a frightened tone.
"And what did you mean other grandkids run over by monster trucks?" Shaundi asked.
"I had Kinzie do some digging after Cyrus made that speech about Jessica," the Boss explained. "Turns out he's her grandfather. Which explains why he's so fixated on us."
"So now what? Go back to Stilwater?"
The Boss smiled. "Not yet."
Stilwater High School
"So what do you think that bitch wants now?" Callie asked.
"Maybe she's still upset about me snatching her vodka," Mike said.
Callie rolled her eyes and sighed. "Mike, when are you ever going to learn."
They reached the principal's office, and opened the door. Sitting behind the desk with a stern look was none other than Principal DeWynter. The two Saints took their usual seat whenever they were called over.
"Do you know why you're here?" she asked.
Mike shrugged. "No one knows why we're here. It's a question that's been asked by dozens of philosophers for thousands of years. What's our propose? Our reason for existence?"
The Principal sighed. "No, Michael, what I mean is do you know why you and your sister were called over here to this office?"
Callie stood up and yelled, "Listen, bitch! I don't have to take crap from…don't have to take shit from…fuck! Line!"
"Take five!" the director called out. He walked over to Callie and lay a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't take it too hard, kid. Just try to get it through your head."
She nodded, and the director walked away. Callie turned to Mike and Viola. "Umm…sorry."
"Ah, don't worry about it," Mike said.
"You're doing much better than the Boss is," Viola said. "Believe me, he needs help."