An: a very short hp/KHR! Fanfic I wrote during class. ummm, Xanxus, Tsuna and Lambo are working at Hogwarts when the guardians come to drag Tsuna back home. Idk if ill continue it so think of it as a oneshot.

Tsuna looked up from his desk during defense against the dark arts to see his guardians walking through the courtyard and into the castle. He thanked the gods for the good fortune of having huge windows with a view of outside in his classroom.

Even if it is drag when the lectures get boring; Although Tsuna tries to make them as interesting as possible. If he notices distractions he uses the teaching methods used on him by Reborn to get the class back in order.

He stood quickly and pointed his wand at the door locking it and making multiple chairs toss their student and jump to the door creating a blockade. He thanked the gods once again. this time for his ability to be able to use a wand with no spells. Actually his dying will would be the one to thank for that.

Tsuna then proceeded to freak out; and ignore the concerned glances from his students. He took his Vongola ring from his necklace and put it on his middle finger. He took a moment to compose himself before releasing his X-Gloves and Nuts in the process. Nuts looked around excitedly, obviously excited to see his friends, a lot more excited than Tsuna. He looked his student over who were now looking at him with awe filled eyes.

He contemplated his future at Hogwarts a moment before the door burst open with Hibari leading the attack. Reborn moved him out of the way and into the front lines.

"Tsunayoshi, it seems you have been a very bad boy." Lambo came from behind him obviously scared witless.

"Tsu-kun! They found us!" he ran to Tsuna who put him, behind him.

"What do you want?" sensing a threat his Gryffindor students were up and pointing wands; thinking that these men were after Tsuna.

After two months in Hogwarts Tsuna, Xanxus and Lambo had built a reputation of respect, protectiveness, and weirdness. Some believed the tree of them were seeking refuge from Azkaban and McGonagall had let them in. others thought of the older two as retired Aurors and Lambo as their adopted son; Although that theory is only shared mutually through the girls of raven claw, and Gryffindor.

"Come home Tsuna, it's been almost four months, we miss you." Yamamoto had mood forward to look Tsuna in the eye. Tsuna sighed as he took in his haggard appearance. To all but a few he would seem normal. To Tsuna he looked tired guilty and like he could really use a drink.

"I can't come home now." Tsuna took in the shocked faces of his students who had come to the mutual agreement of protecting Tsuna. Although they did look confused at the turn of events.

"Uni misses you. We all miss our sky. You're not meant to be a babysitter, you're meant to lead us and we want you back."

"I said I would be back for Christmas Gokudera." Gokudera looked at him crest fallen and frowned. "Is that why you are here?" he frowned not at all willing to release information in front of all the outsiders.

"Actually, we were trying to pull through to Christmas when we noticed that the base was umm, acting up. Also some other famiglias are starting to think you're dead." He cringed at the last part. That's when Tsuna realized he needed to let his family they were still his number one priority.

"I love you all, but I can't leave. Not yet at least."

Tsuna looked up at Xanxus who was sipping an espresso and reading the daily prophet. His glasses hanging low off his nose and his white dress shirt partially open to show his smooth chest.

"Sometimes I think were too Italian for our own good." Said Tsuna from next to him; his English smooth, deep and flawless yet slightly marred by his Italian accent were he pronounced certain words wrong.

"I don't know what you mean." Xanxus looked at him smirking. "You say it like it's a bad thing."

"It's not, I just feel slightly stereotypical."

"They are still here you know, I hear they leave today." Said Xanxus changing the subject,

"Yes I know, but they have to leave. Although I'll talk to them and tell them what they need to hear beforehand."

"Thus is the life of a boss, the Varia is fine right now by the way, but I have heard they are getting sloppy at home. They will be hearing from me once I get out of this fucking school." Tsuna smiled.

"Alright so, I hear a rumor that people think Lambo is our child." Xanxus growled and looked at Tsuna who was innocently taking a sip of his coffee.

"If that cow is our child, I will personally shoot myself. I would rather have a wimpy son like Fuuta. Not Lambo, he's too fucking crazy."

"Like his father~" Tsuna sighed wistfully and put his head on his hand mockingly.

"Little fucker I'm going to kick your ass."

"I hear my students are planning to stand a united front against my guardians." That caused Xanxus to pause and look him in the eye.

"Why is it you can still inspire such single minded loyalty."

"Must be something in the water,"