Hey. ;)

This is my first fanfic ever. So I'm really excited to see, if anyone out there will like it.

Please let me know. I'll love to hear. :)

Chapter one.

Hikaru ran his hand through his orange brown hair, and felt how he got more and more nervous. Him and Haruhi stood alone on top off a hill, and looked at the horizon. She looked so beautiful in the light from the sunset.

Her short hair swung around her cheekbones, and her white dress fluttered around her long legs. It took his breath away.

"I have never seen something so beautiful!" Haruhi said and stared at the sunset.

"Me neither!" Hikaru exclaimed, but he wasn't talking about the sunset. He actually didn't look much at it.

"Maybe we should get the others, I want them to see it too!" She said, and a dazing smile lit upon her face. Hikaru had to look away. Why did she do this to him, couldn't she realize how she affected him?

"Well…?" She said and tried to look him in the eyes.

"Um" Hikaru mumbled.

"I'll just go get them!" Haruhi said and was about to leave. But in that moment Hikaru gripped her hand.

"Wha-" She began, but Hikaru lifted a finger, to make her silent.

"Haruhi!" He began and finally took her gaze.

She tilted her head and looked him in the eyes. A light red began to spread in Hikaru's cheeks. She looked so cute!

He shook his head and tried to gain sense back.

"I really like you!" He said and tried to sound strong.

"I like you too… you're a good friend!" She said and gave him a little smile.

"Oh… friend…" He said and let go of her arm, "That wasn't what I meant!"

"Then what did you mean?" She said and stepped a little closer.

Hikaru stepped a little closer too and his head began to spin when he smelled her scent. His courage began to build, and he held her dazing gaze.

"I … Love you!" He whispered.

"Oh Hikaru!" Haruhi said and took his hand, "I love you too!"

Hikaru smiled and couldn't stop looking at her pretty face. Her cheeks had gotten a bit off red in them and he just wanted to embrace her and never let go again.

She closed her eyes and he knew what she wanted. His heart pumped in his chest, when he leaned a little forward. His lips were centimeters from her, when an annoying voice broke through.

"HIKARU!" It said, "WAKE UP!"

Hikaru's eyes shout open, and a flow off disappointment ran through him. He had been dreaming.

Kaoru stared down at him.

"We're going to be late!" He said and handed the school uniform to his identical brother. Hikaru received it with a moan.

"What's wrong?" Kaoru asked confussed. He could read Hikaru like an open book.

"I had a … good dream!" Hikaru mumbled.

"About Haruhi!" Kaoru said. It wasn't a question, but a determination.

Hikaru felt his cheeks get warm.

"Don't get embarrassed … It's just me you're talking to!" Kaoru mumbled.

"I can't help it!" Hikaru said, "Every time she gets too close - or look cute, I just randomly blush… I have never blushed over a girl before!"

"Did she come close and looked cute in your dream?" Kaoru asked.

"Yeah… she did!" Hikaru mumbled and had to look away again. Kaoru made a little laugh in disappointment.

"Oh Hikaru," He began, "Why do you keep torturing yourself? Just ask her out again. She'll never know what you feel if you don't tell her… and soon, because I think Tamaki have a crush on her too!"

"I know!" Hikaru said and made an angrily face.

"Tell her today!" Kaoru demanded, "We're in the same class, Hikaru … pull her away somehow!"

Hikaru didn't answer. He knew Kaoru was right, he had to act fast.

The brown haired girl rushed through the streets, wearing a boys uniform. She was so late, and her father didn't own a car. Her books slammed against her back, and it was starting to hurt a bit, but she didn't have time to care about that.

Haruhi Fujioka. She was an honor student on Ouran high school. She had always put her homework first. She was smart. She knew she was smart, but she also knew that her grades were dropping … a lot.

She knew that she speeded too much time with her club. The Ouran Host club. She sighted. It wasn't really her fault; she had been dragged into that club, against her will.

She didn't have anything against the Host club, not at all, she loved all her friends there. She just found it, very time participating to be there.

Finally she could see the school. She was totally out of breath.

She had to rest by the door. She had gained a little time before class started, so she didn't have to run anymore, but she would have to, if she didn't start walking.

"Haruhi?" A familiar voice said behind her.

"What Sempai!" She said (I didn't know if it spells 'Sempai' or 'Senpai', but bear with me). She turned to look at the blond male that were sending her a great smile, witch would have made any other girl at school melt.

"You don't use to be late!" He said questioning.

"I know," She just said, unable to say a long sentence, because of the run.

"Do you want me to walk you to class?" Tamaki asked.

"No, then you'll be late for your class" Haruhi said and straighten up. Tamaki looked at her in disappointment. She was so cute and independent.

"I'll see you after class then!" He said and smiled.

"Yeah…" Haruhi answered and smiled a little. But even though it was a little smile, it made Tamaki's heart skip a beat. He was grateful that Haruhi wore boy's clothes, or else every male at the school would have tried to get her.

Haruhi gave him one last glare and then she went off. She liked Tamaki a lot; she didn't doubt that he would be there for her, whenever she needed him.

But of course she was sure that all from the host club, would be there for her. She smiled to herself. She hadn't felt this wanted, since Arai in middle school.

She thought about all the friends she had made in the host club. Tamaki of course. Mori-sempai, Honey-sempai, Kyouya-sempai, Hikaru and Kaoru.

She stopped in the middle of the hall. She had felt weird around Hikaru since the date. But she hadn't talked with him about it, he would just think she was crazy. She felt weird around him, like he was different from all the other guys she was around. Haruhi shook her head, and hurried to class.

It's not that long, but i'm just getting started. :)

Please review and tell me if I should continue... I really don't know.