Disclaimer: I don't own. Yadda yadda yadda. Boom. Done

I died for so long. And yet here it is. Why? Get to the end of the chapter and I will tell you why.

Battle Royal

How cold this of have been possible? This day could not have gone any better and then it just had to be ruined by this single man. A single man made the best day completely shift. A cosmic shift. And Rhyme hated it.

This is how wars started. One thing can cause a shift and all of a sudden their are over six million dead in Europe.

Okay, well, Rhyme was going to kill anyone, she wasn't that type of person. Hell, she could barely stand horror or violent video games. They drove her insane. Gave her nightmares for months, even if it was just a ten-minute watching period.

But the point was, that Sho Minamimoto was going to be in her last period class, and Rhyme was not excited.

"Are you kidding me right now?" she spat angrily as she grabbed her books, her bag and her lunch and spat; yes, actually spat at Sho's face and then left. She was going to deal with him.

"Yo, where are you going? Lunch doesn't end for ten minutes!" Beat exclaimed as he watched the young blonde storm off without saying a word.

It was almost an iconic moment. Sometimes the new girl gets destroyed her first day of school, or sometimes she becomes the greatest person in all of about two hours and everyone is in love with her. Rhyme had a mixture of both. She had a few new people she could easily claim as 'going to be friends', and then a few people that could walk into her life and completely destroy it.

But that wasn't the kicker. The kicker was that Rhyme quietly moved her way into the bathroom, opened up the largest stall, locked it, pushed herself up onto the window sill and finished her lunch. Yes, she was having lunch in the bathroom.

And that is when the near movie-like scenario hit. What was going to happen next? She would save the school, get the man of her dreams and live happily ever after? She didn't have a man of her dreams, she didn't have a girl of her dreams. There was no place for someone that could be a love interest to get in the way in her dreams. She didn't want a love life. That's right, a thirteen year old girl that didn't give a crap about boys or being in 'love'.

No. She wanted to go into theater, maybe do more marching band. Hell, she'd be stoked even if she went and worked at a store that couldn't be far enough away from Sho Minamimoto. She hated him. She didn't even know him and she hated him.

Well, her lunch was gone. She quickly pulled out her phone to check the time. Three minutes left of lunch. Well, she'd have to face the beast in the face even if she didn't want to.

Maybe, just maybe, if the stars aligned and the Pluto became a planet again, there would be something that could change her school year for the better. Maybe a school musical, or maybe she could join marching band late! Anything that could make her year just a little better.

The bell rang and Rhyme put her lunchbox back into her bag and pulled out her schedule and map. Next class was technically Algebra II, but it was still a math class, and it still had Sho Minamimoto.

When she walked out of the bathroom, oh and behold, her favourite person was there. Three guesses who and the first two don't count.

"Why are you here?" Rhyme spat, frowning at the taller male. "I have to deal with you for the next two hours, I don't want to deal with you for the next five minutes and walking at the same time. I don't think I could multitask like that."

Without another word, Rhyme began to storm off, staring down at her map. Though she didn't hear the footsteps behind her, she did feel the rough hand grab her upper arm and pull her into a small locker corner and shove her against the wall.

Bright blue eyes met with shining golden ones. There was the same cosmic shift. The same power that made one man turn evil and start a war. The blue eyes could almost hear the flames and fires and shots going off. She could hear the screams of the innocent, and the laughter of the wicked.

"This is my school, you zetta digit," the gold eyes flared. Fires of hatred, flames of evil. "And if you think that for one second, for one millisecond that you can take it and over run me. Then you're wrong. There is no chance that you will win this. No chance."

"I don't want to take over," the blue eyes managed. She was the innocent, attempting to through water on the flames. Trying to hide behind buildings or rocks, or the underground.

The gold eyes set a flame again, pushing the smaller frame harder against the lockers and let out a soft growl. He let go, and watched to girl drop ho hold the area the man grabbed her and watched her walk off.

The shift had happened. Two worlds collided. Fires began, and there was no more water to put them out.

Yes. This was war. A violent, merciless war. And Rhyme was going to be the six million murdered. No. Scratch that. She was going to be slaughtered. Slaughtered by one man, and there was nothing she could do. She had no back-up. No American troops to call.

Rhyme held her breath, feeling tears well up in her eyes. She looked up to see Sho almost all the way down the hall, and before he turned, his head twisted to look over his shoulder, and their eyes met.

Even from the a distant, the two worlds collided again. War had begun, and Rhyme knew that Sho was not going to back off. The golden eyes turned forward once more and rounded the bend.

It took the shrill sound of the late bell to awaken Rhyme from her paralyzed state. She was going to have to go into a room with him. She would need to. How could she? She didn't even know. It took her entire being to push herself up, look down at the map and find the room she needed to go to.

Rhyme, for a moment, couldn't tell if she was walking fast, slow, or if she was gliding over the floor, but the walls around her blurred.

Sho wasn't joking around, and Rhyme didn't know what to do. She could go to Mr. H, but she didn't know if that would solve the problem. She could ask Beat to be her personal body guard, but she didn't know if those two were friends, and she didn't want to pull a WWI, with the ally system.

She'd have to face the war alone. And that's what made her fear for her life.

"Miss... Winder?" a voice made Rhyme look up. She had reached the math room. How did that happen?

"Yes," Rhyme said slowly, almost dumbly. "But, it's pronounced like the wind, sir. Not a spring."

"Right right, I'll make a note of that," he stated softly. Mr. Oiji was his name, wasn't it? Rhyme was having a hard time remembering. "Now, is there a reason why you're six minutes late?"

"I... well," Rhyme began to stutter. Mr. Oiji just cut her off and pointed to her seat. There was a strange aura in the room. The looks she was getting from the other students, combined with the awkward introduction with Mr. Oiji, and the dark stare that Sho was giving her from across the room.

It all felt dark. Rhyme was afraid of the dark. Or at least what her imagination created in the dark to scare her and cause other students to make fun of her. But be honest here, there was no way in hell that there couldn't be something in the basement, at the end of the creepy hallway or behind the door that knocked twice and you didn't answer it, but it kept knocking and even though you kept ignoring it it got louder and louder and louder. But, when you got angry and went to the door to tell them to shutup, right before you open the door, the knocking stops and everything becomes ten times more silent than it was.

Never open that door. Just don't do it. And never say Bloody Mary three times into the mirror with one candle lit. She might just actually pop out of the mirror and rip your eyes out. Just don't do it.

Papers were passed out to all the students, and it was now Sho's turn to take over the class. For a moment, he just began talking. Calling everyone digits and yoctograms, and who knows what else. But that's not what got Rhyme.

What got to her was that there were thirty problems on this page, she only knew how to solve maybe two thirds of them and Sho was giving them half an hour and they'd be graded by what they had finished. But the thing was, that these were definitely problems that would need at least two to five minutes to finish. Not one minute per problem.

So Rhyme began the moment that Sho started the clock. She got down the ones she knew in maybe eight minutes flat. Now she just had to try to figure out the ones that they had been teaching and she didn't know.

"That's wrong," she heard the voice of the devil over her shoulder as the tattoo'd hand touched the edge of her desk.

"Sorry that I haven't been here the last quarter," she snarked back. She watched as the hand gripped the desk just a tiny bit harder, short nails beginning to dig into the wood. A triumphant smirk hit Rhyme's lips, but was soon gone when the hand relaxed and stole her pencil right out of her hands.

The moment that happened, rhyme raised her hand. Mr. Oiji walked over to her and her hand came down.

"Is there something you need?" he asked softly.

"Well, yes actually, a few things," Rhyme began as she watched Sho walk off as if nothing happened. "First, do you think I could come in early or stay late some day so I can catch up? I mean, I just came in today and I don't know what you've been working on. And the other is, is do you think I could have a pencil? It seems I've uhm... suddenly lost mine."

"Stay a little late today so we can work out some dates for you to come in to catch up," Mr. Oiji smiled as he handed her his pencil. "For now, do the ones you know, I won't grade yours since you obviously don't know what most of this is. you can try some if you'd like, but you don't have to worry about it."

Rhyme quietly thanked the teacher and went to work on the last few ones that she thought she could work out, but didn't know. Some of them, when she started to read it, she didn't even touch them. Way out of her league.

"Time's up! Papers forward!" Mr. Oiji said, taking Rhyme's first and placing it on his desk as the other students began pass their papers forward. Some of the students seemed genuinely pleased with their works, others gripping their heads and some just grumbled and groaned.

The bell rang and everyone grabbed their bags and started to head off to the door. Rhyme casually placed her books in her bag and stood by Oiji's desk as he talked with Sho while he grabbed his own supplies.

When sho left, their eyes locked again, his eyes gone dark and glaring at hers. Rhyme forced herself to show no emotion, and just watched him leave.

"So, I can put you in for this Wednesday and Thursday and you can stay after for how long?" Oiji asked as he pulled out his planner.

"I can stay 'till five each day," Rhyme said softly. "My Dad can come pick me up when we're done."

"Perfect. Then I will see you tomorrow."

"Thank you so much Mr, Oiji," Rhyme said with a quick bow as she walked out of the room. Quietly, Rhyme walked through the bustling hallways. Everyone seemed excited it was the end of the day. Rhyme probably couldn't be more happy. After all, she wouldn't have to deal with Sho until tomorrow morning. And then, Rhyme would be with Eri and Nao so she would have some protection.

Rhyme looked at the bus and sighed. She didn't want to go on that thing.

"Hey! Rhyme!" a shout was overheard from above the other voices and the young blonde was soon met up with Eri. "Hey! Didn't you hear me? I was trying to get your attention since we were inside the school!"

"Oh sorry, no," Rhyme smiled softly. "I've had a lot on my mind and with all the talking around and couldn't really hear you."

"Well that's okay," she smiled. "Hey, why don't I drive you home? I mean, you're about to go on the bus I used to, so I assume you live nearby me. What's your address?"

Rhyme was about to blatantly say it before she quickly looked around for the familiar golden eyes trying to peer in. Eri furrowed her brows a bit at the action.

"I live over in Apartment Twenty-three near East," she said. Eri's eyes lit up with excitement.

"Well I'll be damned!" Eri grinned from ear-to-ear. "You live in the building across from mine! Come on! I'll drive you home! You'll have to tell me all about your first day."

Rhyme was glad that Eri was near by. That meant that she'd be able to have a friend near if Sho did something to sabotage her or if she just needed someone near by. That made her feel a little bit better about where she is.

Eri had a... extremely nice car. As in... Lamborghini nice. Red. With white walled tires.

"Woah," Rhyme mustered out.

"Oh yeah," Eri grinned. "My Dad is a top-notch brain surgeon and Mom is a top-notch lawyer. Sooo, I get a really nice first car it seems. I actually wanted a truck. Something to hold all my fashion supplies. This holds by sewing machine if I'm lucky enough. Hop on in!"

Rhyme had to let out a laugh as she opened the door and popped into the passenger seat. They had to wait for the buses to leave before they could head off. The wind felt great on Rhyme's face. A little cold, but great nonetheless.

It was such a new experience.

When Eri mentioned Rhyme's first day of school the young blonde went off. She just went off about how in study hall the right hand and left hand of Joshua almost ate her, how she made more friends in gym and how Sho is a creep and she had to deal with him in her math class. Though, she didn't mention about the war that was about to take place in the school. That was not something to share with anyone just yet.

"Wow," Eri said, catching a red light. "Sounds like you've had your hands fu-"

"Hey sweetheahts!" a voice rang out from next to Eri.

"Eugh... American's," Eri frowned. "Sometimes they're really nice, and then there's these ones."

"Is that your ride or do you need a new one?" one shouted out. "Because I got one that's eight inches and ready to be driven!"

Eight inches? What the hell was he talking about.

"And I got one that's ten!" the other screamed. "You could drive both at the same time baby!"

"Honey please!" Eri yelled back. "I don't drive men! I destroy them!" One man made an audible 'ooooh' to the other. The first man smacked the second in anger.

"Green light," Rhyme said softly. Eri smirked and turned her music up as she pushed down on the gas, burning rubber and speeding off, honking to the two Americans.

"What were those two even talking about?" Rhyme asked softly, looking over her shoulder. Eri quickly grabbed Rhyme's head and made it face front.

"Don't look back, it only encourages them," she said softly. "As to what they were talking about, that's something I don't think I could discuss."

Rhyme only nodded and smiled when the music was turned down and they finally reached their apartments.

"Well, home, sweet home," Eri smiled as she pulled into the parking garage and pulled up the second floor and parked in her respected spot. Quickly, Eri grabbed a small piece of paper and scribble down some near eligible numbers.

"There's my number, text me if you can join me and Nao at Ten-Four," she smiled. "We're leaving at around three." That only gave Rhyme about fourty minutes to get ready. "And we'll probably be back around six. Actually, are your parents home?"

"Yeah," Rhyme nodded. "My Dad is. He's a stay-at-home. Why?"

"It might make sense if I go with you to meet with him to make sure that he knows who you're going with," Eri grinned. "I know that my Dad would flip if I went with someone he didn't know."

"Oh sure!" Rhyme grinned as she grabbed all her stuff and walked Eri up to her Apartment room. She was only on the third floor, so they just walked up. It really wasn't that much for stairs.

When they hit the room, the small blonde quietly pulled out her house key and fumbled a bit, trying to get it in the lock. Her hands were shaking. Why were her hands shaking? Finally getting the door open, Rhyme looked into the studio living area. It smelt like paint, bacon and cleaning solution. Taking her shoes off, Rhyme placed her bag down on the couch near the door and walked in.

"Dad?" she called out. No response. Rhyme frowned. "Daaaddd?" Finally there was a rumble in the bedroom and out came a frumpy-looking English man in loose jeans, half-unbuttoned shirt and a scarf.

"Hey Dad," Rhyme grinned. "Is Pops still working?"

"Eugh..." the man left out. "Yes. He is. Said he won't be home until late. So it's just you and me for dinner tonight. Whaddya want? We don't have health-freak to fear over what we ea-... hello. Who are you? Is this a friend?" there came a small pause. "Is this a girlfriend? Why didn't you tell us? We wouldn have accepted you you kn-"

"N-nooo Dad," Rhyme giggled as she reached up and fluffed her father's scarf. "This is my friend Eri. I met her today in the hallway."

"Well, more like ran into each other," Eri responded with a small laugh as she politely bowed to Rhyme's father. The man smiled and bowed in return.

"My name's James Winder," he said softly. "It's very nice to meet you Eri. I'm so glad you bumped into Rhyme, I wouldn't know what to do if she came home crying about her first day of school!" The man paused again, his eyes widening. "Ah! Where are my manners! Would you like something to drink? Or to eat?"

"Oh no thank you," she began softly. "I just wanted to see if it's alright I take Rhyme here to Ten-Four with me and my girlfriend, if that's alright with you. We'd be back before six, and we won't be leaving until three. I need to go pick my girlfriend up."

"Of course! Of course! What better way to show a newcomer Shibuya none other than a Shibuyan herself?" James laughed, nodding and hugging Rhyme. It was an English thing, Eri could only assume.

"Awesome! Well thank you so much Mr. Winder! I'll be back soon!" Eri quickly bowed before slipping her shoes back. "I'll see you in a bit Rhyme!" Eri grinned ans quietly left.

Rhyme turned to her Dad and smiled.

"What?" he said. "What's that smile about?"

"You're crazy, you know that?" she smiled.

"Well, if I do say so myself, I think I am brilliant," James grinned, ruffling her hair. "So dinner tonight! what will it be?"

"Hmmm..." Rhyme thought for a moment as she pulled out a bottle of water and some of her school books. That was a good question. They could have anything they wanted tonight. It's both a bad and good thing. Bad because sometimes Pops found out, and good because it's whatever they wanted.

"Oh! Bangers and mash! That's what I want!" Rhyme grinned as she pointed to her father. "We haven't had those since last year!"

"Bangers and mash it is!" James said excitedly. "Now go get into something to wear in public. You're not wearing that over-sized potato sack of a school uniform in public. Wear that summer dress we got you last year. And something on your legs too!"

Rhyme smiled as she walked over to her tiny bedroom and pulled out the small dress and a pair of leggings. She'd need something for her arms. Jacket it was. Aaannnddd sneakers. She wasn't going to have her toes freeze on her.

Rhyme also grabbed her all known skull beanie and walked out into the living room, checking the time. She had a couple more minutes.

"Augh..." James began. "You're going to wear that? With all of your cute clothes happening and you chose that beanie?"

"I love it though," Rhyme complained as she pulled it over her ears. "Hey, do you think I could have a bit of money or something?"

James sighed a bit as he pulled out his wallet and handed the small girl about 600 yen.

"There," he said softly. "That should cover any little thing you get. Now go, she'll be here soon and have fun." Rhyme grinned, hugging her father and running out the door.

"Bye Dad!" she yelled as she left.

Down in front of the building, just as she was walking out, came the beautiful car with Eri and Nao in the two front seats. Rhyme grinned as she popped in the back seat and buckled herself in.

"Like," Nao began. "You look super ccuuuutteee~!" Her voice could easily get annoying to anyone, but it seemed okay to Rhyme. She actually didn't mind it all that much. Maybe it was because Nao was a fairly likeable gal.

Eri began to drive as the three of them began talking about classes, soon about fairly famous people, then about the pin rage, and then it turned into a rant fest by the time they hit Ten-Four. It was as if they didn't run out of things to say.

"The next time that Kariya brings in that stupid lollipop and sucks it extremely loudly in my ear, I'm going to take it, throw it across the room and punch him in the face! I swear!"

"Totally! Oh my god, and Uzuki was be, like, so loud again today. She was driving me, like, up a building."

"Wall, Nao. The term is 'driving me up a wall'."

"Oooohh... that's why people give me, like, weird looks when I say that. That makes totes more sense!"

Okay, so maybe Nao wasn't exactly the brightest crayon in the box, but she wasn't the dullest either. She was just... special. In a good way. The three girls just walked around the building, going into all the different shops. Eri ended up getting some accessories that she said would match perfectly with one of the dresses she was making. Nao got two pairs of pants and three tops plus a new pair of hoop earrings. Though the hoop earrings were apparently a late two year anniversary gift from Eri.

Rhyme? She got a cute cell phone charm. The only other thing that caught her eye was a necklace in the same place that Eri got Nao her new earrings. It was a small gold bell charm on a long chain. There was just something about it that made her smile and feel happy inside.

"Limited addition," the clerk smiled. "This is just a sample necklace. Only 1000 will be made. They all come out next week. Interested in buying?"

"O-oh no..." Rhyme smiled sadly. "It's very beautiful, but I don't think I could afford it." Rhyme smiled at the clerk and he smiled in return as the small blonde went back to the other two.

"Hey Eri?" Rhyme began, the redhead looking down at the smaller girl. "If someone were to say, hypothetically, that they were to indirectly start a war with me, what should I do?"

Eri furrowed her brow a bit. She knew these 'hypothetical', or 'my friend' scenario's. She knew it was always the person that was talking. She knew Rhyme got herself into some trouble.

"Who is it? Is it Joshua?" she began, her brow getting deeper. "Is it Sho?"

Rhyme nodded weakly.

"Damn him," she spat. "I'd say go to the principal, but we all know that wouldn't help stop the problem. Mr. H doesn't do anything for the students. Just... just make a pact with someone you know who will protect you, okay? Try and stay away from him."

"Well," Rhyme began softly. "He's in my last period class as the student-teacher. And I really don't want to switch out of that class because Mr. Oiji seems really nice."

"Ah," Eri frowned. "Find a teacher who will help you. And the librarians let anyone stay in the library at any time, as long as they have a book in their hands. Got it?" Rhyme nodded. "So use that place as a go-to if you need to get away from him."

"Oh my god!" Nao perked up, with a big grin on her face. "I, like, almost forgot to tell you Eri! The school play wants you to do costumes again!"

A very long and loud groan came from Eri as he threw her head back.

"What's it this time?" she said, poison lacing her words.

"It's Romeo and Juliet! They want you to-"

"I love that play!" Rhyme chirped, covering her mouth and apologizing to Nao for interrupting. Nao just laughed and let it go, explaining to her that the auditions would be held after school the next day and if she wanted to do it then she was welcome, but she just needed to have a monologue ready and also be ready to do cold reading.

Yeah, definitely Rhyme was up for it.

By the time it was five thirty, the three packed back up into Eri's car and drove back to Rhyme's apartment and dropped her of, exclaiming that they should do this more often and how Eri could drive her two and from school so she wouldn't have to take the bus. Rhyme simply thanked her and headed up to the apartment. From the first floor she could smell the sausages and potatoes cooking. Dad must've working all day to make those bangers perfect.

Rhyme strangely liked English food. Maybe she was half English and she didn't know it. She knew she was adopted, obviously, but she never knew why she enjoyed foreign food so much.

When she reached her apartment she was greeted by her father, picking her up and swinging her around before running back to the kitchen to keep cooking.

The table was soon set, and the two of them talked about Rhyme's day at school, who she met and who her friends were and who were potential threats.

"Oh! And they're putting on Romeo and Juliet, so I'm going to audition," she grinned, shoving a forkful of mashed potatoes in her mouth.

"That sounds fantastic! I'll bet 200 that you'll get Juliet and the most handsome kid in school will get Romeo and you can dance the night away!" James seemed too excited by it. Rhyme could only laugh and enjoy their dinner.

"The only thing I'm sad about is that they don't have a marching band," she frowned.

"They don't have football," James said simply. Rhyme had to chuckle at that. It was true.

"Yeah, but they have other sports," she began. "We could have a marching band for those."

"Too expensive to do that. They'd have to get instruments and uniforms and flags of all sorts and uniforms for the colour guard and a drill teacher and a director and money for the drum majors and oh it just racks up the dollars fast."

Rhyme smiled as she took a large gulp of her water, soon jumping from the vibration in her pocket. James chuckled at the sight as Rhyme pulled out her phone. Unknown number. she'll check it later.

When dinner was done, Rhyme quickly helped her father clean all the dishes and sprayed the hell out of the house to make sure it didn't smell like unhealthy food. After that, the young girl just went into her room, plopped onto her bed, grabbing the latest installment of her favourite manga, Rave Master and pulled out her phone.

She read the text once. Twice. Three times. He breath got caught in her throat.

You spoke about our little fight.

This means war, digit.


You wanna know how I did this?

What was my sound? A baby crying with creepy-ass music if I stopped typing. 3 hours. Almost 5000 words. You better be happy.

This website has put me on track once more. Expect more installments soon.
