I give up! My Heiji/Shinichi bug won't let me finish any of my Kaito/Shinichi fictions until I write at least a chapter of this. So for anyone who's reading Moving On or I'll be There, I will update, after the bug has been satisfied. Who knows, maybe I just need a recharge, and that calls for something new.
This fic will be one of those "recharge" fics, which means, it'll be randomly updated, and who knows, it might end before the Kai/Shin fics. Quite Possible, but it's one of those stories that will probably go no where, and will just be here for the fluff, (as if; I love plot). Watch, this will become some epic fic, and everyone will be "Where's our Kai/shin?" and I'll be babbling away on how some giant frog ate my brain and replaced it with a Heiji/Shinichi bug.
(I do have half of chapter twenty-three for moving on done at this point though…so I might not need the giant frog excuse…)
Disclaimer: I do not own Detective Conan or any of it's characters.
Warnings: Heiji/Shinichi, enough said they are death magnets…and trouble seems to follow them everywhere.
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I'd stay up and think of you
And I'd wish on a star
That somewhere you are thinking of me too
Cuz I'm dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming about you and me
Wonder if you even see me
And I wonder if you know I'm there
If you looked in my eyes
Would you see what's inside?
Would you even care?
*~Chapter One ~*
For Hattori Heiji, it had started out as jealousy for being compared to the other so often, that had turned to obsession to meet the said person, and then it turned into a fixation once he found him. Now, he wasn't even sure what to call his feelings. Kazuha had called him out on 'bromancing'; which he found out from one his classmates was also called a 'man crush' or when a man has a fixation/love interest/crush on an other man enough to consistently follow him like a school girl or talk about him just as consistently. He didn't like to think of his feelings for Shinichi like some schoolgirl crush, but when he started trying to keep track of how much he talked about said person, he found that the whole 'bromancing' wasn't that far from the truth. He looked at his call list on his phone and sighed. God, did he have it bad.
Really Bad.
Kazuha sat next to him, patting his shoulder as he sighed again still staring at his phone. "Kazuha…I'm a idiot, ain't I?" His childhood friend smiled at him, and tried to cheer him up the best way she knew how. "About time ya figured that one out, baka." She answered and ate some of her sundae. "Really, all ya ever talk about is 'Kudou this or Kudou that'; sure I was a little jealous at first, but it is kind of cute, when it isn't annoyin'." Heiji set his phone on the table and leaned back in the booth that he was in. He and Kazuha had met up at the local ice cream shop that was closest to the train station. He was apposed to leave on the 9:50 train to Tokyo to get to Tokyo University, so he could finish setting up his dorm room, and registration. Kazuha had wanted a nice sit down with her best friend before he went off to Tokyo, leaving her behind for the first time in a long time. She had asked why he was going to Tokyo U when he could have easily attended a local college and still gotten into the police force with his father's headquarters.
Her answer was what she knew it was going to be; Kudou was going to attend Tokyo University. Of course, this was where Kazuha had slipped up, she had mentioned her whole "Heiji is totally bromancing with Kudou-kun" theory that her and Ran had came up with the last time they had gotten together, and watched as Heiji had followed Kudou around like a lost puppy. At first, Heiji had reacted violently, like she knew he would, but then took a step back, but only after shouting at each other for about an hour, and looked at how much he talked about Kudou, and just how much of a stalker he really was.
Hell, he was following Kudou to college!
"Well, I think you should tell him how you feel." Kazuha smiled at Heiji, who was fiddling with the charm on the antenna of his cell phone.
"But…He's in love with Nee-chan. What's the point?" Heiji sighed, now depressed thoroughly.
"Yeah, but ya know that after that whole "Conan insident" Ran and Kudou are only friends, Heiji, this might be your chance! Ya know! Who knows? He might be bromancing you too!"
Heiji chuckled at his best friend as she tried to cheer him up. "It's okay, I know that he'll never want me."
"Oh, Heiji," She sighed, and looked at the time. "Well, if ya goin' ya better go now. It's almost ten."
Heiji looked over to the clock that was hanging from a wall near by, and panicked, "Shit! I'm gonna miss my train!" He rushed out of the shop, after saying a quick goodbye to Kazuha, and promising to call later. Kazuha smiled to herself, and finished her ice cream. If only Heiji knew, what she knew. She got up from the table and headed over to the trash in the mini restaurant.
"God, why did I crush on him in high school again?" She sighed to herself before throwing away the plastic bowl, and leaving herself. She had her own packing for college to finish, if she wanted to be able to meet up with Ran in time.
I just wanna hold you close
But so far, all I have are dreams of you
So, I wait for the day and the courage to say
How much I love you(Yes, I do)
I'll be dreaming of you tonight
Till tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming about you and me
Hattori was so sick of paperwork, he glared at the papers in front of him, and then at the elder adult talking to him, explaining the process, that he was pretty sure he could figure out himself. Seriously, didn't the man have something better to do then hassle him as he tried to fill out the papers? He spelled out his full name, and information for the nth time that day. His day couldn't get much worse; he figured out that he was 'man crushing' on his 'best friend', which Kazuha had really named stalker victim. He so didn't follow Kudou everywhere…he just was interested in knowing what Kudou liked doing…that's all. He sighed again as he handed in the last of the papers and let his head fall to the desk, who was he kidding. I am such a stalker! He cried mentally, and ignored the looks that the counselors sent his way.
"I see that you're as stupid and hot blooded as always Hattori-san." Heiji twitched at the voice, this was so not his day.
"Go away Hakuba, don't you have some thief to harass or something?" Heiji shot back as he sat up to glare at the blonde detective that sat down next to him.
"For your information, I don't harass, I'm trying to catch him in the act, and he's three seats ahead of us, sitting next to Kudou-kun." Heiji blinked and looked three seats ahead of him to spot not only Kudou, but a Kudou clone.
"I didn't know that Kid enjoyed copying Kudou on a daily basis." Heiji blinked as he stared at the pair that were chatting up like friends, he could feel the jealously oozing out of his pores. Then reminded himself, that there was no way in this life time that he was going to get Kudou to fall in love with him.
"That's what he actually looks like, his name is Kuroba Kaito." Hakuba answered in a matter of fact voice, completely ignoring the depressed air that seemed to surround the other detective. "Hattori-san, what are you doing?" He asked as the dark-skinned young man got up from his assigned seat.
"Goin' to say 'Hi', why don't your prissy ass just stay there." Hakuba huffed offend, and Hattori smiled feeling a lot better at getting in a decent insult at the way to uptight detective. He walked up the isles and took the seat infront of Kudou.
"Yo Kudou." Shinichi looked over at him, and smiled.
"Hattori, I was wondering when you'd stop spacing out and come over here." Kaito looked at Hattori in interest, it wasn't offen that he got to see/meet Tantei-han.
"So who ya talkin' too? The prissy ass over there say's it's Kaitou Kid."
Kaito chuckled at Heiji's remark to Hakuba, "He's been harassing me about that since he started going to my high school. He's absolutely convinced that I'm Kaitou Kid~! I'm just a simple magician, the name's Kuroba Kaito!" He produced a yellow flower from nowhere and gave it to Hattori. "And who may you be? You must be a friend if you hate Hakuba as much as me."
"We were in the same registration line." Shinichi explained, "Apparently, Hakuba's been following Kuroba-san for quite some time. I was looking for you, but I couldn't find you."
Heiji took the flower, and raised an eyebrow at the brightly smiling Kaito, and looked back over to Shinichi, "Oh, the train ran late, someone tried to commit suicide by jumping out off of the train on top of the salon car."
"Oh, and what was their reason?"
"Her husband took her children away from her. The lady was completely psycho, ya know. She could totally be one of ya stalkers, Kudou."
Kaito looked up at the word stalker, "Kudou-kun has stalkers?"
Shinichi sighed, "I do not!"
"Ya he does, and most of them commits murders left and right."
"Damnit Hattori, I do not have stalkers!"
"Oh! Kudou's like a murder magnet then?" Kaito asked, and Hattori nodded.
"Yup, and he seems to attract all kinds of whack jobs." Including myself, Hattori thought as he smiled at Shinichi battling against his so a-called stalkers, and Kaito being way to happy and curious. And to buddy buddy with Kudou, Hattori mentally sighed at himself.
"Oi…Oi…I do not have stalkers, I just happen to be there at the right time."
"Yeah…Yeah…Kudou, you're always there at the right time; all the time." Hattori smirked at the other detective. "If their not stalkers, then ya completely jinxed."
"Hm. Jinxed into finding murders…that could become frustrating." Kaito said mostly to himself.
"Tell me about it." Shinichi sighed. "It only gets worse around holidays"
Ahhh...I can't stop dreaming of you
Ahhh...I can't stop dreamin
Late at night when all the world is sleeping
I'd stay up and think of you
And I still can't believe that you came up to me
And said, "I love you; I love you too"
Now I'm dreaming with you tonight
Till tomorrow, and for all of my life
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be
Then here in my room,
Dreaming with you endlessly...
Yeah, completely and totally bad. Heheh. So much could be done here, love triangles, Hakuba harassing, Magical explosions, death….okay, there will be murder.
And making fun of Shin-chan's curse.
Well, see you next time!
(Song Disclaimer: Dreaming Of You by Selena)