A/N: Alright I mentioned this story in Love Me Always and it's a but later than I said I would have it up, but oh well! I don't think that it will be a very long story, but who knows. This story introduces Melody, Harmony, and Song, who might appear in many other stories. I hope you enjoy it and please read and review! P.S- This is my tenth story, woo hoo!
Eight year old Simon Seville walked down the street with his brothers and the chipettes, listening to Alvin and Brittney bicker again.
"No Alvin, I could out sing you any day." Brittany told him.
"Ha! In your dreams Miller" Alvin replied.
Simon and Jeanette both rolled their eyes at their elder siblings.
Theodore and Eleanor were both deep in conversation about cooking to notice their siblings' argument.
"Want to bet?" Brittany asked.
"What's the bet?" Alvin smirked.
Simon and Jeanette both exchanged uncomfortable glances.
"We each sing a song and the winner is the best singer" Brittany said smugly.
"You're on" Alvin accepted the challenge.
Brittany grabbed Eleanor's arm and began running across the street.
Alvin grabbed Theodore's paw and began running after Brittany.
Simon and Jeanette began to walk across the street.
Simon noticed his shoelace were untied. "Jeanette you go on ahead" He said as he bent down and started to tie his shoe.
Jeanette nodded and continued to cross the street.
Simon looked up to see Jeanette frozen in fear as a man pointed a gun at her from a little ways away.
Their other siblings had stopped and were watching Jeanette with fear.
Simon was the only one who saw the man press his finger lightly against the trigger; about to shoot.
Simon didn't know what went through his mind but he ran and pushed Jeanette out of the way as the man pulled the trigger back.
Simon fell to the ground and saw Jeanette with tears in her eyes before he closed his eyes.
Simon blinked his eyes open.
All of the memories of last night were fuzzy.
He looked around his room.
Somehow it looked different but he couldn't put his paw on it.
He adjusted his glasses that were surprisingly already on his face.
He glanced around the room and spotted woman in his closet.
"Dave didn't tell us he hired a maid" Simon thought to himself as he observed the woman dig around in his closet.
"Excuse Miss" Simon spoke up; somehow his voice sounded different.
The woman jumped up at the sound of Simon's voice; dropping a box to the ground.
"I didn't mean to scare you" Simon apologized.
The woman turned and looked at him.
She looked like she was in her mid thirties and had blond hair and green eyes. She was wearing an orange top with a pair of jeans.
"I'm sorry Dave didn't tell me he was hiring a maid" Simon apologized.
The woman's eyebrows shot up. "Maid" She repeated.
"Yeah that's why you're here right?" He asked.
The woman smiled. "Of course. So you're Dave's son?" She asked casually.
Simon nodded. "I'm his middle son. Alvin is my older brother, and Theodore is my younger brother."
"I met them this morning as they were going to school" The woman said stumbling for words. "I'm Mona by the way"
"It's nice to meet you Mona" Simon said before his face fell. "They went to school without me" He exclaimed.
"It's too late to go now Simon. It's a little after noon. I'll go make you some lunch. Does grilled cheese sound alright?" She asked.
Simon nodded.
"Alright" Mona headed for the door but stopped.
She turned around. "Simon, how old are you?" She asked.
"I'm eight" He told her.
"And what is the year?" She asked again.
"2002, why?" He asked.
Mona shook her head. "Nothing, I just forget things easily. Don't be surprised if I can't remember your name tomorrow." She told him with a smile.
Mona was pretty cool in Simon's book.
She brought him his lunch in bed, insisting he needed his rest.
After he had finished his lunch they played life for about two hours.
Simon complained asking why they couldn't play Monopoly instead, but Mona insisted that monopoly was the game that never ends.
Simon couldn't help but laugh when he thought about the song she had sung. It was it's the song that never ends, but instead of song it was game.
"So Mona, do you have any children?" Simon asked as he moved his piece on the game board.
"Yes I do actually. I have three wonderful daughters and two incredible sons. But I think I just got a third son" She added with a smile.
Simon gave her a funny look but she just glanced over at Simon's clock and sighed. "I'm afraid I have to clean the kitchen before your father comes home"
She slid off of Simon's bed and gave him a comforting smile. "Your brothers should be home any minute though"
On that note she left Simon all alone in the room again.
He looked around the room for something to do.
He saw his book on his nightstand and picked it up.
He opened his book surprised to see that it was very dusty and looked very old.
He blew all of the dust he could see off and began reading.
Simon didn't get to read much of his book before a little girl entered his room.
He looked up at her.
She was wearing a pink and yellow floral skirt with a hot pink shirt. She had dirty blond hair that was in a ponytail with a pink bow.
She was carrying a high tech mp3 player with one earphone in her ear.
She was singing along to the song she was listening to. "You belong with me, you belong with me" She sang as she looked up and her blue eyes connected with Simon's.
"Monster!" She cried before she ran out of the room.
"There is no such thing as monsters" Melody a voice said.
"I know what I saw" Simon recognized the voice of the little girl, who apparently was named Melody.
Melody came back into the room with two other girls.
One girl was a bit taller that Melody. She had brown hair in a bun, with a violet ribbon tied around it. She was wearing a skirt that was white with purple and orange vertical stripes, with a white sweater.
The other girl was shorter than Melody. She had long blond hair with a green headband. The green headband had a small, metal, and green butterfly sitting on top of it. The girl was wearing a skirt that had green and blue circles on it, and a green sweater.
The taller girl looked around Simon's room and sighed. "Melody, there are no monsters"
"I know what I saw Harmony" Melody protested.
The smallest girl looked up at Harmony. "Alvin said that monsters existed"
Simon rolled his eyes. "Of course Alvin would tell her that" He thought.
Harmony rolled her eyes the exact way Simon did. "Song there is no such thing as monsters."
"It was in the bed" Melody told Harmony.
Harmony glanced over at Simon. Her green eyes became wide at the sight of him. "Intruder!" She shouted before running out of the room.
"Burglar!" Song yelled before she ran after Harmony.
It didn't take long before Melody zipped out of the room after the other girls.
Simon was confused about what had just happened.
He was about to continue reading his book when the three girls came back into the room with a teenage chipmunk holding a bat.
The chipmunk had blue eyes, jeans, a red shirt with a yellow A, and a red cap.
Simon's eyes widened as he examined the chipmunk again. Blue eyes, red shirt, yellow A, red cap ….Alvin!
He stared at his brother not believing his eyes.
Alvin was a teenager. He wasn't the eight year old boy he was yesterday.
He looked more muscular, taller, and well older.
"Where's the burglar slash intruder?" He asked holding up the bat.
"In the bed!" Song shouted.
"Kill him Alvin, kill him!" Melody yelled.
"He doesn't need to go to jail guys, just kick his butt Alvin!" Harmony exclaimed.
Alvin whipped around holding the bat up.
His eyes widened in shock as his hand holding the bat dropped to his side.
"What are you waiting for?" Melody asked.
"Yeah go ahead and kick his butt Alvin" Harmony agreed.
"Make him cry!" Song shouted like she was at a pro-wrestling tournament.
Everyone stared at her. She smiled innocently at them. "Sorry, now Alvie, hurt him!" She said sweetly.
Alvin shook his head for a second before spoke. "Guys I'm not hurting him and don't call me Alvie!"
"Why not!" Melody asked.
"I'll explain later. Just go see if Mona needs help, and tell Theodore to get up here" Alvin said gesturing to the door.
Melody looked like she was about to throw a tantrum, but she turned on her heel and walked out of the door.
Harmony sighed and followed Melody while Song just glared at Alvin. "Next time scare the living daylights out of him"
Alvin's face broke into a grin. "It would be an honor" He said as he saluted her.
Song giggled she saluted him back and they simultaneously jerked their paw/hand forward a bit like they did in the military.
Song smiled as she skipped happily out the door.
Alvin chuckled at the girl's behavior he turned back to Simon.
There was a moment of silence before Alvin spoke.
"Hey Si" He said like he was out of breath; tears coming to his eyes.
"Alvin what's going on?" Simon asked.
"I'll explain when Teddy gets up here" Alvin said as he wiped his sleeve across his eyes.
A couple of seconds later a teenage Theodore came in.
Simon couldn't help but stare at his little brother.
Theodore was now only a bit shorter than Alvin and was still chubby. He was wearing jeans and a green shirt.
"The girls said that you needed me" Theodore said as he entered the room.
"Yeah, Theo look over there and tell me what you see" Alvin said as he pointed to Simon; a mischievous grin on his face.
Theodore gave Alvin a puzzled look but did what he was told.
He looked over at Simon not noticing him at first. "I see a bed, Simon, a nightstand" He said oblivious.
He looked back at Simon and gasped while Alvin began laughing.
"Simon" Theodore repeated as he ran and gave the bespectacled chipmunk a hug.
"Theo, I saw you yesterday, I think" Simon managed to make out as he was trapped in his brother's death grip.
Theodore let go of his brother and looked at Alvin. "What is he talking about Alvin?" His green eyes looked concerned.
"Theodore he doesn't remember about what happened eight years ago" Alvin said gently.
Suddenly the memories of what Simon thought was last night flashed through his mind. "Jeanette" He burst out.
"She's fine Simon she came out of the hospital way before you did" Theodore said as he sat down on the bed.
"What are you talking about?" Simon asked.
"Simon you know how you took the bullet for Jeanette?" Alvin asked his brother as he took a seat on the edge of Simon's bed.
Simon nodded.
Alvin scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well Jeanette was, I mean is fine, but you have been in a coma for the past eight years."