Uncontrollable Feelings Chapter 4

Okay I'm going to say this now. I am really, really sorry. I haven't really had the gumption to write recently. And when I say recently I mean the last few years which is how long it's been since I last updated this story. But I think I finally have my rhythm back and my passion. I won't bore you with the details of where my life has taken me. All you need to know is that I'm back and I'm ready to write. Ready to finish this story that I started almost 6 years ago. Which is really too long to make you wait. For that I apologize again. I hope this chapter makes up for my being gone for so long.

Now it's been a while since I wrote one of these but I hope that I remember how it goes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach or any of its characters. Those all belong to Kubo Tite. The only thing that I own is the story. Thank you all for bearing with me for so long. So without further ado let chapter four begin.

Love Always,


Karin's POV

Immediately after Karin walked through the portal to Soul Society her world was taken for a loop. It was like riding a roller coaster, except that her feet never left the ground. The first place that Rangiku took Karin was to Ukitake Jushiro the captain of the 13th squad.

"Wait! Rangiku! Why are we going to see the 13th squad captain? I thought we were going to see the brass."

Karin was gasping, trying to keep up with Rangiku. Karin was finding it kind of difficult to keep up with Rangiku and look around all at the same time. This was the first time she had actually seen Soul Society. Of course she had heard stories from Ichigo and had painted a picture in her own mind; but nothing could have prepared her for this. They were within the inner court of the souls. Where all Shinigami live; Karin knew that much. She was startled out of her thoughts when she heard Rangiku calling her name. Karin didn't realize she had stopped walking to look at everything.

"Geez Karin. I told you we have to hurry." Rangiku stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Yes I know I got that. But why do why have to go see the 13th squad captain? You never really told me what we were doing. All I know is that this will somehow get Toshiro to stay in my world." Karin took the moment to catch her breath.

"Ah I never told you?" Rangiku raised a finger to the side of her mouth. "I could have sworn I did."

"No. No you didn't. I think I would have remembered if you did." Karin shot back.

Rangiku laughed. "We're going to see Ukitake-taicho because Karakura Town is under his jurisdiction, and he has a soft spot for Hitsugaya-taicho."

"See that makes much more sense. You couldn't have told me that BEFORE we leapt through the gate-thingy?"

"Gomen, gomen, Karin-chan. But we really must hurry. It'll be faster if we flash-step there. Hold on to me."

Before Karin could say anything more Rangiku grabbed her and they flashed away. By the time that Rangiku has stopped moving Karin's head was spinning again. She was really going to have to learn that trick. It seemed very useful for getting around. Now if she could only make her head stop spinning that would be great. As she tried to clear her vision she noticed two things. One she had no idea where she was and two they were standing in front of a pair of very impressive looking doors. Rangiku knocked on those doors.

"Ukitake-tachio? Matsumoto Rangiku requesting entrance."

The doors opened in reply. Straightening her spine Karin followed through those impressive doors, to a man that would hopefully help her. After talking to Ukitake Jushiro, Rangiku lead Karin at a brake neck pace through most of Seireitei, talking to many Captains along the way. Finally, they reached the Captain-Commander's door. If Karin had thought that Ukitake's door was impressive this one was ominous. The Captain-Commander's door loomed in Karin's vision, almost taunting her for being there. Steeling herself, Karin stood behind Rangiku as she requested entrance.

"Enter." Came the ominous voice from beyond the door. Walking through the doors, Karin and Rangiku kneeled before the Captain-Commander's chair.

"What is the meaning of this Matsumoto-fukutaicho?"

Before Rangiku could say anything Karin spoke up.

"I'm sorry Sir, I asked Rangiku to bring me here to see you."

"And who might you be?" The old Shinigami giving away none of his thoughts.

Swallowing past the lump in her throat that threatened to choke her Karin looked the Captain of the 1st squad in the eye.

"My name is Kurosaki Karin. And I come asking for your assistance." Karin bowed her head in respect, but still keeping eye contact.

Yamamoto struck his cane against the ground with a resounding crack.

"So speak Kurosaki Karin. What do you want to request of me?"

"I wish for you to allow Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro of the 10th squad to remain in the world of the living and train me to control my increasing spiritual powers, so I can better defend myself and my family from the threat of hollows, and so I won't endanger anyone unintentionally." Karin managed to get out. She had dared not stop in fear that if she did she would lose the nerve to continue.

The scrutinizing gaze of the Captain-Commander weighed heavily on Karin, but she didn't dare succumb to the weight of that gaze. She would show him that she meant business and that she was not leaving until she got what she came for. Silence descended on the hall, as the various Captain's held their collective breath. No one dared break the spell that had seemed to weave itself around the human girl and the Captain-Commander. Finally, Yamamoto-taicho brought his cane down with a loud crack, startling everyone in the room. Karin fought the urge to jump, as she continued to stare at the Captain-Commander.

"You disregard the rules of Soul Society and come into my office to make such a request?" Yamamoto growled.


Eyebrows rose slightly.

"You are a blunt one."

"Eh, it's a family trait." Karin shrugged, she'd been told worse.

"I suspect stubbornness and rule breaking is also a family trait."

Karin grinned a little evilly, showing straight, white teeth. "Of course it is. We know what we want and don't stop until we have it."

Surprising everyone the Captain-Commander laughed. "I suppose you could be right. Fine, I hear-by grant your request Kurosaki Karin."

"Really!?" Karin leapt into the air. "Thank you so much!" She bowed her head deeply before turning to Rangiku, smiling widely, and just a little evilly. "Let's go home Rangiku."

Turning both the girl and Rangiku, walked from the enormous office.

"Captain? Why did you say yes so easily?" Ukitake-tachio asked walking closer.

"If I had not, she would have found a way on her own, and one Kurosaki who doesn't listen is enough. I don't need another one."

Smiling Ukitake said no more as he watched the girl and Rangiku walk away, talking excitedly. The other Captains doing so as well, all thinking the same thing. Hitsugaya Toshiro was going to have his hands full.

Back in Karakura Town

"Wow that was such a rush. Everything was happening so fast. I don't even know what was the most exciting." Karin practically skipped beside Rangiku as they walked back through the gateway.

"I can't believe that the brass agreed so quickly. I think he's taken a shine on you." Rangiku laughed elbowing Karin.

Karin laughed along with Rangiku. For the first time in a long time, she was feeling happy.

"I'm going to head back home. I have a lot of work to do, and not a lot of time to do it in." Waving Karin began running for home; "Oh by the way Rangiku! Thanks for everything!"

With one last wave at Rangiku Karin turned and continued running down the street.

"Yuzu! I'm home!" Karin yelled, kicking off her shoes as she walked through the house.

"Ah Karin-chan, welcome home." Yuzu said walking out of the kitchen. "Dinner is almost ready."

Karin sat down at the table. She hadn't realized how long she had been gone for. Nor how completely exhausted she was. Crossing her arms on the table Karin preceded to put her head in the cradle of her arms. She hadn't expected to be this tired when she came back. Looking up at the clock on the wall she saw that it was already 6:30. Karin just started at the clock not believing her eyes. She couldn't have been in Soul Society for 9 ½ hours; could she? Groaning Karin dropped her head back into the circle of her arms. No wonder she was so bloody tired. Not to mention sore. She really should have put some healing ointment on her cuts this morning after her shower. She had a feeling that some of them had opened up, since they hurt like hell.

"Karin-chan are you okay?" Yuzu came to stand beside her sister.

Looking up at her sister from the circle of her arms, Karin smiled.

"I'm great Yuzu. Finally things are starting to work out. I'm just tired that's all. Going to Soul Society took a lot out of me."

"You went to Soul Society!" Yuzu gasped.

Instead of replying Karin just grinned, like a wolf that had finally sunk it's fangs into some unsuspecting prey. Standing slowly Karin stretched.

"I'm going to take another shower Yuzu, do we have any of that healing ointment left in the bathroom?"

"Yes there should be some in there still. Why did you have to go to Soul Society Karin-chan?"

"You'll see soon enough." With that Karin left a confused Yuzu standing in the kitchen.

Making her way towards the bathroom Karin gingerly stretched. The incident with the coffee table hurt more now that the adrenaline was out of her system. Examining herself in the mirror just confirmed her fears. Some of her cuts had indeed opened up. Grumbling Karin opened the mirrored cabinet, grabbing the healing ointment from the shelf. Sitting on the edge of the tub, Karin began rubbing the ointment in to her many cuts, gasping slightly at the sting of it. Yuzu may not be as strong as the rest of the Kurosaki family but she was the best at making healing ointments. She developed this particular one after she found out the truth about Ichigo, and why he was always so beat up. Karin thanked Kami that she had or else these would have hurt a lot more than they did now. She watched as the ointment did its job and her cuts healed before her eyes, leaving shiny new skin behind. Karin jumped into the shower, rinsing the remaining ointment off, she wouldn't even have any scars. As Karin let the warm water wash over her, her thoughts went back to that morning.

There was no possible way that was a dream was it? It felt too real to be a dream. Maybe I should check downstairs, there might be something that I missed.

"Karin-chan! Dinner is ready!"

"Ah coming Yuzu!"

Turning the water off Karin stepped out of the shower. The dream would have to wait, she was hungry, and Toshiro should be getting the news about his new assignment very soon. Grinning Karin wandered back downstairs to the kitchen.

Toshiro's POV

The young Captain passed around the small living area that was Orihime's living room. He'd just received his newest order: Training Kurosaki Karin. Of course he had argued with the Captain-Commander, but all arguments that he had brought up were shot down. He hated to admit it but Karin had him completely at her mercy.

"I can't believe you took Karin to Soul Society! Without my permission! And convinced the Captains to let me train her! How could you Matsumoto!?"

"Eh, stop yelling at me, it's already too late to do anything." Matsumoto pouted, arms crossed over her ample chest.

Grinding his teeth in frustration Toshiro made his way towards the door. Making no attempt to hide his ire.

"Eh? Captain where are you going?"

"I'm going to my new assignment that you had allocated to me. YOU on the other hand are going to go back to Soul Society and handle my duties as Captain."


"You don't have the right to complain. You got me into this mess Matsumoto, now you have to live with the consequences."

Toshiro stalked out of the house, slamming the door as he went. He knew it was a childish and human thing to do, but it did make him feel a little better. He looked up at the starts, glittering faintly in the night sky. He was going to be in for one hell of a ride. He just hoped that he could walk away from it with his dignity and pride intact. Letting out a small sign he began walking to the Kurosaki Clinic, trying to prolong the inevitable for as long as possible. All too soon he was at their front door. He lifted his hand hesitant to knock. Shaking the doubt and uncertainty from his thoughts, he schooled his expression to a neutral façade and knocked on the door.

"Coming! Ah Hitsugaya-kun, it's good to see you again. Come in."

He was greeted by the overly happy Yuzu.

"Pardon the intrusion." He kept his voice level.

"Karin-chan didn't tell me you were coming by. I just finished making dinner, would you like to eat with us? It's just Karin-chan and I, dad is out of town."

"Thank you."

Toshiro took the offed seat, trying not to fidget like a school girl confronting her crush. Yuzu chattered happily in the background, filling three sets of bowls. Toshiro let her voice wash over him as he retreated farther into himself, and wrapped himself in a cloak of cool, calm and collected. It was just another assignment, one that he would carry out to the best of his ability. He would not let his personal feelings get in the way of his job.

"Ah Karin-chan, Hitsugaya-kun is here. You didn't tell me he was coming by tonight."

Karin grinned a little evilly.

"Sorry Yuzu, I wasn't expecting him this early. So I guess you heard the news Captain, it'll be a pleasure working with you." Karin mock bowed, evil grin still in place.

Toshiro said nothing as he continued to slowly eat his dinner. Finishing, he gently put his chopsticks down, raising from the table.

"Training starts first thing in the morning Kurosaki," He turned to walk up the stairs. "I'm not going to take it easy on you. This is what you wanted, me in the living world. I'm going to make you regret going over my head."

The look that he shot Karin over his shoulder was pure fire and heat. It was at complete odds with the cool look on his face and his words that were dripping in ice. He realized that maybe this wasn't such a horrible assignment after all. He took great satisfaction in watching a small flicker of fear cross over Karin's face before determination filled it.

"Bring it on Toshiro."

"So childish."

He turned away, continuing his trek up the stairs. He was going to enjoy this.