A/N: Hello everybody. This is the prologue of my new story. The story will be a pretty short one, as it just came up and I started writing and writing until it was finished. And it turned out to be quite short. I hope you guys will like it anyway. Thanks for reading and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I own nothing at all, Stephenie Meyer does.


"You WHAT?" I was frantic. All I wanted to do at this moment was cry, yell and die. My whole world had just fallen down on me. That's how it felt. I couldn't look at him right now, he had hurt me, so bad. He had hurt me before though, more than once. But never as bad as this. Even the time he left me to die in the forest wasn't as bad as it was now. This… This was just unacceptable. I couldn't deal with this, I loved him. I had loved him for quite a while now, taken him back after his sister and I saved his ass in Italy. I had even said yes to his wedding-proposal, all because I wanted to be with him forever. And now this? No, this was too much. I couldn't handle this.

"I'm sorry, Bella," he cooed. His golden eyes were piercing into my soul. But I wouldn't look at him, I knew doing so would hurt me even more. His cold, hard hand now rested on my shoulder, I shrugged him off and took a step back. I wanted so bad to slap him right now, but I knew that doing so would just hurt me. He wouldn't feel a thing. I'd been with him for about 3 years right now, we were about to get married, the wedding was just in a few months and now this? He had no idea what he was doing, what he had caused. My heart wasn't broken, no, it was shattered. Shattered in a thousand pieces. And everything he'd been telling me was nothing but a lie. The perfect lie.