Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who or any of the characters related to the programme. The only things I own in this fanfic are Kriya and the Kriyan tribes.

A/N: So, my first proper Doctor Who fanfic. Based on a strange idea that popped into my head after watching Doctor Who yesterday. This fic is set before Rory joins Amy and the Doctor on their mad adventures, so quite early on in the series. Reviews and crits are welcomed. I'm afraid this is a short first chapter, but I'll try to make up for it in Chapter 2.

Chapter 1: Kriya

The Doctor poked his head round the Tardis door, a boyish grin plastered across his face. Having confirmed he had landed in the right place for once, he threw the double doors open and stepped out into the brilliant sunlight, shortly followed by Amy whose fiery red hair glittered as the sun's rays bounced off it. The Doctor beamed cheerfully and spread his arms out,

"Welcome to Kriya Amy." The Scottish red-head looked around herself in amazement. The place was covered in all manner of plant life; vividly coloured flowers bloomed in abundance and great trees spread their limbs and leaves out to create vast canopies of green above them, throwing dappled shadows on the luscious red grassed ground. They seemed to have landed in one of the only clearings,

"It's beautiful..." she breathed, spinning around, "Doctor, it's amazing!" She laughed joyously as she turned back to the Time Lord, "Are we going to explore? Oh please say we are."

"Well what else are we going to do? Taste the flowers?" he paused for a second, "Actually, the flowers are meant to be delicious..." he smacked himself in the forehead, "No – exploring, we're going exploring." Amy chuckled as the Doctor told himself off,

"You're a strange man Doctor." She told him, as if he hadn't heard it a million times before,

"Yes, I am." He waggled his finger as if for effect, "Strange but brilliant."

"Strange but brilliant." Amy agreed. The Time Lord grinned turning round to face his companion,

"Now, how about that exploring?"