There is something missing from are world, the amazing animals, that time has left behind.

But what if we could bring them back? What if extinction didn't have to be forever?

We're going back in time on a safari with a difference, as wildlife adventure Nigel Marvin, plunges into pre-history, to rescue creatures on the brink of extinction, his plan is to bring them back to the safety of the present.

And give them a second chance.

This Time, we return to Prehistoric Park, Nigel go's back 145 million years to the Late Jurassic Period, to rescue one of the weirdest dinosaurs to ever live, a Hybrid.

Welcome back to the ultimate wildlife sanctuary.

Welcome to Prehistoric Park!

Nigel Marvin sat in his office looking through some paper work, Bob Arthur had asked him to review. After a couple of minutes of random drifting in and out of reading, Bob entered his Bungalow.

"Evening Nigel, you got through that paper work yet." Bob asked, as he did a Microraptor glided down onto Nigel's desk.

"Uh, yeah sure" Nigel pulled some crums out of his pocket and let the Raptor take a snack. "Good boy" Nigel said to the Mircoraptor with a smile on his face.

The Mircoraptor flock was caught in the Early Cretaceous along with a herd of Titanosaurs, at first this Microraptor in particular had its left wing broken by a frightened Titanosaur after a Volcanic Explosion caused it to rampage through the forest and into the Time-portal.

"Nigel, please do tell me what you intend to do with the extra park area?" Bob asked petting the Raptors head. "Oh, alright" Nigle sighed. "A want to bring back one of the weirdest creatures to ever live, look."

Nigel stood up and walked over to a pin board with a sheet over it. Bob and the camera followed him.

"I intend to bring back-" Nigel pulled off the sheet "- this!"

On the broad was a picture of a sauropod dinosaur, a long neck and tail like the Titnaosaurs. It looked like a small green version of one, apart from one detail. It had spikes like a Stegosaurs. It body was mostly a green-brown colour, with some red plates along its back, also called Osteoderms.

"This is a Miragaia, it was named after a place in Portugal called Miragaia, which was the place were its remains were found." Nigel smiled warmly. " The Miragaia is famous for its Hybrid like appearance." Nigel moved his hand back and forth across it Osteodrems. " I plan to go back 145 million years to the Late Jurassic Period, and bring back one or two of these beauty's." Nigel finished. "Well, Nigel i have to admit you were rightabout the Hybrid-like appearance. I-uh-just have one question, when do you plan to catch this creature?" "Why, today of curose."

Nigel Marvin and four ofter men were wondering around preparing for there trip to the Jurassic in front of the portal, when he was approached by Bob and Suzanne McNabb the park vet.

"Hello, Suzanne, how are the new cubs doing?" Nigel asked walking up to her.

"Just fine, they've moved onto eating chunks of meat now."

"Brilliant" Nigel laughed.

Nigel's team just finished packing.

"We're ready to go Nigel." One of the crew said. "Alright, lets get going!" Nigel clapped his hands together and made his way back to the portal.

"Nigel" Suzanne said nervously. "Yeah" Nigel turned around. Suzanne fell silent. "Uh, just be careful, ok?" Nigel looked at her curiously. "Uh, will do."

Nigel turned around and joined his team in front of the Portal.

"Jurassic, here we come!"

Nigel and his team ran through the Portal with a sudden burst of speed. As the came through into the Jurassic they were amazed at what they saw. They had come out into a shore line of a Boreal forest lake. The scene was wonderful. A large sparkling lake, surrounded by a lush brown Boreal Forest.

"What a sight!" Nigel exclaimed as the Portal snapped shut.

A Young blond man what and gaverd the Portals up. Suddenly there was a loud shrieking noise and a flock of six or seven Pterosaurs flew over head.

"Would you look at that, Pterosaurs, Sordes a think!" Suddenly there was a deathing roar from the tree line."Nigel, what was that?" one of the blokes asked. "Shhh, theropod dinosaur." Nigel listened as the roar echoed again. "Carnivore." Suddenly seven more roars came from the surrounding area. "RUN!" Nigel shouted. Nigel and the team started running for the tree line.

"Hide quick!" Nigel shouted as they entered the Boreal Forest. Loud foot-steps and roaring sounded behind them. The camera man tripped and droped the camera on the floor. The camera showed a ground of six dinosaur charging straight at them. The camera man recovered and ran after Nigel and the group, leaving the camera on the floor. As the creatures approached the camera got a better view. The creatures were slightly larger than a man, with a grey-brownish colour all over there body with two black strips on each side of its chest. Each creature had two red crest's. And defiantly carnivore. Soon the creatures passed the camera. Apart from the roars and foot steps coming from behind the scene was peaceful. The ground could be seen very clearly, because the camera was on its side. The sky could be seen, along with the trees, and a small peace of the lake was still in view. From were the Camera is placed you can still see the flock Sordes flying over the lake and of into the mountains. Now even a few seconds after the Sordes went of screen, the camera was picked up. The Camera was pointed in Nigel's direction.

"Ok, we were just attacked by-" Nigel paused for a breath "- a pack of Allosaur's, but i think we lost them now." Nigel sat down for a breath. Then a boy spoke up. "Nigel, i don't think this-" he paused for a breath "- is the safest place to rest." Nigel stood up "You re right Ben, lets keep moving."

Back at the park, Suzanne and Bob are having some trouble.

"Alright, hires the problem. Its the Deinosuchus, she just wont stop eating, she has already taken up all her food for the month, and now she attacks anybody who walks past. We have had to separate her from the rest of the croc's." Bob explained to the camera. "Suzanne here is trying to figure out if something is wrong, or if this is just how much she eats!" Bob, moved and pointed to a holding enclosure that had been modified so it had a small lake, but big enough for the giant croc to fit in. The camera turns back to Bob. "What is bad is, if she does eat this much, then she would have eaten the park entire meat supply within a month. And we, well, will probably have to send her back through the Portal. Which we don't want to do."

The Deinosuchus was caught in prehistoric Texas, not long after that did Matilda escape however thanks to her giant appetite she distracted Matilda long enough for Nigel to escape.

Suzanne comes across the walk-way to Bob. "If you think about Bob, this Crocodile is used to eating about five Dinosaurs a day, but if we increase her meat to about twice the amount of the Tyrannosaurs, then she will just have to cope, i think it will work." Suzanne said as she finally stopped next to Bob. "That's not such a bad idea." Bob picked up his walkie talkie and pressed the button on it. "Sarah, increase the croc's diet a smudge, and make sure nobody go's any were close to her lake." Bob pressed the button and place the talkie back in his pocket."We should get somebody to tell Nigel about this." Suzanne practically jumped at this, "I'll do it!" "Um, ok?" Bob said.

Meanwhile 145 million years ago, Nigel has bitten off more than he could chew.

Nigel and his group were walking around camp, when Nigel crawls into his tent, the Camera man follows him. "Ok, right now were have set up base camp for the night, were up in the mountains, were luckily large creatures should stay away from. Plus as a bonus from were the camp is, we have a perfect view for miles on end, from up here we should defiantly see some Miragaia's.

Cut to camp sit at night.

Nigel is still in his tent and the night vison on the camera is on. "Listen..." Nigel whispered. In the background were strange moaning sounds. "That sound-" Nigel paused and listened "- is coming from the clearing next to the mountains." Nigel paused and listened. "This is Un-believable, they are definitely coming from large Saurpod's, could be anything, Stegosaurs, Brachiosaurs or Diplodocus, but we will just have to find out in the morning." Nigel lay down in his sleeping back. "Night guys" Nigel shouted to the other tents. Random, 'Night Nigel, night and good nights' replied to him.

The next morning. Nigel and the others climbed out of there tents, and were amazed at what they saw. "Un-believable!" Nigel said. In the clearing at the bottom of the mountain, was a a herd of giant dinosaurs. There were two species of Dinosaur. One had small spike's running down its head, getting bigger as they approach to tail. And they were a grey, brown colour. The second species had a long neck and tail, like a Titanosaur and plates running down its back. "This, this is just a wonder full sight, the species with the smaller plates are Dacentrurus also known as Omosaurs and the second species is what we are here for. Miragaia. Suddenly a roar came from the tree line leading to the clearing. A group of five Allosaurs came out slowly. "Look, over there" Nigel pointed to the tree-line. "Its the group of Allosaur's we in encountered yesterday. Now, ive seen this in some fossil's, now what there doing is waiting for some old or weak members of the herd to separate from the others, then they move in for the attack." Nigel crouched down and watched to Allosaur's pack circle the herd. "If we can get down there, and make the herd follow us, we could get back a herd of Miragaia and Omosaurs and a pack of Allosaurs back to the park." Nigel said jumping up and going back to the tent. Nigel picked up his back. "Jim, you Bill and Ben pack up and meet me down at the bottom." Nigel said approaching a man. "Alright Nigel." Jim replied. Nigel and the camera man made there way to the edge and carefully made there way down the cliff. After a couple minutes of climbing they reached the bottom.

Nigel's team after a couple of minutes made there way down the cliff and joined up with him and the camera man. Nigel and his team sat down at the bottom of the Cliff and watched the Pack circle the herd. The camera pointed at Nigel "Omosaurs, measured around 8 meters in length, as you can see there." Nigel pointed to a part of the herd. The camera zoomed in on the Omosaurus, then back out and focused on Nigel. "Now the Miragaia, there different. Despite its long neck and tail it, like Omosaurus is a Stegosauridae. There most commonly found herding with Stegosaurs and Omosaurus." Nigel pointed to the Miragaia's."But the Allosaurs are a totally different story. There theropod dinosaurs, that mostly hunt in packs, as we can see there." Nigel pointed to the Pack circling the Herd. "The average size of Allosaurs is about, 8.5m's however the tallest one on record was, about double that size."

The Allosaurs pack know Nigel is there and also know how fast he is, so they preferto go for the easy est meal.

Suddenly the lead Allosaur roared as a waring, causing a old looking Miragaia the make a mad rash for the tree line. Nigel and the Allosaurs pack set off after the Miragaia. After they made there way around the herd of Dinosaurs, the Allosaurus pack had surrounded the Miragaia while Nigel set up the Time Portal. "HEY, OVER HERE, HEY" Nigel and his team shouted trying to distract the Allosaurus from the Miragaia. As they turned to look at him, the Miragaia took her chance. She made a bad rash to the tree line, however the portal was in the way. The dinosaur Burst through the Portal at amazing speeds. "YES" Nigel shouted, however then he remeberd about the Allosaurs. "Run, get through the portal, NOW!" Nigel shouted at his group. Nigel and his group ran through the Portal, only to find out they were not being followed.

After Nigel returns to the Park, the Miragaia was moved to a Holding Pen. And Nigel, well he, Bob and Suzanne are in his Bungalow.

"So, Bob what to we plan to do with the Deinosuchus ?" Nigel asked putting down his Smilodon skull. "Well, we have moved her back into her paddock, right now she will attack anything even birds, but she will adapt or perish, which we don't wont now, do we?" Bob answered as a Microraptor glided down on to the desk. Nigel smiled "Good, so we will be alright?" "Yes" "Good. Nigel turned to Suzanne. "Suzanne how are the cubs getting along now?" he asked. "There doing fine, however they don't appear the get along that well, there fighting more than usual, we could end up having to separate them." She said. "Good."

Soon the Miragaia was moved into her paddock

Nigel had been back for a couple of hours and was stood out side the Miragaia's new Paddock

"Nigel, would you look at that" Bob said, looking into the Miragaia's pen.

The Miragaia was happily munching on some vegation near her lake.

"She's wonderful!" Nigel said happily.

"But Nigel, let me guess, you want to go for another creature don't you?" Bob said sarcastically. "You know me so well mate!." Nigel said with a big grin. "Can it please be something small, cute and flully?"

While Nigel was preparing for his next trip back to the Jurassic, Bob and Suzanne were have some trouble with the Deinosuchus.

"WWWOOOOAAAHHH" Bob screamed as the Deinosuchus jumped out of its lake and at the bridge he was on. Its jaw's only just missed the bridge. Bob ran as fast as he could off the bridge.

"You see what I mean when I say 'She will attack anything'?" Bob said to the camera trying to catch his breath. "Bob, most of are crocs do that, its just there a lot smaller." Suzanne said coming towards him. "Suzanne there you are, i was coming to find you. listen is it just me or has the Titanosaurs been sticking to there side of the park?" Bob said walking up to her. "You know, I have noticed that, what do you think is going on?" She asked him. "Well im not expert, well actually I am but i think they could be nesting." he explained to her. "You want be to run a Ultrasound scan on one of them?" If you could?" "I'll get right on it." And with that she walked off back the way she came. "Now what to do about you" Bob said turning round to the Deinosuchus/Crocodile Paddock.

Meanwhile back with Nigel...

"Now this is were we went last time." Nigel was in his Bungalow pointing to a part of a map of Jurassic earth. "What now is Portugal, now I want to go here." Nigel pointed to a diff rent part of the map. "This is were Utah was. No not long after the Miragaia was discovered there was a bone dug up in Utah, it was unidentified and while transporting it to a museum for professional help the bone was shattered and the species was never determined." He paused for breath. "Now one possable owner of the bone was a Miragaia, however it was never proven. Now i want to go back and try to catch a Miragaia from Utah."

A Microraptor glided down behind Nigel. Nigel took out some treats and feed him.

Suzanne and seven vets along with her blond assistant called Sarah were gathered around a sleeping Titanosaur in the field.

"Now what is one problem, we couldn't move her once we tranquilized so we have had to mess around bringing all the equipment from my vet out here." Suzanne said to the Camera. "However the good news is that this one is pregnant, so looks like we have some more breeding dinosaurs in the Park." She said.

The Titanosaurs were caught in Prehistoric China along with a flock of Microraptors after a volcanic explosion.

Titanosaur began to make some moaning noise's and began to shake. Suddenly she stood up, riping all of her wires off. And just walked back off towards her herd.

"Well, I best go catch her." Suzanne said standing up and taking off after the creature.

Meanwhile Nigel and his team get ready for his trip to Prehistoric Utah.

"Now this time, we need to be a bit more prepared were taking the Jeep." Nigel said out of the window of the jeep. The rest of the team were in the back.

"Okay, so off we go!" Nigel said and put the car into gear.

Nigel's Jeep entered the portal. The sight of the other side was amazing!

The was a large dirt field full of ferns, Conifer trees and a small lake. One or two small Dinosaurus ran around within the fern field. Nigel drove for a couple of minutes, then parked next to the lake.

Nigel got out "Those small Dinosaurs over there" Nigel pointed at the two Dinosaurs grazing on the ferns. They had two legs, they were about half the size of a man, green with very small brown spots all over there body had had beaks. "There called Dryosaurus, there very common in this part of the globe. I can imagine we will be seeing alot of these."

Suddenly a flock of five Pterosaurs flew over the Jeep. "Oh, there wonderful." Nigel said as they flew off.

A couple of minutes later Nigel and his team were on the move again.

Nigel came to another halt.

"Alright, here looks like a good spot for the night." Nigel said getting out of the Jeep. "Tomorrow we are going to try and track down the owner of this." Nigel pulled out a small chip of a rock. "This, is what was left of the bone that was dug up."

Soon Nigel and his team are all set up and sleeping, ready for finding a herd of Miragaia tomorrow, However the Miragaia have already found him.

Nigel was fast asleep. Suddenly a giant foot stamps down in the center of his tent, causing him to wake up. Screams could be herd from the other tents. "What the-" Nigel said trying to get out of the tent. When he had finally got out into the warm night air, he saw what had crushed his tent. A giant herd of Dinosaurs had trampled the camp site! "This is UN-believable!" He shouted as the Camera man approached him. Two more people came running out of there tents. "A herd-" Nigel started explain to the camera man, "A herd of Miragaia...have trampled...are campsite...THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!." Nigel shouted. One Miragaia showed him its tail spikes.

"Ok, listen." Nigel said turning to his group. "The herd is going to be moving through hire. So were going to have to leave are stuff here." Nigel paused and looked around. "Over there." Nigel pointed to a giant Conifer Tree. "We will have to sleep there for tonight." And with that Nigel and his group headed away from there camp and the Miragaia herd and headed towards the tree.

Back at the Park Bob is dealing with the hungry Deinosuchus.

Bob was bent over the bridge the go's over the Deinosuchus/Crocodile Paddock. "Good girl" He said to the Deinosuchus. The Deinosuchus was lying down with its mouth open, slowly breathing. "She has finally adapted to her new diet, at the period she was in before she was moved to the park, she was heavyly over fed. But shes alright now." Bob explained to the camera "Ain't ya!" Bob shouted down into the Paddock. He was replayed my the Deinosuchus horrible hissing noise. "Ahh, Nigel warned me about that noise." Bob said walking off the bridge with his hands over his ears.

Meanwhile back in the Jurassic.

"Morning Guys" Nigel said siting up from his branch. 'Hello, morning and good morings' replayed to him. Th camera zoomed in on Nigel. Nigel wiped his face "Alright, the Herd should be gone now." Nigel said starting to climb down. "AH, my back." Nigel said while climbing down.

"Oh" Nigel said when he reached the camp. Not only were all the tents trembled, but the Miragaia were still there! "Well we have complete evidence that Miragaia DID live in Utah." Nigel said with a giant smile on his face. "Nigel, um, how are we going to move the herd." Ben asked approaching him. "Well um, right now we cant so i suggest we go off there." Nigel pointed off to a forest. "And just explore and see what we can find, until these guys move." "Why dont we just set up the Time Portal now?" Ben asked him. "Because the Portal is in the Jeep-" Nigel giggled- "-And the Jeep is there." Nigel said laughing. He pointed out into the middle of the herd.

"Shhh" Niel said to the camera man. Nigel was lay on his stomach surrounded by ferns and many other exotic colourful plants and Trees. "Look" Nigel pointed out of the ferns. A group of 15 to 20 Dryosaurs jumped around a area of the forest which had a lot of nest's. "There flocking, just like bird" Nigel said smiling. "This is Un-believable."

Suddenly a large creature erupted out of the trees and started attacking the Dryosaurus. "Get down!" Nigel said to the camera man, reversing backwards into the deeper vegation. "Hey Nigel look!" Somebody shouted from behind him. Nigel and the Camera man looked behind them, to see Ben standing there. "Ben, mate be quite!" Nigel whispered. Suddenly Nigel felt breathing of his head. He looked up to see the head of a Theropod Dinosaur trying to have a staring contest with him. "RUN!" Nigel shouted jumping up. Nigel, the camera man and Ben ran through the forest at amazing speeds. Soon they were also joined by some Dryosaurus running from the creature. As Nigel, The Camera man, Ben and 5 Dryosaurus erupted out of the forest and in to the Fern field. They were amazed at what they saw. Nothing, the camp site was completely empty. Nigel then remberd about the creature chasing them, and speed up.

As Nigel looked ahead he noticed something, the Time Portal was already set up and the rest of the team were already in the Jeep shouting at them to hurry up. The group of Humans and Dinosaurs were about half way through the field when they herd a second set of giant footprints which they could only guess were from a second unidentified creature, causing them to speed up.

Nigel could feel a pain in his legs, but kept going. Soon he reach the crew.

Nigel, The Camera man and Ben took cover from the two UC (Unidentified Creatures) behind the Jeep, while the Dryosaurus continued through the Portal, along with the UC's.

"Ha, ha, uh" Nigel began laughing gently. "Well, that was Un-believable" Nigel said climbing into the driver seat. "Um Bill, just curious, what happened to the herd?" Nigel asked putting the Jeep in to reverse. "Just wondered off" Bill answered.

Nigel reversed through the Portal. A he got out he was greeted by Bob and Suzanne.

"Welcome back Nigel" Bob said shaking his hand. "Glad you're OK" Suzanne said hugging him.

"Thanks" Nigel said smiling.

Bob then got into the Jeep and drove it off. " Suzanne, how is the Deinosuchus?" "Oh, she's fine, she's eating fine as well." Nigel was about to ask her something, when a noise came from the Portal. A brown Miragaia entered the Portal. "Unbelievable, hello there" Nigel said approaching the Miragaia. "Oh, looks like they left this poor bloke behind." Suzanne said approaching the Miragaia.

Just as it entered the park, the Portal snapped shut.

Suddenly Bob came running down the path, "Nigel, not another, I'm having more than enough trouble with the two Ceratosaurus." Nigel looked at him, "So that's what species was." Nigel said laugthing.

Soon the Two Ceratosaurus, along with the Five Dryosaurus and the new Miragaia's were all into there Paddocks. The Deinosuchus is eating with out a temper. And finally Five Titanosaurus nest's were lay down. The Park was finally peaceful.

Next time ...

A Tropical Storm hits the Park

* Shot of giant black clouds*

And Nigel go's back only one Thousand years to rescue a the Tasmanian Tiger.

* Shot of a pack of yellow striped Tigers *

Well that is it, the First episode of Prehistoric Park: Series 2 This episode we caught:

2 Ceratosaurus (Male and Female)

2 Miragaia (Old male and Old Female)

A flock (5) of Dryosaurus (Three Female and Two Male)

The main Creatures next episode are Thylacine's that became extinced 70 years ago however could use some ideas for some other creatures. The character, Bill was seen in episode 5, The The Character Ben was attacked by the Mei long in Episode 3, Jim was seen in Episode 5. And finally Suzanne's blond assistant 'Sarah' appeared in episode 2 and 3 but was name-less

Comments are welcome, whether they are bad, good or random

Baryonyx Rules!

Suchomimus Rules!

See you next episode!