Okay…here we go again. LOL This is the 4th story I have updated…I am soooooo tickled you guys are enjoying reading my stories, it makes me feel so good. I really do appreciate you taking your time to read them. So it looks like another cliffhanger, boy I love those, don't you? LOL xD I just love leaving you guys on the edge of your seats! Hope you don't hate me for that. LOL Also as you can see something went wrong with chapter markings here, I am writing chapter 5 now…I haven't posted it yet, so I don't really understand what happened also when I scroll down to see my chapters it stops at 4…Okay…so there's my rant LOL You know what, never mind I just figured out what happened…

Thank yous go out to: Bouncerok, BlueDiamondStar, Lisbon94The Mentalist Rules, Anna, Koezh, Thenonexistant, 13Jo, Awesomenerd95, Jisbon4ever, Nouna, Liquidcrystal94, Lisbon94, and JRRS Thank you all so much! I hope I didn't miss anyone…if I did, PLEASE tell me so I can add you! Okay, so here we go…

Authors note: very descriptive… so I warned you

Teresa tried desperately to get breath into him. She was not giving up on her friend. He had been through so much…to much to deal with. Too much for one man to bear… no, she was not giving up…

Teresa continued CPR, trying not to hit the wounds he now bore…His chest was the worst. The tender skin now badly burned, and blooded up, even hanging off of him. Not to mention the nasty bump on the back of his head. She couldn't believe this maniac tried to actually set him on fire…along with his home...

His home…Teresa didn't want to think about that, but she couldn't help it… It was a heartbreaking site to see. The only part of his life with his family before they were took away from him…

She shook her head and continued on Patrick, tears ran down her face. This was just too much.

She heard the sirens coming…at the same time Patrick finally responded to her…

He was coughing rough and hacking trying to get his breathing normal…He just laid there, looking up at Teresa, who was now crying and smiling down at her friend who was now breathing once more.

He spoke barely above a whisper: "My…our home…its gone…isn't it?"

Teresa turned slightly on her knees so he wouldn't see his home.

As she turned she looked at it…it wasn't good…

"Patrick, it's still there…just stay with me ok."

Patrick had tears running down his face, he couldn't loose their home…it would be too much, he couldn't survive that.

Fire engines, ambulances and her crew all showed up. Immediately the fire men started on his home, while EMT's checked him out. Teresa just held his hand and stroked his cheek.

They looked over his chest, wrists and ankles. Shaking their heads at the site of his chest.

"Ok sir, can you understand me? What's your name?"

Patrick had started slipping unconscious…Teresa panicked, this wasn't happening…not now!

"Patrick…his name is Patrick Jane. Please help him. Be careful, he has a head wound."

"We are mam…Come on, on the count of three…1…2…3…lift. Mam are you okay…we need to get you some help."

"No, I'm okay…Just concentrate on him."

They nodded at her as they lifted him on the stretcher as Teresa told the leading EMT to not to face him toward his home. He nodded as he gave the orders he needed done for Patrick…

Patrick tried to stay awake…it was so hard too though…he was so tired and so hot…he had to tell Teresa what that monster told him. He tried…he had to tell her, if it was his last breath.

"Ter…Teresa…I have…to…tell…you…something."

She was right there next to him holding his hand as he spoke. The EMT's had IV's quickly going in him, and started trying to cool him down a bit with cool wet wash cloths. She was happy about that.

"What is it Patrick?"

"He's…he's…after you…he said…he'd…see…you…soon." He took a deep breath before starting again: "Please…Teresa…be…careful." With that he fell back into unconsciousness.

The EMTs worked frantically on him. His blood pressure was dangerously high, along with his temperature which was also dangerously high…

"This doesn't look good does it?" Asked Paul who was assisting, also John, who was currently icing him down a bit. The lead EMT Mark, was trying to get Patrick straight.

"No, it doesn't. Just try to keep him cool. I've got fluids going in him."

He shouted at the driver James: "Hey, crank the AC up…we've got to get him cooled down before he has a stroke!"

"Yes sir." Was all that was said as he cranked it all the way up.

Mark shook his head at the numbers…this was not good…

"His numbers are very serious, keep wiping him down. His blood pressure is 200 0ver 140…his temp is 104.7…Lets get him stripped down out of these cloths. I am hoping that will help him. All this cool air going on him should help a bit. I'm going to give him some medication that should lower his blood pressure."

The three men worked carefully, but swiftly on Patrick. Soon he was lying in boxers. His clothes mostly had fell off him, but some were cut off.

"Okay Patrick, my name is Mark. Can you hear me?"

Mark kept his voice calm and gentle, he didn't want Patrick to know the shape he was in, it wouldn't do him any good…

Just as Mark turned his head for a second to check the screen for his vitals…Patrick had a seizure…

It took Mark, John, and Paul to hold him down. All three muscular men, was taking everything they had to hold him down. It was very painful to watch him.


"Calm down Patrick, where almost there."

The three looked at each other, giving each other weary looks…things weren't going good for this poor man.

As Patrick calmed a bit, his body slammed against the bed with a loud thud, as the men held on to him. The screen was really singing. They had to get his blood pressure down so the doctors could operate.

Mark kept watch on Patrick's chest. He knew he was in a lot of pain, at the sight before him, he gave Patrick a light sedative. Enough to calm him, and help take the edge off him, at least he hoped, but not enough to mess with the medications that the hospital would give him.

Soon Patrick was arriving at the ER…and placed in the Critical Care area. As his nurses and doctors prepared him diligently.

He was given more medication to lower his blood pressure a bit more. It was too high for the doctor to operate.

"Oh my…poor young man, what happened to him?" Asked his kind older doctor who would be taking care of him.

"Well Dr. Greenly, his is a disturbing story." Began Mark…

"There is an arsonist going around, and he, unfortunately was his next target. He was tied up to the floor, just left to die. His boss Teresa Lisbon, miraculously pulled him out. She looks a bit rough, a couple of burns on her arms. I tried to go over her, but she refused treatment."

Dr. Greenly shook his head. "Poor thing, well I'll do all I can do for him. His blood pressure looks stable at the moment, so let's get him back in the OR. Where is Miss Lisbon?"

"She's at the crime scene. She's trying to find some clues to help bring this monster in."

Mark eyed Patrick and shook his head at the sight.

"I have her number, she handed me her card."

Mark handed the doctor her card, and shook hands before they separated to go their different ways. Mark said a little prayer for Patrick, as he walked out…

"Okay nurses, we know all what happened to Patrick. We don't want Patrick having another seizure, or even worse. So we have to be very careful with him."

His nurses all agreed answering him in unison: "Yes sir."

"Okay, lets gently prep him, and see if there is anymore damage done. I want to double check, just incase in all the chaos something was missed."

While two nurses cleaned him up so the doctors could see how bad his chest was, one was in charge of watching his vitals.

"His vitals are better doctor, still high readings, but going down. I have gave him a little more meds to help keep it low."

"Very good Nurse Tammy. How is his IV's going?"

"Very good, his body is accepting the fluids and meds very well."

"Wonderful. Okay, well with this much damage done, I'm going to have to do skin graphing on his chest. His ankles and wrists are bad also, maybe second degree, but his chest is the worst, and causing the extreme pain he is in. Nurse Tammy, did you up his pain meds…I would prefer to kill as much of it as I can. I want him to be well rested after this."

"Yes sir I did, He's all ready…his blood pressure is slowly getting lower also."

"Wonderful, safe numbers so I get started."

Doctor Greenly gently trimmed Patrick's burned hanging skin off of him. It looked very painful. His nurses were shaking their heads, wondering what kind of monster would set someone's house on fire with them tied to the floor. He had to be screaming in pain.

They watched the doctor's carefully, skilled hands gently work on Patrick's badly burned chest.

Once he had removed all the burned skin, he cleansed the wound to insure that it wouldn't get infected. Then placed the skin graph carefully on him, and gently placed a special medicated bandage over the wound, taped it to the outer side so nothing to stick to the new skin.

"Okay, the new skin will knit to his skin. The bandage will insure nothing gets in his wound. We will monitor him regularly to make sure he's healing properly."

The nurses agreed in unison once again as the doctor set his attention on Patrick's wrists.

"Okay, well these look rough too…let's see here. Well he is raw, his skin was pulled away when the rope was removed. Goodness, this poor man."

They all shook their heads as Doctor Greenly cleansed his wounds and gently placed skin graphs on Patrick's wrists before placing the skin graphs on him, then gently bandaged them.

"Okay, now his ankles. Let's see here."

The doctor went over Patrick's ankles and just as suspected…he was badly burned there also.
His wounds were gently cleansed once more before he placed the new skin over him, and once again bandaged him up.

"Okay, now that his burns are took care of, I want to look at his head wound."

Nurse Tammy gently turned Patrick's head a bit more for him to see it. They already had it tilted because they didn't want him to have any pressure on the wound.

"Hmmm, well it feels like a concussion. I want a CT done on him. I need to see if that's all it is."

"Right a way sir."

They rolled Patrick down the hall to have a CT done…and it was confirmed, a bad concussion.

"Thank goodness, this young fellow doesn't need anything else going on. I'm going to see if I can get Miss Lisbon. I want him monitored. His blood pressure is a lot better than it was, 150 over 98 but I would like to see it a bit lower, a perfect 120 is what I'm looking for, also the ice and coolness in here will help him cool down a bit. His temp is 102.3…its lower…but not as I want it."

The nurses agreed as they rolled him in the ICU and placed ice packs around him, and made sure the air was on cool. They had to get him to hold a stable blood pressure and temp. The only thing on him was a sheet that covered his lower area to about his thighs.

The nurses station was informed about Patrick and he was assigned a nurse to him right away.

"Hello my name is Ruby, I was told about Mr. Jane. Did his surgeries go well?"

"Yes Nurse Ruby, as you can see were having some issues with his blood pressure and his temperature. I need him monitored around the clock."

"Yes sir, when my shift ends I have told Rebecca she is taking over."

"Very good nurse."

She smiled and nodded.

"Okay, beings Patrick here is in good hands, I am going to call Miss Lisbon, and tell her about Patrick's condition."

"Yes sir." Ruby answered him.

He then left her with his chart so she knew exactly what he needed and how much to give him.

Then she gently walked over to Patrick's bed and shook her head at the sight of him.

"You poor thing, your going to be alright, your in very good hands here."

She gently stroked his cheek. She then checked over all his tubes to make sure nothing was loose, also checking the ventilator, making sure it was properly inserted. Sometimes tubes came loose, she wasn't second guessing any of his nurses, she just wanted to make sure for herself.

Once she was satisfied, she set in the little chair next to his bed, and began just talking to him. Gently rubbing his right arm.

"Bless your heart, you sure have been through a lot haven't you? Your safe now, your going to be just fine sweetheart."

His nurse was in her late forties, about the same size of Teresa, only a bit taller. Long brown wavy hair, and blue eyes. She had been nursing since she was 21. She grew up on a farm, and her father was a doctor, and her mother was a nurse herself. So you name it she had seen it. She had a lot of experience before she had even entered nursing school.

Meanwhile Dr. Greenly got up with Teresa...

"Teresa Lisbon CBI."

The doctor smiled…she was shook up, you could hear it in her voice.

"Uh yes, Miss Lisbon. My name is Dr. Greg Greenly, Patrick Jane is my patient. I just wanted to call you and inform you of what has been done."

"Oh yes, is he okay?"

"Well he is better than he was, but I want him even more better. His blood pressure was very high when he was being brought here…so was his temperature. So bad in fact he had a seizure."

Teresa felt tears fill her eyes as she listened.

"He is better now, we have his blood pressure lower it is 150 over 98…which compared to 200 over 140 it's a world better. The EMTs worked hard to get him straight. It's a miracle he didn't have a stroke."

Teresa listened and cried…the beginning of this day had been so nice…now all this going on.

"His temp in the ambulance was 104.7, they got it to slowly go down. We had to wait till he was more stable to operate. We have it now at 102.3…he is stable. He has around the clock care and is in the ICU. We've placed ice packs all around him and, and the air is very cool to help him. His surgeries went very well. He has skin graphs on his chest, wrists, and ankles. His head injury is a bad concussion. Patrick is very blessed you came when you did, he wouldn't have made it."

Teresa just cried to herself and listened to him.

"When can I see him? I wanted to come with him, but with all that happened, I wanted to see if there was anything I could find."

Teresa suddenly felt horrible that she had left him…

"Miss Lisbon, that's quite alright. Believe me, it wouldn't had been good for you to see him like that. You can come see him whenever you want. Oh we also have him on a ventilator to help him breath better. He is red, like a bad sunburn, but that will heal."

The doctor stopped a minute: "I need to see you as well. I heard you had a couple of burns."

"I'm fine…I just need him to be okay." She told him.

The kind doctor thought for a moment before continuing: " You know Miss Lisbon, Patrick is going to need a lot of help, I'm sure he would want you treated as well. Am I right?"

Teresa closed her eyes and spoke: "Yes, their not bad, just places on my arms."

"Yes, well they need to be treated…I wouldn't want Patrick mad at me when he wakes up."

Teresa smiled at that…he would be mad…

"Okay…I'll be right in. What floor are you on?"

"Good then. I am on the second floor. I'll be here for the rest of the day…but probably throughout the night too, I want to stay and keep check on Patrick."

"Okay, let me get my team straight on what I need done, and I'll be right there. Thank you for taking care of him."

"You're more than welcome dear. He's in good hands here, I promise."

With that they hung up and Teresa gathered her people. She told them everything that the doctor her told her. Then she told them what she needed done…

"Okay, listen up. I need this property secured, day and night. Shift around so people are here at all times. I need evidence, I know it seems hopeless right now, but we have to try. There has got to be something that was left behind…something."

Her team nodded in agreement as Rigsby spoke: "We haven't found anything yet, the ropes he was tied up with are gone…melted. The blood we found, we think are Patrick's, but we will know for sure a little later. I told him put a rush on it."

Teresa nodded as she answered him: "Okay…good Wayne. Maybe something in there can help us."

"I sure hope so, we've been scowwering…trying for the tiniest of clues…but nothing yet. Just that blood…not even anything left behind where he was hit."

Teresa looked defeated. Wayne added as he gently squeezed her shoulder: "We'll find him boss…we got this, we'll let you know as soon as we find anything."

Teresa nodded and smiled as they parted their ways. It was then when her eye caught his car.

"Patrick, why didn't you let me know you were coming here, I would have came with you. No, you had to come by yourself though…and now look."

She spoke softly to herself and cried. Then cried more at the thought of him loosing their items he wanted.

She smiled slightly at his car. Their things were in his car, but she didn't have his keys maybe she could get them at the hospital. The last thing she needed was for this maniac to steel his car…that wouldn't be good.

Teresa took one last look at Patrick Jane's house. She cried at the sight of it. Their bedroom along with his daughters were gone, along with the stairs…how was he going to take this, she thought to herself. It was some left, enough that he could come here if he needed to, but just enough to hurt him more. She could see it was a punishment. Teresa shook her head as she headed to her car and drove to the hospital…

Okay….that's all folks! LOL Just a note here for you guys. I don't know a lot about skin graphing…so if you do, please tell me. I don't think gauze would be used, because that would pull the skin, so I thought medicated bandages that wouldn't stick to skin.

Please read and review

*Hugs* Crystal :0)