So guys, here is the new story I'm starting. Couples are Randy/Maria and John/Mickie.

I really hope you guys like it! =)

For the sake of the story, we are going to pretend that Mickie and Maria never got released. Hope you guys are in for a lot of drama, humor, romance, and action! :)

We're Done

"Whoa whoa whoa, let me get this can't stand your own wife?" John looked over at his best friend, Randy Orton in disbelief.

It was a sunny day in Los Angeles, CA, and the duo were enjoying their day off by playing some basketball on the hotel court.

"Yeeup, that's what I said." Randy stood at the three-point line and threw the ball up, he made it of course since he always loved playing.

"You've only been married for like two years!"

"And? Is that suppose to stop me from doing what I think is best?"

"Right, but even still shouldn't you at least give it another year or so?" he sighed, "For Alanna's sake dude." He jogged over to the sideline to grab their bottled water.

"Don't give me that 'for Alanna's sake' crap," he shot John a very Viper-esque glare, "by getting the divorce it will be better for Alanna because she won't be growing up in a house where her parents fight all the time."

"You guys don't fight all the time, everytime Mickie and I are around you guy you seem like the perfect couple."

He rolled his eyes, "Key word there is seem, we aren't a perfect couple. We fight everyday for the little things like, forgetting to take out the trash, or her car not being waxed. We even fight over things that happen on those stupid soap operas she watches, it's getting ridiculous and I can't live with it anymore."

John shot a lay-up before he responded, "So you're just going to divorce her like that," he snapped his fingers together for emphasis, "you're not going to try counseling or anything?"

"Counseling? Are you serious? No way, word gets out that I'm having trouble with my 'perfect' marriage and bam!" he clapped his hands together, "Vince gives me time off to try and fix it, and the last thing I need is for my job to be in jeopardy just because Sam and I have issues."

"Alright, well let me ask you this," he tossed the ball over to him, "Do you still love her?"

He chewed on his bottom lip as he shot a free throw, "Honestly? sounds bad and I know it, but I married Sam because my dad, my mom, and even my grandparents wanted me to. Not because I wanted to, did I love her in the beginning? Of course, I wouldn't of even bothered with her if I didn't," he took a deep breath, "But things change John, people grow apart and they want different things."

"So you are going to put your one year old daughter through this?"

"Alanna deserves the best, and Sam and I divorcing is what's best for her. She does not need to see me fight with Sam all the time, and she damn sure doesn't need to see me drinking away the pain every night."

John nodded, "Well I know that you already have your mind set on this, and as much as I'd like to give you the 'Attitude Adjustment' to change your mind, I know that it won't work."

"Damn right it won't work Cena!" he laughed, "I would put give you an RKO so fast you wouldn't even know what hit you."

"Oh but I would, an RKO would've hit me."

"Smart ass."

"Baby-oiled gorilla."


"Oh, we want to go there do we...Keith." he grinned.

"Keith, not nearly as embarrassing as being named after a cartooned cat."

"Whatever dude," he punched him in the arm "are you hungry? I saw a Chinese buffet restraunt down the street."

"Yeah, I'm down."

"Good, because you're buying." John snickered as he made a bee-line for the door.

"What? Why do I have to buy?" Randy yelled as he chased after him.

"How on earth could you have been so stupid Maria? I had the match, you should've just left the stupid chair where I put it!" Nick Nemeth (Dolph Ziggler) sighed with frustration, "but no you just had to play 'hero' didn't you?"

"Nick, I'm sorry, how many times to I have to apologize?" she was sitting on the hotel bed watching him pace back and forth.

"Try a lot of times! Why did you even have to get involved huh?" he kicked over a bedside desk which caused Maria to jump.

"Just calm down, alright? I won't do it ever again."

"You're damn right it won't ever happen again, because you and I are done. Now pack your bags and get the hell out of here."

"Bu--but Nick, I didn't mean it I swear!" She stood up and walked over to him, "Please don't do this."

"You didn't listen to me when I told you to stay backstage, and since you're so stubborn and refused to listen to me you cost me a shot at the Intercontinental Championship, so now I have to start from the beginning!" he turned to her, "And in the beginning I didn't have a bratty, materialistic, no good Diva at my side, so leave!"

She looked at him in disbelief, she turned to pick up her zebra-printed suitcase and duffel bag, with a slight glance back at Nick she walked out the door.

She made her way down the hall where she knew her best friend Mickie was staying. She knocked a couple times and waited patiently for her to open up.

And as soon as she did, the tears Maria was holding back began to fall down her face.

What did you guys think? I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Sorry for the extremely short chapter, the chapters will get longer as the story progresses!

Review, review, review!
