...Time is standing still
You seem to be off track
My ears fill with excuses
As you glance back...

- Bitter Goodbye; Rhonda M.

Dear Chad,

I am writing this as I wait for my mom at the studio, taking my last look around the 'Prop House'. Well I guess you could call it the prop house but if you, possibly walked in here and found me sitting on the floor, you most likely would've thought it was an average empty room. No alien with the bumble bee antenna I wore my first night on the show, a week before you had stole my yogurt and me and my casts' parking space. No couch where you completely ignored me when I was in an awful mood about Lucy and Tawni. Not even the hole on the ceiling where we (secretly) tried to injure you. This room reminds me of how I'll feel about you, Chad, while I'm in Wisconsin.

This day had gone on slowly, knowing I would never be able to come back. See Tawni and Zora and Nico and Grady. Knowing that everything I'd be doing from eight o'clock from eight thirty PM would be my last time ever on that stage. Knowing I would never see you, Chad. No more fights, no more stupid ways to get each other pissed. It will all be gone, and I'm sad you'll never know that, or feel how I felt today seeing you for the last time.

I'm writing this in a book of empty pages I found, The cover is Twilight Black, and as thick maybe even thicker, as a Rachel Ray cook book. I hope to send it to you some time when we're both older, not seventeen but maybe twenty. Maybe not show you at all.

I can now hear my mom coming down the hallway so I must put this book in my suitcase for the long plane ride so she won't ask any questions about it, or snoop around in it from time to time.

