D I S C L A I M E R :

I may have created a few characters but I DO NOT own anything in these stories.  Valdemar, the Herald, the Companions, and most characters are the intellectual property of Mercedes Lackey.  I desire no monetary return on these stories and have written them solely for the enjoyment of myself and others who love Mercedes Lackey's books.  (Please don't sue, I am broke as it is…)

~ * ~


Tashti held her breath as she waited for the man to pass her hiding place.  When the darkness was silent again she slipped out from between the two buildings and padded down the dark street avoiding the puddles of questionable liquids. 

She changed her route twice more before she finally entered one of the buildings lining the street.  Tashti waited several moments to be certain she wasn't followed before she slipped up the stairs to the upper most level and down the hall to the last door.

Even there she did not relax.  She kept a blade hidden in one hand.  There were no furnishings in the room but she had not chosen it as living quarters.  In truth she had chosen it because it had a window that overlooked the alley and easy access to the roof.  She assumed a post by the window where she had a view of most of the alley and could keep an eye on the door as well.

The night eased closer to dawn but she still did not move.  Finally the man she waited for appeared below her.  He stuck out in the neighbourhood despite his clothing, he bore himself upright without concern for his surroundings.

Tashti, however, was more interested in the shadows about him.  In the darkest shadows she searched for followers.  There, about three lengths behind him were two moving shadows that had the air of protection not of hunting.  One seemed to flow the other was much clumsier.

She waited until they passed around the corner and pulled herself out through the window and onto the roof.  She waited just above for the men to enter the room. 

Careless footsteps alerted her to the presence of two men on the stairs.  A rueful smile stretched her lips.  He had obviously not taken her threat seriously.  They knocked once on the door and entered.

"I told you we would arrive before him."  A cultured, heartless voice commented.

There was only an illiterate grunt as an answer.

They didn't bother to disguise their presence as they tried to find a place to wait comfortably.  Tashti waited hoping they would reveal more about themselves.

"When's the cove gonna show."  A raspy voiced asked.

"Soon enough.  He specified to be here by three bells."  The first voice dismissed.

"He also specified alone."  A third voice spoke quietly.  She only heard him because he was next to the window.

So all where below her.  One was dangerous, one a street tough, and her contact.  She didn't want any witnesses to their discussion.

"Ye want us ta stick 'im?"  Tashti could hear the anticipation in his voice.

"Of course, but first I want to question him."

So at the street tough had just been hired.  The dangerous one she was certain had been with him for sometime.

Both were killers.

Tashti did not want to be on the roof when dawn arrived and certainly not in this outfit.  After a moment she decided to abandon her post.  Taking the roof she worked her way back to a better part of town and used a drain pipe to return to the ground.  From there she slipped through alleys and backwards till she reached her destination.

Satisfied no one was about she easily opened the window she had left unlocked and slipped into her room.  She changed the black silk for a homespun nightgown.  Removing a floorboard she hid the suit and crawled between her sheets.  She only had a little while before the sleeping draught lost potency.

Dawn had not yet turned the sky pink when she was called into the adjoining room. 

"Milady?"  She kept her face down turned as she entered her mistress's room.

"Oh Brenna, there you are my dear.  I want an early breakfast."  The beautiful woman ensconced in the bed ordered.

"At once, Milady."  Brenna dipped into a curtsy and returned to her room.  Moments later she emerged dressed for the day, a silk dress the mistress had discarded and had given her in loo of a uniform her hair was wound into a coronet about her head.

Down stairs she didn't disturb the cook and prepared the repast herself.  She knew the mistress would make life miserable if she didn't eat soon. 

When she entered the mistress's room with the tray of food her mistress was still in bed.  Brenna set the tray on the bedside table and smoothed the counterpane then delicately placed a linen napkin on her mistress's lap followed by the tray. 

"Very good Brenna.  I will wear the green dress that was just delivered today, you may choose which jewels."  The woman said as she sipped the sweetened tea.  "The key is on my table there."

"Yes, Milady."  Brenna removed the dress from the wardrobe and set it over the white velvet fainting couch.  She then chose appropriate undergarments and accessories.  Pulling open the drawer in the make up table she used the key to open the safe.  She chose a strand of pearls with an emerald and diamond slider and a pearl bracelet to match.

She arranged the perfumes and cosmetics as she waited for the mistress to finish eating.

"You may remove this now."  The mistress ordered.  "I wish to go to court this evening, I expect you to have my blue silk ready." 

"Of course Milady."  Brenna accepted the tray and placed it outside the door on a small table.

"You are such a good girl."  She paused to study Brenna's slight form.  "You are learning quickly which is a blessing, I can't abide being with out a decent maid."

"Yes, milady."  Brenna helped her out of her silk nightgown and into the clothing. 

"We are going shopping this morning.  I need something to wear this evening, I have worn those diamonds three times so far and they will be recognized if I wear them again."

The Lady sat on the stool before the mirror and allowed Brenna to arrange her nut-brown locks.  Brenna's deft hands twisted and curled the hair into a fashionable hairstyle.  She then used the collection of brushes to apply the make up to her Mistress's face and dabbed a bit of perfume on her neck.

"Well done my dear."

"Thank you milady."  Brenna fasted the jewellery and stepped back, a signal that she was complete.

"I wish to read in the library, come to me when the time has come to leave."  She swept out of the room leaving Brenna to repair the room.

It was a candlemark before Brenna had her own breakfast and ordered the small gig brought about.

She knew her mistress would want to be at the shop just after opening.

"Miss Brenna, there is a man at the door asking for the mistress."  A footman stopped her in the hall.

"I will deal with it."  Brenna made her way to the front door.  A man dressed in the latest fashion was waiting impatiently.

"Is Lady Onray in?"  He asked.

"I am her lady's maid, may I ask what you require?"  Brenna drew herself up to her full height.

"Aren't you a pretty bit?"  He looked her over wolfishly.

"If you have no business I urge you to be about your day."  Brenna gestured for the butler to close the door.

"No, please tell her that a friend of her brother's has come to call."  He ordered.

"May I have you name?"  Brenna didn't move.

"Gervain Hardren."

"I shall see if she wishes to see you."  Brenna turned on her heel and left him cooling his heels.  Lady Onray counted on her to keep what she termed the unsavoury visitors away.

"Milady, a Gervain Hardren wishes to see you."  She said with a curtsy.

"Do show him in."  Lady Onray straightened her skirt and placed her book on the small table.

Brenna curtsied out and fetched the man.  He seemed to be like every other man of money, shallow and of little worth.

"Gervain Hardren, milady."  Brenna .announced.

"Gervain, how kind of you to call on me."  Lady Onray simpered.

"Ah, Mellana, you are more exquisite than before."  He praised and kissed her hand.

"That is everything Brenna.  You may dismiss the gig."  Lady Onray ordered.

"Of course milady."  Brenna closed the door and beckoned a footman.  "We won't be going out.  Please have the gig put away."

He nodded and hurried off.

Brenna let no emotion touch her face as she collected her embroidery and took a seat by the window across from the doors to the library.  She knew when Lady Onray acted like that she wouldn't want to be disturbed.

Brenna completed an iris the size of her palm before they emerged.

"Brenna, please have the gig brought about."  Lady Onray ordered.

"I shall call upon you again my dear."  Gervain caressed her cheek.

Brenna tucked away her embroidery and lead the man to the front door. She decided not to tell him the tail of his shirt stuck out under the back of his tunic.

"We will be going out."  Brenna informed the butler.

"Of course."  He said stiffly.

Brenna helped Lady Onray straighten her appearance and fix her hair before they left to go shopping.

Lady Onray refused to handle the reins so that chore fell to Brenna who expertly steered the horse through the streets.  She gave no opinion on any of the jewels that Lady Onray examined and said nothing about her visitor.

On the return trip Lady Onray obviously felt chatty.

"You know my dear, I do believe I shall entertain Gervain again.  He was so considerate."  She said idly.  "What was your opinion?"

"I don't have one, milady.  I only saw him for a moment."  Brenna demurred.

"I suppose that is true."  Lady Onray sighed.  "He is very well built you know."

Brenna didn't remove her eyes from the road.  "Actually I don't, milady."

"All for the best I suppose.  I certainly don't want to train another maid so soon."  Lady Onray grumbled.

A carthorse reared suddenly tossing his owner in front of their gig.

Lady Onray's beautiful but witless horse reared at the sudden commotion.  Lady Onray grabbed the reins from Brenna and hauled back hard screaming.

Brenna felt something crack as the horse over balanced and fell back.  She grabbed the side of the gig and jumped out.  As her feet touched the ground she turned back to help Lady Onray, just in time to see the horse fall back and land upon her employer with a sickening crack.  There were shouts of alarm as people rushed to help.  The horse kicked wildly making it impossible for anyone to get close.  When the harness finally pulled free he turned himself over enough to scramble to the ground where he shook uncontrollably.

Brenna was the first to reach her mistress.  She looked for a pulse but knew it was pointless.  Her neck was broken.

"Are you okay lass?"  Someone placed a hand on her arm.

"Has some one sent for Healers?"  She asked.

"There is no point."  Someone else assured her as they helped her to the ground.

Inside Brenna's mind was racing; outside she was acting shocked.  "But we must."  She insisted.

"Her neck is broken."  An arm was placed about her shoulder as she was guided off the street.

Brenna's eyes were wide in shock and bright with tears.  The man beside her was the same man from the room that night; the one she knew was dangerous.  And he was wearing all white.

"But she can't be dead."  Her voice was pitched higher with panic.

"Herald, is she alright?"  A man in the uniform of a guard asked.

"I believe so, she had more sense than her mistress and got clear when the horse started going over."  The man beside her confirmed.  "Come on little one."  He urged her into a tavern.

Brenna let herself look at him, she felt like she had no air in her lungs for a second.  He was handsome with black hair and brown eyes.  He was much taller than she was.  "What am I going to do?"

"Worry about that later.  A glass of spring water over here, please."

Brenna accepted the water and sipped it slowly.  She wasn't certain how to proceed.  Had he been looking for her?

"We were just shopping."  She said.

"I know.  What's your name?"

"Brenna Kittiring."  She answered.

"Well Miss Kittiring, do you have a place to go?"

"Only back to Onray House."

"I'll give you a ride."  He said.

Brenna would rather deal with the guard than accept but she couldn't do that and keep her persona intact.  Instead she nodded weakly.

"Once you finish your water we'll be off."  He tossed a few coins onto the table and she finished the water. 

The sooner she was away from him the better.  Outside his Companion was waiting.  The Herald mounted first and helped her up behind him.

She sat with both legs on one side and had to cling to his waist to keep her balance.  He seemed to know the way and soon put her down on the Onray doorstep.  He dismounted and appeared prepared to follow her.

The butler opened the door.  "Where is Lady Onray?"  He asked immediately.

"There was an accident.  I am afraid your employer is dead."  The Herald answered.

"We must send a message to her husband."  The butler muttered to himself.

"Will you please see to Miss Kittiring's comfort, I am afraid she is very shaken."

"Of course, thank you for seeing she returned."  The butler said with a nod.

The Herald mounted up again.  "I am certain everything will work out Miss Kittiring."

Brenna nodded and watched him leave.  She let the butler lead her to the library and ply her with spirits of wine.

She gave him and the gathered servants the tearful version and let them cosset her for the time being.

She knew she couldn't remain there.  Lady Onray's husband was a lecher and had only kept his hands off her because his wife would withhold her money if he trifled with her lady's maid.

It was almost a candlemark later that she returned to her room and started to pack up.

"I am sorry this happened."  The butler said with sympathy.

"So are we all."

"I am certain you will find another position."  He patted her shoulder. 

"There is always call for a trained lady's maid."  She assured him.

"We want you to have this Miss Brenna.  We know you can't wait for the Lord to give you your wages."  The butler gave her a small bag of coins.

"Oh, thank you so much."  Brenna let two tears fall done her cheek.

"I best go see to mourning preparations."  The butler departed.

Brenna pulled up the loose floorboard and removed the black silk suit and the other things she had hidden there.  She also changed into a plain brown dress of homespun cloth.  The forbidden items she placed in the bottom of her bag.  On top she placed all the gowns she had been given.

Satisfied the small room was striped of all signs of her occupancy she left.  She didn't think it wise to seek another position as a lady's maid.  She knew that few others would believe that she hadn't been used by the Lord and even fewer wanted a pretty lady's maid.

Downstairs she collected her embroidery and the few other things she had left there.

"Miss Brenna, you best go out the back.  The Lord has just arrived."  A maid warned.

"Thank you."  Brenna smiled at her and slipped out the kitchen and into the back alley.

She made her way to the street and from there made her way leisurely to the semi-respectable are of town.  The farther from the Onray house she was the more she became Tashti and less of the obedient Brenna.

Tashti bought some tubes of paint and in an alley made some careful paint stains on her hand.  With just a few adjustments to her clothing and appearance Tashti became Ella, the artist.

She rented a room that had its own fireplace, a table and a bed.  She had wanted the window that gave her a clear escape route.  She used all the money given to her by the butler to pay for the room through six months.

She hid her secret belongings again and left to collect some painting paraphernalia. 

~ * ~

"You mean she has been turned off already?"  The Herald asked the butler.

"Yes Herald.  She didn't dare wait for the Lord to return, not if she wanted to keep her reputation."  The butler verified.

"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?"

"No.  I believe she wasn't certain herself."

"Well, thank you anyway."  The Herald returned to the waiting Companion. 

:Why are you so desperate to find her?:  She asked him.

"I don't know.  She just seems so fragile.  I hate to imagine her out on the streets on her own."

:I am certain she is just fine, Aeric.:  The Companion assured him.

"I would feel better if I knew where she was."  He swung into the saddle.  "Would you mind if we looked for her?"

:If it would put your heart at ease.:

~ * ~

Ella laughed at the bawdy joke of one of her tablemates.  Here Ella was just another struggling painter.  She received several requests to pose for a painting but she knew what motivated the offers and wasn't interested.

"I have the most finicky patron."  She complained to the man across from her.  "She has more wrinkles than a crushed canvas but she wants me to paint her as she was in her youth.  The best I can say is she pays well."

"It sounds like a challenge."  He agreed.  "I had one who wanted a painting of with him and two nubile young woman, he must have eighty.  I barely managed to finish it."

"Why can't they just accept their age?"  Ella sighed.

"So speaks a young woman."  An older man chuckled.

"I just mean it would be easier on us, 'tis all."  Ella protested.

"I know ye did lass.  They are just trying to recapture a bit of the youth they wasted."  He explained.  "Well young miss, you are new here."

"I moved in from Brightbridge.  I needed more custom and I hated competing with my father."

"I don't blame you.  A cider for the lass."  He beckoned.

"Thank ye."  Ella accepted the drink.

"I wonder what a White coat is looking for here?"  The young man across from her muttered.

She turned to take a look, it was the Herald from the previous month.  She was very glad she had changed her appearance with judicious use of cosmetics and hair dye.  Still she turned away before catching his eye.

"Perhaps he wants his portrait done."  She suggested.

"With a face like that, I would do it for free."  A young woman giggled.

"Perhaps he is just parched."

Ella's ears heard quiet, careful footsteps approach her.


Ella downed the last of her cider.

"Well, I best get back.  I have to finish that commission."

"Luck to ye."  The older man bid her.

Ella donned her cloak and flipped up the hood.  She timed her rising so she would collide with a server which gave her an excuse to not look towards the approaching Herald.  Both staggered a bit but kept their feet.

"Terribly sorry."  Ella apologized.  The Herald was getting closer.

Ella headed to the end of the row were it was clearer.  From there she quickly manoeuvred to the doorway and out into the chill winter air.  The Companion was standing a ways away from the door and Ella took the chance to duck down an alley.  She scaled the wall with ease and waited on the roof.

The silvery chime of the Companion's hooves entered the alley.  Ella hurried over the roof and swiftly made her way to her rooms.  The hooves didn't follow.

Inside she quickly changed into her black suit and packed her belongings.  She used a black bag to cover the canvas one to make it less visible.  She left by way of the window.  Whoever this Herald was, he was obviously hunting her.  She was still on the roof when someone knocked on her door.  The door opened and soft footsteps entered.  They stopped at the window.

To anyone else they wall looked unscalable.  Tashti, however, wasn't just anyone.  She had been trained from a very young age to climb just such walls.

"Damn."  He uttered.

Tashti decided not to wait about and got ready to leap from this roof to the next.

:Wait.:  A female voice said in her mind.

Tashti paused and looked about. 

:We mean no harm.:

Tashti decided not to listen to the voice and leaped the gap.

Behind her the Herald had climbed to the roof himself.

Tashti ran across the roof beam thankful for the moonless night.

"Can you just wait Brenna?"  He called.

Tashti hesitated again.  She could think of no reason to speak to him but her instinct told her she should.

Tashti always trusted her instincts.

She walked slowly back to the edge of the roof.  He still stood on the other roof.

"Thank you."  He said when she stopped.

"I should leave."  She cautioned.

"Has anyone told you you're hard to track?"  He smiled.  He offered her a hand to help her back across the gap.

She didn't accept it.  "What do you want?"

"I just want to talk."

She waited.

"Who are you?"

"Brenna Kittiring."

"Then why did they call you Ella in the Tavern?"  He pressed.

"If you are just trying to figure out who I am you are wasting your time."  She turned to leave.

"Please wait.  I am Aeric.  I was worried you wouldn't be able to find more employment.  Keara thinks I am obsessed."  He smiled a bit.  "Are you a thief?"

"Hardly."  Tashti snorted.  "If this is all you have to ask, I will be leaving."

She didn't turn back this time and was several rooftops away and quickly climbed to the ground.  A few twists and turns and she was fairly confident she lost him.  Tashti made her way to the river, always listening for following footsteps.  She turned down a blind alley still keeping to the shadows, invisible in the darkness.  The alley ended at the back wall of a warehouse.  The sound of a Companion sent her farther into the shadows.  She figured the Companion must be able to scent her like a dog would.  The man must be an idiot or very dangerous to brave this area of town.

Near the mouth of the alley the Herald appeared, his Companion trailing behind him.  He was half way to her when she saw the men gathering at the mouth of the cave.  At least twenty.

His Companion was the first to see them.  Aeric quickly moved to defend himself.

The gang was armed with cudgels and blades and Aeric had a short sword.  No matter how good he was he didn't stand a chance.

Tashti slipped through the shadows unseen by all until she was behind the men.

"Wot's a 'Erald doin' 'ere?  I reckon we shouldn't let 'im leave."  One said.

Tashti reached out of the shadows and pulled a man back into the shadows.  He didn't have time to make a sound before she had covered his mouth and nose with her glove.  The drug in the fabric did its work quickly and he fell to the ground unconscious.

She didn't wait to choose her next her victim, she shook a knife into her hand and cracked another on the temple.  He too sank to the ground.  She didn't want to kill any of them if she could avoid it.  A man noticed the absence of his neighbour and was about to raise the alarm.  Tashti quickly snapped his neck with only a twinge of remorse.  After that the men seemed to blur together.  She sensed the battling Companion and Aeric also in the melee.

It seemed only heart beats that the alley was cleared of all the villains capable of fleeing.  Twelve remained littered across the ground.

"Thank you."  Aeric wiped a bit of blood from a knick on his arm.

"Idiot."  She said succinctly.

Aeric gave her a charming smile.  "You seem to do that to me."

Tashti knew she couldn't see her face but she still suppressed an answering smile.

"Are you alright?"

"I am fine.  I knew what I could face here.  You on the other hand blindly entered a dead end wearing white."  She sheathed the knives she had used and reclaimed her bag.

She heard several Companions approach.

"Here come the cavalry."  She muttered and sank back into the darkness.

"Aeric, are you alright?"  The lead one asked.

"I am fine."

"Did you do all this?"  Another asked in disbelief.

"No.  She helped me."  Aeric realised Tashti had vanished into the shadows again.

"Who did?"

The Companion came up behind her and shoved her out into the weak light of the night.

"Bloody horse."  Tashti cursed.

The Heralds all reached for their blades again.

"Is that your mystery maid?"  One asked.

Aeric nodded.  "She saved our lives."

"She looks like a thief."  The lead Herald commented suspiciously.

Tashti waited until the Companion rejoined Aeric before turning and climbing the wall.  She had almost reached the roof before they had a chance to react.

"I can see why you have been hunting her."  Some one laughed.

~ * ~

Aeric wore solid black and followed the Lord back into the area surrounding Exile's Gate.  The Lord swore he was being blackmail, with the threat of death if he didn't obey.  The Queen had ordered him to join the Lord at the exchange.  This time he had convinced the lord not to bring that piece of street scum.

The last time their contact had not appeared.  The next time a note arrived chastising them for violating the conditions and the amount demanded doubled.

Aeric held back to keep from being seen and watched as the lord entered the same building as last time.  The Lord knew he was to wait for him just inside the door.  Aeric led the way to the corner room but allowed the Lord to knock. 

Aeric was the first to enter there as well.

"All clear."  He called over his shoulder.  The lord entered and sniffed with distain.

Aeric took a post by the window hoping to see the man before he arrived.

A gloved hand reached out of the darkness and wrapped around his mouth and he found himself unable to move.  He collapsed to the floor.  Whatever was in the glove had rendered him paralysed.

The lord spun around in time to see a lithe young woman enter by way of the window. 

She removed the black hood and mask revealing an elfin face with pale hair gilded silver by the full moon's light.  "Hello my lord."  She said softly.

Aeric could hardly believe his eyes.  It was the woman he knew as Brenna.

"There are the jewels.  Now leave me alone."  He tossed the weighty bag to her. 

She let it fall to the ground.  "I am not interested in your jewels."

"What do you want then?"  He backed into the corner.

She didn't move.  "Justice.  Just justice."

"What have I done to you?"  He asked, his voice creeping higher in panic.


"Perhaps if you tell me what you think I did we can come to a peaceful resolution."

"You truly can't remember?"  She asked softly.  "Was it really so long ago?"

"Please, just let me live."  He begged.

"You sold me."  She approached him, death in her eyes.

"No."  It was more of a plea than a denial.  "You have to understand.  I knew you would be better off anywhere else.  You were too small to survive the streets."

"So I was better off as a slave?"

"You would have been clean and fed."

"Clean and fed?" 

Her laugh made Aeric's blood run cold.  He could move his arm now but it took all his strength to do so.

"You sold me to an assassin."  She continued.  "And I learned my lessons well."

"An assassin…"  The man crumpled to the ground.

Aeric wouldn't blame her if she stuck a blade in his throat this moment.  It certainly explained her amazing abilities.

She grabbed the Lord by the throat.  The bastard was sweating despite the cool air.

"Don't kill him."  Aeric managed to croak.

She paused.

"You can have justice."  He promised.

She glanced over at him.

"Please don't."

She turned back to the lord and pulled him to his feet ruthlessly.  He opened his mouth to plead for mercy and she covered his mouth and nose with one hand.  "Be silent."

The bastard quickly inhaled a dose of the chemical that laced the silk.  She let him fall to the floor unceremoniously.

"Thank you." 

She helped Aeric sit up.

"What is that stuff?"

She removed her gloves.  "This one makes you sleep for days, this one paralyses."

"And he is going to sleep."

"Yes, I thought it wiser."

"Were you going to kill him?"

"Last time, yes.  This time, I am not certain."  She sat next to him.  "Is your Companion near?"

"She will be here in a few moments."

~ * ~

Tashti paced the prison from wall to wall waiting.  The lord swore she had tried to kill him and the Council had believed him over her.  She had not seen him since she had been arrested.  Not that she expected to.  She decided that if they did let her live she wouldn't trust her instincts again.

She also swore she would settle down in some quiet little hamlet and do whatever people in quiet little hamlets did.

Somewhere above her a bell started to toll.  Tashti waited for someone to come tell her the verdict. 

It was a woman dress in dark blue of the Guard who appeared.  "They chose death.  You die at dawn."

Tashti nodded.  "Thank you."

Well, Aeric had promised her justice.  She just had thought he had meant the Lord's.

Tashti ran her fingers through the back her hair and found the small vial she kept glued there.  It was a lethal poison; she would fall asleep and simply not wake.  She had known her occupation was risky and accepted death and torture as risks of the profession and always carried a vial, now, facing death at dawn, she couldn't bring herself to use it. 

"Are you going to use that?"  Aeric asked from the door.

"Perhaps."  She faced the door.  "Care to share?"

Aeric looked as if each word was a blow.  "I tried to convince them but you are simply to dangerous to bring before Council to be questioned."

Tashti just watched him.

"I know I promised you Justice, and I will get it."

"Didn't you?"

"Damn it!"  He pounded his fist on the door.  "I meant he would find justice not you."

"I should have slit his throat and left."  Tashti shrugged.  "Foolish move on my part."

"I will talk to the queen.  Please don't use that vial.  I know you have no reason to trust me but please, don't drink that stuff."

Tashti held it up again.

"Trust me."  Aeric pleaded.

"Very well."  She hid it again.  "Until dawn.  I have no desire to die for the amusement of the morbid."

"Fair enough."  Aeric left.

Tashti sat in the corner and waited for the dawn.

~ * ~

"She is an assassin, why should we trust anything she says."  Queen Selenay asked exasperated.

"I believe her.  He practically confessed to her."  Aeric argued.

"You were drugged at the time."  Selenay pointed out.  "The notes she sent him were quite clear.  If she didn't get what she wanted she would reveal his darkest secret."

"Yes, so long as she had her revenge she was content to let his family alone.  All she was seeking was justice."

"If he was part of the slave ring why didn't we catch him earlier?"

"Because he got out when you first started suspecting them.  I don't know."

"What do you propose I do?  We can launch an investigation but it all happened more than fifteen years ago."

"What I propose is we question her, under truth spell.  She is all the proof you need against him.  I promised her that if she stopped he would receive Queen's Justice.  Because of that promise she is going to die in a few hours."  Aeric pleaded.

The Queen hesitated.  "We will look into it.  But the fact remains, she is an assassin."

Aeric could hear the finality in her voice.  He left with out a word.

:Aeric?:  His Companion, Keara, ventured.

:Not now.:

:I will help you.:

Aeric stopped in the middle of the hall.  :What do you mean.:

:We won't let her die.:  Keara promised.

~ * ~

Tashti could feel dawn approach even though she had no window.  She pulled the vial out for the hundredth time since Aeric had left.  She had kept her promise.  If she waited much longer they would come march her out into the dawn and to her death.

Aeric hadn't return so she assumed he was unable to change his Queen's mind.

She hoped Aeric wouldn't suffer from supporting her.  With her thumbnail she peeled off the wax

~ * ~

Aeric felt cold inside.  She may already be lying dead in that dark cell.  He didn't even know her real name.

He wasn't wearing his uniform.  He could barely look at it with out feeling betrayed by all he held dear.

His Queen was killing a woman for doing the same crimes he did on her orders none of which she had done in Valdemar.

Outside the sky started to change from grey to red.

Keara waited for him outside wearing the oldest tack they could find that was still serviceable and a filled saddlebag. 

He hoped this plan would work.

~ * ~

Guards were leading her to the raised stone platform where her head would be removed by one quick slice from a sharp sword.  Her hands were bound tightly behind he back and her feet were tied so she could barely shuffle along.  Several times she staggered and was yanked back on to her feet.  She stumbled on the steps and fell to her knees.  She was hauled to her feet unceremoniously. 

"Do you have anything to say?"  She was asked.

She waited a few moments to look over the people had gathered to see her die.

"Yes, I do."  She found the Queen half hidden in the shadows.  "I am not feeling generous this morning."

She pulled her hands out to reveal she had freed herself.  Before anyone could react she had a guard pulled in front of her as a shield.  She slipped the small eating knife out of his belt and released him.  Tashti balanced the blade by the point and sent it flying through the air.  It sank into its target to the hilt.

The Lord fell to his knees, his eyes wide with surprise, and a blade in his throat.

Tashti sank to her knees and blinked sleepily.  With a blissful smile on her face she collapsed.

~ * ~

Aeric watched what happened in horror.  She had taken the poison.  Someone was yelling for Healers and more were fleeing before she could do the same to them.  Aeric ran to her side.  Her skin was clammy and her face pale.

She still had a pulse but it was erratic and weak.

"Wake up!"  He shook her shoulder.  Tears streamed down his face.

Her eyes opened.

"Don't die.  Please don't leave me."  He pleaded.

"Aeric.  I trust you."  She said softly.

A healer pried her from his arms and laid her out on the stone scaffold.  He frowned in concentration as he used every bit of power at his disposal to save her.

A Companion climbed the steps and stopped behind Aeric. 

:She won't survive.:  Keara said gently.

"I know."  Aeric whispered.

:There is nothing more we can do.: 

"What did she use?"  The healer asked him. 

"I don't know.  It was a tiny vial of amber liquid."

"You knew she was going to do this?"  The queen asked next to him.

"I knew she had the poison, I knew she would use it."  He said coldly.  "If you had listened to her instead of assuming that because she was an assassin she was lying she wouldn't have had to take justice in to her own hands."  Aeric accused. 

The Selenay stepped back when she saw the pain, rage and hate in his eyes.

Aeric returned to the prone woman he clasped her cool hand between his own.

"I have done all I can."  The Healer said.

"Please look at me, Brenna, please just open your eyes."  Aeric pleaded.

She opened her eyes again.  They were a bit clearer.  "My name is Tashti."  She whispered.

The Queen stiffened.

"Tashti, you're going to be alright."  Aeric stroked her cheek.

"Liar."  She smiled.

"Someone bring a stretcher."  The Queen ordered.  In moments one appeared, and she was shifted on to it.

Aeric trailed after the Healers not letting Tashti out of his sight.

Prince Daren appeared next to Selenay.  "What's wrong?"

"He sold his own daughter into slavery."  She stared after the departing Herald. 

~ * ~

Aeric sat next to the bed praying for all he was worth that she would survive.  He would find away for both of them to leave Valdemar as soon as she was well enough.

By law they couldn't not execute her so long as was ill.  Before they pronounced her healthy he had Keara would spirit her out of Haven.

"Aeric?"  Selenay asked from the door.

He didn't answer.

"The Council just granted her a pardon."  She walked farther into the room.  "You were right, I should have questioned her instead of letting them claim she was too dangerous."

Aeric glanced up.  "What changed theirs minds?  She killed her only accuser?"

"Seventeen years ago his lordship's daughter went missing.  Her name was Tashti.  The Council was horrified he had sold his own daughter to cover his debts."

"What are you going to do with her now?"

"That is up to you two."  Selenay left them alone.

Aeric stroked the soft blonde hair that covered the pillow.  She had been betrayed by the man who should have protected her twice so far.  It was a miracle she could bring herself to trust him.

"Tashti, I am sorry I couldn't protect you."

"Rubbish."  She murmured.

"You're awake!"

"Yes, but my mouth taste like something died in it."  She opened her eyes.  "You're still here."  She smiled and squeezed his hand.

"I couldn't leave you."  Aeric admitted.

"You are angry with the Queen.  You were yelling at her before." 

"I know."

"I don't want to cause you trouble."  She looked worried.

"You have caused me trouble from the moment I met you.  Everyone thought me mad to go out everyday to search for a phantom maid.  You led me into the worst part of town.  You even drugged me.  But you are worth the trouble."  He promised.

"So are you."  She slipped back into sleep.

Aeric's heart felt like it was about to burst.