A/N: My first Doctor Who fic! This is just a random idea that came to me while re-watching the 10th Doctor's episode.

Doctor Who: Parallel

Prologue: We're Not In London


Amy Pond was thrown away to the other side as the Tardis had loudly hit against a solid ground.

"Where are we? Are we here now? Doctor?" She looked at the Doctor who was concentrating on the controls of the Tardis. She called out his name again but it seems like he was too focused to listen or hear her.

"Doctor!" She exclaimed and finally she got his attention.

"Sorry, yes? I'm sorry. I sort of got spaced out there--" He started to ramble some nonsense, not taking his eyes off the controls. "--Sorry, yes?" He finally glanced at her.

"So…are we here now? The 1900s? Because I'm really excited to watch Peter Pan" Amy was smiling like a child.

"Ah yes, Peter Pan!" The Doctor followed her smile and excitedly moved towards the door. "Come on then before the show starts. The first ever show of the play. James Barrie's Peter Pan starts in a few minutes if I'm not mistaken." He looked at his Golden watch.

The lights inside the Tardis started to flicker.

"What's up with the lights?" Amy asked but before the Doctor could answer. The Tardis started to whirl. Both Amy and the Doctor fell to the floor, they clung to one of the bars.

"Something's wrong with the Tardis" The Doctor held closely.

"I think I'm going to be sick from this spinning. Is this supposed to happen?" She looked at him.

He shook his head. "Someone or something is messing up with the controls of the Tardis. It was my mistake to ignore it at first." He was trying to reach up for a knob but the intense spinning of the Tardis prevented him to do so.

There was a final crash and the Tardis became static. They've finally landed somewhere.

"So we're not in the 1900s?" Amy stood up. The Doctor had stuck his head outside.

"No we're not" She could hear his voice from the outside of the ship. She followed him. "When and where are we?"

"Present time. London." The Doctor looked at the Tower Bridge in front of them.

"London? Looks a bit strange isn't it?" Amy looked around.

"I have a hunch but I hope I'm wrong about this" The Doctor turned away and walked across the street.

"I'm hungry. We should go and look for something to eat. Maybe some chips?" Amy suggested.

"Okay, let's look for food"

Amy and The Doctor had finally found a pub two blocks away from where they've parked the Tardis.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Amy swallowed a handful of chips.

"No, Thank you" The Doctor said nervously and Amy had notice that the Doctor seemed at bit strange.

"Is there anything wrong? You look a bit unease over there"

"I don't know" He kept on looking around the place. "Something feels wrong. I don't think we're in London right now"

"What do you mean by 'We're not in London'? It looks like London to me. Are we in some planet that looks like London or something? Or are we in the future? You did say it's present time London, maybe you're wrong and we're somewhere in the near or distant future?" She questioned. She was confused and she didn't know what the Doctor is exactly trying to say.

"Are you done eating?" He pointed at her empty plate.

"Obviously, I am"

"Let's go" The Doctor pulled her and they both left the pub.

"So…where exactly are we?" She asked again.

"London but not London London." He replied.

"Doctor, you're confusing me" They were now walking down the street.

The Doctor took out his Sonic Screwdriver and started to sonic the lampposts, the ground and everything solid.

"So we're not in some sort of delusional world" He started.

"What do you mean by that?"

"We could be in some place disguised by a perception filter making this place look like London," He explained.

"It's not the Dream Lord guy again, isn't it?" She said as she heard something.

"No, it's not. It's something else" The Doctor had stopped using the Sonic screwdriver, returning it in his pocket. He was looking at a blonde boy across the street.

The boy looked like he was about to cross the street.

"Why are you looking at? Do you know that kid?" Amy also looked at the boy.

"No, he seems familiar to me" The Doctor absentmindedly replied.

The boy was crossing the street as a car was approaching fast. The Doctor came back to his sense and ran towards the boy. They both descend to the ground as the car swiftly passed by and the boy was entirely safe.

"Tony! Oh Goodness! You're okay" A familiar voice had spoken. The Doctor was still lying on the ground until Amy rushed towards his aide.

"Doctor, are you okay?" She helped him up.

"Are you alright, sir? Thank you for saving my boy" The woman's familiar voice spoke again.

The Doctor turned around and he froze. "Jackie?"

"Jackie? Who's Jackie?" Amy arched her eyebrows to him.

"I'm Jackie" The blond boy's mother stepped forward and closer to them. "And who are you?"

Before the Doctor could answer her, he looked at Amy.

"Listen, Amy. My hunch was right. We are not in London."

"Well, of course you are. London. The year 2015" Jackie spoke. "And who are you?"

"Jackie, it's me" The Doctor looked at her this time.

"You? Who exactly are you?"

"I'm the Doctor"

A/N: PLEASE Read and Review!