"Hey, Morgan."

I looked up, already grinning at the sound of my baby boy's voice. "Hey, kid. How are you do- Holy shit."

Cursing at work was something I tried not to do. But I was pretty damn sure no one listening in would blame me.

"You shouldn't curse at the office," Spencer said, frowning at him, all attempts at coy flirtation gone.

"What is all this?" I asked, looking him up and down. My boy was wearing nylons, if I wasn't mistaken, sheer material clinging to his legs in a way that was obscene at the very best. A skirt was just barely covering his sweet thighs, leading up to curls that had been… enhanced, somehow. A touch of lipgloss just barely plumped out those smooth pink lips. A touch of mascara made his eyes even more impossibly beautiful. "Wait a second… this isn't for me, is it?"

Spencer seemed to remember his role, lowering his eyelashes at me. "Who else would it be for?"

"Pretty boy, you are too much," I laughed. And then Reid reached into his breast pocket and pulled out a lollipop. The laughter died from my throat, and suddenly watching that sucker disappear between those plump lips was my only priority.

"So," Spencer licked around the lollipop, the red dye of the candy staining his lips, "Can we take this to a more… private location?"

Five minutes later, we were kissing and grinding in the janitor's closet. The tiny, damp closet was suddenly my favorite place in the world. Mostly because my favorite person in the world was between my legs, rubbing his pretty little package against my swollen cock.

"Do you like my new look?" Spencer breathed. The put-on breathy voice was gone, replaced by genuine arousal.

"It's nice," I smiled against his lips, "But then again, you're nice. I mean, this is hot, right now, but I wouldn't want it all the time. Am I making any sense right now?" Spencer laughed and shook his head, taking my bottom lip between my teeth and rubbing us together. "Aw, yeah," I moaned, "I guess I just like the variety, as long as it's with you. I'll take you anyway you come, pretty boy."

Spencer panted against my lips. "You're sweet. But I'm more concerned with the way you come…"

He beamed, pleased with his dirty little play on words. He was so adorable, my Spencer… I licked behind his teeth, tasting the sweetness of the candy he'd eaten. Spencer reached down and popped the button on my jeans, groaning with relief when I yanked down the nylons, exposing his cock to the air.

"Uh, you feel good," I grunted. "I think we should rub our cocks together til we come; your thoughts?" Spencer gasped, his hips stuttering forward.

"Yeah, yeah, I like that idea. Derek…" Our teeth clacked against one another, our heated flesh sliding over one another's. He was so hard; it was making me dizzy to be so close to him. I thrust my hard dick against his, admiring the pretty 'o' that was his mouth falling open. His eyes fluttered, his nose crinkling as a particularly hard thrust forced fire up his spine. I moaned, so close to finding my release, when a loud beep distracted me. I was happy to ignore it, but Spencer didn't have the same idea, "Wha – huh! What is that?"

"It's my phone."

"Check it."

"Are you serious, uh!" I grunted as Reid thrust up against me. Reid's honey brown eyes fixed on me, kiss-swollen lips pursed in one of his little kitten pouts. "Fine, I'll check it." I found my phone in the dimly lit cupboard, stared at the screen, and groaned.

Where are you? We have a briefing to get to. Plane leaves in half an hour. JJ.

"We have to go in?" Reid pouted, his eyes wide. His pretty pink cock was peeking under the lip of his skirt, teasing me. "But that means…"

"You gotta be kidding me," I groaned. It was then that I caught the grin spreading across Reid's face.

"It's too bad," Reid said pleasantly, "Now that we're on a case, you and I can't be intimate. And here I did all this work just to turn you on. I was really wondering how it would feel to have my lips sliding on your penis and alerting all your pleasure receptors, but I guess we can't. If only someone cared more about having sex than settling a bet."

"You set me up," I said, "You knew we were getting called in for a briefing, you son of a bitch!"

"Hey," Reid pouted, "You're not supposed to swear at the office, remember? Besides, that wasn't very polite."

"Screw being polite, Reid," I said, "I'm going to have blue balls for the next week and you want me to watch my fuckin' language?" I wasn't sure which feeling was more prominent; the desire to yell at Reid or the desire to fuck him so hard he couldn't see straight.

It was like the little genius could read my mind, "I've heard that angry sex is incredibly stimulating."

"No, no," I said, stumbling to pull my pants, "I am done with stimulation, there is no more stimulating for me, and there's certainly no more stimulating for you after what you did."

"Oh, come on!" Reid cried, "The only reason I did all of this is so that you would give up this stupid bet that we shouldn't even have made in the first place. Just put your penis inside my ass for two minutes and we can go back to fucking every night like we're supposed to."

I finished doing up my pants, the pain of squashing my erection helping to keep me focused. "Sorry, love, but I ain't losing. Especially over this. This is hot, but it isn't you, Spencer. It's not irresistible."

Reid pouted, "So, what do I have to do to be irresisble?"

"Like I'm going to tell you that." And with a decided limp, I walked out of that janitor's closet with my head held high.

After all, a man needs his dignity.