Disclaimer: Don't own and don't make any money but just like to have fun.

So many of my readers requested an epilogue or sequel, I decided to write this for you.

Meddling in the Affairs of Wizards

Posted: 07 July 2010

Chapter 17: Epilogue

Although it seemed strange to most people, no one that really knew Harry was surprised to see two house elves and about ten goblins milling around with the other birthday well wishers. It was the first time that Harry had been able to speak with Stagnook since the inheritance meeting.

"Gibbennook," Harry said in a semi private meeting with all the other goblins in a corner of the Quidditch box where they were seated. "You have honored me with your wisdom and your commitment. Your debt to my family, as well as the others, has been paid in full."

Harry's Gibbennook shook his arm as was the goblin way; right palm to the inner forearm of the other party, squeezing and one shake then release. "We are now free as is the way of a debt's payment in full. We are pleased that you have worked hard and will now be a prosperous wizard in the magical world."

"Gibbennook," Harry said quietly, "will it still be alright for me to visit with you?"

"You are always welcome, little one. The cancelling of a debt does not end alliances that have formed. It only moves then on to better things."

Harry nodded his head in understanding and smiled at the goblin that had helped raise him. Although he did not have human contact for the first seven years he was with the creatures, they had treated him well and gave him a sense of wellbeing.

Later that evening, everyone had gone home and Harry and Draco were back at Malfoy Manor reminiscing about the success of the day. Draco brought up another subject that he anxiously wanted to speak about.

"So, do you think your owner would allow you to date now?" Up to this point, Harry had put off such behavior as he didn't know what would happen later, and goblins instilled chastity in their young. Harry was not excluded from those teachings.

"I don't know, I guess I will have to ask him. But, I think it would be alright for a date or two, just to see how it will work out." Harry teasingly answered.

Draco threw a small pillow at him from the sofa and said, "Well, perhaps I should look elsewhere."

"Don't you dare!" Harry exclaimed even as Draco got up and sat next to him.

"So, do you think your owner would object to a kiss?" Draco suggested. Harry blushed with a rosy color in his cheeks and his eyes took on a luminescent glow. Draco slowly brought the palm of his hand against Harry's cheek as he brought his face closer. Very lightly he pressed his lips against the blood red lips of his soulmate.

In that split second that their lips touched, they were both glad they had waited. It would not have been the same if they had been doing this for years. Harry doubted that he would have remembered it the way he would remember this, his first kiss. Slowly they pulled apart and Harry rested his head on Draco's shoulder. He breathed in a shaky breath as he took in the scent of Draco's cologne. It was a familiar scent that he would never tire of.

"You know, it almost broke my heart when you father asked me to enter in a bonding contract with you. I had to tell him I was owned and I was in such despair." Harry turned to look at his best friend and soulmate as said, "Thank you for waiting for me."

Draco smiled and pulled his green eyed beauty closer to him and joked, "Well, there was no one else around that caught my eye, so it was no problem."

When they went back to school for their seventh and final year, it was as an engaged couple. Everyone knew they would be together and actually wondered what had taken them so long.

Fortunately, years of discipline and study habits were well placed in their daily routines and so the distraction of each other was not as bad as it could have been.

Harry and Draco were evenly matched for top student, but again, it was Draco that was Head Boy. Harry was just happy the attention was focused somewhere other than himself. Hermione Granger was Head Girl and Harry was glad for her, as she had worked hard for it.

During the school year, Harry was busy himself with a project that he hoped would make a difference in the magical world. Combining the talents of both Xeno Lovegood and Rita Skeeter, he wrote a book, The Real Life of the Boy-Who-Lived. Mr. Lovegood was actually a good match for Rita, as he was less prone to embellishment. Rita, on the other hand, was more gifted with words and so their strengths and weaknesses balanced each other in writing it.

The book told of how the of the Boy-Who-Lived was taught and protected by the very creatures that the wizarding world despised. It spoke of love and friendship in the oddest of places and respect for other beings. Harry was hoping it would pave the way for more leniencies in the current laws and eventually abolish some of them completely.

They won the Quidditch cup that year as they had for the six years prior. The house cup was once again in Professor Snape's office.

It took three more years for Harry and Draco to finish University. They had both studied Wizarding Law, with Harry also taking Wizarding Politics and Draco going more for contract law. If nothing else, Harry's experience showed a certain lack in the wizarding world for contracts. The goblins certainly had fooled everyone with their 'purchased on behalf of a wizard' scheme.

Four years later…

It was Harry and Draco's bonding day. The sky was clear and they were at the Quidditch stadium as everyone wanted to come and see the nuptials. Not only were the entire Slytherin alumni there from Harry and Draco's time, but the professors, goblins, Uni colleagues, reporters, and most of the Ministry for Magic. Kingsley Shacklebolt had finally taken Fudge's place during the boys seventh year at Hogwarts.

Lucius had been correct in saying desperate people make desperate mistakes. It had started with the Umbridge fiasco and escalated from there. Finally, he had been caught misappropriating Ministry funds and was kicked out. Strangely enough, it was Rita Skeeter that had uncovered that little secret. 'She must have been a bug on the wall' Harry had thought at the time.

Harry was dressed in magnificent green robes of the finest silk and he knew Draco would have the same only in silver. As the crowd quieted down, Harry knew it was time and he was really nervous. Sirius and Remus were with him in the antechamber waiting for the signal from the minister to start the proceedings.

Since the majority of the guests were seated in a section of stands behind the Minister, Harry and Draco started for the Minister's podium from opposite sides at the same time. Neither one wanted to be the dominant partner, preferring equality in all things, so they decided both of them would walk down an aisle. Remus and Sirius were with Harry, while Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy walked with Draco. They met in front of the Minister where he stood under a silver arch and started the ceremony.

As they gave their vows, Sirius looked on with fondness as he watched Harry pledge himself to Draco. They had been friends for so long; it was hard to remember when they didn't know each other.

Lucius Malfoy also looked upon the couple with fondness. It was a strong and good match that would benefit the entire wizarding world. Harry was already taking a stand in the Wizengamot and getting involved with Hogwart's Board of Governors. He applied himself to everything the same way he did at school.

The rings were exchanged and they were now introduced as Mr. and Mr. Potter-Malfoy.

The crowd cheered and a gaggle of elves suddenly appeared with the tables and food on one side of the stadium. Even more were milling about the crowd with trays of refreshments as the party began.

As the evening wore on and the toasts were complete, Harry and Draco thanked their parents for everything they had done to plan the magnificent wedding.

Harry looked at Sirius and said, "It must have cost a fortune to rent this place. You should not have spent so much money. We only used about a fourth of the room."

"Harry, have you ever finished looking at your inheritance papers?" Sirius asked the young man he looked on as a son.

"I read it to about acquisition sixty five, but signed everything and left it for Gibbennook to manage. I have been too busy with school and the book and graduation from Uni to do much of the day to day managing."

"You should have read further. Acquisition number seventy one is thirty percent of this stadium and part of the Cannons Quidditch team. I believe your Gibbennook bought it after you made the Quidditch team at school."

Harry smiled and nodded, that sounded like something the goblin would do. As he was standing there with his Uncle, his new husband came to his side and announced it was time to leave for the honeymoon. The portkey was going to activate in five minutes.

Harry quickly said his goodbyes and he and Draco whooshed off to the Orient for a two week stay before going to Venice Italy for another two weeks. Draco wanted Harry to see something of the world as he hadn't traveled much when living with the goblins.

Three years later, Harry came home to a candlelit dinner for two and Draco lounging in the sitting room waiting for him. Harry had just come from seeing Remus who had performed a scan to see what was wrong with him. His magic was off, either too much or too little when he did the simplest of spells.

Draco looked apprehensive as he and his husband enjoyed the simple steak and vegetables that was their dinner.

"Harry, I have to tell you something, and I don't want you to get upset." Harry looked at him and nodded. He too had something to tell Draco but he would wait to hear what the blonde had to say first.

"Harry, I am pregnant." Draco almost whispered. They had said they would wait five years before starting for children.

"Draco, I'm pregnant." Harry stated after hearing his husband's confession.

"We can't both be pregnant!" Draco exclaimed as soon as Harry's words sunk in.

"My love, we certainly can as we have both been exposed to the circumstances that would permit our current condition."

They laughed and cried and held each other and eight months later, almost to the day they gave birth at the same time. Harry had twin boys just a half hour before Draco had one girl. Lillian Narcissa Potter-Malfoy was the apple of her fathers' eyes and Abraxas Draco and James Charles Potter-Malfoy were the heirs of the two pureblood families.

Life was certainly going to be interesting from now on.