Beast Boy sat there next to Terra's bed she layed there making so movement or anything. Beast Boy gripped her hand tightly.
How is she?
Beast Boy looked up and saw Raven.
Oh hey Rae, I think she's doing ok, he said.
You love her, don't you? Raven asked. Beast Boy nodded I do more than anything, I've aways loved her even when she was working with Slade, I just couldn't hate her I knew that she was still good inside she just needed someone to help her realize it.
Raven half smiled at him, She's lucky to have someone like you, Beast Boy I'm sure that she loves you too.
Beast Boy smiled, but I'm not sure she likes me I don't know how to tell her how I feel about her.
You can do it Beast Boy, Raven replied, I know you can because I've known you for a long time you have to just tell her whats in your heart.
Beast Boy smiled Thanks, Rae I can always count on you to help me.
Yeah well just don't expect me to help you with your love life Beast Boy, I don't do the love thing you know, Raven said.
Beast Boy chuckled don't worry I won't Rae, besides I already know that you have a crush on Cyborg.
Raven blushed and growled I DO NOT! She nearly yealled.
Beast Boy laughed you can deny it all you want Rae, but you know it's true, he said.
Raven's eyes flashed in white it's not true! she nearly yelled again.
Suddenly, Terra stirred in her sleep and moaned softly, Beast Boy started to panic.
Raven smiled well I'll leave you to tell her how you feel.
Wait..Raven how do I...Beast Boy started, but Raven had already left the room. Beast Boy groaned.
Terra sat up, and looked at him.
Beast Boy?
Beast Boy looked at her, h..hey Terra you feeling ok? he asked.
Terra nodded yeah I'm ok Beast Boy what happened I remember fighting Slade and then nothing.
Beast Boy smiled you totally wupped his butt Terr, he said but after you made the ground come open he fell in then you passed out. But the bad news it that he's still out there.
Terra sighed I just wish he would go away I don't want to be controlled again, because all he ever did was use my powers against me, and abuse me.
Beast Boy embraced her softly, hey it's ok Terra I won't let that happen to you anymore, I promise.
Terra hugged him back resting her chin on his shoulder and sighed, thanks BB she said thanks for always looking out for me, you're the greatest friend I could ever have.
Beast Boy sighed, Terra I've been wanting to say something to you ever since we met, I know it's kind of weird but Terra when we met I started to have this feeling inside, and I didn't know what it was until now so here it goes.
T..Terra, Beast Boy said I..I..I, I always have and I never want to lose you again because I love you very much and I don't think I could stand to be without you I was so upset while you were encased in stone and now I'm happy again because you're home now, he hugged her, I've missed you so much he said.
He looked into Terra's eyes and saw she was close to tears, he looked concerned.
Terra smiled and hugged him Beast Boy I love you too and I feel the same way, when I was incased in the stone all I ever thought about was you. You were always in my dreams and thoughts, I love you she said.
Beast Boy smiled and leaned in close to her, Terra did the same and they got closer and closer and they kissed. Beast Boy wrapped his arms around her waist while Terra wrapped hers around his neck. Raven was hiding behind the door and looked at the most adorable couple in the world. She smiled, and said Welcome home Terra, and walked away leaving the happy Beast Boy alone with his true love.
The end.
Well that's the end lol did ya'll like it? BB/Terra Rocks! I'll be making a lot more stories soon hope u enjoyed! :D R&R plz!