Hey guys! this is my first story, so don' t be too difficult!

disclaimer: i do not, in any way, shape, or form, own "spirited Away" it belongs to the amazing Hayo Miyazaki! not mine, nope nope nope! although i wish it was!

Chapter One

"Will we ever meet again?"

"Sure we will."


"Promise, now go, and don't look back."

Oh, how Haku wished that he could see his beloved Chihiro again. It had been eight years exactly since he watched her walk through the tunnel that separated her world from his. He could remember every detail about her, down to the slightest of things. He remembered her beautiful, chocolate brown hair, her cheerful brown eyes, and even the feeling he had experienced as they fell from the sky with their fingers laced together after their "lovely" experience with Zeniba.

"Only true love can break the spell," she had said to him. He remembered those words vividly.

"She loves me," he thought, "I should've confessed my feelings for her before she had to go." The memory of her touch flowing through his mind as a single tear fell down his pale cheeks. "Why am I crying?" he whispered. I am a GOD for goodness sakes!" He was staring up at the sky, involuntarily fiddling with the smooth, swaying grass that he was currently laying in.

"Because you love her," teased Rin, who had snuck up behind him as he was lost in his thoughts.

Haku jumped at her remark. Not only because she had managed to thoroughly startle him, but because she mentioned the word 'love'.

"What the hell would you know about love, Rin?" he asked.

"Absolutely nothing, however, you've obviously got some of it saved up for Sen." she commented.

"How many times must I tell you that her name is Chihiro--"

"and don't forget it, yeah, I know. You've only told me that a million times, I just got used to Sen… even though Chihiro is much prettier."

"I know," stated Haku in quite a monotone voice due to the fact that he wasn't really in the mood to have a conversation at that particular moment in his life.

"Fine, Dragon, I get the fact that you don't want to talk to your absolute BEST friend in the world right now. You're such a brat sometimes.."

"Wait, Rin…I really miss her and I want to be with her again..what should I do?"

"Go to Zeniba"

"Of course!" Haku exclaimed while mentally slapping himself, "Why didn't I think of it before!" and with that, he took off to Swamp Bottom.

Chihiro sat at her desk inside the large (and very expensive) school that she was currently attending. She kept staring at the clock. 'just twenty more minutes and hellooo summer break!' she thought excitedly. She was eighteen and a freshman in college. Lately, she couldn't help but to think about a certain dragon who, by now, would be almost twenty…well…in his human form at least. She smiled at the thought of her first, and not to mention, only, love. Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi, or, Haku, for short. He was perfect in every way, shape, and form. Both to her and anyone else who saw him. 'I love you, Haku,' she thought. 'I still have hope that you will keep your promise.


'YESSS,' thought Chihiro, 'finally time to go home!'

"Well, Haku, if you must go right this second then I can cast a spell on you…however, it will only last two weeks. Therefore, you will have to find her quickly. Then, you can bring her here if she is willing to come with you."

"In that case, that is what I wish to do," he stated, hiding his overwhelming excitement.

"Hold still then, my dear boy." He clenched his teeth as pain as pain shot through his body, but it left just as soon as it came.

"Thanks for the warning," Haku muttered under his breath.

"You're very welcome. You are now free to pass into the human world, so on with you, and bring me back my granddaughter."

"Of course."

Chihiro had been at home for about three days. It was roughly for o' clock when her mother called her to come downstairs because she had a visitor. She quickly jogged down the staircase and into the living room. She stopped dead in her tracks at the sight of the person standing before her.

"Haku..?" she whispered almost inaudibly.

"Chihiro." he said in the same tone, if not softer.

By this time, Chihiro's mom had gone into her room. She could tell that the two needed to speak to each other in private.

"Haku! I've missed you so much!" she practically screamed as she ran in to his arms.

"I've missed you too," he whispered into her ear. He kissed her cheek and she turned a light shade of pink. Haku simply chuckled at this. They sat there for what seemed like decades, but in reality, was only a few moments.

"I only have eleven more days in the human world." Chihiro's eyes widened at the sudden, yet very serious, statement. "If you'd like, after my stay here, you can come back to the spirit world with me until the spell can be made permanent." She tightened her embrace around his neck, pulling their bodies together. Haku gasped, completely closing the gap between them. He closed his eyes as their lips met for the first time. A tingling sensation shot through their bodies and--


The two pulled apart instantly when Chihiro's mother spoke. "OKAY MOTHER." she yelled back, suppressing a laugh. They heard the door shut, and their eyes met once again. Chihiro busted out laughing at Haku because, by that time, his face was crimson at the words 'don't do anything you'll regret. He soon joined her laughter, although his laughter was more out of nervousness than anything.

"Wow, Chihiro, I didn't know that you were active in that sort of thing." he chuckled out.

"HEY!" she yelled, punching him playfully in the arm. "I'm not! My mom's just over-protective! I'm still a virgin thank you very much!"

By this time, Haku was on the ground laughing his ass off. He had to practically gasp for breath and he was almost to the point of tears.

Chihiro rolled her eyes, "now where were we?" she asked…or more like said.

Haku got up as she said this and wrapped his arms around her waist, "right here," he whispered and kissed her once again. After a while they both had to pull apart for air.

"I'll go with you to the spirit world," she said in a serious tone. He smiled.

"I love you, Chihiro."

"I love you too."

He squeezed her tightly and kissed her temple. She blushed slightly at this. "I'm starting to wonder if I should even listen to my mother." She smirked as Haku blushed.

He gave a slight smile and said "I don't know, maybe you should ignore the statement and have fun with me."

Chihiro's eyes widened. "….." she couldn't find the words to reply with. She hadn't been expecting that answer, "…I…."

"Relax, Chihiro, I was only kidding," he hugged her, for his previous comment had obviously scared her. "I'm sorry, I didn't think that you would take me seriously."

"That's ok, it just caught me off guard is all." she said smiling into his chest. She began to realize how much taller he had gotten. He was easily 6' 0" and still growing at almost twenty, and very muscular. His face had taken on a more manly appearance and his voice was much deeper. Chihiro found him (at least what she'd seen of him) incredibly sexy. "Sit down," she motioned to the couch. They sat together and Haku had his arms around her waist.

"Chihiro…" Haku stated, a hint of nervousness in his tone.


"Um..I was just wondering if you…would be my…well….my girlfriend?"

"YES!" she screamed, squeezing Haku, who had jumped at her sudden enthusiasm.

"I looveeee youuu," he told her.

She giggled, "I lovee youu toooo," she replied, giving his=m a soft peck on the lips. This had to be the best day of her life. She got Haku back, she kissed him, and she was his girlfriend. Not to mention he said he loved her!

"Do you want to go for a walk?" hw asked her out of the blue

"Sure!" she replied in her perky, happy voice, and they set off on their walk.