I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, reviewing the events of the day.
It was official. I had never been so embarrassed in my entire life. The girl I like has seen me at my worst on a number of occasions - greasy, pimply and stinky. She's seen me puke and wrestle a guy naked. But that conversation topped them all. Maybe it would have been better if it was just her and me, but to have my DAD ask her AUNT if it was ok if we slept together because I'm too big of a baby to sleep by myself. Humiliating doesn't begin to cover it. He likened me to a puppy for fuck's sake. I was pretty sure not only was she going to say no, but I thought she would have changed her mind about going out with me at all. Having Tweedledee and Tweedledumb witness the debacle didn't make it any better.
And then Chloe's aunt made it worse by bringing up sex and pregnancy. I knew she didn't like me at all at the beginning, but I thought it had been getting better. We'd gotten along most of the time, and had actually bonded a little over some stem cell research show we watched on tv. But I guess she still thought I was some dumb teenager who was pathetic enough to want to get it on (without protection) with his girl while his dad and brother were in the room.
Things just kept getting worse and worse. After Lauren asked me what I wore to bed I started to panic. I couldn't even talk. I didn't want to be involved in the conversation in the first place, and she had me - I sleep in my boxers and that's it. Lots of guys do. But the way she made it sound - like I was a huge perv. Jeez lady, being a werewolf is hot.
Then she accused me of setting it all up, making it seem like it was my idea. So after a masterful impression of a two year old having a tantrum, I ended up running away. How attractive is that?
I had just gotten to the edge of the woods when I heard Chloe call my name. I ignored her and went into the forest, but slowed down. Maybe she would have called my name a couple of times and given up, but knowing her she would follow me. And then she'd trip over a log and break her leg, or panic and start summoning who knows what.
The path I was on opened up a little bit. I heard her enter the forest behind me, and so I started to pace in the clearing waiting for her. I was surprised she'd bother to follow. Hadn't I just proved I wasn't worth it? Could I be any more of a baby? I had to learn how to take care of myself.
Then she came into the clearing and started talking. She made it all okay. I can't decide if I think she was lying to me or not. Maybe lying is too strong a word, exaggerating the truth? I mean I know she has nightmares, but me doing a favor for her? I wanted to jump at the excuse right away, but I wanted to make sure she really didn't mind, that she wasn't being just kind-hearted. It sounded like she meant it.
So here I am, standing in my boxers and staring at myself in the mirror like an idiot. I heard her come in a couple of minutes ago and climb into bed. You can do this. I gave myself a little pep talk. It's no big deal. It's just like the couch and the van. Nothing is going to happen. Nothing she hasn't seen before. I threw back on my t-shirt for propriety sake, and left the bathroom.
Chloe was on the far bed, as far away as she could get from Dad and Simon without falling off the other side. I looked at her for a minute, trying to decide if she really wanted to do this. I didn't smell any fear, and her heartbeat seemed pretty normal. I guess we're going through with this. I gave a quick glance to Dad and Simon, and could tell they were just trying to stay up until I got into bed.
I climbed in next to Chloe. I know I'm big, but I tried to make myself as small as possible and as close to the other side of the bed as I could. I didn't want Chloe to feel crowded.
Almost as soon as I was under the covers, Dad turned out the lights. I didn't feel sleepy at all anymore. I felt tense and weird. This was never going to work. We lay there for what seemed like forever. The guys fell asleep almost immediately. But I could feel the tension in Chloe even though were weren't touching. Just as I was getting ready to tell Chloe I would just go for a walk in the woods and she could try to get some sleep by herself she broke the silence with a soft whisper.
"You can take your shirt off."
So much for my master plan of making her feel more comfortable because I was wearing a shirt. Maybe she wants to check me out.
"I know you don't usually sleep with one and we're having a hard enough time getting comfortable as it is."
I gave my self a mental head slap. Idiot. She doesn't have my night vision. She was just being considerate again. I know she'd stay up and worry about me if I didn't comply. Might as well get it over with. I whipped it off and dropped it next to me. I took the opportunity to move a little farther away from her so she'd have breathing room.
After a moment she started doing this weird shuffling dance in the bed. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her and then she was right there. Right next to me. I tried to get farther over, but one ass cheek was already hanging off the edge. Any further and I'd be on the floor.
"Derek, isn't contact the whole point of this?"
I didn't know what to say. So I went with my standard non-word response. That way she could take it any way she wanted.
Then she turned towards me, and put her hand on my stomach. "Is this ok?"
Ummmmm yeah. Better than ok. I grunted again.
"I'll take that as a yes. I'm going to go to sleep now. I'm exhausted."
Sure, whatever, tell me another one. And then she was asleep. Huh. I guess she was really tired. I doubted I would fall asleep. If I didn't move her over a little bit, I'd be falling off. I picked her up and put her in the center of the bed. I gave her a soft peck on her forehead and mumbled "sweet dreams" Would it be stalkerish if I took advantage of my night vision and stared at her all night? Maybe. Probably. I resolutely stared at the ceiling. At least one of us was getting the sleep we needed.
…The next morning...
I lay on the verge of sleep, not sure if I was dreaming or awake. It's that delicious point where everything seems to be perfect. I was so comfortable, and felt so good. I was snuggled close to Chloe and . . . Wait. What?
I woke up fully. When did I fall asleep? Shit. I was all over Chloe. My hand was under her shirt and my morning treat was pressed right up against her. Oh man, I was a perv. I was a sleep pervert. Her aunt was right. Shit shit shit. What was I going to do? I had to get out of here before she woke up. I started inching away from her, but just then I heard the change in her breathing. She was waking up. Shit.
Chloe yawned and nestled back into me, closing the distance I had just created. She gave a contented noise, almost like a cat purring. "mmmmmm, morning Derek."
"What time is it?" I turned my head to look at the clock on the nightstand. Dad and Simon weren't in bed anymore. I listened really hard. They weren't even in the room anymore. I must have slept through them leaving.
"Almost ten."
Wow. We'd slept for over twelve hours. I guess we did really need the sleep. Hmmmmm. close to fourteen hours without food. I'm surprised that my stomach didn't start to. . .and here it goes. Chloe's gave a little giggle.
"Yeah, I'm hungry too. Let's go get something to eat."
She started to turn, her bottom dragging across my little friend. She needed to stop wiggling before I made an even bigger fool of myself. Then she froze - her whole body stiffening. She must have finally felt it. Shit. Now she knows I'm a perv. She inched forward, and started to get out of bed without turning. She won't even look at me. We're so done.
"Um, could you please plug your nose?"
I had no idea what was going on, but I did as she asked.
"Is it plugged?"
"Yes" I said, but it came out "nes" -man did I sound like a dork.
She turned around. "Oh good. I don't know about you, but I can taste my breath. It's definitely not something your wolfie-senses need to be exposed to." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and started out of the room. "Give me five minutes to brush my teeth and go to the bathroom and then we can go downstairs for the breakfast buffet."
"Yeah, you know, like spidey-senses, but for wolves."
Full night of sleep. Breakfast buffet. Chloe. This was going to be a great day.
A/N In the reviews there were a lot of requests for next morning/Dereks point of view. I can't decide if this was a nice addition, or if I would have been better off leaving it as it was. Let me know if you think this enhanced or detracted from the original one-shot. Thanks! hee.