Well folks be proud of me two chapters in one week. it's a little scary for me. Just kidding. Things are gonna be hectic around my house for a while. I'm graduating soon so I figured I should probably post this now.

On another note if you are reading any of my other stories I'm going to be postponing those until I finish this one. It's my favorite so far and I really wanna see where it goes. Plus you guys give me a lot of responses. Please continue with the reviews. Just don't be too harsh on it. I'm still a newbie at this.

Alright on to the story


"Why now? Anthony is almost a year old. He ignored me all through my pregnancy. He even signed away his rights. So again why now? We are doing just fine without him."

"I know Bella. But there's a story for it. He got involved with this girl, Tanya. He slept with her once and they decided not to get together permanently. Couple months later she comes to him and tells him she's pregnant. He freaked out at her first. Wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. But then he got to thinking. He finally manned up and took responsibility. I guess he got use to the idea. When the baby was born, She didn't look anything like Edward or our family. So they did a paternity test. They found out the baby was Garrett's baby."

"Wow, it's like a soap opera."

"Yeah, when he found that out he cried, legitimately cried. I have never seen him like this. He just looked at me and started asking all these questions about you and Anthony. HE just knew I was still talking to you."

"What did you tell him?" I asked kind of curious.

"I told him that I did still talk to you. He then asked… asked if you could call him Bella." He pulled out a piece of paper. I'm pretty sure it had Edward's number on it.

"I legally have no obligation to let him see Anthony. I waited three days before filing the termination of paternal right forms. I waited for him to come to me. To tell me he didn't really mean it. That he was sorry. That he at least wanted to be in his child's life. But now we have Paul, and he treats Anthony so good. He's everything I dreamed in for a dad for Anthony."

"I know Bella and I'm sorry for what my brother did; but just, please, think about it. I have to atleast try for him."

"Ok I will think about it."

"Ok well I'm going to take squirt to the park and to get some ice cream. You finish up that big assignment so you can finish high school. And then we can talk about community college."

"Yes Dad."

"Someone's gotta look out for you while James and Victoria are traveling the world."

"I know and I appreciate you guys doing this for me. I couldn't have paid for the courses on my own."

"It's more than money. It's a way for you to provide for my nephew."

"Awe. Okay go now before I cry."

"Alright little sister, we'll get going" Emmett grabbed Anthony and walked out the door. I settled down into the couch and pulled out my laptop. I had just one more project and then I could graduate. It was my English packet I had to finish. The project was to compare and contrast a classic book versus a modern book. I chose my favorite classic book, Pride and Prejudice, and some book called New Moon. I really do prefer Pride and Prejudice. The main characters didn't whine as much.

I worked for three hours straight, piecing all the parts of my paper together and adding transitions to make it flow more smoothly. When the door opened, I had just finished e-mailing my teacher my final project.

"Hey baby," I said scooping him up and giving him kisses on his little face.


"Did you have fun with your Uncle Emmett?" I asked. Anthony nodded his head yes then laid his head on my shoulder, yawning. I looked at the clock and it read 7:30p.m.

"I think its time for a bath and bed, snug bug." He nodded his head and I let him down and her toddled to his bedroom.

"You gonna be alright, Bells?"

"Ya,… I may call him but I just don't know. Its just so hard to think about. I want Anthony to know his real father, but there is nothing left for me there. I just…I don't want to take the chance, I don't want Anthony hurt."

"I understand. I told him I would give it to you, but not expect anything. Anyway, I've got to head home. Rosie want me to bathe Lizzie."

"Ok, Thanks for taking him. It helped a lot."

"NO problem, I enjoy taking him out."

"Well go on home. Give Rose and Liz a kiss for me."

"OK I will, I'll see you next week and we'll discuss community college."

"Ok, goodnight, Brother Bear."

"Night." He said walking out the door.

Once Emmett left I put Anthony in the bath. After that it was into pajamas, a story, and he was out.

As I sat alone in my apartment well after Anthony had gone to sleep. I couldn't help but think about Edward. I let the memories of the happier times wash over me. The first time he asked me out. Our first kiss; First high school dance; First time "together", which was oddly enough, the time Anthony was conceived.

'Could I do it?' I asked myself sitting on the couch with the folded up paper in one hand and my phone in the other.

The question wasn't could I do it, it was 'Should I do it?'

I had this chapter half way finished when I posted chapter 6. Now if you are affended but my implications of New Moon I'm sorry, it's just the way I perceived it. It's was to slow for me. Anyways, Please review. I want to see what you guys think Bella should do.