Alright, here's the last chapter of this fic and I'll then get to work on some of my newer fics, mostly some Transformers and Danny Phantom, with a bit of Blind Half-Blood on the side. :) Well enjoy my beloved readers :)

Chapter 9

Home and Free

It only was a short while later did we finally arrive to our destination; it was a small cottage that looks well within the rural area we were at. I was at first confused, as first to why this cottage was here, and second as to why Rhea brought me here. Before I could ask her just that question, she walked up to the door, opened it to reveal an elevator strangely enough there was also a nice waiting area for some reason.

As we walked inside, and then went down the elevator, Rhea looked at me and smiled, I couldn't help but smile back. However, I had to ask, "Rhea, why are we here, and why do the others treat me like I'm not even a person anymore?"

Rhea sighed, before speaking, "Percy you heard the prophecy from Athena herself, and inside you is a weapon of unspeakable power, and not even Gaea herself or the Fates know what the weapon can do. All we know is that along with the weapon, something else is inside you too, and only you have the ability to control it or the weapon. The gods believed that you were in fact the weapon, when it is the other way around, you are the sheath, not the sword."

I was a little confused, but I understood, at least a little bit. Whatever is inside me is what the gods want, but I wonder what the other thing is as well. I sighed, and just shook my head, it's probably best I don't know until later. After a little while, the elevator stopped and once the doors opened I was stunned at the beauty of the palace before me. It was nothing like Olympus or the Underworld; all the walls were made of pale marble, columns lining the hallways, there were also portraits lining the hallways as well. Each picture portraying something different pertaining to each of the titans, and gods, however from what I could see, it was Kronos proposing to me that night on the balcony.

There were hundreds of rooms, each one different from the last, there was a game room, training room, weapons room, a great deal of bedrooms, and much more. After a short while Rhea led me to what appeared to be the throne room for all of the Titans. Many were already in the room, including someone who I've missed quite a lot since I left Olympus.

I smiled, but didn't move, simply choosing to stay where I was, in case this was all some kind of dream. If it was, then the dream was truly cruel, however right now, I didn't care, I just wanted to be with Kronos, to be safe.


A few hours later, I was trying to fall asleep in my bedroom. I couldn't stop thinking about the meeting earlier. Everyone was talking about the other thing inside of me, all wondering what it could be. It made me happy that they didn't talk about the weapon, I was very grateful for that. After the discussion about me faded, everyone moved onto more modern problems, and what surprised me, was that none of the discussions went to that of overthrowing the gods. But I think that was done before I got there, I thought as I turned onto my back and stared up at my midnight blue ceiling.

Sighing, I wondered about the prophecy Athena told me about, how without love, I'd join someone or something inexplicably evil. I didn't know what that meant, but what I did know was that I'm happy with Kronos, and I don't want to leave him. Deciding to try and get some sleep, I rolled over onto my side and did my best to rest for the day to come tomorrow.


The next day, Kronos came and woke me up; I had smiled up at him, as he did the same back to me. After I'd gotten dressed and we had breakfast in my room, he took me down to one of the meditation rooms. He told me that I needed to try to figure out how the things inside me worked. Kronos never mentioned the weapon, the prophecy, or anything like it, and that always made me smile about how he cared for me.

I took a seat in the middle of the room, and practiced meditating, it was hard at first, trying to relax while sitting where I was, but I was able to do it, somehow.


After a few hours of meditating, I think I fell asleep, I couldn't tell, but this definitely didn't seem like something that happened when one meditated, I think. I was seated before an army, dressed in royal looking clothes, as I faced out towards the army before me; two eastern dragons flew around me, one red with grey eyes, and the other blue with gold eyes.

As I sat facing the army, when the red dragon spoke to me, "Sleep princess Perseus, sleep, and all will be well."

I wanted to listen to the lulling voice of the dragon, she sounded like Annabeth, when the blue dragon spoke up, sounding just like Kronos. "NO, Princess Perseus, you mustn't listen to the red dragon, it is trying to deceive you, and lead to your downfall."

"Sleep Princess, and let the gods die!" The red dragon tried again, wanting me to sleep, to let something out. The army before me was deteriorating, and the red dragon was becoming vicious. "Sleep child, let the gods pay for their treachery."

"No Princess, you must stay awake, though the gods hurt you, can you take justice out on them even when you know in your heart it is wrong?" The blue dragon asked me, and I was seriously contemplating his words. I have a right to get back at the gods, but I won't, just because they did one thing wrong didn't mean that I should get back at them for everything. My father was proud of me when I was twelve and again when I was sixteen. Smiling, I knew what was right, both in my heart and for everyone else.

"I'm not a weapon; I'm Percy Jackson, once the son of Poseidon, now his daughter, and the second wife of Kronos." I spoke aloud to the dragons. "I am home, I have a family and most of all, I am free of the responsibilities of being a demigod, and I'm free to be who I am."


After my meditation, I awoke to see Kronos just coming into the room to check up on me. I told him what happened, and after his face became curious he told me he wanted to see my back. Obliging with his demand, I turned around and lifted up my light blue t-shirt to see my back. He only stared for a few minutes before he grabbed my arms and swung me into the circles.

"WHOA!" I shouted as Kronos continued to swing me around.

He just laughed happily before putting me down and kissing me. I melted into the kiss but was surprised at the suddenness of it all. Once we broke for air, Kronos just smiled some more and me before giving me a hug.

I just chuckled, "Kronos, what's gotten into you?"

He just kissed me again, before speaking. "Percy, it's gone, both marks on your back are gone. The weapon is no more, and you are free of it forever."

I started smiling, and soon enough kissed my husband just as he did to me before. We both smiled and just enjoyed out moment of peace, before I had to go to training, and he had to go to a meeting. We enjoyed our perfect moment of happiness and I was enjoying my freedom. Everything was perfect, everything felt right, and as we stood there in each other's arms I relished in this perfect moment of forever with him, my beloved Crooked One, my Kronos.


Well that's it for this fic, and I can relax about it from now on :) well until I update again, bye everyone :) and review if you want :)