Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach. Only my poem.

Yuzuki's Notes: A random poem on how Rukia's feeling towards Kaien, and his death, and her fight with the 9th Esapda, uh...I can't spell his name right. Ha. Lol. Review if you'd like.

To Kaien.

You guided me in,

and I felt free,

Free from sin.

Like a bird gently floating in the air.

Gliding with you at my side.

But I never did look up and then beware,

of the ground coming near.

I am sorry for letitng you down,

I'm sorry I brought you down with me,

to the puddles on the ground.

If only I could change,

what had happened that night.

But that kind of power is out of my range.

Oh, if I could turn back time I would,

If I could stop you from dying,

I surely would.

But that kind of thing is beyond my ability.

I'm sorry,

But your death is solely my responsibility.

I was selfish and weak,

I couldn't bare to see you suffer,

I was so fed up and weak!

Forgive me,

For I must raise my blade,

Forgive me.

I'm facing you in a battle.

A battle I can't win.

But then I remember.

Your heart is within!

Within me!

I will gladly raise my blade!

I will gladly fight with you within me!

Together, we will win.

Together, we will learn.

Together, we will carry the sin.

To Kaien.

I will never forget what I've learned from you.

To Kaien.

I will never forget...

That I am not alone.

I will never regret,

Raising my blade for you.

I know now,

that you gave your heart to me.

I know now,

that if I were to be killed,

I will die happy.

To Kaien,

One day, can we go into the fields and walk together again?