Author's Note: I don't own anything

Summary: One night while looking at the moonlight, Jemima finds herself talking to someone she least expected. Jemima X Tugger

The sun had just set and night had fallen across the sky. The stars twinkled and the moon shone brightly. Jemima sat on the hill top watching the moon with her tail flicking ever other moment. She closed her eyes as the wind gently blew around and caressed her. Leaves twirled all around her and she giggled. She lifted her paws in the wind and began to dance like she never had done before. Jemima let the wind carry her and it felt amazing. Jemima almost felt like she was floating as she continued. The wind died and Jemima floated back to the ground smiling. She had never felt that amazing.

"Pretty impressive," said a voice.

Jemima turned around and saw Rum Tum Tugger standing behind her. He had one paw on his hip and he had the other paw lifted near his face so he could look at it. "What are you doing here?" Jemima asked as she puffed out her chest.

"Easy there kitten! I was just doing my nightly rounds."

"I'm not a kitten!"

Rum Tum Tugger grinned as he ruffled her fur. "Hehe, sorry."

Jemima calmed down and then she went to go look at the moon again. "Why are you out here Jemima? You should be asleep!"

"I don't want to sleep."

"Tomorrow is your big day though! Your mate has been chosen."

"What if I want to pick?"

Rum Tum Tugger laughed at innocent Jemima. "You can't pick a mate! Your mate is chosen for you. It's tradition! TRADITION!"

Jemima froze. So, she had no choice. "Look, you weren't supposed to find out until tomorrow that I was going to be your mate. I was just so excited that I had to share it with you," Tugger continued.

Jemima looked at Tugger and her eyes widened. "You?" She turned away.

Rum Tum Tugger looked at her and turned her face so she could see him. Her eyes were brimming with tears. "It won't be all that bad," he wiped away her tears.

"I have no choice though."

Rum Tum Tugger sat down next to Jemima and wrapped his arm around her. "Jemima, who looked after you when you were a young kitten?" he asked.

"You did."

"Who taught you the ways of the tribe and protected you from harm?"

"You did."

"Who encouraged you to speak to the moon?"

"You did."

"And who sees the beauty in everyone and everything? Tell me which cat does."


Tugger took Jemima's paws and gazed into her eyes. "Then maybe you can see the beauty in me. Maybe you can see the possibility of love and loving me. The beauty and the power of love."

Jemima touched Tugger's paw and she stroked it. "I'm sorry Tugger, I'm sorry," she softly cried.

Tugger nuzzled her cheek and pulled her close to him. She lay her head on his heart and she could hear it beating. She looked up to the moon and then into Tugger's eyes. The moonlight shone in them. Out of nowhere, the moon began to call to her. The moon was telling her everything was going to be all right. She nuzzled Tugger and then stroked his face with her paws. She licked his nose and Tugger kissed her. They spent the entire night underneath the moonlight. The moonlight brought them together and it always would.