I had to write this. This is sooo cracky...

This is supposed to be a little like a fairy-tale.

Kyouya had finally lost it.

All day, he had been hiding behind a curtain, making swishing noises he called "curtain-sounds".


He thought that if he was a very convincing, the auburn-haired demon girl would leave him alone forever. So he sat, whistling curtain-like tunes all day, until finally, Renge came.

"Oh, Kyouya, where are you?" She called, worried her love had ran away.

"The Kyouya you speak of is not here right now. Please leave a message after the tone. *Beeep*"

Renge gasped, for she believed Nekozawa had turned Kyouya into a Kyouya-curtain-answering machine. "Don't worry, my love! I will fix you!"

So she set out on her epic journey to get magic dust from Nekozawa. He gave it to her, but with one request. Her hair.

She shaved her hair and gave it to Nekozawa, who wanted it for a curse. He gave her a 'curtain-to-man' powder. The story told that if one sprinkles the contents on a curtain, the soul that was turned into it would come back again.

Renge was grateful, and skipped back to the Kyouya-curtain. She sprinkled the dust on the curtain, and from it emerged a beautiful young man with golden hair and a beautiful smile. "Hello, love, thank you for returning me! I must have been stuck in there for three hundred years. What happened to your hair?"

From behind the curtain, Kyouya wondered what was up. Who was this stranger?

All he heard after that was a giggle and a door slam. He stepped out from behind the curtain and...


Renge popped out at him and took her prize, pineapple computer and all


This came from a conversation on a Forum, and it was hilarious.

Not the best, but I'm pooped