People can be so cruel. Why did they always pick on her? Just because she happened to be

James Potter's best friend.

Why in the bloody Hell was she so unlucky? Not that she didn't like him as a friend and all, but she meant the obsessed fans.

Girls coming to ask her who he liked, trying to get her to put in a good word of them to James. So selfish.

This is how Sarah Scrollick came to be...

"Bye mum. I'll miss you!" the brown haired girl yelled as she got on the train to her first year to Hogwarts. Her mum—Sally—was crying, more like balling her eyes out, to see her little daughter leaving her side.

"Wow." Sarah said as she walked down the halls of the train. It was amazing. She had come a little late, unfortunately, so had not much luck to find a compartment. She did, however, find one with only two boys sitting in it.

Both had black hair, but one's was messier. This, for some reason, annoyed her very much. Sarah couldn't see his eye color, for she was too far away, but she did see his round glasses. The other's hair was a tad bit longer than messy over there.

She slid open the compartment door, to see both boys startled, looking up at her. Messy had hazel eyes, by the looks of it. The other one had black eyes.

"Um, I'm sorry, but everywhere else is full. May I sit here?"

Black eyes looked her up and down—and she was in her normal clothes, t-shirt and skinny jeans—and a smile played on his lips. Sarah felt a bit weird and uncomfortable with his actions. Messy just looked at her face. He smirked.

"Why, poor little Muggle-Born couldn't make any friends?" Messy said. His buddy over there laughed. Just because she wasn't familiar with all the wizard stuff did not mean she was stupid.

"No, actually, four-eyes, I just arrived late." Messy's smirk left his face and his cheeks went a little pink. His buddy tried to cover his laughs—not succeeding.

"Hi, I'm Sirius Black." Black eyes said. When Sarah didn't say anything he continued, "This is James Potter." He gestured at messy. He scooted over and patted the seat beside him. "Care to sit down?"

"I'd be delighted, Sirius." She said, flashing him a smile, before sitting down next to him. "Thank you."

James looked at her and simply said "What's your name?" She felt a bit insulted since he seemed to be more of a downer than his friend.

"Sarah. Sarah Scrollick." She said as she froze in her spot. Sirius had slung his arm around her shoulder. "Um, Black, what in the bloody Hell do you think you are doing?" Sarah said calmly.

"Just trying to be more friendly. This is how I become better friends with people." Sirius lied. Sarah believed him though. James simply smirked.

"Oh, well, okay then." She said. She turned and faced James. She thrust her hand toward him. He looked at it and raised an eyebrow. "What?" She asked him.

"Why did you put your hand in front of me? As if I would actually shake it." Sarah felt hurt by these words. So he was too good to be friends with her? Fine, then.

"Well then, Potter, I will take notice of that for later purposes."

Sarah crossed her arms and sat there, not noticing that Sirius' arm was still on her shoulders. She couldn't take Potter's annoying stares anymore, so she decided to leave. Also, because she didn't want Potter to see her cry—yes, he had hurt her with his words.

She got up and the two boys took notice. Tears were threatening to come out at any point so she mumbled something around the lines of "I'm going to go look around a bit." And left, headed towards the girls bathroom. On her way, she bumped into a few girls. Three, actually.

They saw her cry, and stopped her. All Sarah heard before breaking down was a chorus of "What happened?" "What's wrong?" "Are you alright?" from all three girls.

She had told them about what happened, and they led her to sit with them.

"Hi, I'm Lily Evans." Said the girl with red hair and green emerald eyes.

"I'm Victoria Valee. You can call me Vickie." Said the one with black curly hair, and blue eyes.

"And I'm Alice Curt." Said the last girl. She had short blonde hair and brown eyes.

"Thanks for helping me. My name's Sarah Scrollick."

"Oh, it's alright. Are you a first year?" said Vickie. Sarah nodded and then she went on. "We are too."

After the girls had talked awhile, Sarah eventually fell asleep on Alice's lap. Hey, she was the youngest and Alice was the oldest out of them all. She was woken up by a calm voice.

"Sarah, we're here, come on." She sat up abruptly, and remembered something as the girls pulled down their trunks.

"Ah, bloody Hell!" Sarah yelled. The girls all turned to face her.

"What's wrong?" Asked Lily. "Are you okay?"

"No, I forgot that my trunk is with Black and Potter. I'll catch up with you guys later."

"Okay..." the three girls said in unison as Sarah turned and headed for the compartment Black and Potter were in. Before she got there she was stopped by an arm grabbing her around the waist. She let out a small screech before turning around and looking into hazel eyes.

"What do you want, Potter?"

He smiled, and refused to let her go. "You forgot your things with us. We, being the handsome gentlemen we are, brought them for you."

Sarah's violet eyes lit up and she smiled up at him. "Really? Thank you so much!" and with that she gave him a quick hug and let go almost instantly. What she didn't notice was that James Potter's face went slightly pink as she put her arms around him.

"Um, no problem." He said a bit embarrassed. Sarah tilted her head a bit and thought to herself, 'He's kind of cut when his cheeks go pink! How cute.'

"OI! James, let's go!" She heard Black yell. Potter snapped out of his dazed expression and dropped her trunk and left without a word. 'Strange...' Sarah thought.

She headed toward where she saw the familiar redhead and black hair and blonde over by a big group. She rushed over there and made it just in time so her luggage was carried off.

"What took you so long?" Vickie asked innocently. Sarah just simply shook her head. She didn't really have anything to say. Vickie eyed her quickly before turning her attention to the seventh year girl and boy explaining things to them. Apparently they're called the 'Head Boy and Girl.'

Soon enough she found herself somehow in the same boat as Potter and Black. The good thing was that Lily was there. To Lily's discomfort Potter was staring at her with a strange look on his face. Was it.... Longing? No, it couldn't be.

Sarah shifted her gaze from Lily—who was grabbing hold of her forearm—to Potter—who was staring at Lily—to Black, who was—wait!—staring at her?

Sarah's face immediately turned red—she wasn't used to attention. Thank god that it's too dark for anyone to see me, she thought as she looked away from Black. Her eye caught a familiar looking blonde haired girl laughing crazily at something a boy with—she thinks—sandy brown hair said.

Sarah smiled to herself. She then noticed the boat had stopped and they had arrived. Sarah and Lily quickly moved away from the two boys trying to avoid any contact with them. They soon found Vickie and Alice.

Before they had a chance to speak to each other they found themselves waiting to be called up to the sorting hat. Sarah kept zoning in and out waiting for her name to be called.

"Scrollick, Sarah!" the professor yelled. Sarah felt her heart beating wildly. From what she had heard Slytherin was for the worst people. She definitely did NOT want to be in Slytherin! Hufflepuff was for the loyalist of people. She would be okay with that. Ravenclaw was for the braniacs. Sarah wasn't that smart so she doubted she was going to be in Ravenclaw. Last, but certainly not least, was Gryffindor. The house for the brave. She wanted to be in Gryffindor.

As she sat down and placed the sorting hat on her head, which covered her head because it was so bloody BIG, she failed to notice that a certain black haired boy with black eyes was watching her with intensity.

"GRYFFINDOR!" the hat announced. As the lady—Professor McGonagall—took the hat off her Sarah felt a smile play along her lips as she skipped to the Gryffindor table where cheers were emanating from.

She sat with Alice, Lily, and.... Potter and Black...

Oh, great, Sarah thought. She didn't look toward them as she felt the happiness from the older Gryffindors surround her. Maybe she would like it here.

Finally Vickie joined them as her name was called and she came to sit with them. They all ate after Professor Albus Dumbledore made his speech. Apparently the forbidden forest is..... Forbidden. Big surprise there.

After they ate they were led to their dormitories by a prefect and the four girls sat down in the common room as the rest went upstairs. They talked and laughed for a while.

"Oh, I really wanna be head girl in my seventh year!" Lily yelled excitedly.

"Okay, calm down Lily." Sarah joked with her new friends.

"So, don't you guys think that Remus guy is super cute?" Alice said and then everything was quiet. Sarah smirked at her friend and said:

"Oh, you mean that boy you were crushing on in the boat to Hogwarts?"

Alice's face went red and she looked down, fidgeting with her fingers. Lily and Vickie laughed loudly at her expression.

Sarah wondered what was wrong with her friends as they abruptly stopped laughing to stare at something behind Sarah.

Sarah turned slowly around to see something she really could've gone without.

Potter and Black... She thought nastily.