A/N Hey everybody this is the first story I've written in a long while! I hope it pleases, and that you enjoy the story!


"... And we finish the news with the announcement of Domino Museum's new exhibit...click"

Pheobus Apollo woke up.

Removing his arm from the now silent alarm clock, he lazily, but gracefully padded across the cramped room, towards the relatively cleaner bathroom.

Sauntering into the room, he gazed into the mirror, Pheobus was greeted with the image he had been very familiar with for a very long time. Bright golden eyes reflected back into his, and roamed around the glass, taking in his glowing slightly tanned skin, covering his perfectly formed body, and covered by the unruly golden locks upon his head – mortals were correct in calling him Aegletes or 'The Radiant'. However this was not the form he wished to be in at that minute, and just as the sun is eclipsed by the moon; darkened and hidden, but still retaining full power, its light continually licking round the surface, never tamed: so was the brilliance brushed away, removing the tell-tale glow and the flashing eyes of the immortal.

In its place was a fairly good looking youth, but definitely mortal. The locks, though just as unruly, lacked the godly glow and were easily tamed by the brush he ran through them. The skin had also lost its unearthly shine and become pale and humanly flawed with a dusting of uneven freckles. But it were the eyes that held the greatest change, no longer fathomless and prophetic, they merely shone with a human knowledge and human tiredness. They were also brown, a mundane, common colour; in itself paralleling the hue of the fertile earth, from which the very human race was made, as ordained by the Great Father and that pitiful Titan; who endures such torment from the beaks of eagles daily.

With this transformation and inspection complete, Jou went about his daily routine to get ready for school.

It had been a few months since Yami, Bakura and Marik had arrived back unexpectedly from the afterlife. Each claiming a different reason for return, ranging from:

"Oh, well... shit place din' have the right... requirements to be any fun," to:

"I couldn't leave my Aibou unprotected, the shadows are restless."

And while their 're-arrival' irked all of Jou's principles, starting with his... affinity... for space – more importantly his powers of management with the space between mortals and the divine, of which rising from the dead definitely fell into the divine category – he was happy to see them, regardless of how, and who, had returned them. Life in Domino soon grew peaceful...well, as peaceful as it can be with three returned spirits, their partners, enemies and friends all attending the same high school.

And it was these fond thoughts that followed along with Jounouchi Katsuya, or "Just 'Jou'!" as he liked to be called, as he ran to the very slowly closing gates that would mark if he was late or not.

Skidding across the tarmac, after slipping on some sort of leaflet, (Jou barely registered the words proclaiming the opening of some new exhibit at Domino Museum) he almost fell over, before manoeuvring his weight, just so, insuring he made it inside the school premises. Just in time.

"Lucky break Jounouchi, I'm just itchin' to give some punk a detention."

Nobouro-Sensei leaned over and grinned his gapped smile at Jou as he leaned over to give a hand to help the younger male off the floor. However threatening his words may seem, Nobouro-Sensei was well-liked around the school for his strict, but fair morals and his easy-going attitude. He'd been a friend of the Jounouchi family for years.

"Some entrance, weren't it? It's gotta be record or somethin'!" Jou grinned back as he accepted the callused hand and got back onto his feet, "I mean, this must be the earliest I've ever been in school... EVER!"

"Ha! Ha! I guess I shouldn't get used to't if tha's yer attitude!" The old man's great grin faded slightly as he properly looked Jou in the eyes, and addressed the real issue, "All's good then? How's it at home, yer looking after yerself now tha' your Pops has done tha' runner off to Vegas?"

"'Course." Jou, completely unaffected by the wanderings of his mortal host, looked down at his wrist-watch and his eyes practically boggled at the time, "Ah, jeez, I gotta run if I don't wanna waste my effort of actually getting in on time – catch ya later Old Geeza!" and with that he sped off, ignorant to the grumbled curses Nobouro-Sensei flung at his retreating back.


The usual gang of Jou's friends looked on with decided surprise at Jou's early arrival. However, it was gentle Yugi who recovered first, his violet eyes alighting with joy seeing his friend.

"Jou, you're in early, should we be worried?" He teased, as he pulled his taller friend into one of his characteristic hugs, one that filled Jou's face with Yugi's trademark, tricoloured hair.

"Nah, just lucky today – hey, am I even in before Kaiba? Damn I am early!" This comment had Anzu punch Jou's arm in mock anger as her grey eyes narrowed and her lips twitched.

"Language Jou! And while it is surprising that Kaiba is later than usual, it doesn't mean you can use it to mock him."

"Me? Mock Kaiba? I think ya got the wrong guy here Anzu, old Moneybags starts it, not me - I react" However, before any of the rest of the gang could put their own questions or scoldings to Jou, the teacher, Chono-Sensei entered the room in her usual provocative way, her face covered in thick make-up that cracked as she called the class to attention and took the register. Yami could be seen to be visibly smirking two seats left of Jou.

"Alright class, now, because of the new exhibit opening at Domino Museum on the Ancient Greeks, we are going to start a new project for our history class. Each one of you will be paired – and no Honda-kun, you cannot chose you partners, I have already chosen them for you. Anyway, I digress, each of you will be paired and given a Greek God or Goddess to research on. I expect all myths pertaining to that God or Goddess; their attributes, appearances and powers; their place in the immortal hierarchy; their cities and temples; their importance to the Ancient Greeks and finally how they influence our world today. I expect this to be done seriously, the Greeks had rather different values and ethics than we do today, and I expect maturity from all of you regarding some areas of the project. That said, have fun and here are the pairings..."


Jou's head hit the desk in front of him. How could he not have foreseen this? This could ruin his well-deserved holiday if his friends found out – he'd lose them. What would they say, what would they do, if they knew who he really was... is. They'd never treat him the same way for certain, and they'd research him and his past... this was looking really bad. If they found out about some of the things he'd done... Jou could only hope these events never, never came to pass. Things could not be worse in Jou's mind.

Until they were.

"Jounouchi and Kaiba on Apollo..." a piece of paper outlining the project was placed on top of his bent head.