"Rachel! What's wrong?" Jesse asked playing the perfect boyfriend in front of the other glee members "Rach babe" he said holding his arm around her.

"GO AWAY!" she screamed, "PLEASE, GO!" she said, tears streaming uncontrollably from her eyes.

The glee club all looked at each other, they all had no idea what was going on and they were clearly worried about their friend "Rachel can you tell us what the matter is?" Kurt asked

"Rachel your scaring us" Quinn said, they had become good friends, and she hated seeing Rachel in such a state, and not knowing how to help her

The door opened and Puck seem the commotion "Rachel!" He shouted with clear concern, "Get away from her" He yelled running to were the crowd had gathered, he saw Jesse and anger took over, he punched him hard in the face knocking him to the ground. He kicked him in the stomach once before Finn and Mr Schu pulled him away.

"Rachel!" he shouted trying to get them to let go, When he couldn't he shouted again "Let go off me, I need to get to Rach"

They let go and he ran straight to the girl, she was still on the floor, curled up and sobbing quietly this time, she was rocking back and forward and she was shaking like a leaf. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head lightly "You're okay" he said

The glee club looked on with blank faces having no clue what was happening. "What's going on?" Santanna asked, she wasn't exactly dating Puck, but they were having make out sessions and she would say it was pretty serious, so seeing the guy she was 'with' have his arms around another girl made he a little jealous.

Puck looked at everyone, Jesse was standing in the corner wiping the blood off his face and holding his clearly winded stomach. He looked straight at Jesse who stared back "Ask him!" he snarled "I tell you something, you should be lucky your still standing right now, if you ever go anywhere near Rachel again, it will the last time you do anything" he said narrowing his eyes and looking at Jesse

Rachel stood up, "I'm sorry" she said looking at the glee club, but nowhere near Jesse.

"Can someone just tell us what's going on?" Kurt said

Jesse kept his eyes on Puck, he took a step towards the door, Puck ran and grabbed him by the collar, Finn followed him quickly "You are going nowhere until you tell everyone what you done!" Puck said to him, his voice hollow and his teeth clenched.

Puck looked at Rachel who was standing with Quinn by her side, Quinn didn't know what was happening, but she could tell Rachel needed her support. Rachel nodded at Puck

"He raped her" he spat

Gasps could be heard around the whole room, Quinn quickly put her arms around Rachel and hugged her tightly "God are you ok?" she asked, Rachel didn't reply, tears just silently fell down her face

Finn's face turned to a mask of disgust as he looked at Jesse "You what" he said barely able to look at him now "You sick son of a bitch!" he said, he clenched his fist and it connected with Jesse's face, his face swung to the side and it swiftly sung back to the other side when another fist hit him, but this time it belonged to Kurt.

The glee clubs eyes widened in shock, it was never like Kurt to do that to anyone "You don't deserve to be alive right now" he said, "That's is the most downright cruel, disgusting and awful thing you could do to anyone, I hope you rot in hell" he said before crossing the room to hug Rachel.

"Get out of here before all of us get a piece of you!" Puck spoke "Don't ever come back here again, and come nowhere near Rachel or I will kill you. You here that?"

Jesse nodded, he looked at Rachel "Looks like you got what you wanted, well one of them anyway. Quinn watch out, she'll be after Finn next, Puck just isn't enough" Jesse spat

Puck had heard enough, his hand clenched into a fist and it repeatedly connected with Jesse's face until Mr Schu and Finn pulled him away

"Get out of here" Mr Schu yelled, speaking for the very first time. "How about we order pizza's in and skip rehearsal?" he asked focusing on Rachel

"That would be nice" She smiled

Puck crossed the room back to where Rachel was standing, he hugged her and kissed her cheek gently, he's gone, he won't hurt you again, and you have all the support of everyone here. We all love you Berry" he smiled and the whole glee club agreed

"You may be a pain in the ass, but we do" Kurt smiled to

"Thank you" she smiled with a single tear leaving her eye and travelling down her face "Now I want pepperoni" she laughed a little

The glee club laughed with her, Puck put his arm around her as they sat down on seats beside each other, she looked into his eyes "Thank you for everything Puck" she kissed his cheek lightly and smiled.

A/N—That's the end!... Thank you to everyone who has read, and a special thanks to everyone who had reviewed! It means a lot reading them and please continue with this chapter!
Keep an eye out for more of my fics!
Lay x