Little Moments: Like Father, Like Son

Chapter 1: We'll Find It

Disclaimer: I own nothing that belongs to OTH. Just give me creativity points for original characters or ideas.

A/N: Hi all. So here is the Jamie spin off from Little Moments. No need to worry if you haven't read Little Moments though. You'll find out everything you need to know here. If you've read that story you'll just have an upper hand on future chapters. I will be putting which chapter from Little Moments it correlates with (if at all) if some of you want to read those, but again, you don't have to or need to. This is wholeheartedly a Jamie centered story, well Jamie and a certain someone else and it's starts from the beginning. This first chapter is really an introduction but will end up being a collection of chronological one-shots about a second generation love story. Enjoy!


He was a sophomore. A sophomore studying at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, but his roots were planted in the small town of Tree Hill which was a two and a half hour drive southeast. That was where he grew up and even though it was quaint and most people had never even heard of it, it was home. His family was there and to say they were ordinary would be a huge misrepresentation.

His father had a successful ten year run in the NBA playing for the Charlotte Bobcats, and his mother was a famed singer-songwriter who had catalog after catalog of original songs. To most, they were celebrities, but to Jamie, they were just Mom and Dad. And then there was his little sister Charlotte. She was only thirteen, but he knew that she was going to do great things with her life, she was a Scott after all. They were everything to him even if he didn't always say it, and he wouldn't trade them for the world.

It was 9:00 in the morning on the first day of class of fall semester and Jamie was still asleep from all the fun he'd had the night before. But that was one of the beauties of college. His first class of the day didn't start until 11:00 am. A far cry from his high school days. After getting used to college life, he never understood how he did it all those years growing up; up and out of the house by seven thirty. That was ridiculous. Impossible these days.

With his face smashed against his pillow, Jamie was letting out peaceful breaths. One leg was halfway out of the covers, one sock on, and no shirt. It was amazing that he'd gotten to bed in the first place.

During a night out with his two best friends they'd topped it off with a decadent chicken biscuit from Time-Out, and that added with the beers he'd had previously was enough to send him into a peaceful sleep. He normally wasn't a huge partier but it was the last night before classes started. Everyone had to celebrate (or grieve) the end of summer.

A loud slam of the door echoed and it made Jamie's eyes start to flutter. One of his roommates, either Sam or Reynolds, must have left for class. Whoever it was hadn't meant to slam the door but sometimes if the wind was blowing just right it would create a suction, slamming the wooden rectangle hard into its frame.

With his blue eyes open, Jamie looked at the clock and saw that it was only nine something. "Damn."

He rolled over and pressed his palm firmly against his forehead. He slowly pushed the covers off his body and sat up. Peeling the one sock off his foot, he threw it towards the laundry basket telling himself he'd look for the other one later. It would turn up sometime.

As he walked out of the small apartment he saw Sam sitting on the couch eating a bowl of cereal the size of a salad bowl. The whole box of Frosted Flakes was probably in there. It wasn't a problem though, because Jamie's favorite was Captain Crunch and there was plenty of that left. Jamie pulled out a regular sized bowl and poured himself some breakfast. He slowly walked over to the couch and sat down next to Sam.

"How you feel?" Sam looked over to his buddy.

Jamie shrugged, "Not too bad actually, you?"

Sam lifted the bowl up a little and smiled, "I think this will kill my hangover."

Both guys laughed and watched ESPN while they ate. Jamie was a big fan of sports. He almost had to be. Basketball was his favorite but that was a given. His father was a pro, or had been, and he loved the game as much as his dad did. If he was a little taller and more dedicated to the sport, he may have played in college but that was never his plan. As much as he loved playing, he enjoyed watching it as well. Football had been another one of his loves, but he quickly realized that it wasn't his dream to play any sport professionally or collegiately.

When he was little he thought he'd make it to the big time, and then thought about being a film director, but when he was in junior high he realized he was a lot like his mom and uncle Lucas.

English was his thing. He liked reading, he liked writing, he liked telling people things. In fact, when he was younger he seemed to always have the answers. It was like he was some philosophical prodigy. When he was about ten his uncle Skills laughed and told Jamie that he should just write his own advice column, and funny enough, now nearly ten years later, he was studying journalism. He wasn't looking in on becoming an advice columnist, but he did want to write about sports. Maybe one day work up to ESPN: The Magazine, or Sports Illustrated. One of those would be cool.

Jamie looked over to Sam and saw that he was slurping out the rest of his milk. "You finished all of that?"

Sam sunk back into the couch, "Oh yeah."

Sam was a big guy. A funny guy. He was from a small North Carolina town, Windsor, and was always the guy who could make you laugh. He reminded Jamie of Chunk from The Goonies. At any moment, Sam might break out and do the truffle shuffle.

Jamie laughed and shook his head, "So when's your first class?"

Looking at the clock on the cable box, Sam shrugged, "At ten. Some geography class. You go later, right?"

"Yeah, eleven. I have biology."

"Ugh, you're taken bio for your core science?

Jamie nodded, "It was that or geology and I'm not crazy about studying rocks."

Sam had to agree there, "Yeah, but my professor sucked. Dr. Marquiosi." He furrowed his brown, not sure if that was the name, "I don't know, something like that. He was foreign and I could hardly understand him. I got a C though."

Jamie didn't know who his professor was and he was hoping he didn't have that guy, but he had a bad feeling it was him. He wasn't a C student. His mom would be incredibly disappointed if he made a C in a simple core science class.

"I should get going. I think I missed the transit and my bike's got a flat"

Jamie shook his head, "You can take mine. I'll probably ride the transit later."

"Nah, I need one of those big seats. You're bike only has a regular one."

Jamie couldn't help but laugh at Sam. "Alright, I'll see you later man."

Sam turned around to Jamie and saluted. He walked into his room long enough to grab his backpack and then Jamie heard the front door shut.

There was still about an hour for him to mull around, take a shower, and whatever else before his first class and then it was time for him to get focused. He was ready to take on his classes head on, but what he didn't realize was he'd never make it to biology class that day.


She was a sophomore. A sophomore studying at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, but her roots were planted in Savannah, Georgia. She was as southern as they come. Y'all was a must in her vocabulary and so was ma'am and sir. Her name was Elizabeth Bennet but everyone called her Liza, and it probably wasn't a coincidence that she had the same name as the famous Austen character. Yes, her grandmother was named Elizabeth, but Liza's mother really did love Pride and Prejudice.

And speaking of Liza's mom, she was just as nice and charming as any other Georgia native. Eleanor had a rich accent that made you feel like you'd stepped back in time. She'd married her high school sweetheart, Donald, and together they had three children. Now Donald was a peculiar man in various aspects, but he was the stereotypical southern gent. He had the family business at his realm, a wonderful family, and treated Liza like she was everything. Her two older brothers had the same mindset. Patrick and Charles were incredibly protective over her and just somebody, some regular somebody wasn't going to be good enough for their sister. But amidst their differences, and even similarities, Liza loved her family. They helped make her the woman she was today.

When she woke up a 7:00 in the morning on the first day of class she was ready and prepared. Instead of going out the previous night, she'd gathered all her books and supplies to make sure she was ready for class. It wasn't that she wouldn't have enjoyed a fun night out, but she knew that first impressions with college professors were always good, and she'd heard horror stories about Organic Chemistry teachers.

If she hadn't dreamed on being a nurse since she was a little girl she would have gladly picked up a different science class, but she had, and was committed to achieving it. Not to mention, Liza was on the UNC Women's Soccer team so always had to be extra careful that her grades not slip.

Left midfielder since she was twelve years old and almost ten years later, Liza was still playing that same position. Soccer had always been a way for her to relax. There was nothing better than running around that grassy field, kicking the ball towards the goal, and it didn't hurt that she was really good at it.

She rolled out of bed and ran her hands through her dirty blonde hair. It hung in layers over her shoulders and somehow she could pull off that 'just out of bed' look. As she picked through her closet she chose simple black running shorts and a Tar-Heel blue tee. In many regards that was the walking dress code around campus.

After she'd changed, Liza walked out of her four bedroom apartment she shared with three other girls on the team and walked straight to the refrigerator. Every morning she pull out the strawberries, a banana, some fat-free yogurt, a little ice, and whip herself up a fruit smoothie. Once she got all the ingredients out she dumped them in the blender and looked around the quiet apartment. Her roommates would probably hate that she was about to start a loud appliance but she couldn't help it.

Clicking, the blend button, Liza grimaced. No more than two minutes later did she hear a door open.

"Liza, seriously!" It wasn't mean sounding, but more sarcastic. Ansley, a junior from Nashville walked out and raised her brow.

Liza laughed, "Sorry Ans." She pulled out a second cup from the cabinet and threw her friend a smile, "I made extra though."

Ansley's eyes lit up, "Yum, I knew I loved you for a reason."

Rolling her eyes, Liza laughed, "Yeah, I make a mean strawberry and banana smoothie."

"Exactly." Ansley held her hand out as Liza slid her cup down the counter, "That, and you're very powerful right leg. I swear you can kick a ball the entire length of the field."

Liza laughed and shook her head, "I don't know about that."

Ansley nodded, "It's true. And you're so small. I don't get where all the power comes from."

Shrugging, Liza took a sip of her smoothie, "That's just a secret I'll have to keep to myself."

"Well, whenever you're up for it. I'd like to know." Ansley nodded and then looked at the clock on the oven, "So what's with the 8am class? Tell me you got stuck with that time instead of actually choosing to wake up this early."

If she was going to be perfectly honest, in which Liza always was, she couldn't lie, "No, I picked it. I like getting everything over with. I've got an eight am, nine am, and an eleven am."

"What's your eleven? I've got one too."

"Organic Chemistry."

Frowning, Ansley shook her head, "Oh, nope. I've got some math class."

The two girls heard a door open and waited to see who emerged from the hallway. It was either going to be Margaret or Kate.

Liza knew that Margaret was a heavy sleeper so figured it would be Kate, and when her dark headed friend waltzed into the kitchen she got out another glass. Before Kate could even complain about the blender Liza handed her a smoothie. "Here."

Pennsylvania born, Kate was still halfway asleep but mumbled out a few words, "Thank you."

Liza gave Kate a kind smile and checked the clock. "I gotta go get ready and head to class, so I'll see you guys later."

"Are we still on for lunch?" Ansley asked.

Kate sighed. She was envious. If she didn't have a political economy class she would get to go too.

"Yeah, remind Margaret or she might forget." Liza laughed out as walked to her room. She packed her backpack with the appropriate books and pulled out her schedule. She took a quick glance to make sure she knew where her 8 am was and when she did Liza made sure she hadn't forgotten anything before she walked out of the apartment.

The first day of class was always exciting. She had Medical Ethics, Human Development, and then her Organic Chemistry class but Liza wouldn't ever make it to that chemistry class. At least not today.


After stepping off the transit, Jamie took one last look at his schedule and headed towards Venable Hall. It was apparently some huge science building but he didn't know exactly where it was. Construction was going on, which didn't help the situation at all, but that wasn't new. It seemed like construction was always going on.

Jamie walked in the direction he thought the building was in hoping it was the right way. It was twelve minutes till eleven and the time started wearing thin. After a good three minutes of circling a couple buildings he found himself lost. He was starting to get a little anxious and saw a girl walking in his direction. Black shorts, a Carolina blue tee shirt, dirty blonde hair, about 5'5; she had him in a trance. Her head was down studying the piece of paper in her hand and she briskly walked past him.

He turned his head and before he knew it, his feet were following her. "Excuse me." The words came out of his mouth unbeknownst to him. The girl turned back to him and arched her brow. He stood there for a second not realizing he had her attention. "Uh, uh, I was wondering if you knew where Venable Hall was?"

The girl smiled but shook her head, "I'm sorry, no I don't. I'm actually looking for it too."

Jamie took a few steps closer and pointed in the direction she was headed, "Well don't go that way. I just came from there."

Glancing at the buildings in front of her the girl frowned, "Oh, okay." She turned to Jamie and without hesitation, they started walking together.

"You have a science class?" Jamie looked at the dirty blonde with a raised brow.

She gave him a simple nod, "Yeah. Organic Chemistry."

Furrowing his brow completely, Jamie grimaced, "Ugh, I heard that sucks."

"It will..." She looked around campus, "...if I ever get there."

"Well, we're both going to the same place, and with two pairs of eyes, we are bound to find it faster than just one."

The girl nodded, "You're right, so which way?"

Jamie shrugged. He looked at the girl and noticed her light blue eyes. He'd never seen that shade of blue before. Caught in her gaze, Jamie pointed aimlessly, "Let's try over there."

The two walked side by side and the girl turned to the boy. "I'm Liza by the way."

Jamie turned to Liza and smirked. It was a smirk he'd inherited from his father that melted all the girls hearts, "Jamie."

"Well, Jamie. I don't suppose you have Organic Chemistry too? That would just be too much of a coincidence."

He laughed and shook his head, "No, biology."

"I hope you don't have Dr. Marquiosi. I've heard he's the worst."

Jamie hung his head, "Yeah me too, and unfortunately I have him."


Her tone was genuine and Jamie instantly appreciated her concern. He glanced at Liza while they walked a few more feet and noticed that she was a beautiful girl. One of those that didn't need to wear a lot of make-up, and could pull off shorts and a tee shirt; the kind he normally fell for. "So Organic? What are you Pharmaceutical Sciences or something?"

She causally shook her head, "Nursing."

He turned to her and smiled, "That's cool. I thought about being a doctor once. I was kind of awesome at Operation when I was younger."

Liza laughed out loud, "Operation? Gah, I haven't played that game in forever."

Jamie nodded, "It's one of the classics."

"Well that paired with Monopoly, Twister, and Hungry Hungry Hippos." Liza bit her lip embarrassed that she'd just said all that. He probably thought she was some kind of dork.

He looked at her with that smirk and nodded, "Definitely Hungry Hungry Hippos."

Liza couldn't put her finger on it, but something was different about this guy. He didn't seem like the average college frat boy interested in only one thing. This guy had a certain way about him that was unlike most. He was charming, funny, good looking, and Liza found herself intrigued. Normally she was really shy around people, but for some reason or another it was easy to talk to him.

Jamie looked down at his watch, "Dammit, it's eleven o'clock."

She looked panicked, "What? Already?"

"Yeah, but that building has got to be around here somewhere. We'll find it."

"Great, late on the first day." She shook her head in disbelief.

Jamie could tell that she was semi upset and annoyed over the situation, "Isn't it always good to be a little late?"

Liza raised her brow, "I'm pretty sure fashionably late doesn't count for the first day of class."

"Why not?" He looked back at her with the same expression she'd had.

Caught a little off guard by his question, Liza shrugged, "I don't know. I just think that this is one of those days where you shouldn't be late."

"I don't know." He shrugged, "We'll probably only miss the course overview, talking about the syllabus, stuff like that." Jamie looked at her and smiled, "Most of the professors put their syllabus online anyway."

Liza didn't tell him, but he was making her feel a little better about their unfortunate situation. "Do you always know the right thing to say?" It came off a little flirty but she couldn't help it.

He laughed and sarcastically smiled, "All the time."

She playfully rolled her eyes, "Oh, really?"

Shaking his head, Jamie laughed, "No."

Liza looked up to him and saw that his eyes were also blue, but a much deeper shade than her own. "So Mr. Good With Words, are you majoring in English?"

"Communications, Journalism really."

Turning to him she nodded, "So..,you're going to be the next great journalist?

Jamie smiled at her, "Maybe, doubtful, but maybe. Sports journalism is really what I'm interested in."

Liza was intrigued, "So what's your favorite?" If he didn't say soccer she wouldn't hold too much of a grudge.

"Basketball." Jamie smiled wide, "I grew up around it." He didn't want to divulge too much information. Some people were intimidated when they found out he was the son of a famous former NBA star.

"Basketball, huh?" She should have known. He was probably a Carolina boy. Their top sport was always basketball.

"Yeah, what about you? You a sports fan?"

She turned to him and nodded, "I am, and as a matter of fact I play soccer."

He looked at her halfway confused, "Inter-mural?"

"No." She laughed, "On the real team for the University."

Jamie was surprised to hear that. Liza was so petite. Her small frame didn't seem like the athletic type but his eyes roamed her body and he found himself doubting that conclusion. Her calves were ample, her legs incredibly toned, the shirt was over sized but he could tell that her upper body was in good shape too. "Really? You play for the Tar Heels?"

"Is that so hard to believe?"

He shook his head and stuttered, "I uh, um, no, no. Not at all. You, you just don't seem like..." He stopped himself before he dug himself into a hole, "I don't mean it like..."

"I get it. I'm on the smaller side, the short side, the...every other side that most athletes aren't on." She laughed out loud. "I've always been the odd one out, but it's a nice challenge."

Instantly, he admired that about her. She seemed so driven. "Yeah, I was short until I was seventeen. For a while I thought my little sister was going to outgrow me. And she's seven years younger."

Liza laughed but noticed his six foot stature. "Looks like you got your height though."

Jamie nodded, "So tell me more about you and soccer."

The twosome started to walk around campus talking about their hobbies, likes, dislikes, random bits of information and when Liza checked her phone she sighed, "There's only ten minutes of class left."

Jamie looked up at the buildings they were in front of and his eyes roamed over the names. Dey Hall, Kenan Laboratory, Morehead Hall, and then the final one made him laugh out loud. Venable Hall was right in front of them. Jamie pointed and laughed, "Look."

Liza glanced at the building and her jaw hung open, "You're kidding. It took us an hour to finally get here?"

Laughing, Jamie nodded,"Apparently." He took a heavy breath, "Well, at least we found it." Jamie looked at the building then back to Liza, "Thanks for walking around with me."

Liza could feel that the end of their very pleasant hour was about to come to an end. "Yeah, sure." She glanced down at his schedule in his hand and reached in her backpack to get a pen, "Here. Hand me your schedule. I'll write down the directions so this won't happen again."

Jamie didn't know how he felt about that. He'd love directions but he wouldn't mind seeing her again. Jamie handed Liza his schedule and she began to write on it.

With the pen in her hand she wrote something down, but it wasn't directions. She had every intention to do that but instead left her phone number. It was something completely out of character and she'd hadn't really meant to do it. Okay, yes she did, but as soon as she did it, she felt embarrassed. It wasn't like her to do that. She would have erased it but she wrote in pen. If she scratched it out it would look suspicious so she was just going to have to press her luck. Folding the paper a few times, Liza handed it back to him. "Here ya go."

"Thanks." He tapped the paper against his hand, "It was nice to meet you, Liza."

A slight blush crept across her cheeks as she thought of that number she'd written on his paper. It was incredibly corny but it just happened. She couldn't stop herself. "Nice to meet you too, Jamie."

They both smiled at each other and then noticed a stampede of students headed their way. Classes had been let out and soon enough they were lost in a sea of young adults. They'd separated from each other in the midst of all the people and when the crowd cleared Jamie kicked himself for not asking her out.

But not all was as it seemed. Little did Jamie know that all he had to do was open up his supposed directions and pick up his phone.


Liza was walking to McAllister's to have lunch with Ansley and Margaret when she felt her phone start to buzz. Her stomach dropped and all of the sudden she got nervous. She hadn't even looked at the screen to see who was calling but thought it might be Jamie.

Pulling her phone out of her purse, Liza was disappointed to see that it was only Ansley. She shook her head at herself for being so hopeful and lifted the phone to her ear. "Hello"

"Hi, look...I'm running at tiny bit late, but Margaret should be there already."

"Oh, okay. That's fine."

Ansley sounded like she was in a rush, "Yeah sorry. I just wanted to let you know, but I'll be there soon."

"Alright, see you in a little bit. Bye."

Ansley said goodbye and Liza kept on walking towards the sandwich shop. Once she got there she saw Margaret sitting at a table. Liza approached her blonde friend and sat down across from her."Hey, you haven't been here long have you."

Margaret looked up and shook her head, "Hi, no. Just a few minutes."

"Well Ans said she'd be a little late but it shouldn't take her long."

As a reply, Margaret nodded and then changed the subject, "So what class did you just have?"

Liza laughed, "Organic Chemistry."

"Ugh, how was that?"

A smile spread across Liza's face, "I don't know actually?"

"You don't know?" Margaret furrowed her brow, "What do you mean?"

"I didn't go?"

Margaret laughed out loud, "You didn't go? Wait, wait, wait..." Margaret started looking over Liza to make sure she was really her friend and then poked her to make sure she was real. "...Liza Bennet who never misses class even when she's sick skipped a class today?"

Rolling her eyes, Liza shrugged, "I didn't mean to skip it. We couldn't find our building."


Liza's eyes bulged, she hadn't meant to say that."Uh, there was this guy...."

Ansley strolled into the deli and walked over to her two friends, "Sorry I'm late y'all."

As Ansley took a seat, Margaret laughed, "You're just in time. Liza was about to tell me why and who she skipped class with."

Ansley's head shot up, "You skipped class?" She knew that was incredibly out of character for Liza to do.

"Why are you both acting like it's such a big deal?" Liza shook her head, "I couldn't find the building. I was lost. After an hour I finally found it. It's not like it's going to happen again."

"It's just not you, Liza." Ansley laughed.

Margaret nodded. "Yeah, but tell us more about the guy."

"There was a guy too?" Ansley was suddenly even more interested.

Liza nodded, "We were both lost looking for our building. He had biology and I had chemistry. We walked around for like an hour together trying to find the right building." She shrugged, "That was about it, he was nice and...."

"Was he hot." That just had to the be first question Ansley asked.

"Yeah." Liza laughed at herself, "And you want to know something really embarrassing?"

Margaret nodded, "Of course."

"Well when we made it too the building I told him I'd write down the directions in case he needed them next time but instead, I wrote down my phone number."

"You did that?" Ansley was halfway shocked. She knew Liza was a pretty shy girl. That was the last thing she'd ever expect Liza to do.

"I know, right? I don't know why..."

"Because you wanted to see him again."

Liza looked at Margaret and knew she was right, "Yeah, I guess so."

"Has he called? What's his name? Where is he from?" Ansley started spitting questions out so fast Liza could hardly keep up.

"Um, no he hasn't called. His name is Jaime and I know where he's from. I think he might be from North Carolina somewhere but I'm not sure."

For the next twenty minutes, Liza, Ansley, and Margaret ate and chatted about this new guy Liza had met. She didn't have a lot of information but she told them as much as she could. When the girls finished their sandwiches the three of them started to walk out of the deli and as soon as they hit the outside air Liza phone started to ring.

"It's got to be him." Margaret smiled.

Liza rummaged around in her purse an pulled out her phone. It was an unknown number with a 910 area code. She turned to Margaret, "Where is 910? Is that North Carolina?" Margaret was from North Carolina so Liza was hoping she'd know. It wasn't that she even knew that Jamie was from North Carolina but she just had a hunch.

"Yeah, it's like Wilmington, Jacksonville, the southern part." Margaret nodded.

Liza looked at the phone and just stared, she wish she'd learned where he was from.

"Well answer it!" Both Ansley and Margaret shouted.

Pressing the answer button, Liza lifted her phone to her ear, "Hello?"

"Hey, is uh, is this Liza?" A guy's voice she recognized rang through the speakers.

A sudden blush splashed across her face and she nodded, "Yeah."

Since she'd said yes, he continued, "It's Jamie, from earlier today. The guy you walked around campus with."

"Yeah." Liza mentally smacked herself for only saying 'yeah'.

Jamie laughed, "Well I got your directions and I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime." He'd hope she'd say yes, and considering she was the one who wrote down her number, the odds seemed in his favor.

"I'd like that." Her soft southern accent was genuine and sincere.

"Alright, great. Okay, so how about Wednesday night?"

"That sounds perfect."

Jamie was smiling like a goofy kid, "I'll come by and pick you up at seven?"


For the next minute Liza gave Jamie her information; apartment complex name, apartment number, and anything else he'd need to know. Shortly thereafter they'd said their goodbyes and Liza turned to her friends who were both wide eyed waiting for something.

Liza gave them a coy smile and nodded, "He asked me out. Our date's on Wednesday night."

Ansley an Margaret both smiled happy for their friend.

Tucking her phone away in her purse, Liza walked closer to her two friends and they all made their way to the apartment. Along the way, she couldn't stop thinking about what she was going to wear, where he might take her, what they would do; all sorts of scenarios ran through her head. Even though their date was two days away, she was nervous and excited.


A/N: So that was the first little one shot. This fic will be more of a normal story I guess, in that it will be chronological one-shots but the chapters will have time jumps in between. Since it is like Little Moments, requests are always available. Let me know what you want to see and I'll try my best to write what you want. I'm guessing you all might want to see the first date next?

If any of you are interested in reading the chapter that kind of goes with this one from Little Moments it is chapter 12, Don't Worry They'll Love You. The first time Jamie and Liza meet is brought up in that chapter. No big deal if you don't want to read it.

Let me know if you guys are interested in this story so I know how many of you care about Jamie's "grown-up" life. Reviews are key, so please let me know what you think so far!

Review please!