A/N: So y'all should be proud. I actually updated sooner than a month later. AND, it isn't some short, filler chapter or anything. I'm proud. Not gonna lie. Haha.

Yokai-Kitsune-Kyuubi: I would love to tell all about my book, but then I'd be giving it away and that could end badly. So I'm not going to do that. Sorry. lol. Thanks for asking, though. ^_^

Green eyed typhoon: Thanks so much! And your review didn't seem disjointed at all.

Candyhunter: Welcome to the FA universe, then! Thanks for joining us and I'm glad you're here. But yeah, Dan as Ryan was the plan all along. Though, when people started suggesting that he was a child of the moon, I was really tempted to go that route, not even going to lie.

DerFlash: You are amazing. I loved all of your reviews. They're actually really helpful, so thanks for that.

Alright, I know you're all here for the story, so here you go. Hope you enjoy it. ^_^

All thoughts having to do with my transformation disappeared from our minds, as we stood frozen on the spot. It took what seemed like hours before Carlisle finally sprung into motion.

"Everyone, into my office. Now," he spoke calmly, the only indication of his worry being the crease in his brow. "Alice, where is Jasper?"

"I… I don't…" Alice seemed unable to complete her thought as she stared straight ahead of her, trying to get another vision.

"He went hunting. He said that he wanted to go up to the mountains and get away for a few hours," Rosalie explained as she walked into the room, moving to hug Alice.

Seeing Rosalie comforting Alice finally drew me out of my shock and I stood, walking over to the two. Without so much as looking at me, Alice took my hand in hers and drew me closer to her side. Rosalie didn't seem to mind, and pulled us both to her.

Carlisle nodded at Rosalie's revelation as he watched his wife walk to him.

"It'll be okay," I heard him whisper to her before he spoke to everyone in the room. "We need to get moving. Emmett, go get your jeep and pull it out front. Esme, I want you to stay here just in case he manages to get home. Alice and Rosalie, you'll ride with Emmett while Edward and I run ahead." He moved over to Edward and knelt down next to him. "Edward, I know this is hard for you, but I need you to get up and come with me. For Jasper."

Edward looked up and nodded slowly before standing and exiting the room. Carlisle watched as his son left before turning to face those of us who were left in the room.

He looked straight as Esme with a soft smile on his face.

"It'll be okay," he said before exiting the room and going after Edward.

Rosalie left after him, followed by Esme, giving Alice and I a moment alone.

"Can I—" I didn't get to finish my question.

"No. Absolutely not. This is way too dangerous for you to be coming along with us. Please, just stay here with Esme and wait for us to get back. We won't be too long."

I looked down and stared at the floor, pouting to myself. Alice grasped my chin and made me look at her.

"I promise we'll be okay. Don't worry. We'll be back before you know it," she comforted with a soft smile. I still didn't want to let her go, but I knew that I would have to. With a reluctant sigh, I let Alice's hand go and moved away from her.

"Go. Be safe."

Alice smiled at me before giving me a swift kiss and leaving the room at vampire speed.

I moved to look out the window and watched as Emmett's jeep disappeared from view.

Not knowing what else to do, I went to Alice's and my room and lay down on the bed, inhaling her scent.


By the time I got out of the house, Rosalie and Emmett were already waiting in the Jeep that Emmett had pulled out of the garage. I jumped in the back seat and Emmett took off, not wasting any time.

"Edward and Carlisle?" I asked, knowing that Rose and Emmet would know what I was asking.

"They're already on their way there. Edward saw where Jasper was in your mind, so he'll be able to lead them there directly. I'm guessing that Carlisle wanted us to take the Jeep to drive Jasper back if he's in really bad shape," Rosalie answered, staring out the passenger side window as Emmett sped ahead.

I nodded, though I knew they couldn't see me.

"What happened to him, Ali?" Emmett finally asked as we drove along, his voice soft.

I closed my eyes and rested my head back on the headrest, bringing back the vision.

"He was attacked. It looks like another vampire, but I really can't be sure. I didn't get a good look at him. But whoever it was caught Jasper by surprise." Both Emmett and Rose looked back at me at that. "I know. I doubted it at first, too. I don't know how whoever it was did it, but they jumped Jasper and attacked him. He didn't have enough time to defend himself." I took an unnecessary breath. "The last thing I saw was Jasper laying on the ground, not moving."

"Is he…?" Emmett drifted off, none of us wanting to say what could very possibly be what we would find.

I stayed quiet in the back seat, choosing to look out the window and not answer him. Emmett took this as answer enough and sped up, trying to get to Jasper faster.


Not Jasper. Not Jasper. Not Jasper. I chanted continuously to myself as Carlisle and I ran to where I saw Jasper laying.

I couldn't believe that I was stupid enough to let him go hunting alone. No one should have been able to catch him off guard, though. Jasper was the most militaristic being I had ever met, and he never lost his focus.

The trees swept past us as we ran as fast as we could. I had to remind myself to slow down a few times to keep pace with Carlisle, though it was increasingly frustrating. I just wanted to get to Jasper.

If we didn't get to him in time, I would never forgive myself. I had so much to tell him; so much that I had been afraid to confess before. I was foolish.

I launched myself over a lake, followed quickly by Carlisle. We were getting closer. I could smell Jaspers scent much more strongly.

"We're close," Carlisle stated the obvious, probably to calm himself some.

I picked up my pace, not caring anymore if I left Carlisle behind. We were close enough that he would be able to find the rest of the way easily now.

Finally, finally, I broke into a clearing and saw Jasper lying in the middle of the field, motionless.

Fear gripped my heart as I sprinted toward him before dropping to my knees beside him. I rolled him over so that he was lying on his back and rested his head in my lap.

"Jasper? Jasper, please speak to me."

He didn't respond. It was rare that vampires went into this comatose state, but it wasn't unheard of. It was the equivalent of a human going into a coma, though for vampires it didn't usually last as long. It was a mental defense, so that when and if a vampire was ripped apart, they wouldn't feel it anymore. Meaning that Jasper was incredibly close to being taken from this world.

"Carlisle!" I yelled, urging him to hurry up as he entered the field. He was by my side less than a heartbeat later.

"He's unconscious," Carlisle stated calmly as he took in his son's appearance.

I had to struggle not to yell at my father figure for stating the obvious once again. When he looked up at me, he must have been able to tell my frustration because he moved on quickly, checking over Jasper.

"It's going to be okay, Edward. It would take a lot more than this to lose him," Carlisle thought to me, not pausing in his work.

I nodded in understanding, though his words did little to calm my nerves.

Jasper, please. Please wake up.


Even in Emmett's Jeep, we could only drive so far before we had to abandon it and run instead. But it was good that we had it close by.

Rosalie, Emmett and I made it to the clearing shortly after we left the Jeep. Running was always faster than driving, but not knowing exactly what shape Jasper was in, we couldn't risk running him all the way back.

Carlisle looked up to us as we came into view. He met each of our eyes before going back to checking over Jasper.

Edward's eyes never left Jasper's face.

We all moved swiftly over to the three, worried but hopeful.

"Emmett and Rose, see if you can find the scent of whoever did this. Scout the area and come back." Carlisle looked up as he said this, staring intently at Rose and Emmett. "Even if you find his trail, do not chase him. You'll need backup if whoever did this was able to get the upper hand on Jasper."

Everyone knew that Emmett had the tendency to get ahead of himself and think that he's invincible, so it was quite necessary for Carlisle to make this point.

Without another word, Emmett and Rose disappeared into the forest, doing as they were told.

I knelt down beside Edward and wrapped an arm around him

He is going to be okay, Edward, I thought to him. He finally looked up from Jasper to meet my eyes with a sad, resigned look.

"I know you haven't had a vision of that, Alice. But thank you," he said before turning back to Jasper.

He put his hand gently on Jasper's hair, combing his fingers through it and pushing stray strands out of Jazz's face.

Almost as if Edward's touch had been a call to him, Jasper began to awaken when Edward dragged his fingers lightly down his cheek.

He shook his head as he reached his hand up to grip his hair. When he opened his eyes, Edward gripped his hand and leaned further over him, likely making it so that his face was all that Jasper could see.

"Jasper…" Edward whispered before leaning over and hugging Jazz to him.

Carlisle stood then, and gestured for me to follow him to the edge of the clearing, giving the two privacy, though we could still hear anything they said.

"When Rose and Emmett get back, I want you, Emmett and I to go after the scent, if they find one. Rose will go back with Edward and Jasper and join us afterward. But by the amount of time they're taking, I doubt that they've found anything." Carlisle ran a hand through his now wind tossed hair. "We need to find out what happened, but I don't think Jasper is really in any shape to tell us right now."

We both looked over to Jasper and Edward, who had yet to move from their position.

In the next moment, two things happened at the same time. One, Rosalie and Emmett burst through the tree line, calling out that they didn't find anything. And two, Edward leaned down and kissed Jasper full on the lips.

Though we all wanted to give them their privacy, the incredibly forward action of our usually reserved brother caused us all to stare at the two as their exchange continued.

Finally we all reacted, Carlisle and Rose simply smiling, Emmet getting his huge goofy grin and yelling out "Finally!" and me clapping for them.

Edward and Jasper pulled apart, both laughing at our reactions.

As Edward helped Jasper to stand and wrapped his arm around his torso to hold him up, the look on both of their faces was probably the happiest that any of us had ever seen them.


Esme came to check on me every few minutes while the rest of the family was gone. I think that she was trying to hide how worried she was by taking care of someone else, and it would have been perfectly fine if her checking on me didn't actually make me worry more than I already was. The constant reminder that Alice was gone and possibly in very real danger wasn't helping my nerves at all.

"Bella?" Esme asked as she again peaked her head into our room.

"Still okay," I replied without looking up at her. I was laying face down on our bed, my face squished into the pillow, so it was amazing in itself that she understood me.

Esme sighed and walked further into the room. I felt her weight make the bed sink a little as she sat down on the end. When I turned my head to look at her, her face looked drawn, and it was very obvious that she was worried.

Before she was able to say anything, we heard the front door open and close, followed by Carlisle calling out for his wife. She quickly jumped off the bed and made for the door, only turning back to give me an apologetic smile for her leaving. But if I had been able to move as fast as she did, I would have done the same thing.

I did, however, get up as quickly as I could to go see what had actually happened.

As I made my way down the stairs, I heard Alice call my name cheerily, causing me to run down the stairs even faster.

When I reached the bottom of the stairwell, I ran into Alice, who was waiting for me with her arms spread wide.

I collided with her, and if she hadn't have had vampire strength, I was certain that I would have made her topple over.

Alice giggled at me before pulling back a little and kissing me lightly.

"I missed you too," she whispered after we pulled apart. I smiled at her before I looked around the room to see that everyone else was still standing there as well.

Carlisle cleared his throat before speaking up.

"Why don't we move into the living room so that Jasper can tell us what happened?"

And the tension that had dissipated by our reunion came back full force.

A/N: So there you have it, the next chapter in FA. Hope you all liked it. I have been more inclined to write recently, but whether or not I'll have time to do so is a different story all together. I will try, though.

Thank you all for your reviews. They're all very welcomed.

'Til next time! ^_^