My blood was pumping through my veins with a mix of adrenaline as the fight went on. Blood was pouring out of the wound in my stomach. The snake demon wrapped its tail around my neck,

"Die half breed!" It began to squeeze and I took my nails that began to glow a reddish purple before I swiped them across his chest. It screamed in pain and uncoiled from my neck. I gasped for breath as my feet hit the ground.

"Wench, you will pay for that." It lunged at me with fangs dripping with venom,

"Bring it serpent," My nails began to glow as I raised my hand to slice it in half. But I never made contact. Its head rolled off its body as I looked to see what had killed my opponent.

"Geez ya tyin to get yourself killed? Dumb girl." I smiled to myself,

"I believe I had it under control. But I will thank you Inuyasha, I must say I was beginning to get bored without another half demon to compete with. Most demons are just too weak." He seemed stunned that I knew his knew his name. Recognition had yet to dawn on him.

"Well I will see you later then pup," I turned to leave but stopped, "Oh, by the way, you may want this back." I placed a necklace with a small pendent on it that portrayed a woman on the water with dog ears. His mouth hung open as his eyes widened,

"Inuyasha what is-"The girl with the black hair and a bow was cut off by Inuyasha picking me up and twirling me around.

"Kiyoko!" I actually laughed,

"Pup, put me down. You're gonna get blood all over you." His smile dropped,

"Here let me help you." He pulled out bandages ad demanded that I let him help me. After we bandaged off my stomach his eyes burned with questions while his companions were confused by the change in his behavior. However the one girl with strange dress and hair seemed very upset,

"Inuyasa, would you like to introduce me to your friends?"

"Huh? Oh, Kiyoko, this is Sango, Shippo, Kilala, Miroku, and Kagome. Guys this is Kiyoko. We grew up together."

"Inuyasha, before I answer your questions I think your brother should be here too." His body tensed. I put my hand on his cheek and saw the anger that burned in the foreign girl,

"Why? He hates half breeds. He wants to kill me." His arms rested around my hips as I stroked his face,

"Half human, half demon the difference doesn't matter. We all have the same blood." He didn't seem to believe me, "If I can get him to agree to meet with us, will you go?" His eyes met mine and his arms were tight around my waist,

"Sure," He let out a sigh and leaned his forehead against mine,

"Pup, you gotta let go. I'll be back. I promise." A low growl came from his throat as he released me, "I'll be back." And with that I took off running.