



The truth can be altered with each generation, because most stories are passed on by word-of-mouth. Some, though rare, are written in stone.

One person discovers something from history, and passes it on.

It's like a game of "Pass the Message", but never ending.

But when it does reach the end, how accurate is it?

For instance, a never-ending war between Vampires and Werewolves has always been thought to be a fight for power. It can't be considered a cat and mouse chase, nor can it be assumed as a predator and prey thing, because Vampires, also known to be as Immortals, feed on blood. Werewolves, Shifters to some, devour flesh or raw meat in particular. They do not kill each other to eat the other, but rather, no human really knows just what they're fighting for.

Some say Shifters fight for freedom, because there have been numerous stories of the Werewolves being used as slaves by the Vampires.

Others think it's a fight for survival, because Immortals believe that the human wolves are barbaric and cannot be tamed, causing a lot of lives to be at stake.

Writers and Historians have altered the truth, if not, unable to accurately rewrite and retell the original version of the truth.

Until that is discovered, more blood will be spilled, and more flesh will be devoured.

More humans will die.

Immortal Sin
Mysterious New Students"




These three things were normal for any new student, provided he or she gives off a strong aura, or perhaps bears a striking appearance deemed extraordinary.

However, these weren't typical looks, murmurs, and noisy exhales.

Rather, these were lacking. They lacked adjectives, and so, they must be completed properly.

Awed stares would be the right term to describe the way the students of Leaf Academy had eyed five men.

Excited whispers came from the young teens' mouths, words that talked about how the new boys walked, dressed, and looked.

Dreamy and defeated sighs were followed up from girls and boys respectively, giving off the impression that girls want them and guys want to be like them.

All five of them looked to be around the age of eighteen to nineteen, heads sporting raven-colored strands of different styles.

One stood tall and took long but steady strides. His hair reached up until his waist, a few strands clumping together in front of his face that slanted to the left, while the rest parted to reveal striking white eyes that made people think he was blind. His lips were set in a straight line, and his clenched fists revealed the tension he was experiencing from catching too much attention.

His clothes consisted of faded black jeans, a white shirt over it, and a pale yellow short-sleeved dress shirt buttoned-up properly. He had a couple of silver, thick rings on his thumbs and pointing fingers, his right hand having one more on his ring finger. His sneakers were purely white, but from the looks of how slightly dirty they were, it would appear to be a fairly new pair.

The other boy who walked to his left, at least an arm's length away from him, had a couple of small round-shaped sunglasses that hid his eyes. His brows were slightly furrowed, and his mouth was hidden beneath a high-collared coat at the color of dark green. His hands were buried in his jacket's pockets, and his blue jeans were ripped on the knee areas. His footwear consisted of a pair of black and white Converse shoes.

His hair was spiky but short, yet looking like an afro but not entirely one. Compared to the long-haired guy, this one seemed to be a bit more at ease just from how relaxed his shoulders looked, but that didn't mean he wasn't feeling tense either.

"Neji, Shino." One of the remaining three spoke, his deep voice echoing from the ears of the female population who nearly fainted. "Control yourselves." He said in a much quieter tone, his brows furrowed slightly to get his point across.

With a nod from the two men, he then returned to keeping his gaze up ahead.

He walked in the middle of the first two men, though slightly behind them, and based from his strides, the students could already tell that he was someone who liked control or authority.

Walking towards the school's entrance made his bangs sway, the dark strands parting just above his left eye to give others a good view of his face. Those who looked at him raised their gaze to his dark onyx orbs, and with just one look into those eyes, they dismissed this boy as a mysterious and deep person – someone who would only give vague answers, or perhaps choose to remain silent. The rest of his hair spiked at the back, a style not too many could pull off, but he could carry it without a problem.

His shoulders were straight, but not stiff, his hands were pocketed in his dark blue jeans, and his black leather shoes made no noise with each step he took. The shirt he wore was a black button-up one, with only two of the buttons in the middle holding it together to reveal the grey shirt he wore beneath it. His cuffs were unbuttoned as well, revealing his wrist's skin tone to be pale, just like the other boys he was with. His right wrist had about three thin black straps around it, while his left had a silver chain bracelet, his name engraved on the tag between the chains in calligraphic style.

His left ear's helix had a silver clip attached to it, and around his neck were two black laces which held an inch long tag. It was thin and simple, nothing worth the attention, but can still capture the eyes of the people looking. His lips held a frown, and it made the students wonder if he wasn't pleased with the idea of attending Leaf Academy.

Behind the spiky haired boy were the remaining two of the group.

The one on the right sported a hairstyle close to that of a pineapple's shape. He had a pair of silver hoop earrings on his ears, and his hands were folded behind his head. His left eye was closed, while his right was halfway open, making the others see him as someone laid back or very lazy. His red shirt was tucked out of his beige cargoes and contained a black neckline and sleeve ends. His shoes were black and white sneakers, and from the looks of the left one, the laces were about to come undone.

Both of his wrists sported black wrist bands with red lines on them in order to match his shirt.

"Relax Sasuke," he spoke in a drawl, though low to not let anyone else hear. "It's not like those two would really snap."

"I'm not taking any chances."

"Well, we'll know if ever Neji and Shino do snap." The last of the five men said in a chipper voice.

Compared to the four boys, this guy wasn't as attractive as they were, but his friendly grin and approachable aura made the students want to get to know him.

His hair was a bowl-cut style, and his eyebrows were pretty thick. But despite his looks being like that, his smile was bright – it made the people smile back.

He sported a hooded green jacket and a lime green shirt beneath it. His denims were faded, making it appear to be worn out. His sneakers had mixed colors of black, green, and white, making the students who continued to ogle at them think that this guy loved the color green.

"I just hate it when this happens." Neji murmured.

"Get used to it," Sasuke answered almost immediately. "We're new students."

"It's not like we were required to attend today, right?"

"Lee's right," Shino huffed. "Whose idea was it for us to go now?"

"Look," Sasuke sounded exasperated, and the four knew that they ought to stop questioning the situation. "My brother said we should check the school out, just to get a head's up on who we'll be dealing with."

"Ah, scout for Shifters, correct?"

"Yeah Shikamaru," his eyes narrowed. "We need to know just how many of them are here."

"So your brother thought it would be a good idea to send all five of us in the same school?" Neji snorted. "I don't think he was the one who came up with that."


When Sasuke replied with that grunt, it meant "end of conversation, I will say no more", so the silence was back.

Leaf Academy is a prestigious school in Konoha. It accepted not just students who can afford the tuition fee, but also those who excel in sports, academics, and even music. The school offered various scholarships in order to give hope to some of the less fortunate ones out there, and no one expected that two of the Student Council members would be a part of the struggling society.

"It's not today, it can't be today…"

The Vice President sighed and rolled her eyes upon hearing her best friend, a.k.a. the President, talk to herself once again.

"Sakura, really, just calm down! They could be just visiting, you know?"

Haruno Sakura is a student who relies on her grades to keep her scholarship in academics. Teachers would tend to give her extra credit in case she doesn't meet the required GPA, and some who knew of this had begun to think that she was a Teacher's Pet.

In all honesty, it was only because she was a dependable student who made things work, who managed to keep things in order, and also made the impossible, possible.

The Principal herself favors her, so it's only natural for the faculty to as well.

However, Sakura didn't like it since it changed the way her fellow students treated her. The fact that she's parentless didn't help, not to mention that she's the only girl in school who had pink hair.

"Ino," she dropped to the ground and sighed heavily, her blue tie coming loose from her frantic movements. "I am so stressed right now."

With one look from the VP, Sakura knew that she was also messed up.

For one thing, her black coat was unbuttoned, and her blue skirt had a lot of wrinkles. The laces of her brown boots came undone, and her half-ponytail styled hair had loosened.

"Sakura, seriously." Ino stood up from her seat in the Student Council room and knelt down before her best friend. "These guys are scheduled to come tomorrow; they're probably just taking in the sights today."

"But… still." She frowned and bit her lower lip. "The School Festival's coming, and only three classes from our batch have given their proposals! I've only got two weeks left to finalize everything! And then the new students thing! Plus that Geometry homework and History project! Oh god I'm rambling!"

Ino's blue eyes softened, and her lips curved upwards to form an encouraging smile.

"You're Haruno Sakura, you can pull all these off!" she raised a fist. "And I'm your best friend! I will help you overcome all of this!"

That always helped, Ino was sure, and she'd cut her blonde hair short if it didn't.

With a small grin, Sakura nodded her head. "Thanks Ino."

"Now," she stood up just as soon as their Treasurer came in. "Tenten's here, let's go grab lunch, the bell rang ten minutes ago."

A yawn escaped Shikamaru's lips, causing his four companions to turn to him.

"What? I'm bored."

"I asked where you guys wanted to go, and you all agreed on Cafeteria."

"Then maybe next time you should suggest a place instead, I mean, you are our Lead Knight."

He stiffened when Sasuke glared at him. "Lower your voice." He said in a hushed tone, afterwards, turned away from Neji and scanned their surroundings.

The students still talked about them, whether it was their looks, their Nationality, or from which family they came from.

"Let's go somewhere quieter." He said, making a move to stand as his companions did the same, Shino muttering a comment about how Sasuke always preferred a quiet place.

"Watch out!"


He didn't think that warning from a student would involve him, so when he had turned, he didn't expect his clothes to be assaulted by a tray filled with food.

The sudden impact had caused him to step back, and had it not been for the table, he would have probably fallen to the floor.

"Sasuke, you okay?"

As expected from Neji to instantly fuss over something as small as an accident…

"I'm fine." He said, eyes focusing on the female student who was staring back at him with wide-eyes. He took notice of how tight her grip on her now empty tray was, meaning she was probably nervous and embarrassed of what she has done.

"I'm sorry!" she bowed down immediately. "I'm so, so sorry!"

"You should have watched where-" he instantly prevented Neji from continuing his verbal assault by raising an arm against his chest. Neji looked over at him questioningly, and he shook his head in return before straightening back up.

He looked down at himself as the girl continued apologizing, her friends, or so he assumed, telling her that she should have been careful.

"I-I'll pay for the laundry for your clothes, and… and..."

"Why…" he glanced at her. "…is she so nervous?"

"Tsk. You won't be able to pay for that," he heard Shikamaru speak, and he sensed the teasing tone from the usually lazy guy. "After all, his clothes are pre-tty expensive."

Instantly, he saw the girl's expression change from an apologizing look to one of worry.

"I… I'll pay for it! Even if-"

"It's fine." He answered, sighing silently. "Don't bother."

"But-" he walked pass her. "But-" she turned to look at him, seeing him stop. "I have-"

He turned his head slightly to her. "It's fine." He repeated. "This is nothing." He turned back to the guys, and with a nod of his head, they followed him out of the Cafeteria.

"Man, that's gonna stain…"

He ignored Lee's comment and just sighed before unbuttoning his dress shirt and removing it.

"At least your shirt's clean." Shikamaru said with a small grin. "But tell me, Sasuke, why so lenient?"

He folded the stained shirt before washing his hands after switching on the faucet. "She's a human."


"She's not from a well-off family." He splashed water on his face before switching off the faucet and staring at himself on the mirror, watching how the water droplets trickled down his face. "Besides, I don't care much for clothes." He eyed Shikamaru's reflection. "So you didn't need to lie about how much this cost."

"Hey, her reaction was amusing." He shrugged and folded his arms behind his head. "You've got to admit, that was an entertaining incident."

"It still doesn't change the fact that she bumped into you." Neji reminded with a frown.

Sasuke threw him his dress shirt and smirked lightly. "Lighten up will you? It's just a harmless accident." He ran his fingers through his hair to rid them of a few water residues. "It's not like it would have killed me."

The bathroom door soon opened as in came two students who were chattering animatedly. When they felt how the five men were staring at them, they quieted down and slowly backed away, afterwards, completely left the bathroom.

Shino gave a tiny smirk. "Works every time..."

"I guess we're just intimidating." Lee whistled.


Soon after, four more of them came in.

Unlike what they did to the previous two, the five just decided to ignore them.

One of the four went towards a cubicle, while two of them talked. The last one just stood quietly, head slightly lowered.

It took a few minutes before the four boys left the bathroom, leaving the five of them once again.


Shino nodded once to Sasuke.

"So they know." He murmured to himself, afterwards, pocketed his hands and walked out of the bathroom, the four following him wordlessly, already knowing what he meant.

"Should we pursue?" Neji asked.

"Not now," Sasuke answered. "It's too early, besides, he hasn't shown any signs of hostility."

He liked the power he felt, loved how the students cleared the hallway to give him and his group a path to walk on.

"Move it 'ya little worm!"

He heard one of his companions shove a freshman to the wall, and that brought him a satisfied smirk.

"Should we skip school?"

"Yeah." He answered his companion, leading the way towards the staircase where less students passed by. He stopped, however, upon seeing the five men that the school has been talking about.

"What is it Ichiro?"

He frowned at how the five just remained stationed on the stairs, three of them seated on the steps, while the other two chose to lean on either railings. From how they were positioned, he could tell that the one seated on the middle was their leader.

"Nothing." He just decided to have a little fun by climbing down the stairs and purposely bumping the spiky-haired male. "Whoops." He inwardly smirked as he saw the teen stumble forward a bit, though he was disappointed that he didn't fall forward. "Hm. Then again, this isn't really a place to hang out." He passed by the group, his friends tailing behind with snickers.

"Just a minute."

He stopped to glance at the long-haired boy who was glaring at him.

"Is there a problem?" He asked with a smug grin.

The boy opened his mouth to speak, but the one he purposely bumped earlier stood up and prevented the guy from saying anything.

This caused his brows to furrow.

"No," he saw how the guy had gritted his teeth, apparently displeased that their leader stopped him. "There isn't."

"Heh." He just turned away and proceeded walking.

As soon as they were out of ear shot, Ichiro's friend came up to him. "How about it?"

Ichiro just chuckled. "I think it's about time we let them know that we won't be taking any crap from them."

"How do you plan to do that?"

A smirk made its way to his lips. "Wait and see."

It was totaled – at least, the tires and windows were, other than that, the car was fine.

However, Shino being Shino, it was not okay.

"It's them." He said with clenched fists. "I can still smell their filthy stench."

Neji glanced at Sasuke who still remained impassive over the situation, and he wondered if he was going to stop Shino from running after those same guys who bumped him.

"I'm going to castrate those bastards, if not smash their heads on concrete."


He abruptly faced Sasuke.

"Don't." he said with narrowed eyes.

"This is one time I'm not obeying." And he suddenly took off.

Neji shrugged and followed, afterwards, so did Lee.

Shikamaru stretched his arms and glanced at Sasuke. "So."

He sighed heavily and ran a hand through his hair. "Itachi's going to kill me for this."

And with that said, they both ran after their friends.

It didn't take too long for them to catch up with a speeding Shino, and Sasuke had to curse at how fast they were going.

"Shino!" he called out, loud enough for everyone in their group to hear. "Calm down!"

"I'm far from calm!" he yelled back. "Those assholes wrecked my car!" and he sped up even more.

It took them less than a minute to catch up with Ichiro and company, and when Shino saw their car up ahead, he immediately sprinted faster and jumped high into the air, afterwards, landed before the speeding vehicle and smashed his fist onto the hood, creating a large dent and causing a few chunks of metal to fly off.

Instantly, Ichiro and his gang stepped out of the car and snarled at Shino.


Shikamaru looked towards Sasuke. "What's wrong?"

Sasuke narrowed his eyes at their surroundings. "They led us here."

It was only then did the lazy genius of the team take notice of how abandoned the place was, and how the beat up road they stood on was surrounded by thick patches of trees.

"They know." He whispered, frowning at that thought. "Sasuke, these guys…"

He didn't get a chance to continue, because Shino had immediately tackled Ichiro, who then fought back after transforming into a wolf-like creature.

"Shifters." Sasuke seethed, jumping into action when one of Ichiro's friends had attempted to charge at Shino from behind. He held back the Werewolf's arms in order to prevent him from hurting anyone. "Ch, damn it!" he tightened his grip when the struggling wouldn't cease. The other three were also being preoccupied by Neji, Lee, and Shikamaru, while Shino and Ichiro had taken their fight to the forestry area.

"Are we going to kill them yet?" Neji asked while evading a few scratches from the Werewolf he was fighting.

Sasuke gritted his teeth as he reviewed their current situation.

He was told to keep the Knights in order, told to stay away from trouble or fights as much as possible, told to make sure that they only defend when attacked, and kill when needed.

"These guys are still pups." He thought, judging how the Werewolves were reckless and didn't stick together like normal packs. "Not to mention that they're students in Leaf Academy, people will surely wonder about their sudden disappearance."

His train of thought was cut off when he heard a painful howl echo from the forest, and soon, everything was silent once again.

The Werewolves he and the rest held back immediately growled angrily, and Sasuke could tell that Shino had killed their leader.


He had no other choice but to do what he hates doing.

With one swift movement of his hands, he had snapped the neck of the Shifter he was holding back, giving the creature a quick and painless death.

"Kill them." He said afterwards, his eyes not leaving the corpse of the wolf-like human.

"Hmmm…" he leaned back on his chair. "This is… a mess."


"You could at least pretend to care."

"Just get on with it."

He smiled slightly at his brother's impatience. "Why don't you go take a walk to calm yourself a bit?"

"Itachi, just tell me what I have to do to clear this."

"There's nothing you can do." He said. "They provoked your team, they would have killed you if you didn't kill them."

"Don't cover for me."

"I'm not." He looked back down at the written report his brother had given. "I'm just saying that you had no choice."

Silence enveloped the two brothers for a few moments before the younger one raised his head to meet his older sibling's gaze. "What about their identities as students?"

"We'll leave that to Society." Itachi said. "Now, go clear your head."


"Oh geez. Fine! Go see Tsunade's assistant if you're that worried."

"Wah… so tired…" she staggered while making her way out of the staffroom, apologizing every now and then for bumping into a few of her co-workers, who seemed to sympathize with her.

"Sakura, you should really just work on weekends, you know? It's not like Shizune-san won't understand."

"No, I'm fine Matsuri-san." She forced a smile. "I just didn't think that I'd have to rush so many paperwork earlier." She scratched the back of her head and sighed.

"Well, hang in there, we've still got four hours left before nine."

"Yeah, I'm glad I didn't choose a shift until midnight." She nodded once before picking up her tray which she left on the counter. "How are today's sales doing Sai?"

"Just okay." He said from behind the counter. "But it still sucks how there's no improvement at all."

Sakura sighed slightly. "I wonder how Shizune-san will be able to pay for the rental next month…"

"Well, worry about that later, we've got a customer."

She quickly turned around and gasped. "Oh crap."

"You know him?"

"I-erm… spilled food onto him in school." She hesitantly made her way over to him. "W-Welcome to M-Midnight Café."

He stared at her, long and hard, before opening his mouth to speak: "…You."

"E-Eh?" She gave a nervous smile. "H-How can I be of assistance to you, master?"

He quirked a brow at her, and then looked down at her clothing: A French Maid outfit.

"I… Er…"

"Hn." He looked around, not caring much for the stares he received from female customers who ignored the hosts who served them. "Is Shizune-san around?"

"O-Oh, you know our manager?"

He blinked at her, once, twice.

"Oh, duh." She bopped her head. "Hang on, I'll… go get her." She turned around to leave, but then came back. "Ah sorry, I forgot to lead you to your seat!" she asked him to follow her, afterwards, had him sit down on a chair near the wall. She handed him a menu before taking her leave to call Shizune.

"That was really stupid of you Sakura." She told herself while knocking at Shizune's office. "Um, Shizune-san?" she opened the door and took a peek inside. "I would just like to inform you that someone came here to see you."

"Hm? Who?"

She blushed. "Oh shoot, I forgot to ask."

"It's okay." Shizune stood up from her seat and smiled. "I'll go see who it is." And she stepped out to follow Sakura who led her to where Sasuke is.

Upon arriving, however, they were met with a couple of girls who were swarming around him.

"Well, I think I know who it is now." Shizune grinned, afterwards, made her way through the bevy of girls. "Excuse me ladies, but I think I need to speak with our soon-to-be host."

Both Sasuke and Sakura were surprised at what Shizune had said, and the female customers had immediately squealed and parted from the young teen as Shizune pulled Sasuke towards her office.

Once inside and away from the fans, Sasuke immediately gave Shizune a look.

"I had to say something to get them away."

"Hn. And now they think I'll be working here someday."

She smiled. "Your brother did say you ought to get out more often."

He frowned.

"So, what business do you have with me?"

"Five students were killed earlier."

Shizune's happy-go-lucky expression turned into a serious one at that.

"Shifters," Sasuke continued. "They provoked Shino, and you know how that guy is when it comes to his cars."

"I'll inform Tsunade as soon as possible."

"Please do." He nodded once before turning to take his leave.

"So, about that job…"

Sasuke smirked slightly. "Not interested."

Once he stepped out of the door, he was surprised when Sakura yelped and tripped. Acting on reflex, he caught her around the waist and extended out a hand to catch the tray filled with sweets she was carrying earlier, managing to save the orders from meeting their doom.

"A-ah! Sorry!" Sakura flushed when she realized that she was pressed up against Sasuke, and that this was the second time she had bumped onto him.

"Hn." He let her go and handed her back the tray. "You should get some rest."

"Eh..?" she blinked and took the tray back.

"You need sleep if you want to work more effectively." He nodded once to her as a way of saying bye, and then walked off, leaving Sakura stunned.

"Just… who is he?" she looked at her tray. "He had fast reflexes to be able to catch these all at once."

It was out of the question to abandon your family just because you don't like how they live.

Just because you don't want to kill.

"We have to move faster!"

"I know that! But they're still gaining on us!"

"Just-just keep running!" he told his younger sibling. "We can't stay, not when they know how we refuse to kill humans…"

They were still far from the main road, but they continued to run, even hopping onto thick branches just to get an additional boost, all because they wanted to escape the life of a Shifter.

"What do we do when we're home free?"

"I don't know." He answered, biting his lower lip. "I… don't know." But he was sure that it was better than staying within the pack.

He lit up a bit when he saw a bright light, and he told his brother to hurry up.

When they got out of the forest, they didn't expect to land on the hood and roof of a car, but they didn't stop to check the damage, and instead, continued running, ending up in the other side of the forest.

"What the fuck?"

The driver of the car got out and glared at where the two had taken off. He was about to yell after them, when three more came and used his car as a boost to send them hurtling to where the first two were headed.

"Crap, Shifters." He said, seeing his three companions step out of the car as well. "You know what that means."

"Shino, don't-"

"Too late." He sprinted after them.


"You know how he is when it comes to his car." He glanced at their other friend. "Come on Lee." And they took off, leaving their other comrade behind.

"Geez, Sasuke's going to be so pissed off…" and he took after them.

From what he could see, Shino had already ran pass the three Werewolves, and two of them were being stopped by Neji and Lee. He chose to grab the other one and threw him towards a tree.

The Shifter growled, his eyes widening upon seeing the three of them, before he turned and ran away.

"Tail him!"

Shikamaru looked at Neji who just killed the Werewolf he was fighting with.

"Shikamaru! Tail him!"

He frowned. "No."

Neji snarled. "We can't let it live! Not after seeing-"

"We only kill if necessary." He said. "He didn't fight back, but rather, retreated. There was no need for murder."

"You'd rather have that thing call for reinforcements and get back at us?"

He tilted his head. "Scared?"

He gritted his teeth.

"Neji! Shikamaru!" Lee called their attention after finishing off the remaining Shifter. "Shino is still pursuing two of them."

The two gave on last look to each other before following Lee who went after their other companion.

When they reached Shino, they weren't surprised to see the two young Werewolves cornered and trying to back away from him.

"No use running anymore." He cracked his knuckles. "Time to pay the price for ruining my new car." He ran towards them with his fist pulled back, but what he didn't expect was someone appearing and sending him back with just one push of an arm.

His back hit a nearby tree, and he knew he would have continued flying backwards if it weren't for the large oak.

"We're screwed." Shikamaru mumbled, before raising both hands up in the air. "I had nothing to do with this."

"Save it." The newcomer said, afterwards, turned to look at the two scared Shifters. "They're still pups."

Neji stepped forward. "You're planning to spare them."

He glanced at Neji, his eyebrows narrowing slightly. "Do you intend to argue with me?"

He kept his mouth shut and shook his head, his clenched fists relaxing slightly.

"Hn." He looked towards Shino. "And you, control that fucking temper of yours."

Shino spat blood out and wiped his chin clean. "Sorry, that was a new car." He looked up at him. "You smell like coffee…"

"Shizune's." he answered before looking back at the two. "Why were you running?"

They didn't answer.

"You're not giving me a reason to spare your lives."

"Why kill us? We've never murdered anyone!" the younger one blurted out. "We… we just wanted to… get away…"

"A Werewolf refusing to devour a human?" Neji snorted. "Ridiculous."

The older of the two growled. "And how is it different from you not wanting to drink from a human?"

Neji's eyes formed into a glare, and his right hand immediately emitted mist. "Do you want to become a frozen bastard?"

"For the record, I know who my father is."

"You little piece of-"

"Enough." Sasuke said in a tone of finality. "Shino, confirm."

Shino nodded once before getting up and walking over to the two Werewolves. "This might hurt a bit." He warned the older one, afterwards, the Shifter felt pain coursing through his body, his sibling immediately demanding to know what he was doing.

A few seconds passed, and Shino stopped whatever it was he was doing. "He's telling the truth."

"Hn. And the other one?"

"Let me check." He did the same to the blonde-haired Shifter, but it didn't take long compared to the other. "He's much more cooperative, I see." He smirked. "But that doesn't mean I'll let them get away with what they did to my car."

Apathetic Silence: And because my cousin suggested this, well, we're now accepting questions that you will direct to the characters. For instance: "This is for Sasuke, what's your last name?" Something like that.

CrAzY-SiLLy-Me: BOO! :D It's fun, right?

Apathetic Silence: Are you even done with the "Art book" thing you planned for this story?

CrAzY-SiLLy-Me: Just the line arts of "Character Profile Sasuke" and chibi SasuSaku. :D

Apathetic Silence: …How many drawings have you done?

CrAzY-SiLLy-Me: That's a secret. D

Apathetic Silence: Hm. In that case, readers, please choose a character you want a Profile Review of so that my cousin here will have no choice but to post it in her deviantArt account, if not on facebook. Note that you may only choose a character who has already appeared or has been mentioned in this chapter. If there will be new ones on the next chapter, then they can be included.