Kaykay. So, this is my first ever Glee fanfic^^ I got this idea while listening to 'A House Is Not A Home' by the Glee Cast. I was trying to remember when Finn sang with Kurt because I couldn't remember. Then I was like, OOH, FANFIC IDEA! So, yep. I will be writing more Glee fics, mostly with Kurt 'cuz he's AMAZING.


Kurt be singing.

Finn be singing.

Finn and Kurt be singing.

Look at me! I'm boring old text!

Finn sat in his seat, distanced from the other Glee Club members. He wasn't quite in the mood to speak with anyone. His thoughts bounced around in his head, like many different people talking at once. He closed his eyes, thinking that it might help. He was wrong. The voices continued to assault him.

'Try talking to him. Convince him to keep it quiet a little longer.'

'No! Just be quiet about it. He'll realize why you want to keep it quiet.'

'Why don't you just tell everyone the truth?'

The last voice hit him hard. He needed to tell the truth. But how could he do it? He couldn't just say it. "Hey, everyone, Kurt and I are together." You couldn't just say that kind of thing.

He and Kurt had been together for two weeks now. Kurt wanted to tell everyone about their relationship, and so did Finn, but he wasn't too sure about how to. He was a little worried about his reputation, which Kurt had guessed. He'd also pointed out that being in Glee Club had probably brought his reputation down as far as it was going to.

Finn slowly opened his eyes and saw that Kurt was standing at the front of the room, preparing to perform. Finn blinked a few times, and squirmed in his seat. Brad started to play, and Kurt took in a deep breath. He opened his mouth and began to sing.

A chair is still a chair

Even though there's no-one sitting there

But a chair is not a house

And a house is not a home

When there's no-one there to hold you tight

And no-one there you can kiss goodnight

Kurt snuck a glance at Finn while he sung the last line. Finn's eyes widened a bit, and he looked at his hands. Was this Kurt's way of telling him how he felt?

A room is still a room

Even though there's nothing there but gloom

But a room is not a houseAnd a house is not a home

When the two of us are far apartAnd one of us has a broken heart

Kurt focused his gaze on Finn again, trying to do so inconspicuously. Finn met his eyes. Kurt's eyes told Finn everything: 'It's okay.'

But is wasn't okay, Finn realized. He rose to his feet. He didn't care. He'd let Kurt keep their relationship from everyone, but not anymore.

Now and then I call your name

And suddenly your voice appears

Kurt stared at Finn, amazed that he had been willing to stand up. He smiled, and then remember what he had been singing about, which brought the corners of his lips down. He turned away from Finn, and the rest of the Glee Club.

But it's just a crazy game

When it ends, it ends in tears

Kurt blinked, a tear sliding down his cheek. Finn put a hand on Kurt's shoulder and turned the smaller boy to face him.

So darling, have a heart

As Finn sang the first line, he raised his hand to wipe the tear from Kurt's face with his thumb.

Don't let one mistake keep us apart

Kurt grinned wider than Finn had ever seen. Finn looked into his eyes.

I'm not meant to live alone

Turn this house into a home

When I climb the stairs

And turn the key

Finn took Kurt's hands in his, the two singers facing each other now.

Oh, please be there

Still in love with me

Kurt rested his head on Finn's chest, closing his eyes. Finn let go of Kurt's hands so that he could wrap his arms around him.

Everyone else stared. Some in shock, some in confusion. But Finn didn't care. Kurt didn't care.

And that was all that mattered.