Disclaimer(Applicable to entire story): I do not claim ownership of any of the characters, locations, or concepts from the canon Bleach found in this FanFiction.

He betrayed everyone…

Even I was his pawn…

I trained and fought so hard…

I fought for my precious people; I defied all the odds, never retreated…

But in the end…I was just a speck of dust…

"When cleaning house, one piece of dirt is no different from the next…"

Ichigo woke with a start, not knowing where he was, the last thing he remembered was that traitorous bastard Aizen ascending towards a rift in the sky, looking down at him with that mockingly sincere smile.

Looking around however he realized that he was in the fourth division barracks, and his wounds had been treated although he could still feel a dull throbbing pain that quickly intensified as he tried to sit up.

Ignoring the pain, he arranged some pillows in order to recline with his back straight. Looking around the small but cozy room he noticed that he had the whole place to himself, surprising given that he was responsible for maybe half the patients sent here recently.

Looking down he noticed that he wasn't wearing his shihakusho, but had his entire torso covered in bandages and he could tell he was only wearing a hakama. Zangetsu was missing however and that worried him a little.

"At least I'm not in chains in some cell, I guess my little stunt was overlooked in light of the circumstances" he thought.

Ichigo was brought out of his contemplation by the door sliding open, revealing the kind and gentle face of the fourth division captain…"Now what was her name again?" he thought.

"I see your up, Kurosaki-san"

"Thanks in no small part to you I guess, Taicho-san"

"Please, call me Unohana" she replied.

"Oh yeah, smooth" he thought to himself.

"Alright Unohana-san, what's going to happen now, where are my friends?" Unohana smiled at the boy's casual tone, but ignored it considering that he technically wasn't her subordinate.

"Well you and your friends really caused a stir, coupled with everything else that happened…" At the implied mention of the traitor, Ichigo's scowl deepened further and his hands clenched the bedsheets.

"I can't believe after all that I did, all that fighting, I still wasn't even able to stop that bastard"

"Even after coming here, achieving Bankai, saving Rukia, and defeating two of the most powerful captains, he is still blaming himself for being unable to stop something even out of Yamamoto-sotaicho's control. He really does live up to his name."

"Listen Ichigo, you have done more for soul society in these past few days than you think, in fact, many shinigami are calling you the savior of soul society, some a bit more grudgingly than others" At her calm voice, Ichigo calmed down slightly and replied.

"Ha, I guess me and my friends really showed you guys up huh? Say, where are they anyhow?"

"Your friends are safe and have healed completely, however there is a pressing matter; Yamamoto-Sotaicho wishes to speak with you."

"That old geezer, what could he possibly want?" Unohana's smile twitched at that remark, but she didn't comment.

"Your new power levels have serious implications young man, and we need to get that underhand before moving forward" Unohana said, putting her hands on her hips.

"'Young man?' Please, with that pretty face you couldn't be older than twenty" Ichigo joked while flashing her a sly smirk, knowing that she was probably hundreds of years old. Unohana blushed slightly at that, before saying.

"I didn't take you for a flatterer Ichigo-kun, but before you can go see the Sotaicho, let me check your wounds" Ichigo began to protest before the skilled medics hands gently but firmly pushed him back to rest on the pillows. Slowly unwrapping the bandages, Ichigo got to see his new scars. Zangetsu had been able to heal most of his wounds but towards the end they were both so drained that they weren't able to close properly.

As Unohana moved to perform a Kido spell that he assumed would completely heal his wounds he grabbed her hand.

"Leave them, I'm going to need a reminder to let me know just what the stakes are" He said, determination in his eyes. Unohana nodded and only applied a minor spell that completely closed the wounds but left easily definable marks. She then handed him a fresh Shihakusho top for him to put on.

Thanking her, he said "By the way, where is my sword?"

"After the last battle and the wounded were brought here, your zanpakto was put in the custody of the 1st division, but since then your supporters have convinced most that you are trustworthy, and my lieutenant is bringing it here as we speak. It seems you have made a few friends among the captains, Ichigo-kun." She smiled.

At that moment, the 4th division lieutenant, Isane came in with zangetsu, which she handed to Ichigo.

"So I guess we go straight to the old man now then?" Said Ichigo, while slinging Zangetsu over his shoulder.

"Yes, the Sotaicho has sent word that he is ready to see you now." Isane said, smiling at Ichigo's mocking tone.

"I hope you show more respect when we get there Ichigo-kun" Said the captain. Isane looked at her for a bit before thinking.

"'Kun' huh, I guess there's a lot to say about this boy."

Ichigo stood before the huge doors leading to the Captains meeting room with Unohana and her lieutenant.

"Well here is where we part for now, it has been nice to get more acquainted with you Ichigo-kun, and remember to show some respect!"

With that, the Captain and her Lieutenant Flash stepped away, probably on their way to treat more patients.

Sighing, Ichigo put his hand on the doors and pushed slightly, surprisingly one parted soundlessly to allow him in. Stepping through the threshold, he took in the lavish chamber, and walked forward. At the end of the long chamber, the Captain of the 1st division sat waiting.

Arriving at the foot of the dais, he said.

"Yo, old man, you wanted to see me?"

Ichigo was not prepared for the sudden spike of reiatsu and the booming voice that followed, he was almost pushed down to his knees, only his stubbornness kept him up.

"How dare you refer to me like that? I am the Sotaicho of the Gotei 13 and will not tolerate such insolence!" Ichigo was stunned for a second or two before absently picking at his ear saying.

"Alright alright! Crap you could've just said it normally, damn…."

Yamamoto leaned back into his chair, sighing. "I might as well get used to it, seeing that you will soon be our newest captain…"


The old warriors face broke into a sly grin. "Please Kurosaki-san, I may be old, but I can hear you clearly." Growling at the sly remark, Ichigo composed himself and said.

"What do you mean captain, I have not agreed to anything."

Casually stroking his long beard, the old shinigami spoke in a grandfatherly, but still solemn voice.

"Kurosaki-san, I can see you are a straight forward person, as am I, and I will get to the point. You have proven yourself to be an extremely capable warrior, with a good heart, and have earned the respect of many of my captains and shinigami in the process of your brave if reckless goal to save your falsely charged friend. This is why I have pardoned you and your friend's offenses and have returned your Zanpakto. Normally, I would have let you become a deputy shinigami and return to your home. However, you are not a normal a normal ryoka, your power is enough to defeat two of my best captains, and you achieved so much in only a handful of days! If you were to go back the real world unrestricted, your reiatsu will quickly awaken hundreds of latent reiatsu, attracting thousands of hollows. We can't even put a limiter on you, as Aizen may try to capture you. So that leaves us no choice, you must stay here."

"What about my family! I have a life to go back to, I never asked for any of this!"

His face turning sad, and with a sigh, Yamamoto said.

"I know young Ichigo, but fate has chosen you, and given you a wonderful gift. It is up to you if you want to take it to its greatest potential."

"I don't know about 'fate' old man, everybody makes themselves into who they are. But I see your point, I can't go home without putting everyone I care about in danger, but why should I be a captain?"

"It is true that you are only sixteen, and you don't have much experience as a shinigami, but you have shown a talent to lead as evidenced by the loyalty shown by your friends. That and the betrayal of three captains have left a large gap in our ranks, captain-material shinigami don't come around to often. You will of course, still have to take a test in a week's time but if the account from Kuchiki-taicho and Zaraki-taicho hold any truth, you shouldn't have any trouble."

"What's going to happen to my friends though and what am I going to tell my family?"

Before the Sotaicho could reply, Ichigo felt a bone-crushing kick hit his side, launching him several feet. Enraged, Ichogo hopped to his feet and spun around, already gripping Zangetsu's handle and preparing a loud retort. Before he could get a word out though, he caught the sight of his attacker and his jaw nearly dropped down from his skull.

"You let your guard down son! Even after all you've done you still can't beat your old man!"

Eyes wide and jaw nearly hitting the floor, Ichigo stammered out.

"Wha- but you were- and that sword- WHAT THE FUCK?"

"Hey, watch your language son, there's a lady here"

At that, Orihime and his other friends came out from a side entrance and watched on humorously as Ichigo beat up his dad and cries of "MY SON I AM SO PROUD" and "I Will HAVE STRONG GRANDCHILDREN!" could be heard.

After Ichigo stopped wailing on his father, Yamamoto and his father explained how Ishhin had been able to settle in the real world with the use of a reiatsu suppressing gigai, with the Sotaicho's blessing. The party had left soon after with Ichigo promising to return to go over the details of his recruitment into the Gotei 13.

A few hours later, Ichigo, his dad, and his friends stood in front of the gate that would lead back to the living world.

"Don't worry son, I'll explain everything to your sisters and I'll come up with something for your friends." Ishhin said in an uncharacteristically serious tone. Orihime then ran up and hugged Ichigo, Chad and Uryu coming up and shaking his hand when she let go.

After a few parting words, and a promise to visit as soon as he could, Ichigo watched his friends and father go through the gate.

Slowly walking away, he began to walk in a random direction. He had been given the day off to rest and think about the sudden news. On the way back to his temporary room in the 4th division barracks, he had to avoid Zaraki's constant challenges…. at least both the captain's and lieutenants tracking skills were a bit shaky, and it was easy to avoid them.

Sighing as He entered the 4th division barracks, Ichigo retraced his steps back to his room and was surprised to find the Captain sitting on one of the two seats next to the low table near the window.

"Hello Kurosaki-kun, how was the talk with Yamamoto-sotaicho?" Unohana said, smiling gently. Ichigo moved forward and sat down across from her.

"Unexpected, to say the least, the last thing I thought was going to happen to me when I first got here was me becoming a captain."

"I know, that caused quite a stir when the Sotaicho announced his intention to sponsor you for captaincy, but several captains, including myself, agreed with him."

"Really? But I barely talked to you before today, and I couldn't even lay a finger on that traitor."

"Kurosaki-kun, your actions spoke louder than anything you have said during the last few days. You have shown the potential to change and potentially save soul society with your selfless actions and your will to learn and never fail, I believe in you" Unohana replied, smiling. That was when Ichigo noticed how similar the beautiful captain's warm smile was to his mother's. He wouldn't admit it, but Ichigo was nervous at the implications of his new post, and seeing that smile and those encouraging words really helped him bolster his will to go forward.

"I-I don't know what to say Unohana-san, but thank you, I won't fail anyone, and I will do my best to make my division the best that it can be." Ichigo said, his scowl slowly being replaced by an awkward smile.

"I know you will, now come, tell me which division you think you will be assigned to."

"I really don't know, Gramps didn't mention that when we talked, said I should rest for today and we will continue talking tomorrow. He did say that I will have to take a test next week in order to officially become captain."

"I see, but I think you should be put into the 5th Division, which specializes in first response/covert high risk missions, using small usually 5 man squads. You showed your proficiency for that in your mission to save Rukia."

"Wasn't that Aizen-teme's squad?" Ichigo said, scowl retuning.

"Yes, and I have to say that is was falling behind the other squads in its mission performance. It seems Aizen became lax in his duties these last couple of months to further weaken us." She said, frowning slightly. "It would be the best place to put our most promising upcoming Taicho" She added, smiling again.

The two kept on talking until well after sun set, and Ichigo couldn't help but feel like he was with his mother again. When Unohana stood up to leave, apologizing for taking up so much of his time, Ichigo quickly stood up and spoke before she could leave.

"No, it was really a pleasure Unohana-chan… is it alright if I call you that? – a nod – thanks… Listen, it was really nice talking with you, I haven't been able to speak my worries like that to anyone since-"

Ichigo looked away, tears starting to well up, but he forced them away. Walking up to him, a concerned and motherly look on her face, Unohana put her hand on his shoulder, and looked up at the slightly taller boy.

"Since what, Ichigo-kun, you don't have to say it if you don't want to…"

Shaking his head he turned back and said softly.

"Ever since… " with that, Ichigo's face scrunched up into another scowl as he fought back the tears threatening to break free.

"Never mind…" A lone tear finally escaped, sliding slowly down his cheek, he couldn't bring himself to say it, and he didn't want to cry in front of someone he barely knew, no matter who they reminded him of.

Wiping it away, and wrapping Ichigo in a warm hug, she said.

"It's ok to show your sad Ichigo-kun, I'm here, you can always talk to me when you are ready."

At that, Ichigo finally let the tears fall as he cried silently on the caring captain's shoulder, as she slowly moved her hand in circles on his back. After a few minutes, he stepped away from the embrace and for once, he had a genuine, if small, smile on his face. Wiping away his tears on the sleeve of his shihakusho, he whispers a small 'thanks' and Unohana smiled warmly.

"If you ever need to talk to someone, I'll be here."

"Thank you so much, Unohana-chan."

Nodding, she gracefully left the room, closing the door silently.

Shedding his clothes, Ichigo jumped onto the bed, feeling happier than he had been for a long time, and ready to face what lay ahead.

And that's my first attempt at a fic, thanks to all the people who read this first chapter. If you like it, leave a review, if you didn't, at least tell me why and I'll appreciate it.

About the squad specialization, I couldn't find the actual one, so picked what I think will best tie into my story. This will be a Ichi/Momo story and I understand the whole becoming a captain thing has been done before. However I plan on making this story deviate far from canon, that is the point of FanFiction is it not? I apologize for any ooc-ness, I have actually only watched ep 1-67 and everything else I have picked up from reading the wiki and other fics, so I may not have portrayed some characters correctly.

I have however, portrayed them as how I feel they should be, so I doubt I'll change anything.

Thanks again
