I know I have other stories to work on, but this is a graduation gift for my friend Shock Shark (Her stories are awesome, go read them!) Anyway, something I haven't done in a while; Copyrights! Kaity the Chameleon and Malice the Rabbit (C) moi, Charmy Bee belongs to SEGA, no matter what you crazy fangirls say, and all characters relating to Nightmare Before Christmas are copyrighted to Tim Burton.
...Warning: the intro poem sucks
Chapter 1: To Save a Life
T'was a short time ago, sooner now than it seems
In a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.
For the story you're about to be told,
Took place in the holiday worlds of old.
A world two detectives found by mistake,
And would help to save from a vile fate.
It was just past ten thirty and the two oldest of the Chaotix Detective Agency still hadn't come back from searching for Malice. Kaity was on a couch facing the television with Charmy fast asleep against her shoulder. The Chameleon yawned, it had been a long day, and sleep was starting to take over the second youngest detective. Even the sounds of screams coming from the horror movie playing seemed to coax her into sleep. A ring suddenly erupted from the phone, waking the chameleon who quickly got up to answer.
"Chaotix Detective Agency, how may we be of service?" she asked automatically.
A familiar voice came from the other side of the phone. "Nothin' that can help me, but maybe you can help Cream." Malice chuckled.
"Malice." She growled into the phone, noticing Charmy had woken up and was listening.
"You bet 'cha, detective." The same chuckle, "Now listen, I brought Cream over to the Jensen's house. Ya know, that old one at the hill top?"
"The one that's supposed ta be haunted?"
"The same one."
"Okay…so why're ya tellin' me this?" Kaity asked, taking the moment to scan the room incase of an intruder or someone watching them.
"'Cause if you can get here in ten minutes, Cream is yours and I'll come quietly." The older rabbit said from the other end of the line."
"What!" The chameleon's mouth dropped open in shock
"You got ten minutes, detective, so I wouldn't waste a minute of it. See ya." The dial tone sounded in the detective's ear. Kaity shook her head ''E can't be serious…but then again, 'e's been known ta do crazy things…if 'e's tellin' the truth then we can get Malice behind bars and Cream safe at home…but what if it's a trap…?'
It's so short, bwaaaa! TT_TT ...Anyway, sorry about the shortness, I'll post the second chapter to make it at least a longer reading...thing...yeah...