A/N (1): As I was feeling inspired, I wrote this chapter right after the previous one.

Also starring Rachel Bilson as Lou Palone.

I still don't own Chuck and the other movies, but I really like watching them.

February 23rd 1944, Occupied France

Chuck was with Devon and Morgan hidden behind trees, watching from an elevated position on a nearby slope while waiting for the sentries to be taken out and the Maquisards to move into position for the assault on the Milice outpost. And he saw everything from the moment Zarnow and Von Vogel entered the shed. Devon had to snatch the gun from his hands when he aimed it at Zarnow's head after the Gestapo agent kneed Sarah in the gut. Later, both Devon and Morgan had to use their combined weight to keep Chuck down when Sarah screamed in pain as Zarnow rubbed salt in her wound.

"Chuck, stay down, buddy," Devon said when they managed to get Chuck to stop struggling. "You aren't going to help one little bit if you go off half-cocked in there and you'll probably get yourself and Sarah killed. I know it's difficult, but Casey ordered us both to stay right here."

"Devon's right," added Morgan. "The Colonel and the others will handle this. Please let us do our job, OK pal?"

"I can't help it guys… You know I love her. I can't see her suffer like this and…"

"We know," Devon reassured him. "Trust me, those bastards will pay for everything and we will get Sarah back. The plan is good. Stick to the plan Chuck."

"Hey, Devon, what are they doing down there?" Morgan asked after a short time of silence.

"They are injecting her with something, probably some sort of truth serum. And now they are going out. Probably to give the drug time to work."

"What is she doing?" Chuck asked, seeing her doing something with her hands. Devon peered intently through his small binoculars before replying.

"She's working on the locks of the cuffs with what looks like a paperclip she had hidden in her sleeve. Smart girl."

"Everyone said she is one of the best," said Chuck proudly.

In the meantime Casey, Bryce and Cole had sneaked up on the sentries and swiftly knifed them into silence. Casey then turned and waved the all clear to Émilien. The Maquisards started approaching the building where the Miliciens were billeted.

"Whoa, did you guys see that?" Devon asked, seeing Sarah kill the two Gestapo agents.

"That's my girl," smiled Chuck. "Should one of us go and bring her here?"

The relief was short lived, however, as they witnessed Shaw prevent Sarah's escape. Suddenly, a Milicien who had gone out to get something from a storage shack spotted the Maquisards and shouted a warning; it was the last thing he ever did as a shot from Émilien sent him to the ground, dead. Mayhem ensued. The Maquisards fired two PIAT bombs inside the house and raked it with gunfire, covering two of them who came close enough to hurl satchel charges and grenades in through the broken windows. Some Miliciens and SS troopers tried to escape out the back door. Émilien had anticipated the move and had four men with automatic weapons covering it. The would-be escapees were mowed down by a hail of lead. As per Casey's plan a team of Maquisards led by Casey himself would enter the house and clear it. They didn't really have much to do. The PIAT bombs, satchel charges and grenades had already done most of the clearing. Only a few shots were fired inside the house as the Maquis meted out just punishment on the surviving traitors.

Meanwhile, Shaw was trying to escape with Sarah. Chuck was not about to let him succeed, not when he was so close to getting the love of his life back. The Nazi was going for a car. If he got one they would have no way to stop him. Chuck looked around for a weapon, anything he could use, since Devon had taken his (Sarah's really) Thompson away from him and his Colt was useless at that range. His eyes rested on the 2.36" bazooka they had with them. Almost before he realized it, he flashed on the data sheet and operating instructions of the weapon. He picked it up, made sure it was loaded and ready, checked the back blast area and aimed it at a truck. He pulled the trigger and the rocket whooshed out of the tube and flew true, turning the truck into a fireball on impact. Fortunately Shaw and Sarah were still outside the blast radius. Devon and Morgan were too busy firing at some Miliciens who had come running out of a barn to notice.

Realizing that his fastest avenue of escape was cut off, Shaw decided to try and lose his pursuers in the bushes down the road. To get there he had to cross some exposed ground but it was a gamble he would have to take.

Chuck took off after Shaw. He now only had his M1911A1, having discarded the bazooka. Gun in hand, he ran at an angle, hoping to intercept the German before he could disappear in the bushes.

Shaw was beginning to feel better. He was at the bridge that was spanning a stream with nobody apparently pursuing him. Only the bridge and thirty more meters left to go. He started again dragging his unwilling charge across the bridge. She was slowing him down, so he decided to throw her into the water and be done with her. He told her she was going to die. Sarah knew it would be no use trying to fight Shaw. She was exhausted and the drug had further weakened her, but on the plus side it had dulled the pain somewhat. Zarnow and Von Vogel had been easy; she'd had the surprise on her side and neither of the Gestapo agents was combat trained. They were only good at torturing helpless people. Shaw was different, a combat hardened veteran. And she only had her trusty paperclip. Not much of a weapon. In fact it was not a weapon at all. And when she had rejected most of her options by the time they were halfway across, she heard a voice she had never expected to hear again; a voice she had gotten to know better than her own.


Shaw's blood ran cold when he heard someone call him by his real name. He shoved Sarah towards the railing and turned to see who it was, Luger drawn. In the light provided by a single bulb illuminating the bridge he saw a man in American paratrooper's fatigues coming towards him, a .45 caliber pistol in hand. He looked somewhat familiar.

"Karl Bartow?" Shaw asked, taking a closer look.

"Actually, it's Chuck Bartowski."

"You are an American."

"Yes, I am. Drop the gun and let her go Shaw. Für Sie ist der Krieg vorbei." For you the war is over. Hearing that phrase Shaw knew it was now kill or be killed. The look in the American's eyes betrayed his feelings for the woman who was with them on the bridge.

Sarah was watching the exchange while clutching at the bridge railing for support. She was elated to see her Chuck again, but she was worried about him. It would have definitely been better if it was someone else, someone like Casey in his place.

Shaw raised his pistol to fire. Chuck was faster; he pulled the trigger twice in rapid succession. Two red flowers bloomed on the front of Shaw's uniform where Chuck's shots had hit him. The force of the heavy bullets' impact sent him reeling backwards against the railing. He toppled over, his instinct of self preservation causing him to grab onto anything that could stop his fall. It just happened to be Sarah's hand. He started pulling her down with him.

"SARAH!" Chuck yelled and rushed to grab her before she fell over the side of the bridge. He held on to her and looked in the dying man's eyes, but the German wouldn't let go of her as he hung suspended over the water. Eventually, after several agonizing seconds, Shaw's hand started losing its hold on hers and he finally plummeted down and splashed into the water of the stream. Sarah had lost consciousness; the pain from her battered body being pulled against the steel railing by Shaw's weight was too much. Chuck pulled her upright and lovingly held her close, one hand supporting her head. He was feeling relief as she had almost been taken away from him, happiness at finally having her back alive and sadness at having been forced to take a life. He would not regret it though. It was either Shaw or Sarah and it was no contest. Sarah meant the world to him.

Chuck's thoughts were interrupted by a car screeching to a halt next to them. He whirled around, gun at the ready, to find himself staring at Daniel Morales' smiling face.

"I see you both took out the Boche and saved the girl, mon ami," the Frenchman said. "Need a ride?"

"Sure, thank you Daniel," Chuck said and carefully got in the Latil M7T1 4x4 car Daniel had appropriated from the Miliciens' motor pool, cradling Sarah in his arms. At the destroyed outpost Daniel stopped again to pick up more passengers. One of them was Casey who had suffered a bullet wound in the left thigh while clearing the house, which Devon had ably cleaned and bandaged after digging out the bullet.

"Bartowski, where the hell have you been? As I recall I told you to stay with your buddies Woodcomb and Grimes," he growled. He could not see Sarah who lay across Chuck's lap.

"Sorry Casey, I had to go get Sarah. Shaw had her and I couldn't let him get away with her."

"And what became of Shaw, Moron?"

"He's dead."

"You killed him?"

"He gave me no other choice."

"Well, you finally grew a set, Bartowski. Good job."

The conversation was also heard by Morgan, Devon Bryce and Cole who had also piled into the big car. They all appeared to be genuinely impressed with Chuck. Before they got moving Devon quickly examined Sarah. She appeared to have suffered no internal injuries, so Devon just cleaned and dressed her leg wound before taking the middle front seat and tapping Daniel on the shoulder, indicating they should get going. He would perform a more thorough examination later.

"Hold on mes amis! When I was a taxi driver in Marseilles before the war, people would frequently, how do you Americans say, puke after the ride," the Frenchman said and floored the accelerator pedal.

"Why would they puke, Daniel?" Morgan yelled the question over the roar of the engine.

"Because I drive really fast!"

Daniel pushed the car to its limits. Every time they would come close to a Maquis guard post, Daniel would give three short and one long blasts from the horn, the Morse code for the letter V, signifying Victory. This way the Maquisards would know that the approaching vehicle was friendly. They made it to the same clearing where Team Intersect had parachuted in a record time. When the car came to a stop, the doors opened and Bryce and Cole stumbled out and threw up. Morgan and Devon helped Casey out as Carina and Ilsa ran towards them. A huge smile split Carina's face as she saw Chuck carry Sarah out. She immediately moved to help him.

"Chuck, how is she?"

"She'll be fine, don't worry Carina. Where can I put her?"

"Come with me," she said and guided Chuck to a small, well camouflaged shelter, essentially a shack half buried in the ground. He gently laid her on a cot and Devon checked her up again.

"Pulse is normal, breathing is OK, pupil dilation normal. No signs of internal injuries," he announced. "Just let her rest."

"OK, thank you Captain Woodcomb," said Carina.

At the prearranged time the Ventura swooped in to land on the crude but comfortably long airstrip in the middle of the clearing. Grafton had flown the last 150 miles on the deck, keeping clear of populated areas and thus managed to avoid being detected. He taxied towards the group of people waiting at the edge of the clearing and stopped. The door opened and Alex Forrest jumped down on the ground, clad in a flight suit and holding a submachine gun. The stinger gunner was at the door, also armed, while the top turret gunner was alert and ready to use his twin fifties to deal with any threat. Carina ran to the aircraft.

"We need a stretcher," she told Alex, who in turn repeated the request to the stinger gunner, who unclipped a folded stretcher from the fuselage wall and passed it over. Sarah was placed in it and gently carried inside the aircraft. Ilsa, Carina, Casey, Morgan and Cole also climbed aboard, followed by Alex. The door was closed and secured and the PV-1 taxied to the end of the strip and took off into the wind.

"OK, Captain, all we have to do now is do our job," Chuck told Devon.

"We better hurry or we'll be late," Awesome replied checking his watch.

"Daniel, can you take us close to the airfield?" Chuck asked.

"No problem, mon ami. It's easy."

"Oh no, not again," groaned Bryce.

Daniel once again drove like a madman, and got them close to the airfield perimeter. They stopped where they could not be seen or heard from the airfield.

"OK Daniel," said Devon, "we are going in. You wait here just in case something goes wrong and we have to beat a hasty retreat. If you see trouble coming your way, just go. If no alarms are raised, go home when aircraft start taking off. You got it?"

"I understand. Good luck."

"Thanks. We'll need it."

Chuck, Devon and Bryce waited until the armored vehicle patrolling the perimeter had passed before heading for a gap in the fence and running towards the nearest cover. Once they got past the perimeter patrols it was surprisingly easy. The cold weather helped, as no one in their right mind would go out unless they had some serious business to attend to. They only had to carefully skirt the sandbagged flak gun emplacements which were always manned, but it was not really a problem, as they knew their locations from studying the maps and aerial photographs of the place. Darting from cover to cover they reached the aircraft dispersal area in about twenty minutes. According to their Resistance contacts their target was in one of the few protective revetments in the airfield. They reached it without incident and Chuck confirmed it was indeed the aircraft they were after. Bryce quietly walked into the revetment, alert for any sign of human presence. The place was virtually deserted. He motioned to the others and all three climbed into the Junkers through the belly access hatch and settled in the spacious cockpit. It was a relief to find some shelter from the biting wind.

Devon checked his watch again and announced that the RAF feint should be drawing the German night fighters out in about half an hour.

In the meantime, Grafton was steering a course directly towards England. He only knew two airfields there, Tempsford and Alconbury. He decided to head for the latter, as it was home to American units and the base medical facilities would definitely be better than any such thing in Tempsford. Virgil Cole quickly plotted a course and gave Grafton a heading.

Devon gave Chuck and Bryce a Benzedrine pill each and took one himself. The stimulant would help them keep awake and alert for the next few hours. He could not resist looking at his watch one more time. Suddenly they heard voices outside the aircraft. The ground crew members were removing the protective covers and the flight crewmen were climbing inside. Major Rechenberg was the first in, and found himself staring down the muzzles of three guns.

"Get over there and keep quiet," Bryce ordered in German. Günther and Emil were similarly subdued as they boarded the Junkers. Bryce took their flying helmets and had Devon put one on. He put on another when he made sure Chuck had the Germans covered with his weapon. The unsuspecting ground crew chief gave the OK sign to the men in the cockpit and Devon started the engines. As they taxied to the runway Bryce was monitoring the radio and responded in German to a call. They were cleared for takeoff and soon they were airborne, heading to 'intercept' the RAF raiders. Once at a safe altitude Chuck and Bryce bound the three Germans securely and crammed them in a corner where they would not bother them.

"Sorry about all this folks," Bryce told the three prisoners, "but you understand we can't risk you deciding to play heroes and do something infinitely stupid. Just relax and enjoy the flight. And cheer up; now the war is over for you and you'll get to spend the rest of it in a nice, warm, safe POW camp."

"Bryce, what did you just say to them?" Chuck asked, not taking his eyes off the radar displays.

"I just told them to play nice and not to do anything they'll regret. They will be guests of the Allies when we land and from what I hear POWs are really having a good time."

"Don't you guys think it's time for Phase 2?" Devon asked. Phase 2 was something they had decided to do while going over the plans back at the Maquis' base in the woods. Among the documents they had recovered during their raid on the chateau was one informing Keller that a KG.200 operated transport aircraft painted in American colors would be coming to assist in the parachute training of the Ring agents; the flight plans were included and Devon had suggested intercepting and destroying it. Chuck and Bryce had agreed.

"We are still on course Devon. We should be intercepting any minute now."

Sure enough Chuck reported a radar contact just six minutes later. Following his instructions Devon brought the Junkers in a wide turn which would place them behind the DC-3. Chuck continued to give Devon range and altitude readings from the radars until they acquired visual contact. Then Devon closed in on the unsuspecting aircraft and when it was in range he pressed the firing button. The short burst from the four MG 151/20 cannon was enough to set the unprotected aircraft on fire. Its pilots dead at the controls, it flipped over and plunged earthwards. Chuck and Bryce confirmed the kill and congratulated Devon. The task completed, Phase 3, which was none other than the final leg of the flight to England, began.

Alconbury England

Lou Palone looked longingly at a photo of her fiancé Stavros. He was fighting in Greece with a Greek-American OSS unit and she hadn't heard from him in a while, as it was impossible to have mail service to and from an occupied country. At least she had something to do, having joined the American Red Cross. And so there she was, manning the refreshment truck, providing sandwiches (her specialty), coffee and other beverages and refreshments to the base personnel. Some Carpetbagger mechanics interrupted her reverie. Making the customary small talk, she gave them their sandwiches and some coffee.

They were about to leave when an aircraft was heard approaching. From their vantage point near the control tower Lou and the others could see it was a twin-engined job, as it came in to land, all lights on. Suddenly a red flare shot out from the aircraft, meaning it was coming in with casualties aboard. Fire trucks and ambulances raced towards the runway and Lou, being a trained nurse, hitched a ride in a jeep and raced to join the emergency crews.

The aircraft turned off the runway and rolled to a stop. The door opened and two men with blackened faces jumped out and helped maneuver a stretcher out. Lou was astonished to see that the patient was a beautiful blonde woman, but then again strange things were going on at the base. A man with a leg injury also hobbled from the aircraft onto the tarmac. Lou and the medics immediately took them to the waiting ambulances and raced towards the infirmary.

Over the Channel

"Chuck, are you still plotting our course?"

"Yes, Devon, I am. This radar is a good copy of the H2S. The Isle of Wight is on our 10 o'clock. Stay on this course for now. Better to avoid overflying either Portsmouth or Brighton. Who knows what trigger-happy gunners they got down there."

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood for getting blown out of the sky by our own people either."

"I'll give you a course to Alconbury as soon as we are over the coast."

"We are going to Alconbury? Why not Tempsford?"

"Alconbury has better facilities. And it was the original plan to get the Junkers there and turn it over to the USAAF."

"You are right Chuck."

"Aircraft, 12 o'clock high," announced Bryce.

"British Mosquito night fighters," said Devon as they came closer.

"Devon, turn on all the navigation lights and lower the landing gear. They must see we are not a threat. I'll try to reach them on the radio."

As it turned out the Mosquitoes were their escort to Alconbury. Chuck made a mental note to thank Montgomery and Forrest for their foresight.

RAF Alconbury, England

The Ju 88 made a perfect landing on the runway and taxied to the parking area. Immediately the aircraft was surrounded by armed Military Policemen. Devon took his flying helmet off, opened a window and smiled at the men below.

"Hey fellas, how are you doing?"

"Who the fuck are you?" The question came from an MP.

"Captain Devon Woodcomb, USAAF and my crew. We also got three POWs for you gents."

"Well, I'll be damned. Send your POWs down first."

"Can do."

The three Germans were untied and ordered off the aircraft. The MPs took them in custody. Chuck, Devon and Bryce also exited the plane, which was then towed to the nearest hangar.

"Did a Navy aircraft come in to land earlier with the rest of our team?" Chuck asked an 801st BG officer.

"Yeah, sure. They had two casualties aboard too. They took them to the infirmary, but didn't keep them there."

"Do you know where they are now?" Bryce asked.

"You'll have to ask someone from Operations."

"Can you take us there?"

"No need to. The Operations Officer is right over there," the man said. They immediately recognized Hennessey, whom they had met on their first day in England. He directed them to another familiar place, the hotel they had stayed in Huntington. The three friends borrowed a jeep and raced to the hotel. They arrived there as Forrest was wrapping up the initial debriefing with the other members of Team Intersect.

"Well, well, well," said Casey, "look who's here. 'Bout time, Bartowski."

"Great to see you made it back, Casey."

"Colonel," said Devon, "mission accomplished."

"Any trouble?" Alex asked.

"None at all," said Chuck. "Thanks for arranging an escort for us too."

"Just doing my job, Lieutenant."

"Call me Chuck. It's not like I outrank you or anything."

"OK then, Chuck. Good job."

"Thanks. You'll find the Junkers waiting in a hangar back at the base."

"OK, we'll do the paperwork later."

"Casey, where is Sarah?" Chuck asked when Alex had left.

"Upstairs, in her room with Carina and Ilsa. They checked her out at the base, took X-Rays, gave her a sedative and said she'll be fine, just like the Captain told us in the first place."

"And how's your leg Casey?"

"I've been hurt worse. It's nothing, really."

"OK, if you gents will excuse me…"

"Dismissed, Bartowski."

Chuck ran upstairs to Sarah's room. As Casey had told him, Carina and Ilsa were there with her.

"Chuck!" Carina exclaimed when she saw him. She rose and hugged him tight. "Thank you for saving my little sister. Casey told me what you did."

"Carina, just so you know, I love her. I always have."

"I know. You guys are made for each other."

Ilsa also hugged Chuck and went to get them all some tea.

Chuck had sent Ilsa and Carina to get some rest, while he stayed watching over Sarah. Once in a while he would check her bandaged leg which was propped up on some pillows. She appeared to be resting comfortably. In the morning she stirred and started waking up.

"Hey," he told her, "how are you feeling?"

"Um, what happened?"

"Everything is OK now, don't worry."

"What about Shaw?"

"He's dead."

"I think I remember; there was a shed and a bridge and he was going to kill me and… you shot him!"

"I couldn't let him hurt you Sarah. He gave me no other choice. But I'm still the Chuck you met back in Castle. I promised you I would always be that same guy and-"

"You saved me," she said and kissed him. They broke the kiss and looked at each other before kissing again. They were interrupted by a knock on the door. Alex entered, carrying a telephone with a speaker on an extension cord.

"General Montgomery wants to talk to you," she said, put down the phone and left.

"Chuck, Sarah, excellent work," the General said, his voice having a tinny ring from the scrambler.

"Thank you General," they chorused.

"I consulted with Colonel Casey, Captain Woodcomb and Lieutenant Forrest. They brought me up to speed. I have an easy new assignment for you two-"

"General," said Chuck, "I believe we could use a few days off."

"Don't worry, Lieutenant Bartowski, it's a nice cushy desk job and-"

Sarah reached over and hung up on the General. The phone rang as Montgomery tried to regain contact. Sarah just ripped the cable out of the telephone.

"I don't know if…" began Chuck, but she interrupted him.

"Shut up and kiss me," she said. And he did.

February 24th 1944, Berlin, Germany

Von Roark was walking in the Tiergarten alone trying to clear his head. Earlier that day he had sat through an hour-long tirade Hitler had directed at him and Himmler about the failure of Operation Fulcrum. The breakdown in communications that had resulted in a long delay before Berlin had the big picture did not help either. His post as the Ring Abteilung commanding officer was now at risk. So deep was he in thought that he didn't notice a man approaching him until they were face to face.

"Hello Ted." the man said.

"Stephen?" Von Roark asked, incredulous.

"Goodbye Ted." Stephen Bartowski shot Von Roark with a silenced pistol and killed him. "I've been waiting a long time to do that," he said before turning and disappearing into the night.

At about the same time the RAF was bombing the Telefunken facility where the centimetric radar was being developed. Dr. Busgang was among those killed. Operation Gorgon was added to Orion's string of successes.

June 6th 1944, D-Day, near Sainte-Mère-Église, Normandy, France

Two people furtively made their way to an open area at the edge of the town. The sky above them was in tumult. It was filled with aircraft, some of which were going down, German antiaircraft fire and descending paratroopers. One of them landed near the pair. He got out of his parachute gear and noticed them.

"Bonjour Mademoiselle, je suis Américain," he said in grammatically correct, but horribly accented French.

"Moi aussi; bienvenue en France," the woman replied in perfect French.


"Sarah, why don't you speak English?" her companion asked.

"Chuck, he spoke French first," she retorted. The man threw up his hands in mock exasperation and turned to the paratrooper.

"Never mind my partner pal, she just told you that she's an American too and welcome to France."

"Uh, OK… thanks."

"Let's go find the rest of your unit, we got work to do."

August 12th 1945, The Castle

Chuck Bartowski pushed himself up on his elbows and looked out to sea where Sarah was water skiing behind a speedboat. About two months after the end of the war in Europe the OSS had dismantled the training facility and returned the place to its owner. Chuck and Sarah had managed to talk him into renting them a cottage for a couple of weeks. They took the same cottage they had stayed in while in training.

While waiting for her to rejoin him, he thought about the events of the past few months. Devon and Ellie had finally gotten married. Morgan, after being honorably discharged from the French Foreign Legion had been dating Alex Casey, much to her father's chagrin. Kathleen liked him though. Bryce was living with Jill in DC. Carina was also in DC right now, visiting her father. Ilsa, who had no family left back in Russia, had elected to stay with Carina, whom she had come to regard as family. They would start a business together soon. Chuck and Ellie had learned that their father was Orion and that their mother was working for the Secret Service and had left to protect them when an operation had gone badly. Stephen had promised to get in touch with her and bring the family back together.

Sarah finished skiing, deposited her gear in the boat and started swimming for shore. She was wading through the shallows when she spotted Chuck waiting for her on the surf.

"Did you enjoy your skiing Sarah?"

"Oh yes, it was fun. You should try it too, Chuck."

"Maybe later. Right now I have other things to do."

"Like what?" Sarah asked. Chuck produced a small box he had been hiding behind his back and knelt on the sand. He opened the box, revealing a ring.

"Sarah, I fell in love with you from the first moment I saw you here, exactly a year and seven months ago. Now that the war is officially over for us, I have something to ask you. Sarah, will you marry me?"

"Chuck, I fell for you too right here in this place back then too. So yes, I love you too and yes, I will marry you," she said, tears of joy welling up in her beautiful eyes. He slipped the ring on her finger, rose and kissed her passionately. She responded hungrily and before they knew it they were rolling together on the surf, still kissing, the waves lapping over them.

August 9th 2010, Burbank CA

"Chuck, Chuck, wake up, this is not awesome, bro!"

"Awesome? What's not awesome?" Chuck asked his brother in law. Devon's eyes were bloodshot and he had three days' stubble on his face.

"The ladies will be coming back soon and the place is a pig sty!"

Chuck was instantly fully awake and took a look at the surroundings. The living room of Casa Walkertowski/Grimes looked like a battlefield, complete with the carnage after a battle. Casey was hogging most of the couch, snoring away. Morgan was sprawled partly on the floor, partly on the couch and partly on Casey, a thin line of drool clinging to his beard. Pizza boxes, cartons of ice cream, cans and bottles of beer, candy bar wrappers and popcorn bowls, all empty, littered the place. Strewn around the home theater system were various DVD boxes; The Eagle Has Landed, The Dirty Dozen, Firefox, Heartbreak Ridge, Flight Of The Intruder, Memphis Belle, Where Eagles Dare, A Bridge Too Far, The Battle of Britain, Tora! Tora! Tora!, The Sands of Iwo Jima, The Battle of Midway, Operation Petticoat, The Guns of Navarone, Force 10 From Navarone, Kelly's Heroes, Is Paris Burning, What Did You Do In The War Daddy, La Grande Vadrouille and more, evidence of the war movie marathon weekend, which had actually began on Friday afternoon, when Ellie had taken Sarah, Kathleen and Alex to a hotel and spa for some relaxation and ladies' quality time.

The movie marathon was actually Morgan's idea, as he wanted to bond with the man he hoped that one day would become his father in law (if Casey didn't kill him first).

"Devon, wake them up, I'll start cleaning up here. Text Ellie and ask her to take the ladies to your place when they get back so that we'll have enough time to tidy up the place."

"You got it bro."


A/N (2): That's all folks! I'm glad you enjoyed the whole story and thank you for your reviews.

The last history lesson: The Latil M7T1 was a real French made vehicle, several of which were used by the Germans after the fall of France.

The honking signal was also used by SAS jeep patrols operating against German supply lines in France after D-Day. (Time-Life Books World War II The Commandos)

Benzedrine was a synthetic stimulant available for medical and other uses at the time. (Wikipedia)

Stavros would be a member of Company C, 2671 Special Reconnaissance Battalion, also known as the Greek American Operational Group, Office of Strategic Services. Its personnel came mostly from the Greek American 122nd Infantry Battalion, the only US Army unit to be allowed to bear the flag of its members' country of origin together with the American flag. (various online sources)

The Allies captured the first working example of the FuG 220 Lichtenstein SN-2 radar and the FuG 350 Naxos and FuG 227 Flensburg passive radar detectors when a Ju 88G-1 landed by mistake in England on July 13th 1944. The only German centimetric wavelength air intercept radars, the FuG 240 Berlin and FuG 244/245 Bremen never made it past the trials phase.