
I could hear the screams.

In the dungeon, where the death eaters had brought the victims to be dealt with.

Where I would be going in just a few seconds to torture mudbloods and blood-traitors.

To prove myself to be a death-eater.

To make my father proud.

To sign my life away to the dark side.

What the hell was I going to do?

I could hear the footsteps approaching the door on the other side; I stood bolt upright nausea building in the pit of my stomach, wiping my sweaty palms on my trousers and attempting to control my persistently drumming heart. I was nervous, hell I was petrified, but I had to do this, I couldn't show up my father and disgrace our family name, I had done that too many times and I knew the consequences. So why the hell wouldn't my hands quit shaking?

The door banged open and my father glided through, his long black cloak billowing behind him and behind the skull mask covering his face, his piercing grey eyes looked crazed with malice and excitement.

"Draco" he ordered "It is time."

I took in a deep breath, a failed attempt at calming my nerves and made to walk past him.

He grabbed my shoulder as I passed and hissed menacingly into my ear "Don't even think about messing this up" before giving me a rough shove into the room.

Ok, I thought lifting my head and stalking further into the dark room, don't panic this is what you always wanted right? To be accepted into the Dark Lord's ranks and make your parents proud. So stop shaking for God's sake!

"Ah Draco welcome" the familiar hissing voice sent cold shivers of fear down my spine. The Dark Lord stepped forward from the circle of death eaters and I immediately dropped down to my knees mumbling "My Lord" as I had been repeatedly told to do in the Dark Lord's presence.

"You may stand Draco" The inhuman voice said and I shakily got to my feet once more, whatever confidence I had was rapidly diminishing.

"Now tell me young Draco, look at these people and tell me what do you see?"

I didn't know what to say and even if I had I highly doubt I could have formed any words, my voice box seemed to have closed up on me at the most inappropriate time.

The death eaters began to snicker and the Dark Lord held up a hand, immediately silencing the laughter.

I tried again "I-I see traitors and mudbloods that deserve to be p-punished" I only just managed to stammer out.

The Dark Lord watched me closely for a second and then with a pleased look uttered words I really did not want to hear.

"And so they shall be Draco, take out your wand"

I did as I was told, my hands trembling with fear.

"Now, do it! Torture them; show us all that you are good enough!" It was an order I couldn't disobey. I stepped forward and the deatheaters reformed their circle around the innocent people cowering on the floor. I lifted my wand refusing to look directly at the faces of the innocent people I was about to torture. If I looked at their faces I know I would be sick, if I looked directly at them then this would be real.

I took a deep breath and raised my wand.

"Do it Draco! Now! Teach those worthless scum!"

Please, I prayed, if anyone is up there. Help me.


Ok so this is my second story that I've started! I really hope you like it and you know what to do, review, review, review! I've got exams just now but bear with me cos I do promise to finish this story! XxX