Author's note: Ok Boys and Girls. I was so disappointed with the ending last night that I had to write out a continuation. This first chapter is just testing the waters. Reality will be a multi chapter ficlet probably including a little bit of all ratings by the time it's done. Let me know what you think of my concept. ~B2

As they reached the elevator doors, Castle's phone was ringing. Unknown number. Hmm. Stepping in he flips open the phone.


"I don't know what it is about you Castle that draws her to your chaos. But so help me you'd better do right by her. That's all I have to say." What the? Is he saying…

"Demming?" He looks up as the doors close and catches a glimpse of a tear running down Beckett's cheek and then Gina's hand caresses his back softly. Pulling away from her he focuses on the defeated voice coming through on the phone.

"Who else Castle. You got the girl, Ka-Beckett told me this afternoon that she couldn't go with me to the beach and couldn't continue in our relationship. I've never seen such contentment on her face. It was like she finally figured out the direction she wanted, you know? She said I wasn't where she wanted to be or something like that." Bitterness entered his voice. "She told me the other night about your offer, a long weekend in the Hamptons. I assume you two will have a lovely time. Bye Castle, look after her." Closing the phone Castle leans heavily against the wall of the elevator as the doors open at their destination, the parking garage.


"Oh my God Gina what have I done?"

"Richard, you've got to work on your book, the deadline is passed, I can't buy you any more time. There's no time for this."

He fiddles with his PDA and pushes the elevator button to go up to street level. "This is my life Gina, my LIFE. This isn't some manuscript that needs editing, this is my reality."

Her phone dings to tell her she has an incoming message. Looking up she catches his eye. "What is this?"

"Naked Heat, suddenly the characters fit, just as they are, no rewrite needed." Stepping out of the elevator he strides through the revolving door of the building and hails a cab. Turning back to Gina he spread his hands and smiles sheepishly.

"I may have been your publisher first, but I was married to you. I know that look. Hey, I'll just go to my condo in Hilton Head."

Hugging her, he tucks her into the cab and leans in the front window, passing the cabbie a few bills. "Take the lady wherever she wishes to go. Gina, email me the edits and I'll get them right back to you. Read it, you'll understand."

"I can only imagine. I'll be in touch."

Tapping the roof twice he pulls back and glances up at the tall brick building behind him. Breathe Rick. Here goes everything.