Long time no see! My fault, I know I know. Writers block has seriously been kicking my ass. Im still struggling and I don't really know how I feel about this chapter, but I wanted to try and update at least something. Anyway just let me know what you think please

Disclaimer: nada

Gripping the steering wheel tightly as she navigated through the city, Jennifer Jereau focused solely on getting herself home. She knew what she and Emily had been wrong, but to JJ it had felt so right. Never has she felt this strongly about someone, loved someone with so much passion that sometimes it tended to overwhelm her. She's tired of living a lie, tired of pretending, and most of all she's tired of hurting. Hurting herself, Will and Emily, especially Emily. Breaking it off with Will had been difficult, but easy at the same time.

Sighing as she pulled into her driveway, the blonde gathered her things, as well as her courage and made her way through the front door.

"Will?" she called out

"Living room"

Walking into the living room, she found him lounging in his recliner watching some cop show.

"Hey Jayje, how was work?" he asked, smiling as he stood to greet her, but stopped when he saw her expression. "What's wrong?"

Looking away before quickly looking back at him, JJ sighed "We need to talk."


"Us. I can't...I just..." sighing again, frustrated, JJ took a deep breath. "Will I can't do this anymore, it's over."

Staring at the blonde, Will simply nodded before saying "Well, I can't say I didn't see this coming."


"You've been pulling away from me Jayje, don't think I haven't noticed."

"I'm sorry Will. You're a great guy and you deserve someone who can love you with everything they are, and I can't do that." JJ said softly, looking truly sorry.

Nodding his head Will just sighed "I'll move out tomorrow. Do you want me to stay in a hotel tonight?"

Shaking her head quickly JJ answered "No, I'll go. Don't worry, just take your time okay? You can call me when you're all finished."

"Okay." Walking over to the blonde he knew he could have loved forever, Will wrapped her up in one last hug. "Goodbye JJ, I'll always love you."

Now here she was, standing outside of Emily Prentiss' door, praying that she hadn't fucked everything up. Raising a shaky hand, she knocked on the door and waited.


Knocking again, Jennifer sighed in relief as she heard footsteps coming towards the door. Hearing the deadbolt turn she prepared herself for what was next. Swinging the door open, a bleary eyed Emily looked absolutely terrible. Her eyes were red and puffy and she looked exhausted.

"What are you doing here?" Emily asked, her voice hoarse and a hint of anger tangled in her words.

"Can I come in?"

Looking at JJ for a minute before walking back down the hallway, Emily went straight to the couch, curling herself into the corner. JJ sat on the couch as well, close enough to the brunette so that if she wanted to reach out to her, she could.

"Why are you here?" Emily repeats, not looking at the blonde.

"I left Will."

JJ almost laughed at how quickly Emily's head turned, but refrained.

"You what?" the brunette's eyes were as wide as saucers, mouth agape in bewilderment.

Placing her hand on top of the other woman's, JJ said again "I left Will, Em. We're over."

Still not fully grasping what JJ was saying, Emily could only stare blankly at the blonde "What?"

"We're over, done, no more. I couldn't keep living a lie. It was killing me going home to him every night when all I wanted to do was go to you and hold you in my arms. And I can't stand the thought of how much I hurt you, because I hurt you a lot, didn't I?"

Seeing the older woman avert her gaze, Jennifer placed her fingers under Emily's chin and forced her to look at her. "I am so, so sorry Emily. I should have ended things with Will right away, but I was scared. And I know I screwed up, but I promise I'll spend every day making it up to you if you'll let me. I love you."

Staring into blue eyes, Emily saw the truth to the other woman's words. "I love you too Jennifer."

Giving her lover a soft smile, JJ brought the brunette's lips to her own in a sweet kiss. "I love you so much Em. Please say you'll have me back? I don't want to be with anyone else but you."

Kissing the blonde once again, tongues tangled fiercely as the fight for dominance took place. Breaking apart only when air was completely necessary, the two women's eyes locked and Emily said breathlessly, "I don't want you to be with anyone else either, ever. You're mine now"

A smirk appeared on JJ's face, "Oh really, I'm yours? Possessive much?"

"Yep, all mine. And yes, I am slightly possessive. Is that a problem?"

"Not at all" muttered the blonde before pulling Emily on top of her. Sighing happily, JJ knew that this was where she was meant to be, and will forever remain. With her love.