Summary: AU Light is a college student in the orchestra and when musicians become the target of a deranged serial killer, an eccentric undercover detective enters the picture. Can he stop the murders and protect Light before its too late? LxLight, Slash.

A Different Suite

Chapter one: An Odd Meeting

When my lovely reached my gaze, I couldn't resist the urge to smile.

Not to say that I resist many urges. Oh no, quite the contrary.

She looked clumsy, a quality both endearing and convenient for my purposes. Her dull clothing revealed almost nothing of her figure and this only further enticed me to undress her rather violently with my teeth.

I ran my small blade over my lips at the thought and a nuance of pain caressed. I licked my lips and my eyes slid closed for a moment of delight.

I cocked my head to the side when she stopped to balance her many bags and began rummaging through one, letting out a sigh of presumingly annoyance. She was looking down and I moved closer to peer at her face. Her lengthy locks were dark and messy as they fell against her surprisingly pale face.

A light jingle of keys and her steps became increasingly hurried.

Has my lovely noticed me? The notion excited me and I felt my fingers twitch. Perhaps.

After she passed my spot, I took advantage.

It was almost 3 A.M. and no one heard her cries.

How boring.

He sighed.

The young man lightly skimmed through his various assigned works, which happened to be different perspectives in psychology and criminology. He sighed again finding no new information or anything of interest. He read these sort of books in high school.

He lazily tossed the books to the side. Wait, not lazily. Light was never lazy, only exhausted with utter boredom as his brilliance was consistently being wasted. He wasn't egotistical either. Only, he was supposedly at the best university that Japan could offer, yet he still found no stimulation.

Nothing to really hold his interest.

He glanced over to a black case leaning innocently against the corner. Perhaps he could practice and become even more amazing in his technique. If that were even possible. He almost snorted at the thought. Almost.

He picked up the heavy case and lad it on his bed, running his hands along the smooth surface. He unsnapped it open to reveal a maple wood cello with a beautiful, chocolate gloss finish.

How he hated this dreadful thing.

While it was beautiful and presented the only slight challenge to him, there was something wrong with his playing. Something that was always off that other players and his family did not pick up on. Or at least, they never said anything. Or perhaps, would not say it.

Sitting on the edge of his low bed, Light began to play various suites from Bach. The bow in hand became an extension as the notes soared and his calloused fingers moved swiftly to unseen sheet music. He didn't need sheet music for these pieces, they came naturally as he had been playing them for years.

"Oh, not this again!"

Light's eyes snapped open, which he didn't realize he had closed. His roommate stared back at him, then rolled his eyes as he leaned against the door frame with arms crossed. Apparently, class was over for his roommate.

"I'm serious, man. I'm not listening to this for another week! You need to get a girlfriend or something."

How long had he been playing? It was getting dark already?

"I don't need a girlfriend." He narrowed his eyes at the blonde. He began putting his cello away.

"Boyfriend, whatever." One of the downfalls to living in a dorm.

"I am not-"

"I don't fucking care. You need to get laid at the least." Roommates.


Especially those blondes-who-have-a-chocolate-problem ones. Though, don't come by many theses days, excluding those who menstruate. Entirely different matter altogether.

His darkly dressed roommate strolled over to his side of the room, picking up yet another chocolate bar from a box. Light made a mental note to hide all of the blonde's chocolate as a passive aggressive revenge.

"Did you ever go on that date with that Misa chick?"

Or better yet, chuck them all outside the window and watch them melt in the summer heat. Insert maniacal laughter. That would be delicious.


He lied. Light remembered the date and would have preferred not to. It was utterly terrible. In the beginning, there was a minuscule of hope as Misa was aesthetically pleasing and a fellow musician.

However, the entire night was irritating and tiresome. They simply went to see a new mystery film and she had asked questions the entire time. On the ride home, she spoke non-stop of former lovers. When they finally reached her house, She offered to have some "coffee" with a heavy wink and Lightly politely, but rather disgustedly, declined.

Mello raised an eyebrow and sighed. While the chocolate addict was aggressive and could be simply put, obnoxious, Light sensed that there was something more. The blonde's eyes gave off an air of intelligence as he seem to read Light better than this own family and they have only be living together for roughly two weeks.

Deciding to escape the tense air, the musician put his cello back and left the dorm. The sun had set and the summer air was finally beginning to cool as the student ventured towards a small campus grocery store with the interest of coffee.

Upon entering, Light felt an immense relief. The store was filled with wonderful aromas, such as the fresh bread, soups, and the greatest of them all, coffee. The student immediately headed towards the stand and begin to pour a cup. As he was reaching for his lid, the school paper caught his eye.

His eyes widen as he read the heading:


Forgetting about the coffee, he read further. He became more unsettled at the fact that he recognized the girl in the picture from his music class. Apparently, they only wanted to warn students with the article, but did not disclose details that could assist Light in deducing if it was truly a murder. He only knew that it happened last night and she was found by a fellow student.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of paper ripping next to him.

His eyes snapped to the person standing next to him.

The very eccentric-looking person next to him.

The young man wore loosely fitting jeans and a plain, white long sleeve shirt that contrasted against black, feathery hair. He was putting a dangerous amount of sugar into his coffee. Wait, not only his, but Light's forgotten coffee as well.

Light stared.

The man turned to him, his thumb coming to rest against his lips. The musician was surprised to his see such dark wide eyes and a pale face. Light said the first thing that came to mind.

"What are you doing?" Narrowed eyes.

"Providing assistance with your coffee, of course." He replied in a soft, monotone tone with innocent eyes. As if it was the most natural thing to do.

"Well, I don't like sugar, so your "assistance" is more hindering than helpful."

"Don't like sugar? That is truly unfortunate." He looked like he pitied Light.

The eccentric man was now looking at the musician's newspaper on the table with a sudden sharpness.

"Did you know her?"

"Her? Well, I knew of her. We had music class together. I wish this paper revealed more."

"I have heard that L has become involved in this case." His voice was slightly muffled from biting on his thumb.

"Hm...I wonder why. Its seems somewhat unlike him." Light said absentmindedly while wondering why he was still talking to this strange man.

"Oh? How did you come to this conclusion?" The man tilted his head.

"It does not fit his pattern. He gravitates towards bizarre or difficult cases. So far... this case has only revealed a possible murder. However, it is very likely they are holding back information. For all we know, this may not be the first possible murder to have occurred like this." Light glanced back to the eccentric man's face, and was once again surprised to find the small moon-like smile. It somehow felt special to witness the man smiling.

"Interesting deductions. What are you studying here?"

"Criminal justice, and yourself?"

"I am as well. Excuse me, I must be leaving." With this said, the eccentric man took his coffee, swiped his card at the register and left without another word. Light wordlessly waved, though the student was no longer looking at him.

While Light never expected to see the odd man again, as the chances of it occurring in a campus of over 20,000 students was very low, that is not what fate had in mind for him.

A/n: This is my first Death Note fanfiction so all thoughts, comments, and ideas are very welcomed.

Tell me what you think, please. :)